Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army
Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army Chapter 13

It was universally acknowledged that Lu Weiguo looked intimidating.

However, the soldiers in the battalion respected him the most.

Whether on the front line or during missions, he always led by example. In daily training, he pushed the soldiers the hardest.

As he often said, “The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war.”

So at this moment, Lu Weiguo’s glare wasn’t effective.

Shi Tingyu always felt that Lu Weiguo gave her a contradictory impression.

He appeared cold and stern, and was usually silent, but when you interacted with him, you found out that he would answer whatever you asked, and not perfunctorily—surprisingly easy to talk to.

It really proved that preconceived notions and judging by appearances were unreliable. The behavior of these soldiers confirmed this.

The closeness in their eyes couldn’t be faked.

Both the original owner of her body and Shi Tingyu herself weren’t accustomed to overly enthusiastic people and had mild social anxiety.

They could handle social interactions if necessary, but it felt awkward.

However, Shi Tingyu was good at reading people.

If she sincerely wanted to befriend someone, it was hard for them to refuse.

Like now.

The few soldiers came closer, smiling enthusiastically and calling her “sister-in-law.”

Shi Tingyu began her forced social interaction.

With a gentle smile on her face, she greeted them. When they talked, she responded with questions and answers.

Her attitude wasn’t haughty, and her tone made people feel warm and comfortable.

Seeing that the soldiers were getting closer, even placing their meal boxes on their table, Lu Weiguo reached out to block them.

He pointed to a nearby spot, “You all go over there.”

Seeing the commanding expression on their battalion leader’s face, the soldiers quietly retreated to the adjacent table.

Shi Tingyu glanced at him, amusement in her eyes.

Sure enough, this man was very considerate and noticed her discomfort.

The soldiers ate quickly and soon finished their meal.

With smiles on their faces, they said, “Commander, sister-in-law, take your time eating. We’ll get back to work.”

Shi Tingyu nodded, while Lu Weiguo shot them a look, silently signaling them to hurry up and leave.

After they left, the chef finished preparing their dish.

Shi Tingyu took a bite and found it quite tasty.

“It’s pretty good,” she said.

Lu Weiguo silently pushed the dish closer to Shi Tingyu.

“Eat more. This is from the special kitchen. The regular meals don’t taste this good.”

Shi Tingyu appreciatively ate quite a bit.

After lunch, they drove to the city to buy the remaining necessary items.

At least the essential living supplies needed to be purchased.

The jeep belonged to the army, and though it was idle for the past few days, frequently taking it out was not ideal.

When they reached the city and passed by the post office, Lu Weiguo stopped.

Seeing the empty car, Shi Tingyu asked, puzzled, “Are you going to send something?”

Lu Weiguo unbuckled his seatbelt, “I’m going to call home and tell them about our marriage.”

Shi Tingyu then realized that the Lu family didn’t know about their marriage yet.

They had been in such a rush that they hadn’t gone back for a wedding banquet.

Lu Weiguo looked at her and asked, “Do you want to wait in the car or come with me?”

Now, phone calls were expensive, costing one yuan and ten cents per minute, so people kept their calls short. Since it wasn’t a holiday and there wasn’t a line, she said, “You go ahead. I’ll wait here.”

Lu Weiguo nodded and got out of the car.

Watching his broad-shouldered figure stride away, Shi Tingyu began to feel a bit nervous.

Since ancient times, relationships between mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law have been challenging. Whether before or after her time travel, neither she nor the original owner had dealt with complicated family dynamics, but Lu Weiguo’s family seemed quite large.

She worried about getting along with his family in the future.

Shi Tingyu was self-aware. She knew she wasn’t the type to endure hardships, not the kind of daughter-in-law liked by mothers-in-law of this era. Given their current situation and potential relocation, it was hard to imagine being liked.

She just hoped that her impression from their brief conversations was correct and that the Lu family was kind.

Lu Weiguo called his father’s workplace.

His father, Lu Daming, was a Level 7 blast furnace worker at Huai County Steel Plant in Eastern Province, considered a technical talent there.

His mother, Chen Qiaofeng, was the head of logistics at the county’s textile factory.

His eldest brother, Lu Jianguo, also worked at the same steel plant as their father but in the security department.

His sister-in-law, Qin Ping, was a worker at the textile factory. Lu’s mother had initially chosen Qin Ping for her eldest son.

When Lu Daming heard there was a call for him, he knew it had to be his younger son.

Their whole family lived in the county town, while Lu Weiguo’s grandfather and second uncle were in the village, where people seldom made calls.

Hearing his youngest son’s voice on the other end, Lu Daming’s smile nearly reached his ears.

“Dad, I got married.”

Lu Weiguo’s announcement stunned his father.

“What did you say?”

Lu Weiguo listened to his father’s energetic question, with a smile on his face, “I said I got married. The bride is the daughter of a professor from the research institute in our camp, named Shi Tingyu.”

In Lu Weiguo’s words, Lu’s father slowly came back to his senses, somewhat skeptical, “Are you serious? Is it not because your mother pressured you too much and you made it up?”

Lu Weiguo: …

“Dad, where are you going with this? Even if my mom pressured me, I wouldn’t joke about something like this.”

After confirming that his son was not making it up, Lu’s father suddenly became excited, “What about my daughter-in-law? When are you both coming back?”

Their family was nearly driven crazy by their youngest son’s marriage. He looked like his father, had a fierce appearance, and faced difficulties in marriage matters.

Previously, there were suitors because of their family’s good conditions, but who were they? They wanted to marry into the family, but his family didn’t dare to accept them.

However, the better girls, upon seeing his face, were scared to death.

Especially after going to the battlefield, his fierceness increased, making his marriage even more challenging.

The last time he came back was over a year ago. It had only been a year since he came back from the battlefield, but when he returned home, even the matchmakers didn’t dare to come.

He felt guilty. If only his youngest son looked more like his mother, the eldest son resembled her, looking handsome, combining the strengths of him and his wife.

But the youngest son just took after him, with a bad guy face.

Now hearing that his son got married, how could he not be happy?

“Let’s see the arrangements in the camp for this year’s Chinese New Year. If we have time off, we’ll go back for the holiday.”

After hearing his son’s words, Lu’s father’s excited heart finally calmed down a bit.

This time, Lu Weiguo brought up another reason for the phone call.

“Dad, are there still people being sent down to the countryside in our hometown?”

Lu Weiguo’s hometown is the former Qianxi Brigade in Huai County. His grandfather used to be the village chief, highly respected in the village. After his grandfather retired, his second uncle, Lu Erming, took over as the brigade leader.

“When did you ask about this?”

Lu Weiguo didn’t say much more, “Just asking. If there’s nothing, I’ll hang up. Phone bills are expensive.”

Lu’s father answered the call in a daze.

After the call ended, all that lingered in his mind was his youngest son’s marriage.

He was about to go back but then changed his mind and stayed put.

No, he had to call his wife and let her know, couldn’t wait until after work!

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