Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army
Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army Chapter 8

Chapter 8

After Lu Weiguo finished explaining his situation, Shi Tingyu began to talk about herself.

“My name is Shi Tingyu, I am twenty-two years old. Besides my parents, I have an older brother who is serving in the military as a company commander.”

Lu Weiguo already knew these details and nodded to indicate his understanding.

Suddenly, Shi Tingyu’s expression became serious, and she said to Lu Weiguo, “What I am about to say is very important and might affect your decision.”

Her parents looked at her with worried expressions.

Shi Tingyu looked into Lu Weiguo’s sharp eyes and said seriously, “Our family has a history of studying abroad. We were brought back to the country years ago, and because of this, we were reported recently. My parents might be sent away at any time.”

“This might have some impact on you.”

Shi Tingyu didn’t know how much trouble a bride’s family being sent away could cause for her husband’s family, so she could only say it might have some impact.

Lu Weiguo’s expression didn’t change at all.

In a low, steady voice, he said, “It’s okay, I don’t mind.”

He was pleased that she had been honest with him.

With his military achievements, even if Shi Tingyu’s parents were sent away, he wouldn’t be significantly affected.

He had joined the army at eighteen, fought in the Korean War at nineteen, and had been stationed in Vietnam until August of the previous year. He had returned to China several times but never for long. His eight years in the military were mostly spent in Vietnam.

This was how he had risen to the rank of battalion commander by the age of twenty-eight.

By now, his military career had spanned more than ten years, and he was not easily implicated in other people’s affairs.

Shi Tingyu’s father looked at his daughter and then at Lu Weiguo. He sensed the young man’s sincerity in his words.

To ensure his daughter wouldn’t feel inferior after marriage, he said, “If the day comes when we are sent away, you can publicly sever ties with us. We don’t want to affect you.”

Hearing this, Lu Weiguo was moved, understanding the selfless love of parents.

“It’s not necessary; it won’t come to that.”

Feng Wei echoed Lu Weiguo, “Yes, Professor Shi, it hasn’t come to that yet. Even if it does, a married daughter won’t be affected.”

Since ancient times, there has been a saying that trouble doesn’t reach a married daughter, and this was still true.

Time passed as they continued talking.

Seeing the waitstaff glaring at them for occupying the table too long, Shi Tingyu stood up first, “Let’s go home. If we stay any longer, the waitstaff will chase us out.”

Everyone agreed and got up to leave.

As they exited the state-run restaurant, Lu Weiguo offered to drive Shi Tingyu and her family home.

Shi Tingyu’s parents didn’t refuse.

The five of them got into the jeep that Lu Weiguo had driven.

Once in the car, the atmosphere was quite pleasant, with Shi Tingyu’s parents and Feng Wei doing most of the talking.

Shi Tingyu sat in the back with her parents, positioned so she could see Lu Weiguo’s profile as he drove.

The night was pitch black, and there were no streetlights on the road. Shi Tingyu could only vaguely see the outline of his jawline—sharp, a bit stern, a bit reserved, and somewhat rough and fierce.

Lu Weiguo felt the gaze from the back seat, his body tensing up. His originally expressionless face became even more stern.

As they were nearing the residential area, Lu Weiguo couldn’t help but ask, “Uncle, Auntie, and… Comrade Shi, what do you think of me? Comrade Shi, would you like to continue developing our relationship?”

Feng Wei: …

Usually, this job should be done by him, the matchmaker, acting as a go-between for both parties.

Shi Tingyu’s parents thought the same.

The prolonged silence made Lu Weiguo realize he might have been too hasty.

After thinking for a moment, he decided to express his true thoughts.

“If Comrade Shi and I can continue developing our relationship, I will need to submit a report first. The approval process will take some time.”

Even if Lu Weiguo didn’t explain further, Shi Tingyu’s parents understood.

They couldn’t afford to wait any longer.

Lu Weiguo knew that their eagerness to arrange this meeting was to find a good future for Shi Tingyu.

Additionally, he had a very positive impression of Shi Tingyu, which was why he asked such a blunt question.

Shi Tingyu’s mother quietly held her daughter’s hand.

Shi Tingyu squeezed her hand back and then said to Lu Weiguo, “I think you’re quite nice.”

She trusted her ability to judge people.

Even though it was just one meeting, a deeply scheming person could disguise themselves, but one’s eyes could not lie.

Small details could reveal a person’s character.

Feng Wei’s eyes lit up upon hearing this. Nowadays, young women were so reserved that saying someone was “quite nice” was already very rare.

He happily exclaimed several times.

“I’ll have Lao Lu submit the report as soon as we get back. I’ll keep an eye on the progress and make sure it’s expedited.”

Although Shi Tingyu’s parents were still somewhat uncertain, at this point, they had no time left to hesitate.

“Thank you, Comrade Feng.”

Thinking about the upcoming matters in the military district, Lu Weiguo said, “I’ll write the marriage report tonight. During the approval process, if you have any other thoughts, please let me know.”

“Yes,” Feng Wei added, “If you need to find him, you can come to the military district.”

Lu Weiguo turned his head slightly, his gaze accurately locking onto Shi Tingyu in the darkness.

“Comrade Shi, I might not be able to take leave frequently in the next few days, so it might be difficult to meet. I hope you understand.”

“It’s okay, I understand.”

The military district wasn’t a place one could come and go as they pleased like a shopping mall; discipline was paramount, and she understood that.

With everything out in the open, everyone felt a sense of relief.

When they arrived at the family housing of the research institute, Lu Weiguo and his companions didn’t go inside.

After saying their goodbyes, the Shi family of three went home and immediately held a small family meeting.

The main focus was to ask Shi Tingyu about her thoughts.

“Xiao Yu, we’ll ask you one question. Do you truly think Xiao Lu is good? Are you not feeling pressured?”

Shi Tingyu smiled and said, “I quite like his looks and personality. Such a person won’t easily attract unwanted attention. I’m very satisfied.”

With his daughter’s positive response, Shi Tingyu’s father stopped asking further questions and went to knock on the door of an old colleague at the research institute.

Professor Li had been working at the institute for over ten years, and his son was a company commander in the Jinling military district, possibly in the very same battalion as Lu Weiguo. If anyone knew about Lu Weiguo, it was him.

As expected, after a brief visit, Shi Tingyu’s father returned with most of the information about Lu Weiguo.

For the researchers, as long as they didn’t disclose research results, sharing commonly known facts wasn’t an issue.

According to Professor Li, Captain Lu was a heroic figure. However, due to his appearance, out of ten blind dates, nine had rejected him, and one even burst into tears at the sight of him.

As for his character, it was impeccable. At least in the eyes of the soldiers under his command, he was capable and responsible.

His family situation also seemed good; Professor Li’s son often saw Lu Weiguo’s family sending him packages.

Regardless of the value of the items, they arrived regularly.

After considering all this, Shi Tingyu’s father felt completely at ease.

When he returned home, he wanted to talk to his daughter to reassure her, but found she had already fallen asleep.

Shi Tingyu’s father: …

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