My Silly Boyfriend
My Silly Boyfriend chapter 26 : Marriage

Both of them were in the same campus, and Jing Li’s classroom was right next to Jing Ran’s classroom, but they had very few chances to meet.

Recently, Jing Ran injured his leg and stopped going to the playground for a run in the morning. Every time Jing Li went to the cafeteria, Jing Ran had already finished his meal. When they returned to the teaching building, Class 2’s classroom was near the stairs, while Class 1’s was deep inside. Jing Li had no reason to walk to Class 1’s corridor area to sneak a peek at Jing Ran.

Originally, when they had no relationship at all, even if the other person was in the neighboring class, it was still very difficult for them to meet.

It was quite incredible to think about it. In the past, the two of them had no connection whatsoever, and suddenly they started dating, and then they separated.

It was as if nothing had happened.

However, many things had changed as well.

The days remained the same as before. Every day, one or two boys, whether they were seniors, juniors, or classmates, would intercept her on the way and confess their feelings to her. Whenever she passed by the basketball court, she would always get hit on the head by a basketball. Those foolish boys thought that would catch her attention. They would come running, apologize, and take the opportunity to strike up a conversation and ask for her WeChat ID.

Her dormitory building was right in front of the basketball court. During her three years at J University, she couldn’t even count how many times she got hit on the head by a basketball. Only when she was with Jing Ran did others know she had a boyfriend, and they no longer threw basketballs at her to get her attention.

After the breakup, Jing Li was in a bad mood and lost her appetite. She didn’t feel like eating and decided to buy some bread from the school bakery. The bakery sold traditional wife cakes, and she bought two to eat in her dormitory.

However, they didn’t taste good at all. They were cold, and the winter melon filling inside didn’t have a good texture. It felt like eating counterfeit wife cakes. The master baker at the school must be someone from outside the city, as the wife cakes they made were not authentic at all.

She threw the wife cake into the trash can and climbed up to the top bunk to rest, not knowing why she started crying.

Maybe she was hungry, or maybe the wife cake was really terrible.

Anyway, she felt very sad.

She picked up her phone, opened WeChat, and wanted to see Jing Ran’s Moments. Before, Jing Ran didn’t post on Moments, but after he started dating Jing Li, he would upload a daily photo of Jing Li and even used her picture as his WeChat profile picture.

Jing Ran wasn’t in her WeChat contacts. Right, she had deleted Jing Ran’s WeChat after returning from the nursing home that day.

That night, she returned to the dormitory. It was Saturday, so she was the only one in the dorm. Because she had listened to Jing Ran’s made-up ghost stories, she felt a bit scared and wanted to find Jing Ran. But when she said they should break up, Jing Ran didn’t try to stop her. She couldn’t bear losing face, and she was also afraid that she wouldn’t be able to resist reaching out to Jing Ran, so she deleted his phone number and WeChat.

After returning to school, Jing Ran started preparing for an English debating competition. Her roommate, Li Ruihua, was in the same group as Jing Ran, and sometimes she would share interesting stories from their group. But she didn’t share much, as Li Ruihua was mindful of the fact that Jing Li and Jing Ran had broken up and tried to mention him as little as possible.

In reality, Jing Li wanted to hear more about him, but she had a stubborn mouth and didn’t dare to bring it up.

Every day, she would secretly collect information about Jing Ran, and eventually, she started going to the library every night, hoping to coincidentally run into him.

One night, it was thundering and raining heavily. She asked Jing Ran to accompany her back to the dormitory, but the studious Jing Ran couldn’t understand her intentions and passed her off to another guy before leaving.

It seemed like the studious Jing Ran didn’t care about her anymore, and Jing Li felt down for several days.

Until one morning, she got up as usual to go for a run and found herself completely weak. It was because she had no appetite and had become very weak during this period. She stepped on the scale and realized that she had gone from weighing 43 kilograms to 39.8 kilograms in just over a week.

If there was a typhoon, with this weight would her be blown away?

She didn’t know why she was being stubborn. She had developed feelings for Jing Ran but chose to hide and avoid them.

Why didn’t she admit that she liked Jing Ran?

Is it embarrassing to admit liking Jing Ran?

It hurts so much without Jing Ran, doesn’t it?

Jing Li struggled with these thoughts all day, and in the end, she decided to be with the top student in her university. She went to the library and coincidentally ran into Jing Ran after he finished studying.

She confessed her feelings to the top student.

It was a confession to start a relationship, not to reconcile.

The result was that Jing Ran told her not to joke around.

Heartbroken, Jing Li ran back to her dormitory only to find out that it was April Fool’s Day!!!

Moreover, throughout the day, many female students went to confess their feelings to Jing Ran, just to make them happy!!!

It’s so frustrating, why did they play a prank on her little prince!!!

Jing Li carried a large bag of candies. Inside, there were many strawberry candies, hard candies, gummy candies, and marshmallows, all from different brands. She stood in front of the boys’ dormitory, waiting for Jing Ran to come out.

She didn’t know what time Jing Ran would come out; she had been waiting here for a long time.

After some time, the boys started coming out of the dormitory one by one. They saw the management department’s campus belle standing in front of the boys’ dormitory, holding a large bag of something, not knowing who she was waiting for.

Almost every guy who passed by Jing Li gave her strange looks.

Who exactly was the campus belle waiting for? Did she get a new boyfriend? Was she waiting for her new boyfriend?

A tall figure appeared from the boys’ dormitory, wearing a black tracksuit, with a mushroom hairstyle and black-framed glasses. Wasn’t that her little prince that she missed every day?

Jing Li had lost her appetite and felt weak. She applied light makeup and looked refreshed. She gave him her usual sweet smile and walked up to greet him, saying, “Ranran.”

Jing Ran was a bit surprised to see Jing Li suddenly appearing in front of the boys’ dormitory and asked, “What’s the matter?”

Jing Li started explaining, “Ranran, I didn’t know yesterday was April Fool’s Day. I wasn’t joking with you. I really like you and want to be in a relationship with you.”

Jing Ran looked at her, listened to her words, and slowly processed them.

Didn’t she break up with him because she had feelings for someone else? Why was she confessing her feelings and seeking a relationship with him again?

Sometimes, you can’t blame him for lacking emotional intelligence. Because, women are sometimes really hard to understand. When Jing Li saw that he didn’t react, she had to resort to plan B. She raised the various strawberry candies in her hand to Jing Ran and said, “Look, I bought you a lot of strawberry candies. My roommate said that these brands of strawberry candies are especially delicious.”

Jing Ran likes to eat strawberry candies, but he won’t agree to anything just because of strawberry candies. Especially now, Jing Li’s intentions are unclear.

-Jing Li won’t actively try to please him.

When Jing Li saw that Jing Ran didn’t react, she let her hand down, feeling a bit disappointed. “Ranran, do you not like me anymore? I confessed to you, and you didn’t give me any response…”

Jing Ran replied, “I like you.”

Upon hearing his answer, Jing Li’s originally worried face broke into a beautiful smile. She held Jing Ran’s hand and asked excitedly, “Really? Really?”

Jing Ran nodded.

Jing Li felt happy, she hadn’t been this happy in the past few days.

“Will we still break up?” Jing Ran asked.

Jing Li vigorously shook her head and said, “No breakup.”

“Will we get married then?”

Jing Li thought she misheard and asked, “What did you say?”

Jing Ran repeated, “Will we get married?”

Jing Li heard it clearly, but she didn’t know how to answer. She had thought about dating Jing Ran, but marriage seemed so far away. She didn’t know how to respond, who can guarantee what will happen in the future?

Seeing her hesitation, Jing Ran said, “Then let’s not date. My grandmother says that any relationship without marriage as its goal is just playing around. I don’t want to play around with you.”

Huh? Jing Li looked at Jing Ran in confusion. Jing Ran once again left her side. Jing Li inwardly shouted, “Hey, give me a moment. You just proposed, don’t you think I need some time to think about it?”

Little sweetheart, marriage is a big deal in life. Is it really okay not to give people some time to consider?


Hello, I'm Avrora (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I like reading novels, especially romance and action. So I want to share with you some novels that I think are good to read through my translation. My lovely readers, I hope you enjoy the story as much as I do.(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) See my other projects on my Ko-fi page (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I hope you enjoy my translation (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) Thank you 😘

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