I Won a Lottery So I Moved to the Other World
Raw Title: 福引で当たったので異世界に移住してみました
Total Chapters: 132 WN chapters (Completed)
Author: 花柄
Translator: Chronosz Zejing
Update: 4 months ago
Translated Chapters: 12
After graduating high school, Shinobu hasn’t been able get a job. One day, he wins a lottery. He uses the prize he wins to move to another world and starts a new life.
Using his cheat skill with plants, he’ll enjoy a relaxing, slow life!
Anyway, as long as he won’t have problems with food, he’s not going to complain.
Because PayPal doesn’t have my country i can’t read it 😭
Thank you so much for picking this up!!!! ♥
why cant I pay for chapters thru my card and NOT paypal I don’t even use that app. can someone give me an answer please!!!
Once you click onto PayPal, I believe you have use your credit card and buy as a guest if you don’t have an account
Thank you for picking this novel up I keep bouncing between translators to try and finish reading it 😭😭
love this novel
love this novel so much