Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army
Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army Chapter 69

Chapter 69

“Shi Tingyu’s desire to learn martial arts wasn’t just talk.

It’s said that having more skills doesn’t weigh one down. In the future, if she encounters any danger, she can handle it herself. She can’t rely on her space for everything either.

This space is fantastic; if one day it suddenly disappears, it’s not impossible. What will she use to save herself then, without this cheat device?

The space can bring her family’s physical health, and she is already very satisfied with that.

Shi Tingyu thought that Lu Weiguo would start her training the next day at least with some basic stances.

Little did she know, he came back for breakfast and nothing happened.

“Aren’t we training today?” she asked.

Lu Weiguo glanced at her, his ears turning slightly red, hesitated a bit before saying, “Your body isn’t quite suitable for training these past two days.”

Shi Tingyu wanted to say her body was fine, but seeing his expression, she suddenly felt relieved.

These days, after their passionate encounters, women always felt uncomfortable for a few days.

She couldn’t tell him that she would secretly use the Spirit Spring water in the space to bathe after they finished.

So Shi Tingyu just agreed.

However, the matter of martial arts training was postponed, and one thing was indeed pressing.

The two people she encountered on the mountain last time, Shi Tingyu felt it was very important.

She wanted to sketch those two while her memory was still fresh.

At that time, they were a bit away from her, and when she peeked, she only saw their profiles.

But that didn’t stop her from sketching them.

Before she became famous in her previous life, she had worked as a sketch artist at the police station for a while.

Initially, she studied fine arts and specialized in painting. She didn’t choose other well-paid professions, so she could only paint.

But she found it difficult to monetize her art before she gained fame.

In order to find a stable job within the system, she passed the public security professional knowledge examination, as well as physical and psychological fitness assessments, and finally became a police sketch artist.

However, by chance, she participated in the national art Golden Color Award and won the gold prize, becoming famous overnight and gradually gaining popularity.

Later on, she continued to participate in competitions both domestically and internationally, achieving good rankings, and her reputation grew. Gradually, her paintings also became more valuable.

Before she crossed over, one of her paintings fetched up to eight million.

Of course, that painting was not small in size. Later, she had her own brokerage team, and her career was thriving.

Although she resigned from the police station, when they encountered major cases without clues, she would still go back to help, but it was no longer her main job.

Shi Tingyu took out pen and paper, and while her memory was still fresh, she sketched the images she had seen.

Two men facing each other in profile.

Although she didn’t understand the dialect they spoke, she could judge whether it was a southern or northern dialect.

This was very useful for her in capturing their features.

By late morning, Shi Tingyu had already placed several finished sketches on her desk.

There were sketches of two men facing each other in profile and also two separate frontal portraits.

This task wasn’t too difficult this time, since she had seen their profiles clearly. It would be much simpler to reconstruct their front views than to create simulations based on verbal descriptions alone.

By early afternoon, Shi Tingyu confirmed three sketches.

One was the profiles of the two men in the same sketch, and the other two were individual frontal portraits.

After double-checking, Shi Tingyu put away her drawing tools.

She stretched her body and prepared herself something to eat.”

“After eating, she picked some vegetables from the vegetable garden.

Finally, her gaze inadvertently swept over the climbing rose on the wall.

Thinking of the last time Lu Weiguo was stabbed in the hand, she decided to dig up this one at the door and replace it with another flower.

In the end, she settled on a tall hollyhock.

This thing is grown by many people and can sometimes grow up to two meters tall.

Fortunately, this rose hasn’t been planted for long, so it wasn’t troublesome to dig up.

She transplanted the dug-up rose into the space.

When Lu Weiguo asks later, she’ll say she threw it away.

He won’t delve into such matters.

Sure enough, when Lu Weiguo came back in the evening, he noticed a vacant spot along the courtyard wall.

He asked, ‘Where did this flower go?’

Shi Tingyu used the prepared excuse and Lu Weiguo indeed didn’t pursue it further, just feeling a bit sour inside. ‘Wife, the last time you got stabbed was an accident. I see you liked those flowers.’

Shi Tingyu replied, ‘These things aren’t that important. Now that the thorny one is gone, when you have time, take me to buy some other flowers.’

‘Okay, I’ll buy whatever you like.’

Shi Tingyu chuckled; if she were someone who liked spending money recklessly, she’d definitely leave him with nothing.

Lu Weiguo returned to his room to change clothes but found many portraits of men inside.

He picked up one and found the person in the painting somewhat familiar, but couldn’t recall where he had seen him before.

When he saw the three pictures pressed under a book, his eyes tightened involuntarily.

This was Platoon Leader Wang, a platoon leader from the Third Battalion.

Looking at the other paintings, especially the one where two men faced each other, it reminded him of what Shi Tingyu had said last night.

She said she encountered two strange people.

Thinking this, he took the paintings and went to the kitchen.

‘Wife, are these the people you met on the mountain?’ Lu Weiguo asked.

Shi Tingyu glanced at the painting, not surprised by his caution, nodded, ‘Yes, these are the reconstructed images based on what I saw at the time. Although they’re from the profile, they should be accurate.’

Seeing that he recognized the people in the paintings, she knew her drawings were correct.

Lu Weiguo earnestly cautioned, ‘Don’t tell anyone about this matter, understand?’

Shi Tingyu nodded; she understood this principle.

Seeing her agreement, Lu Weiguo asked again, ‘You’ve drawn many. Besides this platoon leader Wang, which other person did you base your sketch on?’

Shi Tingyu wiped her hands with a towel and went to the room to fetch the other two portraits for him.

Lu Weiguo examined the remaining two and said, ‘After you eat, I need to go see Zhao Tuan.’

Shi Tingyu knew the matter was urgent and didn’t try to dissuade him. For a soldier, national security comes above all else, even a meal.

Lu Weiguo hurried off.

Shi Tingyu prepared and ate her meal alone.

It wasn’t until after eight o’clock in the evening that Lu Weiguo returned under the cover of night.

Compared to when he left, his tightly furrowed brows had relaxed.

They weren’t sure yet if Platoon Leader Wang was a spy. Their priority now was to track and investigate.

If he was a spy, being able to infiltrate the position of a platoon leader meant he was definitely a formidable player among spies. Capturing him could lead to catching many others.

Shi Tingyu didn’t ask about Platoon Leader Wang; she knew that was something for the professionals to handle.

She served Lu Weiguo his meal in the kitchen, ‘Hurry and eat; it should still be warm.’

Lu Weiguo took the food, a smile in his eyes, ‘Even if it’s cold, it’s still delicious when you make it.'”

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