Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army
Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army Chapter 2

Chapter 2

“This year is 1975, and there isn’t much time left until this special period ends. Shi Tingyu thought that even if she couldn’t escape reassignment, she could see if her parents had any connections to use. That way, they could arrange for her to be reassigned somewhere familiar, providing some support.

When Shi Tingyu woke up, her parents saw and asked with concern, ‘Feeling better?’

Shi Tingyu replied, ‘Mom, Dad, I’m feeling much better now.’

Her father gently patted her head and sighed, ‘Don’t worry too much. If necessary, when the time comes, you can publicly sever ties with us so you won’t have to be reassigned with us.’

Shi Tingyu shook her head, ‘I won’t sever ties with you.’

Her mother became anxious, ‘Why are you being stubborn now? Life after reassignment won’t be easy.’

After reassignment, they would live in cow sheds, do the hardest and most tiring work, be dragged out for criticism and struggle sessions, and might even be forced to shave their heads. They could also be humiliated by members of the production team. Just thinking about what her daughter might face made her breath catch.

Her father added, trying to comfort her, ‘Your mom is right. Severing ties is just a formality. As long as we’re together in spirit, those formalities don’t matter.’

Shi Tingyu wasn’t someone who cared much about formalities. As her father said, severing ties was just a formality. She felt it wouldn’t make much difference to her current situation.

‘Mom, Dad, even if we sever ties, at my age now, without a job, I’ll end up being sent to the countryside eventually. Once there, I won’t know where I’ll be assigned. It’s better to stick together for mutual support.’

Shi Tingyu wasn’t very familiar with the 1970s, but she understood enough. Many attractive young people were abused by local bullies and had no choice but to submit.

After the resumption of the college entrance examination, some were even locked up by their in-laws to prevent them from taking the exam.

Some couldn’t bear the humiliation and committed suicide.

In addition to the endless farm work, the original host’s delicate body might not be able to bear it.

Given the choice, who would willingly choose such a life?

Shi Tingyu’s parents hesitated upon hearing this.

Her father took a deep breath and said reluctantly, ‘Don’t lose heart. We haven’t been reassigned yet, and no orders have come down. There’s still time to figure something out.’

Shi Tingyu gathered her resolve, ‘Yes, there must be a way.’

She glanced at the English materials on the table and said, ‘Mom, Dad, when the reassignment order comes, the Red Committee will surely come to search. These materials can’t stay at home.’

‘Other foreign language books and some classic literature must be hidden as well.’

Her parents understood the reasoning but didn’t know where to hide everything seamlessly.”

“The Red Committee have become experienced in searching for things, so hiding anywhere isn’t safe.

Shi Tingyu thought about some methods from later generations for hiding things, trying to find a suitable one.

But after thinking it over, she didn’t come up with anything useful.

She never underestimated anyone. The Red Committee were all seasoned operators; just because she came from the future didn’t mean she was smarter than people from the present.

It’s precisely because times are tough that people in the present think of more ways to cope. Being careless could lead to disastrous consequences.

Shi Tingyu thought to herself, ‘They say time travelers have a ‘golden finger.’ If only I had a personal space to hide things securely.’

As she thought this, her consciousness suddenly blurred, and the next moment, she entered into a vast and empty world.

Her head felt momentarily muddled, but quickly cleared up.

Looking at the scene of a peaceful countryside estate before her eyes, a sense of surprise surged in her heart.

Did her good fortune just kick in?

Is this… a personal space?

Suppressing her excitement, Shi Tingyu gradually regained her composure. She had just felt her consciousness enter, and her parents were still nearby. She needed to get out quickly.

Turning her thoughts, her mind drifted, and she heard her father’s concerned voice beside her, ‘What are you thinking about, Xiao Yu? You seemed distracted just now.’

Shi Tingyu replied, ‘I was just thinking about where to hide these things, and got a bit distracted.’

Her mother comforted her with a pat on the hand, ‘Don’t worry, your father and I will figure it out.’

Shi Tingyu agreed with a nod, exchanged a few more words, and hurried back to her room.

Watching Shi Tingyu’s retreating figure, her parents felt a sense of melancholy.

Once inside her room, Shi Tingyu locked the door and quickly checked her personal space.”

“In her mind, she silently invoked the space, and her consciousness entered the space once again.

This time, she took the opportunity to carefully survey the surroundings.

It was a pastoral landscape with fresh air. Patches of black soil looked fertile, accompanied by a spring emitting wisps of white mist nearby.

Having read many novels where the female lead had a space, Shi Tingyu was quite familiar with the concept of a spiritual spring.

But out of a rigorous scientific spirit, she decided to experiment with the spring’s effects.

She valued her life greatly.

If the spiritual spring indeed had the effects described in novels—curing illnesses, detoxifying, and enhancing beauty—she would definitely use it.

She pursued all things beautiful, as beauty is human nature.

However, all this had to wait until confirmation of the reassignment news.

Her face was already quite conspicuous. If she couldn’t escape reassignment, she wouldn’t bother with trying to look pretty.

After examining the spring, Shi Tingyu turned her attention to the adjacent black soil.

She picked up a handful—damp and loose.

She sniffed it, detecting no special odor, just a faint earthy fragrance.

After inspecting the soil, Shi Tingyu began to explore further inward.

Beyond the spiritual spring and the soil, the scenery was obscured by dense fog. When she ventured about two meters into the fog, she encountered an invisible barrier that blocked her path.

Lost in thought, she wondered if this space could be upgraded. Could an upgraded space be larger?

Realizing she couldn’t proceed farther, Shi Tingyu abandoned the idea and returned to the area near the spring.

Now, she wanted to test whether the space could store items from outside.

Thinking of the David statue on her desk, she mentally commanded, ‘Bring it in.’

In the next instant, the statue appeared on the ground next to the spiritual spring.

Shi Tingyu’s eyes lit up—this was excellent!

Originally, she hadn’t expected to be able to store things inside the space. It was just a casual attempt, but it actually worked.

This space far exceeded her expectations.

After withdrawing her consciousness from the space, she retrieved the statue from within.

Everything proceeded smoothly, without any obstacles.

Next, she experimented with bringing items from outside into the space.

She found that she could only bring things into the space from within a two-meter range outside of it.

The same limitation applied for bringing items from inside the space out.

Having confirmed the ability to store items in the space, Shi Tingyu emerged to find her parents.

‘Mom, Dad, I’ve hidden those documents for you.’

Her father instinctively asked, ‘Where did you hide them?’

Shi Tingyu vaguely replied, ‘I found a great place to hide things—secure and well-hidden.’

Based on their trust in their daughter, knowing she wasn’t someone to act recklessly, Shi Tingyu’s parents ultimately agreed to let her handle hiding the items.

It was better to hide things sooner rather than later.

Shi Tingyu thoroughly searched every corner of the three-bedroom apartment. Anything that could cause misunderstanding, even a small piece of paper, was not overlooked.

The Shi family was an intellectual household, with books being the most abundant item.

In the end, nearly all the shelves were emptied.

The only books left were the Little Red Book.

Looking at the pile before her, Shi Tingyu broke out in a cold sweat.

Her parents were too naive.

They actually believed that many things could be kept.”

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