Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army
Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army Chapter 45

Chapter 45

Since she didn’t know when it started, rumors began circulating in the residential compound that this promotion was originally meant for Lu Weiguo, but due to marrying Shi Tingyu, whose family background was not good, he missed the chance for promotion.

In these days, Shi Tingyu was already under scrutiny, and with the rumors spreading, her name quickly became known throughout the compound.

People who hadn’t known her identity before now knew she was the daughter of Professor Shi from the Weapons Research Institute, and Professor Shi and his wife had been relocated due to ideological issues.

Her background became strong evidence why Lu Weiguo couldn’t get promoted.

When Liu Xiaohong heard this news, she was stunned.

In the office, whenever she saw Shi Tingyu, she felt a bit awkward.

Shi Tingyu, on the other hand, remained as composed as ever.

Liu Xiaohong glanced at her quietly and asked, “Tingyu, do you know about this?”

She thought maybe Shi Tingyu didn’t know yet, otherwise, how could she be so calm?

Shi Tingyu calmly asked, “Are you talking about the promotion matter concerning your husband?”

Now it was Liu Xiaohong’s turn to be surprised. “You… You’re not concerned?”

Shi Tingyu lowered her eyes to her textbook and said without looking up, “Concerned about what? This is a decision from above, and we can’t influence it. Since this opportunity has been given to your husband, it shows that his qualifications are sufficient.”

Liu Xiaohong felt reassured hearing this.

Now, rumors in the compound said this opportunity should have been Lu Weiguo’s, claiming that their family had taken advantage of it.

But in fact, their family wasn’t lacking.

Liu Xiaohong’s face turned cold. She exclaimed, “If I find out who’s spreading these rumors, I’ll scratch her face.”

Shi Tingyu’s gaze moved away from her book. She asked, “Besides you, who else knows about Captain Chen’s physical examination?”

Liu Xiaohong really didn’t know who else knew about this.

“I’ll ask Old Chen about it when I get home after school today.”

Seeing Liu Xiaohong had made up her mind, Shi Tingyu didn’t pay attention to this matter anymore.

During break time, Principal Ren came to the office.

Seeing Shi Tingyu there, he sat down opposite her, as if ready for a serious talk.

“Teacher Shi, is there something I need to ask you to do?” Shi Tingyu thought the principal had some task for her.

Principal Ren pondered for a moment, sighed, and said, “Teacher Shi, I’ve heard some rumors going around outside.”

Many thoughts flashed through Shi Tingyu’s mind.

Like, because of her parents’ situation, her career as a teacher might come to an end.

But Principal Ren continued, “You can rest assured, we are not unaware of right and wrong. I’ll say this again, this is a place for teaching and nurturing students. You’re a good teacher, and since your marriage report with Captain Lu has been approved, it means your background has passed.”

His words seemed directed at Shi Tingyu but also meant for the other teachers present.

“So you can teach the children with peace of mind and not let these things affect your mentality.”

Shi Tingyu couldn’t quite describe her feelings at this moment—there was surprise, but also a touch of gratitude.

“Principal, rest assured, my mentality is fine.”

Since the beginning, Shi Tingyu knew her background couldn’t stay hidden forever, especially with the Weapons Research Institute right next to the barracks, where people frequently moved between the two sides.

Wei Jian had come to see her a few times before, and there were no secrets in this world.

She knew the darkness would pass. By next October, that movement would be over.

By then, her parents would be back, and all the disdain and mockery about her background would disappear. They would have a good life as a family.

But she felt guilty towards Lu Weiguo.

Before marriage, they had been open about her parents’ imminent relocation, but he had said he didn’t mind then.

As for the rumors that Lu Weiguo couldn’t get promoted because of her, she didn’t know if they were true, but where there’s smoke, there’s fire.

Now that things had happened, she didn’t know if Lu Weiguo would regret for a moment or feel that marrying her wasn’t worth it.

After all, they hadn’t even kissed yet.

If he was attracted to her appearance, she couldn’t deny that possibility, as she knew very well how she looked.

However, they had their marriage certificate and had tied the knot, yet he hadn’t taken a step further.

He didn’t seem like someone who cared deeply about her in his usual demeanor, and she had a vague feeling in her heart that he had significant ambitions.

For a man towards a woman, if he doesn’t seek your family background or your looks and body, then he must be seeking your heart.

Shi Tingyu was startled by her own analysis.

Her heart pounded violently in her chest.

Principal Ren had seen Shi Tingyu and was now reassured, so he left.

He was worried that because of those rumors, their school might lose a good teacher, but now he was at ease.

After school,

Liu Xiaohong hurried home and quickly started preparing dinner.

As soon as Chen Qiang returned home, she came out of the kitchen in a flurry and asked urgently, “Old Chen, besides you, who else knows about this physical examination?”

Chen Qiang took off his hat, scratched his head in confusion, and asked, “Why are you asking about this?”

Liu Xiaohong threw the spatula into the sink with a burst of anger, “It’s because of those rumors! We haven’t said anything, and I just want to see who the hell spread this.”

“You’re in a precarious position right now. If this doesn’t go well, the opportunity might slip away.”

Chen Qiang had indeed been quite troubled recently.

Every day in the barracks, he was congratulated by everyone he met, making it seem like he was about to be promoted immediately.

He wiped his face, started thinking, and finally said uncertainly, “Besides the leaders above, Binzi also knows. We’ve been old partners for years, and I can’t hide this from him either.”

Liu Xiaohong didn’t want to suspect Lu Wenbin. He had been through thick and thin with their family for many years, and their relationship was very good.

But these rumors wouldn’t have spread for no reason.

“Do you think he might have let it slip, or maybe his family leaked it? I know Binzi well; he wouldn’t do something like this, nor would Qiayue. But I can’t be sure about Aunt Lu and Lu Wenchan.”

Chen Qiang was speechless. He didn’t have much confidence in Binzi’s mother and sister.

Liu Xiaohong’s temper flared up, “I’m going to ask them!”

Chen Qiang quickly held her back, “Don’t act impulsively. If you go like this, how can Binzi and I work together in the future? Now that the rumors have spread, everyone who needs to know already knows. What we need to do now is wait for instructions from above and not escalate conflicts and incidents.”

With a lump in her throat, Liu Xiaohong angrily kicked her husband.

Chen Qiang grinned awkwardly. He knew when his wife’s temper flared up, there would be no more trouble.

He just hoped this promotion could proceed smoothly.

On the other hand, because the rumors were getting worse, Lu Wenbin also sensed that something was wrong.

Few people knew about this matter. Besides him, only the leaders knew, and their leaders wouldn’t mention such things. He began to suspect his own mother and sister.

Just because of Chen Qiang being asked to undergo a physical examination, he was also a bit excited and mentioned it to his wife at home.

Who knows if it was overheard by others in the family.

His mother and sister weren’t exactly discreet.

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