In figure skating, I can’t be that kind of cannon fodder vase!
In figure skating, I can’t be that kind of cannon fodder vase! Chapter 10

The show that Ling Ran is going to perform is called New Life.

Just as its name suggests, this is a melodious violin piece praising the new life bestowed by nature. It is the famous work of Italian composer Samuel.

Augusto, who wrote the program for Ling Ran, is Italian and has a special preference for Italian music. It is not surprising that this famous song is included in the optional repertoire for the short program provided for Ling Ran.

The final decision was made by Ling Ran.

The meaning of this piece of music touched him.

In the past, restricted by his physical condition, he always stood in second place and could only look up at the shining gold medal.

Now that I have the new body I’ve always dreamed of and the chance to start over, isn’t this a new life for me?

The music started.

It was the sound of a string breaking the silence.

As the referee and the audience waited anxiously, the upright figure on the ice trembled violently, opened his eyes, and slid out gently with his upper body still curled up like a fetus.

The long and soothing music.

Ling Ran opened his arms, lowered his waist, and walked lightly on the ice.

The third turn is followed by a twist step, and two inside and outside hooks, followed by a choctaw step.

His hands were always stretched out in the air in a relaxed manner.

It’s like a newborn leaf gently floating in the air, spinning in the wind.

The series of agile and varying footwork brightened the eyes of the referees and spectators who had been traumatised.

The striking white scratches on the ice continued.

“Difficult turning step!”

The referees pressed the scoring buttons one after another.

The marks left by the ice skates are clearly visible and evenly distributed. This athlete has something special.

They are looking forward to the next performance even more.

The flowing music is melodious and gentle.

The young man changes his footwork on the ice smoothly and freely, riding the wind.

The spectators had no idea what difficult turning steps were. They just felt that the ice surface, which had caused many people to fall, was now as smooth as butter.

Or the kind of butter that a hot knife cuts through.

Is this the same ice surface where a bunch of athletes fell just now?

Seems like ice is also a face lover, and it will also judge people by their appearance!

But this player is really good.

Many people have this understanding in their hearts.

Geng Hong and his friends were all stunned.

“Isn’t this the little brother from yesterday?”

Wei Ran couldn’t take his eyes off.

“He seems to be a real professional player,” Lian Zhangshuo also noticed.

“But why is he competing in the mass category?”

Geng Hong asked his doubts unconsciously.

Next to them, a contestant who had just finished a competition sneered, “Isn’t it just a few steps? You will get used to it if you practise more in advance. It’s the same for everyone. It can only fool you who have never seen the world!”

Yeah, just a few steps.

Geng Hong suddenly realised that the advantage of this young player might be his footwork, maybe his jumping or spinning are not so good.

But his footwork is so good, could the other parts be bad?

Geng Hong couldn’t make up his mind and felt it would be a pity if it turned out as he guessed.

But the next second…

The sound of the violin suddenly rose.

The figure on the ice shook his arms and took an outside hook step followed by a jump.


It’s a double Axel turn!

Geng Hong screamed “Ahhh…” at that time.

This is a jump. Who here doesn’t know the forward jump?

This is the first successful 2A today!

It was actually this boy who looked the thinnest and skinniest who jumped out!

The applause and cheers from the whole audience suddenly rang out, like waves hitting sand.

The gliding figure on the ice was not affected at all.

As if a gift from nature, the falling leaf turned into an elf in an instant.

The newborn elf’s eyes were filled with unbelievable joy.

Ling Ran leaned down and took steps as if he were running, but his whole body slid backwards.

After taking three consecutive steps, he stood up straight with his legs spread out in an “eight” shape.

The slender and flexible figure jumped from the left rear inside edge with ease.

Spinning non-stop in the air.

He turned three full circles!

Then he slid out on the ice from the right rear outside edge.

Geng Hong was very sure that he had counted correctly. He excitedly shook Zhang Shuo’s arm and said, “This is a triple Salchow jump!”

Zhang Shuo didn’t understand these terms, but that didn’t stop him from staring.

“He jumps so high and spins so fast!”

Yes, even though there were contestants who successfully attempted a triple jump in the previous programs, no one jumped higher, farther, or landed more gracefully than Ling Ran.

It was as if he still had energy left for one more lap.

If you add one more circle to the three circles, it becomes a quadruple jump!

For some reason, Geng Hong suddenly felt that maybe the boy on the ice could really do a quadruple jump.

After all, not everyone may perform at their true level in the short program.

Unexpectedly, this cheap brother of his really had some abilities. Huo Wenze also sat up a little straighter, and the pair of eyes that had been casually staring at the camera finally looked more serious.

There were waves of cheers on the ice rink.

In the referee’s seat, Zhou Yu, who was squeezed by Yang Qiongguang to be the referee in the mass group, was so upset at first that his eyes turned red.

Figure skating has always been a sport where laymen watch for fun while experts look for the details.

Although the technical difficulty of the program choreography of this contestant named Ling Ran is not high and is even not as good as that of his peers, he has a very good physical condition and solid basic skills.

Not to mention anything else, just in the slow-motion movements on the screen next to him, Ling Ran’s two jumps and that dazzlingly fast footwork, there was not a single mistake in the use of the blade!

You should know that ice skates have inner and outer blades, and can be further subdivided into left front, left rear, right front and right rear.

The one that is closer to the middle of the feet and pressed inward is the inner edge; the one that is closer to the outside of the instep and pressed outward is the outer edge.

The points of force are completely different, yet very similar.

Moreover, Ling Ran’s Salchow S jump took off from the left rear inside edge, while his first Axel A jump took off from the left front outside edge.

A beginner cannot even feel the difference between them and just keeps jumping up.

But this tiny difference can even affect the career ceiling of athletes.

Not only will points be deducted for incorrect use of the edge in jumps, spins and footwork.

The most important thing is that the use of the blade when taking off will even affect the force when jumping.

In the future, because muscle memory has already been formed, it will be difficult to overcome and correct it.

And this contestant named Ling Ran had no problem at all with his use of the blade.

Even the current top men’s singles player Ming Qingyuan can’t guarantee his own use of the blade!

Zhou Yu’s hand trembled slightly as he was scoring, and his eyes were fixed on the leaping figure in the field without blinking.

Will there be any more surprises?

He opened his eyes wide in impatience.

All the audience members in the venue also had their eyes fixed on Ling Ran.

The music became more and more cheerful, flowing into everyone’s eardrums like running water.

Ling Ran pointed his toes outward, his back straight, and with a slight sway of his body, his straight line patrolled the field from the outer edge to the inner edge.

This was followed by a series of dazzling footwork, leaving circles of white scratches on the ice, as if they were dancing.

He was indeed dancing.

The newborn elf jumped, ran and strolled in the woods, enjoying the breath of life.

Looking through the eyes of a newborn, everything in the world seems new to it.

~Thanks to nature for giving us life.

In the blink of an eye, I fell in love with everything in this world.

When love reaches its peak~

Ling Ran performed two consecutive three-step turns, and at the moment when the tooth of his left foot lightly touched the ice, he leapt with all his might and entered the last jump beautifully!


Triple Lutz!

The descending figure jumped up again instantly.

One lap, two laps.

Landing on the ice!


Double Lutz!

Ling Ran’s third and final jump in the short program was actually the first triple jump followed by a double jump to appear on the field!

Although due to physical reasons, the landing was not as perfect as Salchow’s triple jump, and there was even a little double foot and knee bending.

But the audience still bought it.

Cheers and applause rang out again!

Zhou Yu, who was sitting in the referee’s seat, had his eyes light up.

Ling Ran is using his footwork to jump!

Although his score would be lower because he did not perform the difficult footwork directly into the jump, he was still much better than the players mentioned above who had to wait on the ice for a long time before jumping.

Zhou Yu recalled in his mind and actually felt a little regretful.

Why not a difficult step into the jump?

He himself did not realise that, unknowingly, he had already had more expectations and demands on Ling Ran’s show.

But before he could let go of this regret, Zhou Yu suddenly seemed to have thought of something. He tapped the screen in front of him several times with his fingertips, replaying the previous short action in slow motion.

The green figure on the screen jumped up and fell very slowly.

Zhou Yu’s eyes became brighter and brighter, and he almost wanted to laugh out loud three times.

Ling Ran’s three turns before jumping were clearly a left-front-outside three turns followed by a left-back-inside three turns!

Double three-step method!

It’s a difficult step into the jump!

I was too anxious and made such a low-level mistake!

No no no!

Ling Ran’s movements were so fast and beautiful that even a veteran like him was so focused on appreciating them that he didn’t react for a moment!

The applause from all directions was deafening.

“Come on!”


Wei Ran clapped his hands until they turned red, and glanced at the person who had just made sarcastic remarks, “Who said this athlete’s jump was bad? He jumped two triple jumps in a row.”

The man was stubborn and said, “There are still three spins to do in the short program. Can he do them all?”

But the slap in the face came so fast like a tornado.

Before he finished speaking, the music changed again.

After Ling Ran jumped and landed on the ice, he took a short breath to adjust his breathing, changed his feet, and started spinning!

It’s still a difficult jump, the butterfly jump!

The figure on the ice fluttered like a butterfly, skating independently, with straight and slender legs stretched taut in the air, floating high.

His arms stretched to the extreme and kept changing postures, which is beautiful, but the excessive range may even affect the centre of gravity of his rotation.

If the axis of rotation is unstable, points will be deducted!

Then why did Ling Ran do this?

Because this is a level-up move!

The extra action can also increase the artistry of the show, why doesn’t he do it?

As he spun, Ling Ran held his toes from behind, and his flexible waist and legs formed a circle in the air.

It’s actually a donut!

It was not the angular rectangular donut that Ling Ran had in his previous life, but a real donut with a rounded curve and a very sweet taste!


Something exploded in Zhou Yu’s mind.

He could no longer hear the audience’s exclamations and screams, and his mind and eyes were filled with the figure spinning at high speed on the ice.

Men’s bodies are not as flexible as women’s, and young men are not as flexible as teenagers.

This contestant is already fifteen years old, but he still has such good flexibility!

He was destined to make a living by figure skating!

Zhou Yu wanted to stand up and applaud immediately.

If Yang Qiongguang hadn’t chased him over to score the public group, he wouldn’t have met such a miracle as Ling Ran!

For a moment, Zhou Yu even wanted to worship Yang Qiongguang.

He quickly pressed his score on the scoring machine, with an unconcealable smile on his face.

My eyes are shining!

Everyone’s eyes were shining.

Only Huo Wenze thought of the night when he sent the contact information, Ling Ran was leaning against the wall to stretch his legs, his face pale with pain.

He curled his lower lip and aimed the camera lens at the elf spinning in circles on the ice.

The sound of the violin gradually faded away.

Ling Ran’s rotation accelerated.

So fast that his face could not be seen clearly, he squatted down and raised one leg straight forward, parallel to the ice surface.

The whole person suddenly jumped up and fell onto the ice.

The slender upper body twisted to the side, and the hand stretched out diagonally to support the back of the head, then suddenly stood up and returned to the posture of closing the hands around the shoulders.

It then quickly spun upright again, blooming like an ice flower.

At the moment the music stopped, he stood still, facing the referee, his long eyelashes slowly drooping.

The elf fell into a deep sleep again.

The audience seemed to have just woken up!

He skates so well!

Even those who knew nothing about art could feel the joy of being born again!

This contestant is the Elf of the Ice!

Geng Hong and his friends were all stunned.

Wei Ran, who loves posting updates on social media, paused the video and said excitedly, “I’m going to post this video online!”

Xue Linyuan’s taut hands finally relaxed, he clenched his fists and waved them vigorously, and finally, he began to breathe heavily.

Just now, when he was watching Ling Ran’s game, he kept holding his breath unconsciously, and it really suffocated him.

The scoreboard quickly lit up.

As expected, Ling Ran’s score was ranked first.

Total score: 69.23 points

Technical score: 31.23 points

Program points: 38 minutes

The highest in the mass group!

A full 20-point gap from second place!

Ling Ran just panted, glanced at him lightly and then looked away.

This is actually the lowest score he has gotten in many years.

The technical score is frighteningly low.

The program score is very high.

There’s obviously some flooding.

He actually knew that some of his moves were not perfect.

But this was already the limit of his new body.

After all, no matter how devilish the physical training is, muscles can’t grow in the blink of an eye.

All in all, he tried his best.

He won’t regret it.

The enthusiasm of the whole audience has been ignited.

Ling Ran bowed to express his gratitude and left the stage before the curtain call was over.

As soon as he stepped out of the ice rink, Xue Linyuan gave him a bear hug.

“Ling Ran, you were so handsome just now!”

Ling Ran was not as excited as Xue Linyuan at all.

The three sets of jumps in the short program include an A jump, a single jump, and a combined jump. With his current physical condition, he can only choose the simplest combination of 3T 2T.

But seeing that Xue Linyuan was very happy, he smiled and took the towel to wipe his face carefully.

How others see this, is what it means to be unperturbed by praise or criticism.

This talent, this character!

I’m determined to pick this player!

There was a determined look in Zhou Yu’s eyes.

That night, he couldn’t wait to contact Xue Linyuan.

When he called, Xue Linyuan was making a bitter face and applying a hot towel to Ling Ran’s foot joints.

The ice skates were new and a bit rubbing on the feet. Ling Ran’s ankle skin was too delicate, so after a set of performances, even with bandages on, the skin started to become red, swollen and congested, and looked as swollen as a steamed bun.

“How about not doing the double jump in tomorrow’s free skate? It’s an amateur competition anyway, so the requirements for program arrangement are not very strict. Your performance today was very impressive, and my friend in the provincial team told me that their leaders have noticed you.”

Ling Ran didn’t even raise his eyelids.

He lay in bed enjoying the hot air but was also holding a tablet and watching game videos of the world’s top players.

“Today’s score is inflated.”

“But your short program is already very good,” Xue Linyuan was still worried.

“Teacher Xue,” Ling Ran turned his eyes away from the tablet and looked directly at him, “I just want to do my best.”

He never knows which will come first, tomorrow or an accident. At the moment, he just wants to do his best. Even if his opponents are amateurs, he will try his best to compete.

This is the competitive spirit of sports.

Not only compare with your opponents but also compare with yourself.

Xue Linyuan just sighed when the phone in his pocket started vibrating.

An unfamiliar number was displayed.

Xue Linyuan put down the towel and answered the phone. “Hello? Who is this?”

Zhou Yu’s excited voice came from the microphone.

In the room next to him, Yang Qiongguang was also watching Ling Ran’s video.

But as she looked at it, she frowned critically. At this age, the three jumps he could show off were just this?

There is still a big gap between this and the provincial team.

She turned off the tablet with a snap.

Zhou Yu was really desperate and tried every possible means.

End of the Chapter 10.

1 comment
  1. Cherinee Wong has spoken 3 months ago

    I like this series. What is the update schedule for this?


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