Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army
Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Shi Tingyu returned to the house with the bowl, took out the cakes, washed the bowl, and packed two of her homemade potato cakes.

Her cakes were relatively large, but two would suffice.

Mrs. Zhang noticed that Shi Tingyu returned with the bowl in a short while, but it seemed like there was something extra in it.

Shi Tingyu was generous with ingredients; she didn’t skimp on oil or other elements. The potato cakes she made were golden, shiny with strands of potatoes nestled inside crispy, aromatic crusts, making them look especially appetizing.

“Mrs. Zhang, I fried these potato cakes this morning. Take two for the kids to try,” Shi Tingyu had heard from Lu Weiguo that Mrs. Zhang had a six-year-old son who was already attending kindergarten.

Mrs. Zhang could tell from the appearance and aroma of the potato cakes that they were well-made.

Feeling a bit embarrassed, she said, “How can I accept this? I came to bring something, but now I’m taking your delicious treats.”

Shi Tingyu’s gesture was genuine, and in the current environment where food was precious, a little courtesy was necessary to alleviate any psychological burden others might feel.

“Mrs. Zhang, with the weather getting warmer, I made a bit too much batter. If not eaten at once, it might spoil,” Shi Tingyu explained.

Finally, Shi Tingyu put the bowl in Mrs. Zhang’s hands and politely escorted her out.

“Sister, I still have a pot on the stove, I need to continue cooking. Otherwise, if Weiguo comes back and there’s nothing to eat, I won’t keep you here now,” Shi Tingyu said as she hurriedly ushered Mrs. Zhang out.

Watching the deputy battalion commander’s wife rush into the kitchen, Mrs. Zhang smiled helplessly.

Well, they were neighbors after all, and they would interact frequently in the future, so there was no need to be too formal.

Back at her home, Mrs. Zhang’s son, Damao, was already up, washing his face with a puzzled expression.

Seeing his mother return, he pouted, “Mom, where did you go?”

Children nowadays tended to be more independent at an early age compared to future generations. Although Damao wasn’t as proficient as adults in grooming and dressing, he was gradually getting better.

With the weather getting warmer, clothes weren’t as layered as in winter, making it more comfortable for the children to wear.

Mrs. Zhang placed the bowl in front of Damao and said, “Here, these are the potato and egg cakes made by our new neighbor, Aunt Shi.”

Damao immediately dropped the towel, leaned forward, and caught a whiff of the savory aroma of the cakes.

“Mum, these cakes smell amazing,” he exclaimed, eager to try them.

Carrying the bowl into the living room, Mrs. Zhang called out, “Hurry up and wash your face, the cakes are still warm.”

“Okay! I’m coming right over.”

Hastily wiping his face, Damao dashed into the living room, not even bothering to dry the water stains on his forehead before grabbing the cake and taking a big bite.

The initial crunch of the cake gave way to a savory flavor of shredded potatoes and eggs inside, making it deliciously salty and appetizing.

“So tasty!” Damao’s eyes lit up.

Seeing him devour the cake, Mrs. Zhang couldn’t help scolding, “You, I feed you, yet you eat like this. Look at you.”

Damao couldn’t stop eating, thinking to himself that although she fed him, the food wasn’t as delicious as Aunt Shi’s.

He felt that whatever his mom cooked lacked flavor.

When the deputy battalion commander returned, he found his son joyfully enjoying a crispy, golden cake. His eyes brightened, “Wife, did we upgrade our meals today?”

As he spoke, he reached for another cake and took a bite.

Peeking out from the kitchen, Mrs. Zhang explained, “These were made by the neighbor’s wife from the next courtyard. I gave her some cornmeal cakes this morning, and she brought these back for me to try.”

As she finished speaking, the deputy battalion commander exclaimed, “Delicious!”

Quickly, Mrs. Zhang finished cooking the remaining cornmeal cakes and brought them into the living room.

In the living room, the deputy battalion commander had already eaten half of his cake.

Taking a few more bites, he handed the remaining cake to Mrs. Zhang. “You should also try it. I didn’t expect Xiao Lu’s wife to be such a great cook.”

Knowing her wife well, the deputy battalion commander always saved the best for himself and his son.

With the cake being made with eggs and flour, and fried in oil, she surely wouldn’t eat it.

Being an old married couple, Mrs. Zhang didn’t mind that her husband had taken a bite. She tasted it and was pleasantly surprised by its delicious flavor.

“You know, this cake is even tastier than what I make.”

She continued, “Captain Lu really hit the jackpot with his wife. Not only is she beautiful, but her cooking skills are top-notch.”

The deputy battalion commander was now curious, “Is she really that pretty?”

Having never met the couple next door while at home, he realized he hadn’t seen Shi Tingyu at all.

However, he had heard about her beauty from others. Yesterday, when he went to town with the military wives, Shi Tingyu’s reputation had spread throughout the residential area. Most soldiers hadn’t seen her in person; they only heard about her from their wives.

Having a good understanding of his own wife, the deputy battalion commander knew she wasn’t one to exaggerate.

Mrs. Zhang, with a look of someone sharing a secret, said, “Let me put it this way, the most beautiful wife in our residential area, the wife of the third battalion instructor, Old Lu, is nothing compared to her.”

She extended her pinky finger.

Thinking that was the end of it, the deputy battalion commander was surprised when his wife slid her thumb along the base of her pinky, leaving just a tip at the end.

This gesture indicated that the instructor’s wife was merely a shrimp compared to Xiao Lu’s wife.

Zhang Jin tried to imagine but shook his head, “Can’t picture it.”

Mrs. Zhang playfully patted him, “Enough, even if she’s beautiful, it has nothing to do with you. The Lu and his family have just moved in and haven’t settled yet. Once they’re all settled, I guess we’ll have to treat them.”

It was somewhat of a tradition in their community.

It was like a way of welcoming newcomers.

“You have a good relationship with Xiao Lu. If there’s a treat, you definitely won’t be left out. You should go and see for yourself,” Mrs. Zhang assured.

Thinking that since Lu Weiguo and his family had officially moved in, there would be a treat, Zhang Jin agreed, “Alright, I’ll go early to lend a hand.”

“No need to tell me that,” Mrs. Zhang teased him.

Zhang Jin wasn’t offended; he wouldn’t know how to handle it if his wife suddenly became gentle.

In the neighboring yard,

After finishing his morning training, Lu Weiguo returned home, feeling content while eating the breakfast his wife had made.

Shi Tingyu pointed to the cornmeal cakes and said, “These were brought by Mrs. Zhang from next door. I couldn’t refuse, so I accepted them.”

Lu Weiguo replied, “It’s okay. It’s common for neighbors to exchange things. Accepting them is fine.”

Shi Tingyu nodded and asked, “Will you come back for lunch?”

Lu Weiguo explained, “I took a few days off earlier, but now there’s more work, so I won’t be back for lunch.”

Shi Tingyu’s eyes lit up.

With him not at home, she could easily organize the space. When Lu Weiguo was around, she hardly dared to rearrange things; after all, he was a reconnaissance soldier.

Lu Weiguo noticed her brief moment of excitement, feeling a pang of discomfort. It seemed like she wasn’t eager for him to return.

He had thought that by now she would have adjusted to him and was planning to make up for the missed honeymoon. Now, it seemed he would have to wait a bit longer.

He didn’t want her to agree reluctantly due to their relationship; it would bother him if she wasn’t happy about it.

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