Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army
Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army Chapter 83

Chapter 83

In mid-September, Lu Weiguo brought some news to Shi Tingyu.

“The target from the sketch you drew has been captured.”

Shi Tingyu was surprised. “Already?”

Seeing her obvious reaction, Lu Weiguo explained, “Your sketch played a crucial role in capturing the target.”

The capture was conducted secretly. Since Wang Ming had infiltrated the military, there was a concern that other spies might have done the same. Therefore, the operation wasn’t made public.

Those involved in the capture were thoroughly vetted to ensure none of the enemy’s people were among them.

With Shi Tingyu’s sketch in hand, the enemy was in the open while they remained hidden, making the operation very smooth.

Listening to Lu Weiguo’s account, Shi Tingyu gained a new respect for these soldiers.

Nowadays, without surveillance cameras everywhere or advanced systems to match faces, capturing someone in such a short time was indeed impressive.

A few days later, Lu Weiguo returned from training and pulled out a stick from his jacket.

Upon closer inspection, Shi Tingyu saw it was a rolled-up banner.

It read “Outstanding Military Family Member” in gold letters.

“Why do you have this?” Shi Tingyu asked.

Lu Weiguo spoke solemnly, “This is an honor from the organization. You played the most crucial role in capturing the spy.”

Shi Tingyu suddenly recalled what Captain Zhao had said earlier—that when they caught the person, she would get the main credit.

Captain Zhao was true to his word; they even awarded her a small red flag.

Luckily, it was given at home. Otherwise, she would have been embarrassed in public.

Just when Shi Tingyu thought the recognition was over, Lu Weiguo pulled out twenty large bills from his pocket.

A total of two hundred yuan.

“Is this also a reward?” she asked.

Lu Weiguo placed the money in her hand. “This is your material reward.”

“Captain Zhao said that those who went on the mission received allowances. Even though you’re not part of our military camp, a banner alone wouldn’t suffice.”

Shi Tingyu counted the money and gave half to Lu Weiguo. “Here, for your pocket money. Thank Captain Zhao for me next time.”

Lu Weiguo returned the money to her. “I don’t need it in the camp. You keep it.”

Shi Tingyu insisted, “What if you have to entertain someone and don’t have money on you? How awkward would that be? And how will you buy me gifts next time if you have to borrow from your comrades?”

Lu Weiguo felt a bit uncomfortable.

He had borrowed money from a comrade to buy the bicycle.

He could have asked his wife for money, but that would have ruined the surprise.

So he borrowed the money and repaid it when he got his salary.

Shi Tingyu only found out when he had no money to turn in after payday.

She had assumed he used his savings for the bicycle and didn’t question it further.

When a man buys you a gift, don’t spoil the moment by discussing money, or you might not get any more surprises.

Lu Weiguo had given her every bit of his salary.

If she didn’t occasionally give him some money, his pockets would indeed be empty.

Of course, if the family couldn’t afford it, they would need to save.

In the end, Lu Weiguo kept a hundred yuan.

After dinner, Lu Weiguo remembered something and told Shi Tingyu, “Don’t talk about the banner or the spy capture.”

Shi Tingyu nodded obediently, indicating she wouldn’t say a word.

Lu Weiguo couldn’t help but ruffle her hair.

Sometimes, his wife was so adorable that he couldn’t resist.

The secrecy was for Shi Tingyu’s safety.

There were many spies in Jinling. The ones caught were just a few. If they publicly celebrated, it might attract retaliation.

Shi Tingyu also valued her safety.

The next day, during her break, Shi Tingyu rode her bicycle, taking Lijian with her. She planned to withdraw the money from the post office and deposit it.

Lijian was over six months old now, about to enter adolescence in human years. It was time for him to get used to being around people.

Usually, Lijian needed a lot of exercise, which required special outings. Running alongside the bicycle was a good way to exercise him.

Whenever she visited the military dog base, Captain Li always praised her for raising the dog well.

Although Lijian had been the weakest and disabled dog at the base, now his strong build and notable height impressed Captain Li.

On a smoother road, Shi Tingyu stopped her bicycle and let Lijian sit on the back seat.

Lijian sat properly, and Shi Tingyu rode at a slow pace. They made a harmonious pair.

From time to time, passersby couldn’t help but stop and watch.

When she reached a crowded area, Shi Tingyu put a leash on Lijian and let him down.

It was then that people noticed the dog’s front leg was disabled.

Some commented that she was too soft-hearted, raising a disabled dog and wasting so much food on it.

Lijian’s gaze dimmed, likely sensing the judgmental stares. Being an intelligent dog, he could perceive human emotions.

Shi Tingyu disliked the way people looked at Lijian, a mix of pity and disdain.

She rubbed his head. “Lijian, you’re amazing. Look, you outshine your siblings during training.”

Lijian seemed to understand her, his eyes sparkling as if she was his entire world.

Shi Tingyu put the leash around her hand and slowly rode toward the post office.

At the post office, she parked and locked her bike.

Holding Lijian’s leash, she walked inside.

Lijian followed closely by her side, showing how well-trained he was.

At over six months old, Lijian was about two-thirds the size of an adult dog.

Kunming dogs were naturally large and imposing, and Lijian’s size was intimidating.

However, most people in the post office were adults. Seeing that Shi Tingyu had him on a leash, they weren’t too frightened.

Perhaps they didn’t see a disabled dog as a threat.

The post office staff initially considered asking her to tie the dog outside, but seeing how well-behaved he was, they decided against it.

Shi Tingyu handed over her documents and remittance slip. “Comrade, could you please withdraw the money from this slip and deposit it into this passbook?”

The staff member wasn’t expecting much, thinking it would be a few hundred yuan.

But when they saw the slip, they were stunned by the five thousand yuan amount.

Wow, five thousand yuan was a lot in those days, making her almost a “ten-thousand-yuan household,” which was rare.

Despite the surprise, the staff quickly processed the transaction, their smile becoming warmer.

After receiving her passbook, Shi Tingyu thanked the staff and prepared to leave.

Suddenly, a sharp female voice yelled from the door.

“Robbery! Catch the thief!”

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