Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army
Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army Chapter 48

Chapter 48

Shi Tingyu ignored the people inside the truck and turned to stand up, preparing to disembark.

Lu Weiguo stepped forward and reached out towards her.

Instinctively, Shi Tingyu offered him her hand, thinking he would support her as usual.

Unexpectedly, Lu Weiguo took her hand and wrapped his other arm around her waist, lifting her down effortlessly.

His movements were swift and gentle, as if holding a child.

The onlookers’ expressions were mixed, unsure whether they envied or felt touched.

Say what you will, Captain Lu truly cares for his wife.

After safely landing Shi Tingyu on the ground, Lu Weiguo patted her head and then turned to look at the people inside the truck.

Especially those whom Shi Tingyu had singled out earlier.

Under his intense gaze, not just the women but any man would feel intimidated.

Lu Weiguo spoke with a cold, firm voice, “As soldiers, obedience to orders is our duty. Regarding the decision above, I have no objections. Third Battalion Commander, whether in terms of military seniority or achievements, deserves this promotion.”

People exchanged looks, unsure of Lu Weiguo’s intention with these words.

Lu Weiguo changed his tone, adding, “I have no objections to the decision above. However…”

As soon as he said “however,” those previously named individuals began to feel uneasy.

“But I am deeply disappointed by the words some of you said about my wife and her family.”

“You are military family members. Which one of your relatives or husbands hasn’t been on a mission? When you slander my wife and my father-in-law, have you ever thought that the weapons in your relatives’ hands were developed and improved by the very people you criticize?”

“I don’t expect you to be grateful, but when your loved ones return safely, I hope you won’t forget the contributions of weapon researchers, which have kept your family members safe and alive in missions.”

“As beneficiaries, others can criticize them, but not us military personnel and military families.”

Lu Weiguo was visibly angered. If they hadn’t been in the driver’s cabin and if it weren’t inappropriate to stop halfway, he would have confronted these people long ago.

Many of the weapons they were currently using had been improved upon by Shi Qian after returning to the country. Otherwise, why would the military district leadership protect the Shi family?

Watching these people speak without considering the consequences, Lu Weiguo felt sorry for his father-in-law.

Seeing the man’s angry demeanor, Shi Tingyu felt he looked particularly tall.

She reached out and held Lu Weiguo’s hand, facing the people in the truck with solemnity. “My parents were reassigned, and they accepted that arrangement without complaint. Because they have ideals, they still love this land.”

After saying this, Shi Tingyu turned to Lu Weiguo and said, “We should go, Weiguo.”

Lu Weiguo tightened his grip on Shi Tingyu’s hand and turned away.

As their figures disappeared into the street, the others slowly got off the truck.

Their expressions ranged from regret to fear, and no one dared to bring up the topic again.

Driver Xiao Meng saw everyone had gotten off and leaned against the car window, speaking seriously, “Sisters-in-law, don’t spread whatever others say. It not only hurts others but also brings trouble to your own men.”

Several people blushed with shame and hurriedly left.

As Shi Tingyu and Lu Weiguo walked into the crowd, they let go of each other’s hands.

On the bustling street, people didn’t often walk hand in hand like this.

Lu Weiguo turned to look at his wife beside him, his eyes filled with concern. He asked, “Did you already know about those rumors?”

“Yeah,” Shi Tingyu replied honestly. She had been staying in the family quarters, and Lu Weiguo, who often trained at the camp, knew about it too. How could she not know?

“Don’t take it to heart. This time, not getting promoted has nothing to do with you,” Lu Weiguo struggled to find comforting words to make his wife believe him, so he told her his most sincere thoughts, “Actually, it’s not bad that I didn’t get promoted this time. At my age, getting promoted might attract too much attention. Not getting promoted might actually be a good thing.”

For a battalion commander, promotion is a significant turning point in a military career. Those who fail to get promoted for many years often end up leaving the army and returning to their hometowns.

Only by reaching regimental level can one stay longer in the military.

He was still young enough to wait.

Shi Tingyu smiled at him, “I know the reason I wasn’t promoted this time. You don’t need to find excuses for me, but since you say it’s okay, I’ll trust you.”

Lu Weiguo didn’t know if she genuinely believed him or was just pretending to. All he could do was repeatedly emphasize that not being promoted was actually a good thing, and even without her, he wasn’t planning on it.

At this moment, he really missed Feng Wei’s eloquent mouth.

Shi Tingyu took a couple of steps forward, cutting off his rambling, “Let’s go, let’s hurry up and finish shopping and go back.”

The topic ended there. Lu Weiguo accompanied Shi Tingyu to buy meat at the supply and marketing cooperative, and also replenished any shortages of household necessities like oil, salt, soy sauce, and vinegar.

Along the way, Lu Weiguo carefully observed Shi Tingyu’s expression, afraid she might still blame herself for the incident.

However, Shi Tingyu managed her facial expressions very well, and he couldn’t discern any emotions from her.

Back at the supply truck, nothing about today’s events was leaked to the outside.

In the afternoon,

Lu Weiguo was weeding the vegetable garden in the yard.

Feng Wei walked in, saw Lu Weiguo wearing a straw hat and working hard, and couldn’t help but tease, “Don’t say, when you work, it really looks the part.”

Lu Weiguo looked up, saw it was Feng Wei, gathered the grass in his hand, and nodded towards another row of vegetables, “You came at just the right time. Help me weed here.”

Feng Wei’s mouth twitched. If he had known this, he would have preferred to rot in the office.

Thinking this, Feng Wei rolled up his sleeves and got to work.

“I say, Old Lu, has your vegetable garden gathered some cosmic energy? These weeds are growing too vigorously,” Feng Wei joked.

“You know nothing. Our vegetable garden is well-nourished. Look at those bok choy, so vibrant,” Lu Weiguo retorted, clearly proud of how well his wife was taking care of the garden.

Feng Wei: …

He shouldn’t have come.

Feng Wei’s family wasn’t from the countryside, but he had been dragged by the logistics officer to do farm work before, so he knew how to weed.

Shi Tingyu heard the commotion and came out, seeing the two men pulling weeds vigorously in her little garden.

“Mister Feng is here. Don’t work too hard. Come inside and rest,” she invited.

Facing Shi Tingyu’s invitation, Feng Wei smiled and said, “It’s alright. With just this much area, Old Lu and I will finish soon.”

Lu Weiguo added, “Wife, go back inside and rest. We’re used to this, not tired.”

Seeing their determination, Shi Tingyu didn’t insist further. She took some mung beans and went to the kitchen to make a pot of mung bean soup.

To cool them down after their work.

Watching Shi Tingyu washing the mung beans, Feng Wei nudged Lu Weiguo with his elbow, “Old Lu, your younger sister hasn’t been affected by the rumors lately, right?”

Lu Weiguo moved aside slightly, “What do you think?”

Feng Wei rubbed his chin, pretending not to know, “I can’t really tell, but they say the quieter someone is about an issue, the more they care.”

Lu Weiguo looked at him suspiciously, “You didn’t come here today because of the rumors, did you?”

“I actually did.” Feng Wei was straightforward, “As an instructor, I have to handle this matter. I can’t let you and your wife have conflicts because of this.”

Lu Weiguo’s gaze shifted to Shi Tingyu, busy in the kitchen, and refrained from saying unnecessary words.

He couldn’t figure out if his wife was telling the truth or pretending not to care to avoid showing her true feelings.

With Feng Wei, who was good at talking, here now, it might be good to let him help comfort her.

It’s better if she doesn’t care anymore, but if she still does, it wouldn’t hurt to have Feng Wei do some persuasion.

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