Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army
Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army Chapter 56

Chapter 56

The kennel Lu Weiguo mentioned is the military dog base in their camp.

By “suitable dogs,” he meant those that couldn’t become military dogs.

Not all dogs can be enlisted as military dogs. Some are born with various defects or instabilities, even though their parents, bred at the base, have excellent genes. Some puppies end up with disabilities.

Although these disabilities don’t affect the dogs’ normal lives, they disqualify them from becoming military dogs.

Hearing this, Shi Tingyu was overjoyed: “Really? Will the kennel at the camp allow that?”

Lu Weiguo replied, “Some dogs aren’t fit to be military dogs and can be adopted.”

With Lu Weiguo’s reassurance, Shi Tingyu felt relieved.

She already planned that regardless of any defects in the puppies, she could use the spiritual spring water to raise a smart dog.

Currently, military police dogs are mainly wolfdogs, particularly the Laizhou Hong, a type of wolfdog introduced from Shandong province.

Popular breeds like Malinois, Kunming dogs, and German Shepherds weren’t yet common.

Perhaps Kunming dogs existed, but they hadn’t been widely used in military police systems yet, still in the breeding optimization stage.

Shi Tingyu would likely end up with a wolfdog.

However, they couldn’t visit the kennel today. Lu Weiguo promised Shi Tingyu he’d take her to see the military dog team during his lunch break tomorrow.

As for the little dog, Shi Tingyu fed it some leftovers, which it ate happily.

But shortly after they finished eating, they heard someone outside calling for a dog.

“Saihu! Come home!”

“Saihu, come back if you hear me!”

The voice was a woman’s, but Shi Tingyu didn’t recognize it.

She noticed the dog’s ears perk up at the woman’s voice, realizing it must be Saihu.

Looking at the dog still eating, she called out, “Saihu.”

Saihu wagged its tail excitedly and barked at her.

Seeing the response, Shi Tingyu couldn’t help but smile. “Hey, it’s really you.”

Seeing some food left in the bowl, she said, “Hurry and eat, your owner is coming to get you. I’ll go inform her so she doesn’t worry.”

Saihu seemed to understand, ignoring the calls outside and focusing on eating.

Shi Tingyu handed the dishwashing to Lu Weiguo and went outside to call the person.

As Jiang Yun got closer to the Lu family home while searching for her dog, she hesitated.

Any closer, and she’d be at the Lu family home. Should she go or not?

Knowing her dog’s sharp ears, she called out a few more times. If Saihu was there, he’d surely respond.

She called a few more times but heard no response.

Thinking Saihu might not be there, she was about to leave when the Lu family’s gate opened, and a beautiful woman in a long dress with a low ponytail walked out.

It was Shi Tingyu.

Shi Tingyu was surprised to see her. It was the same woman she saw on her first trip to town on the supply truck.

“Are you looking for a yellow dog, about this big?” Shi Tingyu asked, gesturing with her hands.

Jiang Yun looked at the size and color, recognizing it as Saihu.

“Yes, have you seen it?” she asked.

Shi Tingyu said, “It’s at our house. I found it scratching at our door after work.”

Jiang Yun felt awkward. Her dog had run into someone else’s home, and she had to retrieve it.

But the homeowner was the man she had once been introduced to, making it even more awkward since she had turned him down.

“Um, could you bring Saihu out?”

Shi Tingyu was a bit surprised but didn’t refuse. It wasn’t a big deal. “Sure, wait a moment.”

Shi Tingyu went back inside to call Saihu. Hearing her call, Saihu happily ran out.

Seeing Saihu, Jiang Yun couldn’t just stand there. She stepped forward, picked Saihu up, and noticed its full belly. “Did you feed it?” she asked in surprise.

Shi Tingyu replied, “Yeah, it looked hungry, so I fed it.”

People didn’t worry about feeding dogs in those days, unlike later when feeding someone’s pet could cause trouble.

With scarce food, feeding someone else’s dog was considered a kind act.

“Saihu is quite greedy. Sorry for the trouble,” Jiang Yun said, feeling embarrassed.

Seeing her reaction, Shi Tingyu didn’t mention that Saihu had visited twice.

Saihu squirmed in Jiang Yun’s arms, jumped down, and ran to Shi Tingyu, wagging its tail.

Jiang Yun couldn’t help but twitch her mouth. The dog had only been over once and already seemed disloyal?

Weren’t dogs supposed to be loyal? Did Saihu eat its loyalty?

She coughed lightly and called Saifu a few times, but he ignored her. Jiang Yun awkwardly touched her nose. “Sorry, my dog is a bit…”

She paused for a moment, unable to find the right word.

Shi Tingyu chuckled. “It’s okay. I think Saifu is quite cute.”

She patted Saifu’s head and said, “Alright, go back with your owner. It’s getting dark, and you need to go home.”

Saifu looked at her, then at Jiang Yun, and reluctantly walked towards Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun felt like laughing bitterly. Why did he look so unwilling to go home?

Was the outside world really that tempting?

When the dog came over, Jiang Yun picked him up. She thanked Shi Tingyu and prepared to leave.

After a few steps, she remembered she hadn’t introduced herself. She turned back to Shi Tingyu and said, “By the way, I’m Jiang Yun, the wife of Company Commander Qi from the Second Battalion.”

“Oh, I see,” Shi Tingyu replied, a bit slow on the uptake. “I’m Shi Tingyu.”

Jiang Yun looked at her and smiled. “I know you. Your wall paintings are beautiful.”

“Thank you,” Shi Tingyu said, surprised at her own fame. She rarely interacted with people in the family quarters.

When Lu Weiguo saw that Shi Tingyu hadn’t returned after a long time, he went out to find her. He saw Jiang Yun’s back as she was leaving.

He turned to Shi Tingyu and asked, “Did you give the dog back to her?”

“Yes,” Shi Tingyu replied, watching Jiang Yun’s back thoughtfully.

“What’s wrong?” Lu Weiguo asked, noticing her unusual demeanor.

Shi Tingyu asked, “Do you remember the woman I told you about? The one I met on the supply truck to town, with the delicate features?”

Lu Weiguo vaguely remembered the story but couldn’t recall the details his wife had described about the woman.

“It’s her. Saifu’s owner is the woman I told you about. She’s Jiang Yun, the wife of Company Commander Qi.”

Lu Weiguo knew Qi Shan. He was a reliable comrade, though Lu Weiguo had no impression of his wife since she wasn’t from their battalion.

“Was she rude to you?” Lu Weiguo asked.

Shi Tingyu shook her head. “No, she seemed nice.”

She trusted her intuition, just as she had when she felt that gaze back then, which didn’t seem malicious.

Lu Weiguo took her hand and led her home. “As long as you weren’t mistreated. Let’s go back.”

Shi Tingyu obediently followed him, looking forward to choosing a dog from the military kennel the next day.

She was about to have her own dog.

Lu Weiguo thought it would be nice to have a dog at home. When he was away on missions, she would feel less afraid being home alone.

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