My Silly Boyfriend
My Silly Boyfriend chapter 23 : Cooking

Little Prince’s paranoia struck again.

Jing Li sighed quietly in her heart and attempted to reason with him: “It’s already lunchtime, I want to eat a meal, not a cake. If I eat the cake, then I won’t be able to eat a meal.”

Jing Ran glanced at the clock hanging on the wall inside the shop. It was almost time for lunch. After thinking for a moment, he said, “Then I’ll make it for you in the afternoon.”

Jing Li asked, “Aren’t we closed in the afternoon?”

Jing Ran replied, “I have the keys.”

Oh, you’re the grandson of the boss, so you have the final say.

“What should we eat later then? Claypot rice?” Jing Li looked at the shop across the street, Hua Ji Claypot Rice, and remembered that Jing Ran had insisted on eating their claypot rice yesterday.

“I’ll cook today.”


The employees in the shop had already finished cleaning and left one by one after punching out. Jing Ran and Jing Li were the last to leave the bakery. Jing Ran locked the door of the bakery.

Jing Li remembered something and asked, “When is grandma coming back?”

Jing Ran squatted down to lock the rolling shutter and stood up to answer, “She came back this morning, took some luggage, and said she was going to soak in hot springs with an old friend. She’ll be back tomorrow.”

Jing Li couldn’t help but suspect that Grandma was giving them an opportunity to be alone together.

Jing Ran injured his foot yesterday, so he walked slowly, limping up the stairs.

Jing Li followed behind him and asked, “Ranran, is your foot still not better?”

“It’s much better.”

Jing Li looked at his unnatural walking posture and said, “After we eat, I’ll apply some medicinal alcohol on it for you.”

Jing Ran responded quickly, “Okay.”

After reaching the second floor, Jing Ran changed into slippers and went straight to the kitchen to cook. Jing Li didn’t know how to cook and didn’t have much to do, so she stood at the kitchen door watching Jing Ran cook.

Jing Ran opened the refrigerator, which was filled with fresh food – vegetables, meat, and fruits. It was enough for the two of them to spend a small weekend.

At this moment, Jing Li was certain that Grandma deliberately wasn’t at home!

Unfortunately, Jing Ran didn’t grasp his Grandma’s intention.

Fortunately, it was Jing Ran.

Otherwise, girls like Jing Li, who have no strength at all, would probably be devoured completely by a normal man if they were to spend the night alone with him.

“What do you want to eat?” There were too many things in the fridge, and Jing Ran didn’t know how to choose.

Jing Li walked into the fridge and took a look, saying, “Beef, um… also a serving of tomato scrambled eggs, and… ah…”
A furry touch swept across Jing Li’s ankle, scaring her into screaming and throwing herself into Jing Ran’s arms, tightly grabbing onto his clothes.

“Lili, it’s Xiao Xiaokang.” Jing Ran made no improper moves, pointing at the little cat at the kitchen door with his hand.

Jing Li followed his direction and indeed saw Xiao Xiaokang.
Xiao Xiaokang innocently meowed, “Meow.”

Jing Ran, somewhat childishly, put on an angry face and spoke to Xiao Xiaokang, “Xiao Xiaokang, you can’t scare your sister!”

Xiao Xiaokang ignored Jing Ran and walked away with a cold expression.

Jing Li breathed a sigh of relief. So it was Xiao Xiaokang, scaring her to death. She thought it was a big rat. Jing Li noticed that she was still tightly holding onto Jing Ran’s clothes in front of her chest and didn’t let go. After releasing her grip, she smoothed out the wrinkled fabric on his chest with her hands.

Jing Li heard Jing Ran’s rapid breathing, which was heavy and clear. When she looked up, Jing Ran’s cheeks were flushed red, spreading to his ears and neck. It was then that she realized how ambiguous their distance and actions were.

“I… I’ll go watch TV.” Jing Li found an excuse to leave the kitchen. She didn’t know if her face was red, but she just felt that her face was hot. She raised her hand to fan herself, trying to cool her cheeks.


Xiao Xiaokang stood by the balcony door, waiting in front of his food bowl, waiting to be fed by his owner. Next to the balcony door, there was a small wooden cabinet where Jing Li remembered that Jing Ran had placed the cat food he bought yesterday. Jing Li opened the small wooden cabinet, and Xiao Xiaokang quickly walked over and rubbed against Jing Li’s ankle, meowing softly.

“Come, time to eat.” Jing Li picked up a small cup and scooped some cat food, then walked to the balcony and poured it into Xiao Xiaokang’s bowl.

Xiao Xiaokang ran quickly and started eating the cat food eagerly.

Jing Li returned to the living room and turned on the TV. During lunchtime, the television station was replaying last week’s variety show. Coincidentally, Jing Li had already watched it on her phone while at school, so she didn’t find it interesting to watch again.

The kitchen ventilation hood started making noise, along with some sizzling sounds of cooking. The aroma of the dishes wafted from the kitchen to the living room, making one’s mouth water.

Jing Ran really is a little wizard, he cooks so well!

Three dishes and one soup were placed on the dining table.

Bitter melon stir-fried with beef, tomato scrambled eggs, steamed pork ribs with garlic and dried tangerine peel, and a salted egg mustard green soup.

The dishes were very ordinary, similar to the school cafeteria, but Jing Li felt that they would taste better than the cafeteria.

Jing Ran held two bowls of rice and two pairs of chopsticks and walked out of the kitchen. One portion was placed in front of Jing Li, and he said, “You can start eating.”

Jing Li picked up a piece of spare rib and put it in her mouth. The tangerine peel removed the fishy smell from the spare rib, making it taste more delicious and fresh. The bitter melon was crunchy and not bitter at all…

Jing Ran, like a child, had an expression full of anticipation, seeking praise. “Is it delicious?”

Jing Li was enjoying her meal and also acted like a child, nodding vigorously and saying, “It’s really tasty! Even better than what Grandma makes!”

Jing Ran laughed and said, “Then eat more!”

After finishing the meal, Jing Li had eaten twice as much as she usually did. The meals from last night and today almost made her feel stuffed. If this continues until tomorrow’s dinner, her stomach will probably expand, her appetite will increase when she goes back to school, and then she will become fat and ugly…

Oh, she didn’t dare to think about it.

In the evening, she should eat less.

Jing Ran stood up to clean the tableware. “Lili, how about having stewed chicken soup for dinner?”

Oh My, the little prince, can even make stewed chicken soup!!!

Jing Li asked, “Is it the same kind that Grandma made last week?”

Jing Ran nodded.

“Okay.” Let’s have another meal then. She doesn’t get to drink this kind of stewed soup at school. Jing Li got up from the dining chair and said, “Take a rest, I’ll clean up.”

Jing Li swiftly cleaned the table, leaving it spotless, and then went to the kitchen to wash the dishes. Although she couldn’t cook, she could still do these daily chores.

After finishing cleaning the kitchen, Jing Li came out and walked straight to the TV. She squatted down and took out a bottle of medicinal alcohol from the bottom drawer. Then she walked over to the long chair where Jing Ran was sitting. Just like yesterday, they each sat on one end. She patted her own thigh and said, “Extend your foot.”

Jing Ran pulled his right foot out of his slipper and lifted it, resting it on Jing Li’s thigh. Jing Li poured some medicinal alcohol into her palm, rubbed her hands together to generate heat, and then massaged his ankle.

A few gusts of spring breeze blew in from the balcony, not too cold, just pleasantly cool, making people feel comfortable.

Jing Li didn’t know how long she had been massaging Jing Ran, but he had already fallen asleep. Occasionally, there were one or two soft snores that could only be heard if one listened carefully.

Jing Li thought it was quite nice. From now on, she wouldn’t be afraid of being awakened by his snoring when they sleep together.
Wait, hold on.

Jing Li tapped her own head with her hand and muttered, “What’s wrong with me? Why am I thinking about sleeping with him?”


Hello, I'm Avrora (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I like reading novels, especially romance and action. So I want to share with you some novels that I think are good to read through my translation. My lovely readers, I hope you enjoy the story as much as I do.(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) See my other projects on my Ko-fi page (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I hope you enjoy my translation (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) Thank you 😘

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