Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army
Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army Chapter 71

Chapter 71

A large package suddenly appeared in front of Captain Lu Erming, startling him.

“Is it for our family?”

The announcer smiled, “Yes, it’s addressed to you, Captain.”

Lu Erming put on his reading glasses and looked at the name on the package, confirming it was indeed for him.

He glanced at the return address from Jinling and guessed it was sent by his nephew who was serving in the military.

Taking off his glasses, he picked up the package and headed home.

The announcer watched from behind with a hint of envy; the Lu family seemed to be doing well.

Back at home, Lu Weiguo’s aunt, Wang Yueji, was washing clothes in the yard. When she saw her husband return with a large package, she immediately wiped her hands and asked, “Whose package is it?”

“It should be from Weiguo.”

A smile appeared on Auntie Lu’s face, “Weiguo is such a filial child, always thinking of us.”

Lu Erming also smiled. Their family had a good relationship, and the children got along well.

He carried the package inside and asked Auntie Lu to bring scissors, saying, “I think with such a large package, it should be something for Professor Shi and them.”

Auntie Lu didn’t mind hearing this, “Professor Shi and them have been here for a while now and have settled in. I suppose it’s time they sent something over too.”

After a while, Auntie Lu brought the scissors, and Lu Erming unpacked the package. Inside were several cans of neatly packed beef jerky, accompanied by a note explaining how to distribute them.

In addition to the beef jerky, there were two envelopes inside. One was addressed to Uncle Lu Erming, and the other to Professor Shi.

Lu Erming glanced at the envelope for Professor Shi; it seemed different from his. He felt it and had a rough idea—it probably contained some money.

Since it was still summer, they hadn’t sent clothes for the elderly yet.

Apart from the beef jerky, the package also contained some brown sugar and several cans of malted milk.

These items were all divided according to the recipients.

After looking through everything, Auntie Lu couldn’t help but comment, “Weiguo spends money so generously. These malted milk and such, they should be sent to his father-in-law’s place for health reasons. Why did he buy them for us?”

Each family’s items were the same, except that there were fewer beef jerky for the elderly father-in-law, who was too old to chew much.

Things like brown sugar and malted milk were added by Lu Weiguo later.

The main purpose was for the father-in-law; life in the countryside was tough, and they needed something to keep them going.

Lu Erming took out their portion and sent the items intended for his father-in-law over.

At his current age, the father-in-law no longer needed to work, but he kept busy making bamboo baskets at home.

His craftsmanship was quite well-known in the village.

When the father-in-law saw the things his second son sent, he smiled cheerfully. Despite the wrinkles and age, if this were modern times, he would resemble a retired mafia boss.

When he didn’t smile, he looked fierce; when he did, it was somewhat mischievous.

Lu Erming was used to his father’s appearance by now and said, “Dad, Weiguo and his wife sent these things. They’re for you and Mom.”

Upon hearing that it was his soldier grandson who sent them, the father-in-law was pleased but said, “Why is this child spending so much? Good things should be kept for themselves to eat. If they eat well, we will too.”

Lu Erming replied, “Dad, Weiguo is almost two meters tall now. Even if he eats more, he won’t grow any taller.”

The father-in-law nodded with a smile, “Weiguo is tall, just like me.”

Lu Erming couldn’t help but twitch his mouth. He thought to himself, “Indeed, just like you, with that fierce face of yours.”

He took out the items and placed them beside him, pointing to the beef jerky, “Weiguo’s wife made this beef jerky herself. She said to let you have a taste. I tried one before coming here, and I have to say, it’s flavorful and spicy. I figured you’d like it.”

The father-in-law liked strong flavors; that’s what he enjoyed.

Pausing his basket weaving, he washed his hands and tried a piece of beef jerky. Despite being seventy-five now, his teeth were surprisingly good.

After a couple of bites, his eyes lit up, “Weiguo’s wife is very skilled. This beef jerky packs a punch!”

Lu Erming nodded, “I knew you’d like it.”

After finishing a piece of beef jerky and carefully putting it away, the old father asked Lu Erming, “How’s it going over at Weiguo’s father-in-law’s place?”

Lu Erming thought about the sophisticated couple who were clearly intellectuals. He replied, “It’s fine. At first, they had trouble adjusting, but now they’ve settled in. They can keep up with work, and their health is good too, so they haven’t worn themselves out.”

The old father nodded, “They’re our real relatives. You should look after them more often.”

Lu Erming said, “Even if you didn’t say so, I already take care of them. I may not do it conspicuously, but I always assign them the lightest tasks.”

The old father was reassured now; he always asked about them every now and then.

Seeing that everything was settled, Lu Erming prepared to leave; there were still duties waiting for him at the brigade.

Just as he reached the door, he paused and said to the old father, “Dad, save some of the beef jerky for Mom. Don’t let her eat them all alone.”

In response, the old father threw a slipper at him. “What’s the use of saving some? Your mom’s teeth aren’t as good as mine. At most, she can taste a bit and know her daughter-in-law’s filial piety.”

Around ten in the evening, Lu Erming went to deliver things to Professor Shi and his wife.

Most villagers were already asleep by eight o’clock, so the village was quiet now.

Professor Shi and his wife lived alone in an old cowshed, which had been unused for cows and had no odor in the summer.

This was how things got done when you had connections.

Lu Erming knocked on the door and waited a while before hearing someone getting out of bed.

Professor Shi and his wife usually went to bed shortly after dinner. Although they had adapted to their current life, they were still tired and often went straight to bed after dinner.

Shi Qian opened the door and was somewhat surprised to see Lu Erming. “Captain, why are you here at this hour?”

Without exchanging pleasantries, Lu Erming handed them the items and whispered, “These are sent by Weiguo and his wife. There’s some money and notes inside.”

Upon hearing it was from Lu Weiguo and his wife, Shi Qian was excited.

At this moment, Mrs. Shi also woke up and came to the door, asking, “I just heard you mention Weiguo. What happened to him?”

She thought something had happened to her son-in-law.

Mr. Shi patted her back gently, “It’s nothing. Weiguo and Xiaoyu sent us some things.”

Seeing the items delivered, Lu Erming didn’t linger. If he were seen here, it wouldn’t be good for him or for Professor Shi and his wife.

After Lu Erming left, Mr. and Mrs. Shi took the items back into the house. For them, receiving these items meant more than just food; it also brought news that their daughter and son-in-law were well.

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