Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army
Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army Chapter 60

Chapter 60

The next day, Shi Tingyu boarded the supply truck to town to buy some tools for drawing storybooks.

There were quite a few people on the truck this time. Unlike before, everyone greeted her one by one.

Shi Tingyu responded with a smile but wondered what had changed. She preferred when they kept their distance and didn’t talk to her.

She felt awkward chatting with people she barely knew or hadn’t met before, wishing she could disappear.

But there she was, sitting right beside them, unable to hide.

She couldn’t understand why these people were suddenly so friendly towards her.

Little did she know, since the last interview, people in the residential compound had started to look at her with newfound respect.

In their eyes, anyone who made it to the newspaper was someone remarkable.

Coupled with Jiang Yun’s earlier efforts to clear the air, their perceptions of her had shifted.

That’s why they had greeted her warmly earlier.

When they arrived, Shi Tingyu quickly got off the truck. Once she couldn’t see those people anymore, she breathed a sigh of relief.

She first went to the counter selling stationery and art supplies to buy what she needed.

The sales clerk, upon seeing Shi Tingyu approach, was visibly impressed.

Having stood behind that counter for so long, the clerk had never seen such a beautiful person before. They couldn’t help but lower their voice a bit when speaking.

“Comrade, what would you like to buy?”

Shi Tingyu listed the items she needed, and the clerk promptly fetched them for her.

After checking everything, Shi Tingyu didn’t find any quality issues and happily paid with her ticket.

As Shi Tingyu was about to leave, the sales clerk seemed to realize something and looked at her in surprise.

“Comrade, you look remarkably like that teacher from the newspaper before.”

Then, recalling the art supplies Shi Tingyu had just purchased, the clerk became more certain of their suspicion.

“Are you the teacher who painted the murals at the primary school?”

Shi Tingyu hadn’t expected to meet someone who recognized her here, so she just nodded in confirmation, “Yes, that’s me.”

The sales clerk became excited, “It really is you! Your murals on the wall are so beautiful. I saw them in the newspaper, but unfortunately, they weren’t in color.”

Shi Tingyu smiled awkwardly. Before the clerk could continue, she quickly interjected, “I’m sorry, I have to go now or I’ll miss the bus.”

The clerk didn’t detain her further, only saying, “If you need art supplies in the future, come here. I’ll make sure to pick out the best for you.”

Their counter didn’t have many customers. Unlike the counter selling essential goods, there weren’t many people needing art supplies at the moment. Most purchases were made by units rather than individuals, so they usually had ample supply.

Back home, Shi Tingyu began brainstorming stories.

She planned to illustrate a story about a loyal dog.

Now that she had Lijian by her side, she had ready-made material.

Lijian was a descendant of military dogs, so this content should be publishable.

Watching Lijian frolic in the yard, she picked up her pen and began sketching its various poses.

As she drew, she became more and more adept. Before she knew it, the paper was filled with Lijian’s images.

Once she felt confident in capturing Lijian’s various forms, Shi Tingyu took advantage of the noon break to visit the military dog base with Lijian.

She wanted to draw Lijian’s adult state, but Lijian couldn’t grow up quickly through any artificial means. She had to find traces of its parents in its appearance.

Captain Li was delighted to see Shi Tingyu and Lijian.

He reached out to pat Lijian’s bones, eyes filled with surprise. “Sister-in-law, you’ve raised it so well. Look how sturdy it is compared to its siblings.”

Normally, Shi Tingyu couldn’t discern the difference, but seeing Lijian beside those other puppies, she could instantly tell the distinction.

Lijian was larger in size, with more robust and sturdy claws, and his eyes were particularly lively and expressive.

Shi Tingyu let Lijian accompany Captain Li to play, while she took out her paper and pen to sketch Lijian’s military dog parents.

Lijian’s parents were well-trained, executing every command flawlessly as soon as Shi Tingyu gave the order.

Meanwhile, after playing for a while on the suspension bridge, Lijian began searching for Shi Tingyu, ignoring Captain Li’s calls.

It was then that Captain Li noticed how fast Lijian could run. Despite his right front leg not bearing weight like a normal leg, it didn’t affect his speed at all.

Following Lijian, Captain Li arrived at the kennel. Initially intending to ask Shi Tingyu how she managed to raise Lijian so well, he saw she was busy and decided not to disturb her.

Lijian patiently lay down beside Shi Tingyu, impressing Captain Li with his obedience.

With limited lunchtime, Shi Tingyu didn’t stay long at the military dog base and returned on time.

Captain Li warmly invited her, “Sister-in-law, feel free to come again next time.”

Shi Tingyu waved to him and led Lijian back home.

After observing during lunch, Shi Tingyu had nearly grasped the adult dog’s form and behavioral habits. Once home in the afternoon, she began outlining her story.

It was a story of a disabled descendant of military dogs making a comeback.

Exciting and inspiring.

If a disabled puppy could be so determined, what about humans?

Once she got busy, Shi Tingyu forgot about time. Her daily routine became eating, working, and sleeping.

A few times when Mrs. Zhang didn’t see Shi Tingyu leave the house, she worried something had happened and visited several times.

She even brought some vegetables grown in her own garden.

Indeed, Shi Tingyu hadn’t gone out much these days, and she relied on her own space and the garden’s vegetables for meals.

When Mrs. Zhang came, she felt Shi Tingyu couldn’t just eat these simple vegetables every day, so she took her to a nearby village to get some meat and fish.

Nearby was Zhu Family Village, not far from here and situated by the lake, with many fishermen. Shi Tingyu hadn’t ridden a bicycle before, so Mrs. Zhang took her along.

Although Mrs. Zhang wasn’t tall, she rode the bicycle with remarkable skill, swaying her hips left and right.

Seeing the smooth road, Shi Tingyu finally relaxed.

The villagers welcomed military wives who came to buy fish. It was also a source of income for their village.

Shi Tingyu bought a fish and some river prawns.

Knowing Shi Tingyu was good at cooking and would enjoy eating, Mrs. Zhang bought the same and planned to learn from her how to prepare them, intending to cook for Mr. Zhang and Damao at home.

Shi Tingyu explained the cooking method in detail. Mrs. Zhang thought even if she couldn’t cook as well as Shi Tingyu, it wouldn’t be far off.

Sure enough, at dinner, Sergeant Zhang and Damao enjoyed the meal and praised Mrs. Zhang for her improved skills.

Mrs. Zhang was thrilled and resolved to learn more from Shi Tingyu next time.

After dinner, Shi Tingyu relaxed and went to bed.

It had been ten days since Lu Weiguo went on his mission. When he left, he assured her it wouldn’t be too long, but now she was starting to worry.

Half-awake, half-asleep, Shi Tingyu vaguely felt like something was in the room.

She opened her eyes, but it was pitch dark and she couldn’t see anything.

Reaching out to turn on the bedside lamp, the light revealed a dark shadow circling and flying in the room.

Once Shi Tingyu saw what it was, she was shocked and broke out in a cold sweat.

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