Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army
Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army Chapter 54

Chapter 54

The person who looked as fierce as a gang leader was none other than Captain Lu, who was responsible for receiving the interview team this time.

This task was assigned to Lu Weiguo by Regiment Commander Zhao.

Considering the recent incident with Aunt Lu that had caused trouble for Lu Weiguo and his wife, and since Principal Ren had mentioned the interview team needing a place for lunch, he assigned the reception duty to Lu Weiguo.

Regardless of whether he would be on camera or not, just being able to spend more time with his wife made Lu Weiguo happy for a long time.

This was also considered an additional compensation for Lu Weiguo and his wife.

The newspaper’s photographer, Da Zhuang, couldn’t help but pick up his camera when he saw Shi Tingyu.

It was Zhou Ming who stopped him, “Film is limited, save it for the interview.”

Da Zhuang scratched his head, “I got too excited and forgot.”

He had never seen such a beautiful woman and couldn’t resist taking a picture.

He thought she looked even better than movie stars.

Principal Ren introduced the group, “This is Teacher Shi Tingyu, the artist behind our school’s wall murals.”

He then introduced the interview team to Shi Tingyu.

After some polite exchanges and handshakes, Zhou Ming invited them to sit down.

Lu Weiguo glanced at Shi Tingyu and lightly patted the seat beside him twice.

No one dared to sit next to him because of his stern expression, so the seat next to him was empty.

Shi Tingyu walked over and sat beside Lu Weiguo, under the surprised gaze of the interview team.

Noticing the intense gazes from the interview team, Shi Tingyu looked over and saw admiration in their eyes.

This woman had guts, daring to sit next to Captain Lu.

Seeing their expressions, Shi Tingyu smiled and said, “I forgot to mention, this is my husband, Lu Weiguo.”

Except for the initial greeting, the interview team had tried to avoid interacting with Lu Weiguo. Hearing that he was Shi Tingyu’s husband, their surprise was evident.

Da Zhuang was frustrated. Why did this comrade fall for Captain Lu?

Wasn’t she afraid of domestic violence?

But thinking about it, with such a beautiful wife, any man would be reluctant to hit her.

Everyone greeted Lu Weiguo again. With the added connection of being Shi Tingyu’s husband, Lu Weiguo was more talkative than he was initially, easing the atmosphere between both parties.

Sun Qing from the radio station was very interested in the combination of Shi Tingyu and Lu Weiguo, asking them many questions.

This pairing seemed like a perfect example of a wolf and a lamb.

One was fiercely intimidating, while the other appeared beautiful and kind.

Reporter Yu Lili from the newspaper observed their interactions and thought they made a good pair.

She enjoyed observing people during interviews and noticed that although Captain Lu looked fierce, he was very considerate towards Teacher Shi. In just a short while, he had already poured water for her.

Since Teacher Shi entered, his gaze never left her, as if she was a magnet.

When she smiled occasionally, his expression softened noticeably.

He truly held her dear to his heart.

Soon, their food arrived, and the soldiers also finished their training and came in.

A large group of soldiers flooded in.

The soldiers were momentarily stunned seeing the interview team and Shi Tingyu but quickly resumed their routine, often passing by their table and greeting Shi Tingyu as “sister-in-law.”

Shi Tingyu felt her face stiffen from smiling so much.

Another person who laughed heartily was reporter Yu Lili.

Seeing the upright soldiers exuding masculinity, her eyes widened even more.

If Da Zhuang hadn’t nudged her with his elbow, she might have drooled.

She discreetly wiped her chin, making sure there was no drool before relaxing.

Seeing this, Shi Tingyu couldn’t help but lower her head and laugh quietly.

This young lady was quite amusing.

But thinking about the soldiers in the barracks in later years, they were the dream of many girls. Even if they weren’t in the barracks, seeing a soldier passing by on the street would make them take a second look, let alone a whole group of them.

It’s just that people were more reserved back then.

Everyone was quite satisfied with the meal, and the atmosphere was pleasant.

Chinese dining culture is not just a saying; over the course of the meal, everyone became more familiar with each other and less restrained.

Because she was a girl, Yu Lili had already started linking arms with Shi Tingyu.

When she got close to Shi Tingyu, she could feel an unfriendly gaze.

This discovery amused her greatly.

She enjoyed walking with Shi Tingyu in front of Captain Lu, leaning on Shi Tingyu’s shoulder or tightly holding her arm.

She didn’t know why she felt compelled to do this, but every time she saw Captain Lu’s seemingly jealous expression, the little person in her heart couldn’t help but scream with excitement.

Shi Tingyu, always perceptive, noticed her little actions but didn’t say anything.

Her behavior was a bit like someone shipping a couple and squealing in excitement in later years.

As she didn’t sense any malice, Shi Tingyu let her be.

The group, being practical people, didn’t rest after lunch and headed straight to the school.

Lu Weiguo continued to accompany them.

Since the elementary school was in the family compound, the students went home for lunch at noon.

At this time, the school was empty as the children had already gone home.

When the interview team arrived at the school gate, they were stunned by the impactful wall paintings on both sides.

They had never seen such paintings before and were left speechless for a long time.

Seeing their expressions, Principal Ren maintained a modest demeanor, but his pride was evident.

“These are the wall murals created by Teacher Shi.”

Da Zhuang quickly took out his camera and started taking pictures.

The camera shutter kept clicking; if it weren’t for the concern about running out of film, he would have taken more.

Yu Lili took out her pen and notebook to interview Shi Tingyu.

She asked about the meaning and inspiration behind the murals.

Shi Tingyu answered all her questions.

She explained that she chose a theme similar to a growth line because their elementary school was a military institution, and the children there were all children of soldiers. Her painting was a form of inheritance.

From little kids gradually growing up to become the next generation of soldiers, bearing the responsibility for China, facing the sunrise and the red flag.

Yu Lili nodded while taking notes, constantly praising Shi Tingyu.

To someone who didn’t know better, it would seem like a fan meeting their idol.

It had to be said, Yu Lili had a keen eye. She asked Shi Tingyu, “Is the soldier coming out of the flames in the background based on a real person?”

The interview team’s gaze all turned to Shi Tingyu.

Lu Weiguo’s ears perked up.

He knew his wife had painted it based on his likeness, but that didn’t stop him from wanting to hear her say it again.

Yu Lili’s grip tightened on her pen out of excitement, and she eagerly asked, “Is it modeled after Captain Lu? I think the figure looks just like him.”

Shi Tingyu responded softly, “It’s him.”

Those simple words filled Lu Weiguo with joy.

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