Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army
Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Lu Weiguo was already prepared for the woman to scream in fright at any moment.

Seeing the expressions of Father and Mother Shi, he thought to himself, “Just as expected.”

He kept his eyes away from the woman he was meeting for the blind date, afraid of scaring her.

But this time, he didn’t hear any frightened screams.

Feng Wei, knowing the impact of his brother’s face, also didn’t dare speak for fear of scaring the family.

The air felt tense.

People in the state-run restaurant were also casting curious glances their way.

Those with keen minds guessed from the posture of both sides that it was a blind date.

However, seeing the woman’s fairy-like beauty and then looking at the man’s face, they all sighed internally at the mismatch.

Shi Tingyu felt the attention from those around them. She tugged on her parents’ hands and said, “Comrades Feng and Lu, these are my parents.”

Her words seemed to be a signal, and Feng Wei regained his eloquence while Lu Weiguo’s tense heart relaxed a bit.

For the first time, he looked at his blind date.

Shi Tingyu’s overly beautiful face came into view, and his narrow eyes couldn’t help but contract.

The surrounding noise faded away, leaving only that slightly sweet-smiling face shining brightly.

Seeing Lu Weiguo in a daze, Feng Wei quickly gave him a nudge.

Lu Weiguo snapped back to reality, stiffly greeting Father and Mother Shi.

“Uncle, Auntie, hello. I’m Lu Weiguo.”

Facing Lu Weiguo’s outstretched hand, Mother Shi didn’t have the courage to shake it, so Father Shi took it upon himself.

Mother Shi looked worriedly at her daughter.

But her daughter was smiling, unaffected by the man’s appearance.

Feng Wei arranged for Shi Tingyu to sit opposite Lu Weiguo.

Lu Weiguo sat upright, his hands on his knees, rubbing them slightly.

His sharp, focused gaze was fixed on the woman across from him.

His intense gaze was hard to ignore, and Shi Tingyu felt it keenly.

She raised her eyes to meet Lu Weiguo’s gaze.

In the next moment, she saw his eyes shift away.

If she weren’t particularly sensitive to people’s emotions, she might not have noticed his unease.

At this moment, the waiter called out that their dishes were ready.

Lu Weiguo stood up abruptly and walked quickly to the counter to get the food.

Looking at the dishes and utensils, Shi Tingyu instinctively used water to rinse the chopsticks and bowls.

When Lu Weiguo returned with the food, he saw Shi Tingyu’s actions.

Seeing her holding the bowl of water, unsure of what to do with it, he extended his arm and said, “Give it to me.”

Shi Tingyu looked up at him and noticed that his ears were red.

She handed over the bowl with a soft “Oh.”

When Lu Weiguo took the bowl, he didn’t intentionally get close to her, keeping a two-finger distance from her hand.

Shi Tingyu’s gaze lingered on Lu Weiguo’s hand briefly before she looked away.

His hands were large and rough, the calluses clear even at a glance, indicating their thick texture.

His fingers also had small, scattered wounds.

Shi Tingyu had drawn the hands of farmers, workers, teachers, and beautiful women, but she had never drawn a soldier’s hands.

Unexpectedly, a soldier’s hands were more striking than any she had seen before.

The thought only lasted a moment. By the time she refocused, Lu Weiguo had already taken the bowl away.

He turned and went to the door to pour out the water used to rinse the chopsticks.

When he returned, he asked the waiter for another cup of water.

Under the waiter’s reluctant gaze, he rinsed the chopsticks and bowls of everyone at the table.

Feng Wei was so shocked by Lu Weiguo’s actions that his eyes almost popped out. Since when had Lu Weiguo been so attentive?

After the utensils were rinsed, everyone started eating.

Lu Weiguo and Feng Wei ate quickly, as if they were shoveling the food straight from their mouths to their stomachs, finishing in a few minutes.

Seeing this, Father and Mother Shi also put down their chopsticks, knowing that the primary purpose of this visit was the blind date, not the meal.

Shi Tingyu also put down her chopsticks upon seeing this.

Feng Wei and Lu Weiguo realized they might have done something foolish.

Feng Wei cleared his throat and smoothed things over, “As soldiers, we’re used to eating quickly. Please continue eating at your own pace, don’t feel rushed.”

Lu Weiguo glanced at Shi Tingyu and said, “Take your time.”

His voice was low, with a raspy quality, as if his vocal cords were covered in sandpaper.

Seeing this, Shi Tingyu continued eating for a while longer.

When she no longer felt hungry, she put down her chopsticks.

Noticing that the Shi family was done eating, Lu Weiguo began to share his background.

“My name is Lu Weiguo. I’m the battalion commander of the First Battalion in the Jinling Military District. I’m twenty-eight years old. My parents work back home in Eastern Province.”

Shi Tingyu listened attentively.

Feng Wei noticed that she didn’t seem shy or embarrassed, indicating that there was no instant infatuation.

He glanced at his brother beside him, who was surprisingly proactive this time.

Well, it made sense; Comrade Shi was so beautiful that it was only natural for a man to be more forward.

Shi Tingyu asked, “Do you have any siblings?”

“I have an older brother. He’s already married, and my nephew is eight years old and in first grade.”

Shi Tingyu nodded.

From Lu Weiguo’s words, she could glean some information.

Lu Weiguo seemed to have a good relationship with his brother’s family. Otherwise, for an uncle who hadn’t been home for years in such a time of limited communication to know that his nephew was in first grade, it showed that he paid attention to his family.

Not to mention that being eight years old was just the right age for first grade.

It was 1975, and compulsory education wasn’t yet in place. Some children started school earlier, and some later.

Lu Weiguo continued, “I currently hold the rank of battalion commander, with a monthly salary of 101 yuan. There are additional allowances when I go on missions.”

“If we develop a deeper revolutionary relationship, after marriage, you can live with me in the family housing.”

“After marriage, whether you choose to work or stay at home, I will respect your decision.”

He had heard some things about the Shi family.

When Feng Wei mentioned arranging a meeting between him and Shi Tingyu, Lu Weiguo had already done some research.

He knew that Shi Tingyu wasn’t working at the moment and thought that perhaps she wouldn’t want to work after marriage either.

Not knowing the full details, he didn’t comment on it.

Shi Tingyu’s eyes brightened.

She was also worried about hastily agreeing to the marriage only to find that her husband would want her to work.

It wasn’t that she couldn’t work, but she wanted the choice to be hers.

Everything Lu Weiguo mentioned was very appealing to her.

After marriage, she could live with him without having to care for in-laws. Whether she worked or not would be up to her, he had a high salary, and he seemed genuine. Most importantly, his personality didn’t seem as unapproachable as his face suggested.

She was satisfied with all of this.

As for his appearance, she found him pleasing to look at. She wasn’t the type to change her aesthetic preferences based on others’ opinions. Besides, Lu Weiguo’s physique was impeccable—broad shoulders, narrow waist, long legs. In modern times, his body would definitely make many women swoon.

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