Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army
Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Lu Weiguo and Shi Tingyu picked up some other daily necessities, and in the end, Shi Tingyu also bought menstrual pads.

Currently, there were no sanitary pads available. The only option at the counter was menstrual belts made of red fabric.

On the red box, it said “menstrual belt,” with small print next to it mentioning hygiene and women’s health.

In this era, while other things were manageable with some improvisation, dealing with menstruation each month was a challenge.

There were simply no sanitary pads available.

She was eagerly anticipating the reforms and opening up.

When they returned to the residential area with the supply truck, Shi Tingyu remembered the elegant woman with twisted braids she had encountered on the truck.

“Weiguo, do you know a woman with two twisted braids, small lips, fair skin, slightly upturned eyes, and a delicate appearance?”

Lu Weiguo had been happy when Shi Tingyu called his name, but his mood changed when she asked about a woman he didn’t recognize.

Frowning, he tried to recall, but his mind drew a blank. There was no face that matched that description. “I don’t know.”

Seeing his confused expression, Shi Tingyu realized he genuinely didn’t recognize her.

She began to suspect if her description was too abstract.

With that in mind, she went to her room, took a pencil and notebook, and started sketching.

After completing a simple sketch of a face, she tore the paper and handed it to Lu Weiguo. “It’s her.”

Taking the sketch, Lu Weiguo looked surprised. She had captured the woman’s likeness so accurately.

“She does look familiar in this drawing.”

Seeing this, Shi Tingyu knew that even if Lu Weiguo had seen the woman before, it might have been brief. She was confident in her drawing skills.

If they were acquaintances, they would surely recognize her.

“What’s with this person?” Lu Weiguo asked.

“Nothing much, just met her on the supply truck. She looked at me strangely.” Shi Tingyu took back the paper and burned it on the kitchen stove.

Impressed by her swift actions, Lu Weiguo smirked, “Next time, if you see her, I’ll inquire for you.”

Meanwhile, the woman mentioned by Shi Tingyu, Jiang Yun, was absentmindedly organizing the purchases she brought back from town.

During dinner time, Jiang Yun’s husband, Captain Qi, returned home and was surprised by the subpar meal prepared by his wife.

“Wife, did the food burn today? Why do I taste burnt in every bite?”

Jiang Yun quickly took a taste and indeed, it had a burnt flavor. She waved her hand, “Maybe I wasn’t paying attention while cooking and it got a bit scorched.”

Captain Qi didn’t say anything more. A bit burnt was fine; the food still needed to be eaten, no point in wasting it.

Seeing Captain Qi’s calm demeanor, Jiang Yun asked softly, “Dashan, do you think someone like Captain Lu would be abusive at home?”

Captain Qi’s name was Qishan, and Jiang Yun always called him Dashan.

Qishan was taken aback by her question. “What nonsense are you talking about? Even though I’m in the Second Battalion and not under his command, I’ve interacted with him a few times. He’s definitely not that kind of person.”

Jiang Yun pursed her lips in silence, wondering what he was like in private. However, she didn’t argue with Qishan’s response.

The next morning, Jiang Yun woke up early and steamed some buns for breakfast.

Seeing it was still early, she quietly took a bun and sneaked out.

Carefully avoiding people, she eventually stopped in front of Lu Weiguo’s house.

She wrapped the bun in a cloth bag and hung it on the doorknob of the Lu family’s door, then knocked forcefully and ran off.

Hearing the knock, Lu Weiguo got up, put on clothes, and went to the door.

Upon opening it, he didn’t see anyone but noticed the cloth bag hanging on the door with a lonely bun inside.

Glancing at the quiet neighboring house, where they were still asleep at this hour, it was clear they weren’t the ones who left it.

Unable to find the culprit, Lu Weiguo took the bun inside the house.

He didn’t eat it and absentmindedly placed it on the table in the living room.

Shi Tingyu, still half-asleep, saw the cloth bag on the table.

“What’s this?” Shi Tingyu sniffed and caught a whiff of the bun scent.

“I don’t know who left a bun at the door,” Lu Weiguo was also puzzled.

In an instant, Shi Tingyu was wide awake.

“Who would be so kind to leave us a bun?” She opened the cloth bag and was surprised to find another bun inside. “This one is for you or me?”

Lu Weiguo picked up the bun, ready to dispose of it.

Seeing his intention, Shi Tingyu stopped him, “Is it right to waste it like this?”

Lu Weiguo was cautious, “We shouldn’t touch things of unknown origin.”

Even if it meant wasting it, there was no other choice.

If there were spies or enemies trying to infiltrate and poison them, it wouldn’t be a trivial matter.

Their military compound had strict security measures, and there was always a possibility of someone trying to target the residential area.

Shi Tingyu thought what Lu Weiguo said made sense, so she didn’t stop him.

When disposing of the bun, Lu Weiguo made sure to break it up as much as possible. That way, if someone accidentally saw their discarded trash and found a whole bun inside, they wouldn’t be accused of wasting food.

Shi Tingyu was surprised to find that the bun was filled with meat.

Who was so generous?

She looked at Lu Weiguo with suspicion. Could it be meant for him? She had only been in the residential area for a few days, and the only person she knew here was Lu Weiguo.

After dealing with the bun, Lu Weiguo calmly went to wash his hands.

As the wake-up call sounded, Lu Weiguo quickly changed clothes and left.

Meanwhile, Shi Tingyu finished her morning routine and started preparing breakfast.

By the time their morning training ended, Lu Weiguo would be back for breakfast.

In the kitchen, Shi Tingyu noticed smoke rising from the neighboring yard, indicating that they were also cooking breakfast.

Having flour, eggs, potatoes, and onions at home, Shi Tingyu decided to make potato pancakes and porridge.

Living in a small courtyard had its advantages, especially during cooking, as they didn’t have to worry about others smelling the food.

When Shi Tingyu finished cooking the potato pancakes, she heard the voice of Mrs. Zhang, the wife of the deputy battalion commander from the neighboring yard, calling out, “Sister! Are you home?”

Shi Tingyu, still in her apron, went outside.

At the front gate, Mrs. Zhang was holding a bowl with several cornmeal cakes inside.

Shi Tingyu looked at the golden color and smelled the subtle aroma of the corn.

“Mrs. Zhang, why did you come over?”

Mrs. Zhang handed the bowl to Shi Tingyu and smiled, “Sister, I was worried that since you just arrived, you might not have everything prepared to eat. This morning, I made some cornmeal cakes and brought them for you to try.”

It was the first time Shi Tingyu felt such kindness from a stranger. “Mrs. Zhang, you are too kind. Please come in and have a seat.”

Mrs. Zhang waved her hand, smiling, “I won’t sit. I still have food cooking at home. Just clear a space for the bowl. The men will be back soon for breakfast.”

Seeing Mrs. Zhang’s genuine gesture, Shi Tingyu accepted the bowl. Lu Weiguo had mentioned she could seek help from Mrs. Zhang if needed, so their relationship should be good.

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