Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army
Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army Chapter 18

Chapter 18

It seemed that Shi Tingyu’s gaze towards him was too complex, leaving Lu Weiguo somewhat puzzled.

Fortunately, the news he brought back was good news.

Setting aside the details about the original female lead from the book, Shi Tingyu urged her parents to rest, “Mom, Dad, you can relax now. It’s still early, you should go rest.”

Shi’s mother glanced at Lu Weiguo and said, “It’s too late now, so let’s not have Weiguo return home just yet.”

Lu Weiguo agreed, and Shi’s parents went back to their room.

In the living room, only Lu Weiguo and Shi Tingyu remained. Lu Weiguo’s gaze fell on Shi Tingyu.

Shi Tingyu had initially thought of tidying up her brother’s room for Lu Weiguo to stay in. However, considering that they were legally married now, it might be odd if they didn’t share a room. Her parents might get the wrong idea in the morning.

They assumed she agreed to marry a man like Lu Weiguo, who had a rough appearance, as a compromise with fate and circumstance.

In reality, only she knew that she didn’t dislike Lu Weiguo. Despite his flaws in appearance, his physique was attractive, exuding a certain charm. Especially his personality, which didn’t match his exterior.

Compared to men with good looks but numerous flaws, he was much better. His rugged and fierce appearance suited her taste, which was why she had grown to appreciate him for his attentiveness and good character.

Seeing him standing there, looking like he was ready to follow her arrangements, Shi Tingyu smiled, “Why don’t you freshen up in the bathroom first? I’ll go get you some clothes.”

With that, Shi Tingyu went to Shi Muhuan’s room.

She remembered buying some pajamas for Shi Muhuan, some of which were washed but never worn, perfect for emergency use. Shi Muhuan, at six feet tall, was slightly shorter than Lu Weiguo, but pajamas were generally loose and comfortable, so they should fit him.

Taking the clothes, Lu Weiguo obediently went to freshen up. Meanwhile, Shi Tingyu retrieved a spare pillow from the wardrobe and placed it next to the bed.

She lay down on the bed, hands neatly folded on her stomach.

Although she knew what to expect, lying in bed alone was different. She could have given him another blanket to use separately, but she was afraid he might feel rejected.

Lu Weiguo’s bathing speed was usually quick, but this time he took more than twice the usual time. He had been used to living alone in the dorm, taking quick showers, but the thought of sharing a bed with Shi Tingyu made him want to clean himself thoroughly.

He knew his appearance wasn’t appealing to women, and even though they were legally married now, he didn’t dare to cross any boundaries. He was afraid of scaring her off.

His scarred face wasn’t something everyone could accept. Even though his new wife seemed unafraid, he still needed to give her time to adjust.

After finishing his shower, Lu Weiguo got into bed, and the room was illuminated by the soft light from the small bedside lamp.

Hearing a noise, Shi Tingyu turned her head to see him closing the door.

For a moment, Shi Tingyu was caught off guard as the door to her room was locked with a click.

She was not used to locking the door at home, and her parents never entered her room unannounced. Locking the door made her feel like she was up to no good.

Shi Tingyu’s heart skipped a beat. She never locked her door at home, and her parents wouldn’t barge into her room. Locking the door now felt somewhat suspicious.

She suddenly realized that her family’s house would be searched the next day, and Lu Weiguo didn’t seem like the kind of person who would do anything irrational.

As it turned out, Shi Tingyu had overthought the situation.

Lu Weiguo was very well-behaved once in bed. He lay straight, hands folded on his stomach just like hers, and he positioned himself close to the edge of the bed, leaving some space between them. Due to his height, his feet almost hung off the edge of the bed.

She didn’t know if he always slept in this position or if he was putting on an act, but she was sure she was pretending. She was used to sleeping alone in a big bed and tended to sprawl out. Now she had to behave properly and hoped that she wouldn’t be so restrained once she fell asleep.

Shi Tingyu’s room smelled nice, and even the bedding was fragrant. Lu Weiguo finally understood the meaning of being gentle, although this gentleness was not about scents.

Lying in such a fragrant and soft bed made it hard not to have inappropriate thoughts, especially with his legal wife beside him.

At that moment, he felt incredibly restless.

He pulled the cover down a bit.

As he moved, Shi Tingyu’s body noticeably tensed up. Even though they weren’t touching, sharing the same blanket made him aware.

Turning to look at her, Lu Weiguo saw that she had her eyes closed, seemingly asleep, but her fluttering eyelashes betrayed her.

Softly, Lu Weiguo said, “It’s getting late, you should sleep early.”

He was indirectly telling her that he wouldn’t touch her tonight.

Shi Tingyu opened her eyes, turned to look at him, and said, “Then I’ll turn off the light.”


Hearing her low voice, Shi Tingyu reached for the bedside lamp, pulled the cord, and the room plunged into darkness.

Perhaps it was in the early hours, the time when people are most tired, that Shi Tingyu unknowingly fell asleep.

Accustomed to the darkness, Lu Weiguo could make out Shi Tingyu’s blurry outline. Feeling her even breath and the bold posture under the blanket, he knew she was truly asleep.

Only then did he dare to move closer to her.

Stopping just inches away from her, he closed his eyes.

In a daze, he felt something pressing against him.

Years of vigilance made him instantly open his eyes.

In that moment of clarity, he remembered he was in his daughter-in-law’s room, with his beautiful and sweet little daughter-in-law beside him.

Shi Tingyu was wearing a nightgown.

She had actually been woken up by a knock on the door in the early hours, and Lu Weiguo had seen what nightwear she was wearing. It would be a bit awkward to suddenly change into pajamas now.

At this moment, her nightdress had ridden up to her waist, revealing slender and shapely legs pressed against the man’s thigh, with just an inch more leading to the man’s private area.

Lu Weiguo became aware of their current position, feeling a rush of heat gathering below.

Taking a deep breath, he grabbed the sheets, trying to imagine her leg as a heavy burden.

But the desired effect didn’t appear; Shi Tingyu’s leg somehow moved up again.

With a jolt, Lu Weiguo felt something pressing against him, unable to be suppressed.

Her face was nestled against his chest, breathing evenly, completely unaware of her current situation.

Although Lu Weiguo had remarkable willpower, he felt it might crumble at any moment now.

Closing his eyes, sweat beads forming on his forehead, he muttered something under his breath.

If Shi Tingyu had woken up at that moment, she would have realized that he was reciting quotes.

As time passed, Lu Weiguo felt tense all over.

Fortunately, as dawn approached, Shi Tingyu shifted her position. Although the cost of this movement was that the blanket was pulled away, Lu Weiguo still breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

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