Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army
Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army Chapter 64

Chapter 64

Shi Tingyu didn’t concern herself with other matters; as long as she knew his mission went smoothly and he wasn’t injured, she was satisfied.

“Good, as long as you’re not hurt. If you ever do get injured, you must tell me and not hide it from me.”

Lu Weiguo agreed.

“But this time, not only am I uninjured, I even feel healthier. I don’t know if it’s just my imagination.”

Usually, even if he wasn’t injured during a mission, he’d feel exhausted afterward. This time, however, he returned feeling energetic.

Shi Tingyu paused with her chopsticks. She knew it must be the effect of the spiritual spring water. To prevent him from overthinking, she added, “Maybe it’s because you’ve been eating better. Before, you were eating at the canteen alone, but now I cook for you every day.”

Lu Weiguo saw her taking credit and played along, “Yes, it’s definitely because of you.”

Shi Tingyu thought, of course it’s my doing; it’s the spiritual spring water. Seeing its beneficial effects, she decided to make something with the spring water to send to her elder brother.

Sending water wouldn’t work, but she could send food made with it. Since it was hot, she could only send items that would keep well.

With Lu Weiguo on leave, Shi Tingyu planned to have him take her to town to buy some beef for making jerky. The last batch was well-received, so she wanted to make more.

Having learned from her previous experience, she was sure this batch would turn out even better. She shared her plan with Lu Weiguo.

“Sure, I’ll go with you tomorrow,” Lu Weiguo agreed readily.

Shi Tingyu was delighted, appreciating his stable demeanor. In her past experiences, many men would grudgingly accompany their wives, making the outing unpleasant. She felt fortunate to have Lu Weiguo.

Thinking about sending food to her parents in Qianxi Brigade as well, she asked, “Can I send some beef jerky to my parents too?”

Though she heard her parents were doing well in Qianxi Brigade, she knew even regular villagers had to work daily, let alone those sent there. Despite the Lu family’s covert help, they couldn’t be too overt.

Shi Qian and Liu Meihan were intellectuals who had hardly done any farm work in their lives. They were undoubtedly struggling, and she hoped the jerky’s effects would improve their health.

Calculating the time, Lu Weiguo noted it had been two months since her parents were sent to Qianxi Brigade. They should have adjusted by now, so he agreed, “You can send it.”

The next day, the couple went to town. This time, Shi Tingyu bought a lot of beef.

To avoid attracting attention, they didn’t take the supply truck but instead rode a bicycle with Lu Weiguo pedaling and Shi Tingyu riding on the back.

To make her ride more comfortable, Lu Weiguo had tied a cotton pad to the back seat. Though it didn’t look great, it was comfortable.

Previously, the bumpy ride hurt her, but this time it was much better, with no numbness.

They brought a bag for the beef, making it inconspicuous.

Shi Tingyu prepared the beef jerky efficiently, using the spiritual spring water this time instead of regular water.

She spent the whole day making the jerky, and by evening, the final product was ready.

After letting it cool, she packed it into five portions.

Lu Weiguo asked, “Why so many packages?”

“It’s not too much,” Shi Tingyu replied. “One for my brother, one for my parents, and the remaining three for your parents, your second uncle’s family, and your grandfather’s family.”

“Given your grandfather’s age, he might have trouble chewing, so I didn’t pack much for him.”

Shi Tingyu knew her parents were well off in Qianxi Brigade, thanks to Lu Weiguo’s second uncle. However, she couldn’t just send to him alone. Since she was sending, her in-laws and grandfather should get some too.

Lu Weiguo hadn’t expected her to be so thoughtful, feeling he hadn’t done enough.

Holding her hand, he said, “My wife is indeed meticulous and considerate. But let’s give more to your parents and less to my family; just a taste for them.”

“Don’t worry, I’ve portioned it perfectly.” Without giving him a chance to argue, Shi Tingyu had him fetch a large bag. She wrote the recipients’ names on paper slips and stuck them on each package, putting the ones for her parents and his family together, and the one for Shi Muhuan separately.

Lu Weiguo took the packages, “It’s hot. You shouldn’t go to town tomorrow. I’ll have Xiao Meng go to the post office.”

Shi Tingyu didn’t meddle in his work relationships, so she was happy to let Xiao Meng handle it if Lu Weiguo said so.

Lu Weiguo’s two-day leave ended quickly, and he resumed his training.

That day when he returned from the camp, there was a rare hint of excitement on his face.

“Wife, tonight they’re showing a movie near our family housing area. After dinner, let’s go watch.”

These days, opportunities to watch movies weren’t common.

Shi Tingyu had watched countless movies in her past life, but in this era, she hadn’t seen many, of course, not counting what the original person had seen.

“Where are they showing the movie?” Shi Tingyu asked.

“At the playground of your elementary school.”

The space there was relatively large, just right.

Actually, the training ground in their camp had more space, but it wasn’t open for just anyone to enter.

After dinner, Shi Tingyu was quite excited.

Lu Weiguo stopped her when he saw her wearing a dress.

He searched in the wardrobe for a while and handed her a pair of pants and a long-sleeved shirt: “Wear these, there are a lot of mosquitoes at the playground.”

Shi Tingyu glanced at the clothes handed to her, feeling a sense of pleasure.

Wasn’t this better than those men in the future who only knew how to complain about their girlfriends?

Happily, she changed into the long-sleeved shirt and pants and went out.

Lu Weiguo had a chair in his hand and a water bottle on his back, fully equipped.

As they walked, they could already see many people heading towards the primary school.

When they arrived, they realized there were indeed many people here.

Shi Tingyu had underestimated how much people in this era loved movies.

Seeing that the seats in front were already full, Lu Weiguo planned to find a spot to squeeze Shi Tingyu in.

Seeing the spot he found, she could indeed fit there alone, but not both of them.

“Should I sit over there and you sit here?” she asked.

Lu Weiguo said, “I’ll stand at the back, I’m tall, and I’d block others if I’m in front.”

Shi Tingyu really didn’t know whether to praise this man or call him silly.

“Then I’ll sit with you at the back. It’s not fun sitting alone in front with so many people and mosquitoes around.”

Seeing that she really didn’t want to sit alone in front, Lu Weiguo didn’t insist on her going over.

The two of them sat down at the back. The movie hadn’t started yet, but the screen was already set up, and the projectionist beside them was preparing the film.

There was a breeze on the playground that evening, making it feel not too hot.

Shi Tingyu couldn’t help but sigh, “It would be perfect if we had a can of popcorn.”

Lu Weiguo glanced at her and took something out of his pocket, placing it in her hand.

When Shi Tingyu looked, it turned out to be a large White Rabbit milk candy.

“No popcorn, but we have White Rabbit.” Lu Weiguo looked at her, speaking softly.

A nearby child happened to see this, and their envious gaze nearly stuck to Shi Tingyu, unable to pull away.

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