Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army
Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army Chapter 88

Chapter 88

When they returned home, it was already late afternoon.

There was a man standing at the doorstep.

Shi Tingyu looked at Wei Jian with some surprise and asked, “Brother Wei, how come you have time to come over?”

Wei Jian shifted his stiff legs slightly and smiled, “Oh, nothing much, just came to see you. Also brought some things to trouble you to send to Professor Shi and them. It’s just a little token of my appreciation.”

Shi Tingyu’s gaze fell on Wei Jian’s naturally smiling face, but inside, alarm bells were ringing. For some reason, she felt a vague sense of unease from him.

Lu Weiguo noticed the items next to Wei Jian.

There were cans of milk powder, malted milk, and other similar items—perfect for visiting friends and relatives.

Shi Tingyu quickly made up her mind and opened the door to let him in, saying, “Brother Wei, you’re too polite. My parents are in the reform, how can we send things over?”

Wei Jian chuckled, “It’s nothing. I have plenty of these things, and Professor Shi was very kind to me back when he was still at the institute. I just want to make things a bit easier for them.”

Upon hearing this, Shi Tingyu strangely felt a sense of calm. If earlier she couldn’t be sure of Wei Jian’s intentions, his words now revealed much.

If Wei Jian treated her parents as respected mentors, then hearing their own biological daughter refuse to help send gifts to them would undoubtedly be hurtful.

But he didn’t show any of that. He even managed to smile and exchange pleasantries with her.

Leading Wei Jian into the living room, Shi Tingyu went to fetch some water for him. Meanwhile, Wei Jian’s eyes wandered around the walls of the room.

When Shi Tingyu returned with the water, Wei Jian quickly stood up to take it. “Xiaoyu, no need to trouble yourself. I just came to drop off these things and will leave in a bit.”

Shi Tingyu was certain that Wei Jian wasn’t here just to deliver items—it was evident.

So she invited, “Brother Wei, if you’re free tonight, why not stay for dinner?”

Wei Jian promptly declined, “No need, no need. I have some business to attend to at the institute later.”

Just as Shi Tingyu thought he was about to leave, Wei Jian suddenly seemed very interested and asked, “Hey, Xiaoyu, this house of yours looks pretty nice. I think it’s better than living in an apartment.”

This time Lu Weiguo spoke up, “The space here is larger, more convenient for activities.”

Wei Jian nodded and then turned to Shi Tingyu, “I remember the paintings on the walls of the primary school. Did you paint them? Your house is quite nice, but the walls look a bit bare. With your talent, decorating with some paintings would be great.”

Lu Weiguo’s sharp eyes abruptly turned towards Wei Jian.

Wei Jian’s body tensed for a moment, then relaxed as if he hadn’t noticed Lu Weiguo’s gaze just now.

Before Shi Tingyu could speak, Lu Weiguo, feeling a twinge of jealousy, said, “Comrade Wei seems to know my wife quite well.”

With that, he reached out and squeezed Shi Tingyu’s hand.

Shi Tingyu returned the squeeze.

Wei Jian took in everything and smiled broadly. “Captain Lu, no need to be jealous. I treat Xiaoyu like a younger sister. I often hear Professor Shi and others mention her.”

Shi Tingyu squeezed Lu Weiguo’s hand a bit tighter.

Lu Weiguo knew then that Wei Jian’s words couldn’t be trusted.

Shi Tingyu understood Professor Shi’s character well; he would never discuss his daughter in such detail with a young man. He was a bit overprotective when it came to his daughter, and to him, a son-in-law was little different from a class enemy.

Originally, Lu Weiguo’s quick acceptance was also due to circumstances forcing him.

Faced with his daughter’s future, he managed to set aside the bit of hostility he harbored towards his son-in-law.

Such a father wouldn’t discuss her affairs in front of other men.

Lu Weiguo seemed to have been convinced by Wei Jian’s words, releasing his grip on his wife’s hand and relaxing his expression.

“I see.”

Seeing Lu Weiguo no longer scrutinizing him as before, Wei Jian once again steered the conversation towards Shi Tingyu.

“Xiaoyu, could I see some of your other paintings? Besides murals, I haven’t seen any of your other works. I heard you had an exhibition in the US, you must paint beautifully.”

If she were a typically proud young lady, she might genuinely have been impressed by his flattery.

Shi Tingyu lowered her eyes, a hint of sadness in her gaze.

“Brother Wei should know, in the current environment, I dare not paint anything. Even the murals were only done after the principal found me and assured me it was safe.”

She sighed again. “You also know about my parents being sent away. It was so hard not to be sent away myself, how could I dare pick up a brush? So there are no paintings left at home.”

Wei Jian’s brows furrowed momentarily, but quickly smoothed out. “No need for formal works, just any sketches you use for practice will do. I’m just curious to see.”

Shi Tingyu said, “Brother Wei, I really don’t have any. If you don’t believe me, ask Weiguo. I’m busy with physical training and school work. Weiguo is busy at the barracks, and I take care of the garden and the dog. When do I have time to paint?”

With that said, Wei Jian didn’t feel it appropriate to press further. Glancing at the time, he said, “It’s getting late. I should go. Next time I have time, Xiaoyu, you must paint me something. I’ll buy it according to your market price. I really do like your art.”

Shi Tingyu placated him, “That’s no problem. When the situation improves, I’ll definitely paint something for you. As for money, let’s not worry about that.”

Wei Jian took a deep breath. His purpose today hadn’t been achieved, leaving him somewhat frustrated. But lingering longer wouldn’t serve much purpose.

After bidding farewell to the young couple from the Lu family and leaving the yard, Wei Jian’s expression darkened.

His main purpose in coming was to see Shi Tingyu’s paintings.

Recently, a small leader from their intelligence department had been arrested.

According to the information received, people from the military district had been apprehended based on portraits. When he first learned of this, he immediately thought of Shi Tingyu.

He had wanted to see her paintings to confirm whether the portrait style matched hers, but unexpectedly, Shi Tingyu had skillfully evaded this.

He couldn’t afford to show too much suspicion, especially with Lu Weiguo not someone to be taken lightly.

Suddenly recalling Lu Weiguo’s gaze earlier, he couldn’t help but feel a chill. Reflecting on their conversation just now, he felt like he might have been exposed.

Had Shi Tingyu never really trusted him from the beginning?

When he wanted to see the paintings, she had made every excuse to avoid it, not the reaction of someone who trusted each other.

Moreover, her reluctance to send a package to Professor Shi didn’t seem like the attitude a daughter should have.

With these thoughts, his face turned pale, and his steps quickened on his way back.

1 comment
  1. RenTheWitch has spoken 5 days ago

    This man is so sus even the dog can tell


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