Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army
Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army Chapter 55

Chapter 55

Shi Tingyu ignored Yu Lili’s gossiping eyes and, after introducing the murals, went on to introduce the school to everyone.

Standing on the sidelines, Lu Weiguo felt immense pride as he watched his wife being admired by everyone.

She was his wife and an outstanding artist. Her excellence was not overshadowed by her title as the captain’s wife. Nowadays, many people aspire to marry military officers, seeing it as an honor, but the title of “captain’s wife” was far less dazzling than her own brilliance.

If it weren’t for the whistleblower incident, his wife would have been the beloved pride of everyone.

Shi Tingyu had no idea that in this short time, Lu Weiguo had already thought so much.

As students started trickling in, the interview team entered the school and interviewed a few students.

The children from the family compound were generally bold and none of them were shy on camera.

The interview wrapped up around 3:30 in the afternoon.

After seeing off the interview team, Lu Weiguo returned to the camp.

The commotion didn’t escape the eyes of the military wives.

They all knew that the elementary school within their compound had received an honor, and that the main contributor, Shi Tingyu, had been interviewed.

A few days ago, they had had opinions about her due to the rumors, but now she was going to be featured in the newspaper.

“Can you believe how lucky that Xiao Lu’s wife is?”

“Who wouldn’t think so? Look at what happened to Old Lady Lu for offending her, and now she’s being interviewed. That’s not something just anyone gets.”

“Being pretty sure has its perks; interviewers love to interview people like her.”

Jiang Yun, passing by and overhearing their conversation, stopped in her tracks.

“Ladies, do you think interviews are just given out to anyone?”

Everyone looked at Jiang Yun in confusion.

Jiang Yun considered rolling her eyes and walking away but, thinking of Shi Tingyu, held back and said, “My elder sister works at the radio station, and their interviews have standards. If just anyone could be interviewed, wouldn’t that be chaotic?”

Everyone exchanged looks, realizing she had a point.

Jiang Yun continued, “Have you seen what Shi Tingyu has done? Our school in Jinling City ranked first among so many others. That’s not something just anyone could achieve.”

“In previous competitions, we never won first place. This time, it’s mainly because of Shi Tingyu’s contributions. It’s only right she got interviewed.”

Seeing the others fall silent, Jiang Yun decided to go all the way and speak up more for Shi Tingyu.

“And Old Lady Lu returning home wasn’t because Captain Lu’s wife forced her. We’re military families; soldiers have confidentiality rules. These things can’t be spread around carelessly. The rumors caused such a fuss, and that’s why it was dealt with.”

“My advice to you all: spread fewer rumors. It’s better for yourselves and your men.”

With that, Jiang Yun turned and walked away.

Shi Tingyu had only been in the family compound for a short time, and so many things had happened one after another. It could only be said that she and Captain Lu were too eye-catching.

With not much entertainment available, people tended to gather and chat.

Shi Tingyu was the kind of person who would become a topic of conversation.

She was the most beautiful military wife in the compound since she arrived, and everyone’s curiosity about her was genuine.

After the interview and Jiang Yun’s explanation, people gradually reduced the frequency of spreading rumors about Shi Tingyu.

After all, the last person who spread rumors had already returned home, and their soldier son had been disciplined.

Shi Tingyu was unaware that someone had helped quell the rumors about her. At this moment, she was standing outside her house, looking at a yellow dog scratching at the door.

She had just returned from school and found the dog scratching at the door. Shi Tingyu remembered this dog; it had crawled through the doghole before.

She had blocked the doghole with a stone, and now the dog was trying to enter through the front door?

The dog also noticed Shi Tingyu. It wagged its tail and wiggled its butt energetically, its innocent eyes fixed on her.

Shi Tingyu gave in.

She opened the door, and the dog followed her into the yard.

Shi Tingyu didn’t give it any spiritual spring water this time, but played with it for a while before preparing dinner.

The dog seemed to understand not to disturb Shi Tingyu during this time and ran to the vegetable garden, even digging up a few fat grubs for her.

When Shi Tingyu finished cooking and came out to check on it, she saw the grubs in the dirt and instantly got goosebumps.

Although she liked gardening and could crush aphids and red spiders without flinching, these grubs were another story.

The fat, white grubs wiggled around, looking utterly disgusting.

When Lu Weiguo returned from training, he saw Shi Tingyu and a little dog staring at the vegetable garden as if facing a great enemy.

The dog would occasionally jump up and paw at something.

Every time the dog pawed at it, Shi Tingyu would let out a small yelp.

He thought there was a mouse and quickly ran over.

Previously, his wife had screamed when startled by a mouse.

“What’s going on here?”

As he got closer, he realized it wasn’t a mouse on the ground but several wriggling grubs, some of which had already been squished by the dog’s paw.

Seeing Lu Weiguo back, Shi Tingyu quickly handed him a stick she had picked up.

“Quick, quick, kill them! They’re so disgusting.”

Lu Weiguo saw that she was so disgusted that she could barely speak. He thought about picking up the grubs and throwing them outside.

But before he could act, Shi Tingyu grabbed his hand.

“Don’t use your hands. Otherwise, I’ll be traumatized.”

Imagining him touching her after handling those grubs was unbearable.

Lu Weiguo silently retracted his hand, turned around, and fetched a shovel. He scooped up the grubs and tossed them outside the yard.

Shi Tingyu didn’t forget to remind him, “Throw them far away.”

Lu Weiguo moved the shovel around a bit more, pushing the grubs even further away.

Once the grubs were out of sight, Shi Tingyu finally relaxed.

She patted the dog’s head while scolding it, “Next time, don’t dig like that. Or if you do, take them outside yourself.”

The dog tilted its head, seemingly not understanding, so Shi Tingyu stopped talking to it.

Lu Weiguo put away the shovel, looked at the obedient little dog, and picked it up to examine it. “Whose dog is this?”

“I don’t know whose dog it is,” Shi Tingyu said, recounting how the dog had come over before. “This is its second time here.”

Seeing how animated Shi Tingyu was when talking about the dog, Lu Weiguo asked, “Do you like dogs?”

“Yeah,” Shi Tingyu nodded. “Dogs are great; they’re brave and can catch mice.”

Lu Weiguo put the little dog down and, after thinking for a moment, said, “If you like, I can check the kennel for you. If there’s a suitable one, I’ll bring it back for you.”

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