I Won a Lottery So I Moved to the Other World
I Won a Lottery So I Moved to the Other World Chapter 54

You and Thunder (Krish’s POV)

“Krish, look. Between this one and this one, which do you think Gilbert-sama would prefer?”

Annette-sama held up two men’s bracelets, one with a light blue stone and the other with a reddish-brown one. Even with her question, I had no idea what Gilbert-dono preferred, nor could I judge the quality of the stones.

“Either should be fine, don’t you think?”

“Choose properly!”

I sighed inwardly as I compared the bracelets she offered. They were simple bracelets with evenly sized round stones strung together—an adornment that has been popular for a long time, ranging from affordable to extremely expensive. The ones Annette-sama had chosen were relatively inexpensive ones sold at a street stall. She was likely planning to give one as a birthday gift for Gilbert-dono.

For a price like this, the recipient could accept it without feeling burdened.

Annette-sama was putting a lot of thought into this. If it were Gilbert-dono, he would never accept anything expensive or extravagant, regardless of its quality, especially if it came from someone who harbored romantic feelings for him.

Something simple that would not interfere with his work and could be worn daily. Something that could be accepted easily. It was moving to see how Annette-sama, usually so free-spirited, was able to choose a gift with such consideration for the other person. I pointed to the reddish-brown stone.

“Then, the reddish-brown one.”

“Eh? That one? Don’t you think the blue one is prettier?”

“It is for Gilbert-dono, right? I thought the reddish-brown, which matches Annette-sama’s hair color, might be better. I remember hearing about a subordinate who gave their lover a bracelet matching their own eye color.”

As Annette-sama’s cheeks flushed, it seemed she was imagining Gilbert-dono wearing something of the same color as her. She shyly whispered, “I’ll take this one. And also the jade-colored bracelet for women.”

Annette-sama decided immediately on the reddish-brown bracelet and chose a jade-colored bracelet to wear herself, matching Gilbert-dono’s hair color. She promptly put it on her wrist.

“How do I look?”

“It suits you well.”

Gilbert-dono’s birthday was, if I recall correctly, the day before Annette-sama’s. If Annette-sama’s words are to be believed, that day would be the last chance to express her feelings.

I hoped for her happiness. All I could do was pray that the bracelets she had chosen with such care would not go to waste.

“Actually, I don’t like my hair color. I thought reddish-brown was so plain and I would have preferred beautiful blonde hair like Felix onii-sama’s.

But imagining Gilbert-sama wearing a bracelet the same color as my hair, I think maybe it’s not so bad.”

Annette-sama’s smile as she blushed was so adorable that there was no room for complaints. The date with me seemed to be just an excuse and her real purpose was to choose a gift for Gilbert-dono.

Even though Annette-sama was a refined young lady, she was not allowed to go out alone. She always had several attendants and knights accompanying her. She must have been quite anxious about having to select a gift without revealing her intentions to others.

Moreover, Annette-sama had become quite grown-up. It is said that women become more beautiful when they are in love, and it seems that this saying is true.

I wondered if Shinobu would one day experience such feelings and show such expressions. Imagining Shinobu smiling with a woman, I furrowed my brow at a strange, tight feeling in my gut.

What was that just now? It was a fleeting moment, but it felt like an extremely narrow emotion.

“Krish, thank you. Thanks to you, I was able to buy something wonderful. Now, it’s your turn. Let’s make sure to find the flower you’re looking for.

We’ll visit flower shops in the city today, and if we don’t find it, I’ll take you to a friend’s house who has a garden tomorrow.”

Oh no. I almost missed Annette-sama’s words.

“Please wait, it’s enough for today if you accompany me in the flower search.”

“Oh, but Krish, your break is only an hour, right? It’s impossible to search in that time. Besides, I’ve already written a letter and received permission to explore the garden.

In one hour, three locations are the limit. From tomorrow, I’ve planned to visit three places a day.

What do you think, Krish? I’m quite capable, aren’t I? My judgment and planning skills are no less than my onii-sama’s.”


Annette-sama, who spoke proudly as if seeking praise, left me momentarily speechless. There was no way to refuse the arrangements already made with the garden owners. How many places had she contacted?

Given her mention of “from tomorrow,” it seemed that it would not be completed in one day.

This meant it would be impossible to visit Shinobu during the day for a while.

“Hey, Krish. The flower you’re looking for is for someone, right? Could it be that you have feelings for that person?”

It’s troublesome how easily women connect things to romance at this age. I don’t mind, but I must avoid any misunderstanding that could confuse Shinobu.

“He’s an immigrant from another world. He has lost the means to return to his homeland, so I thought finding a flower similar to one he liked there might comfort him.

He’s not the kind of person Annette-sama is thinking of. Furthermore, in his homeland, same-sex relationships are not common. He probably hasn’t even considered me.”

“Oh, he’s an immigrant. I haven’t met him yet. Being left alone in another world must be incredibly lonely.

If it were me, I’d surely be crying every day.

Krish, we absolutely have to find that flower.

Let’s make sure to cheer up the immigrant!”

Annette-sama had become so motivated… It was nice that she wanted to help, but Annette-sama didn’t understand limits or moderation. Once she said “absolutely,” I feared she might not give up until she searched the entire world.

“Annette-sama, even so, I have work to attend to. Searching for too long will be difficult, so once we finish exploring the gardens we’ve already arranged, let’s search separately.

I would appreciate it if you could look for the flower when you happen to be in the city.

By the way, how many places have you contacted?”

“Oh, right. Searching separately is more efficient. I’ve contacted nine places to get permission for you to explore their gardens. If we don’t find it there, we’ll go our separate ways.”

Nine places. Then, it will take about three days. That should be manageable.

“Oh, by the way, Krish. When you have some free time, please come to my house. My parents have been insisting on having dinner with you. I’ve been declining because I’ve just returned and been busy, but they’ve become quite persistent.”

Dinner with her parents. I can only sense a bad omen. They’re indirectly asking for a visit, but I fear they might bring up the marriage rumors if I go.

“I’m sorry, but I must decline. It would be difficult to avoid the topic of marriage if it were to come up.”

“I thought so. Now, what excuse should I use to decline?”

Annette-sama’s parents would probably learn the truth after her birthday. Once that happens, it’s likely I won’t be able to avoid a scolding. I had already prepared myself for that, but I also need to think about how to apologize for the trouble caused to others.

“It doesn’t seem like there’s anything wrong.”

As night fell and the stars twinkled, I watched the lit house from a distance. I hadn’t been able to make a daytime visit and had only returned home after work, but feeling uneasy, I came to check on the situation.

Not seeing Shinobu’s face every day has made me feel a bit unsettled.


It seemed that Blanch wanted to see Brian. I tapped Blanch’s neck, who was snorting unhappily, to calm her down.

Shinobu had said that he went to bed as soon as it got dark. Visiting now would surely be inconvenient.

“Hold on, Blanch. I’m holding on too. You wouldn’t want to upset Brian by showing up uninvited, would you? If we hold out for three days, I’ll be able to come back during the day. Until then, let’s just watch from outside and not cause any trouble.”

The lights on the first floor went out, and then the lights on the second floor came on briefly before turning off again. It really seemed that Shinobu went to bed so early. I wondered if he woke up with the sunrise like us.

It was a healthy lifestyle that was so characteristic of Shinobu, unlike us with night shifts.

“……… Goodnight, Shinobu. Blanch, let’s head back soon.”

I encouraged Blanch, who made a small, wistful sound, and walked slowly to avoid waking Shinobu with the sound of the horse’s hooves. I kept an eye out for any signs of disturbed weeds or unusual insect noises.

Since then, there has been no news related to bandits. They might be hiding somewhere or dead. They certainly had not been captured.

The last appearance was in a town several stops away. It was unlikely they would suddenly appear in this city, but there was always a chance. I decided to conduct patrols after work for the next three days.

It was only three days. I kept telling myself it was just three days with Blanche, so I should endure it. Yet, those supposedly short three days felt longer than anything I had ever experienced before.

“Krish-san, could it be that you had a fight with Annette-sama?”

“Why do you ask?”

While I was writing a report, a subordinate whispered to me from beside my desk. When I answered without lifting my gaze, the once-bustling office suddenly fell silent.

“Um, well, you see, we’ve been talking amongst ourselves that you’ve seemed quite irritable these past three days.”


I looked around at the other subordinates in the office, and some of them made gestures indicating ‘stop asking unnecessary questions.’ It seemed this one had been pushed by the others to probe into my mood.

“You lot… If you have time to ask pointless questions, then do your work!!”

“Yes!! We’re very sorry!!”

When I shouted in frustration, they scattered from the office like startled insects.

“Seriously, these young folks love to pry into things.”

But had I really been showing such a sour face? If so, I could see why. I didn’t even know why I was so irritable, but the cause was likely related to Shinobu.

Today marked the third day since then, and I hadn’t seen Shinobu once. While I continued my patrols at night and the lights in Shinobu’s house indicated he was safe, I couldn’t bring myself to visit his house before he went to bed, nor could I even hear his voice.

He seemed to come out to the town occasionally, so I had hoped I might catch him during my daytime patrols. Yet, whether he wasn’t coming out or I was just missing him, I hadn’t run into him.

Today was supposed to be the last day for the garden tour introduced by Annette-sama, but I hadn’t found the flowers Shinobu had mentioned. I had more or less predicted the outcome after seeing the three locations on the first day, and sure enough, my predictions were right.

The garden’s owner had boasted about how wonderful his garden was while showing us around. But every flower was so gaudy that it made my eyes hurt, and there wasn’t a small pink flower to be found anywhere.

Since I wore my helmet, it wasn’t a problem for me, but Annette-sama had to listen to his tiresome bragging with a strained smile. But that will be over today.

As I left work, I noticed dark rain clouds approaching from the direction of Shinobu’s house. It seemed like a storm was on its way. I decided to check on Shinobu before the rain got heavier.

Though I arrived earlier than usual, the lights on the first floor of Shinobu’s house were off. It seemed he had just moved to the second floor. The rain had already started, with occasional thunderclaps. It was said that horses generally dislike loud noises, but for some reason, Blanche got excited when she heard thunder.

Now, I had to pull hard on the reins to keep her under control, but if I relaxed for even a moment, she seemed ready to charge toward Brian’s stable. However, today was worse than usual.

“Blanche, calm down. Blanche!! What’s wrong with you?”

Looking back now, I wonder if Blanche sensed what would soon happen to Brian. Perhaps it was some kind of sixth sense, warning her that danger was approaching someone she cared about.

Lightning illuminated the surroundings for a moment, followed by a loud rumbling sound that reverberated in my stomach.

“The rain is getting stronger. It’s going to storm tonight.”

A few hours later, I would come to regret forcing Blanche to run back to town despite her reluctance. The report came in after midnight, just before dawn began to light up the sky.

A messenger bird from Felix-sama arrived at my home where I was resting. The red-feathered bird signified an emergency. I immediately donned my armor and had Blanche gallop to Felix-sama’s residence.

When I arrived, Felix-sama was standing at the outer gate of his mansion, draped in a gown.


“Krish, you’ve arrived. I’m sorry, but I need you to take a few subordinates and head out immediately. I’ve felt a wave of power—quite massive. I’m not sure what’s happening, but it feels very unsettling.”


It was rare to see Felix-sama with such a troubled expression. He furrowed his brow and looked intensely in a certain direction. What was in that direction?

A shiver ran from my head to my toes, then instantly reversed, making my body feel like it was on fire. That direction was…!!

“The plants are angry. Something might have happened to Shinobu.”

“━━━━━!! I’ll head out immediately!!

Three of you, come with me. It’s the red-roofed house on the outskirts of town where the immigrant live. I’ll go on ahead!!”

I gave orders to the night-shift knights who had gathered while I was speaking with Felix-sama and mounted Blanche.

What had happened? Has something dangerous occurred to Shinobu?

The image of Shinobu flashed in my mind. His smiling face as he said, “I’m doing fine.” His serious profile while working in the fields. His blushing face as he looked down when teased about getting lost and his tearful expression as he looked up at the night sky.

“Stay safe…!!”

I clenched my teeth tightly and gripped the reins with all my might. It was dawn, and I didn’t even think about how Blanche’s footsteps might disturb the residents along the public road.

“Blanche, run. Faster!!”

Blanche seemed to have been waiting for this command and increased her speed. Our thoughts were likely one and the same. I wanted to confirm Shinobu’s safety, and Blanche wanted to confirm Brian’s.

We thundered down the road at dawn. As I continued to pray for Shinobu’s safety, the sight that unfolded before me was almost unbelievable.

“What is that?”

The red roof that should have been there was nowhere to be seen. Instead, where there had once been a field of weeds, a forest had emerged.

It was as if the forest had enveloped Shinobu’s house to protect it from something. This had not been here when I visited last night.

As I drew closer, I realized it wasn’t just any forest. The branches were missing, and the stems shot straight up towards the sky. When I came to the unbelievable conclusion that they were giant weeds, Blanche let out a loud whinny.


Ahead of us, Blanche’s gaze was fixed on a rickety old cart for transporting livestock that was shaking violently, on the brink of falling apart.

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