My Silly Boyfriend
My Silly Boyfriend chapter 33 : Salty Lemon Candy

Jing Li’s mouth was close to Jing Ran’s smooth shoulder, exhaling warm breath and gently massaging his scars. After a while, she yawned, tears streaming down her face, and said, “Ranran, I’m so tired, I’ll sleep a bit more…”

Then, Jing Li lay on the bed, covered herself with a blanket, and closed her eyes to sleep.

Looking at her lovely sleeping face, Jing Ran unconsciously reached out his hand and caressed her forehead. “Lili, I’m going to the bakery to make pastries.”

“Mmm…” Jing Li murmured drowsily, her little head moved slightly, and she rubbed her cheek against Jing Ran’s large hand before falling asleep again.

When Jing Li woke up, the sun was already rising, and the warm sunlight filled the entire room.

On this beautiful morning, her head still throbbed with pain.


Jing Li hugged her blanket, rolled around on the bed, struggled for a bit, and finally decided to get up. After washing up and taking a shower, she still felt a bit dizzy.

Jing Li changed into casual home clothes, put on slippers, and went to the bakery. When Grandma saw her unable to open her eyes fully, she became a little worried. “Lili, are you feeling better?”

Jing Li’s head still hurt, but she didn’t want to worry Grandma, so she nodded and said, “I’m feeling better.”

Jing Li walked to the cash register and sat down next to Grandma. On the cash register, there was a stainless steel thermos box. Grandma pushed the thermos box towards her and said, “When Ranran was resting earlier, he bought this for you.”

“Oh, okay.”

“Don’t go play with Ranran’s friends next time, they’re all crazy.” Grandma didn’t approve of the ways young people entertained themselves that could harm their bodies. However, Jing Ran was already an adult, and she naturally wouldn’t restrict him from making friends or going wherever he wanted to play.


Jing Li opened the lid of the thermos box, and the fragrant aroma of porridge filled her nose, with a hint of sesame oil and scallion. It was a bowl of lean pork and preserved egg porridge.

Jing Li scooped up a spoonful of porridge, blew on it to cool it down, and brought it to her mouth. It was smooth and silky.

“Delicious!” Jing Li said to Grandma.

“Of course it’s delicious. Ranran bought it from Fengji on the pedestrian street ahead. You have to wait in a long queue to get it.” Grandma smiled and opened a drawer, sorting out some change and organizing them by denomination, bundling every hundred notes with a rubber band.

Jing Li continued to eat her porridge, looking at the storefront and the glass windows of the bakery. Jing Ran was earnestly kneading dough. She looked down at the warm porridge in the thermos bottle, which warmed her heart as well.

My little prince, you’re so good to me. When I earn a lot of money, I’ll marry you and bring you home.

I’ll earn money, and you take care of the household, okay?

After lunch, Jing Ran went downstairs to make pastries. Just like before, he made two large trays and packed them up. He was preparing to visit the nursing home to see Grandpa Guo and bring some pastries for the elderly there.

After packing the pastries, Jing Ran asked, “Lili, do you want to go to the nursing home?”

Jing Li thought for a moment and nodded.

At this moment, Jing Ran’s phone rang. He took it out of his pocket and answered, “Wenbin, what’s up?… Hmm, I’m getting ready to go… Come along if you want… Alright, see you later.”

“Is that Chen Wenbin also going to the nursing home?” Jing Li guessed, listening to Jing Ran’s conversation.

Jing Ran nodded and said, “Yes, he used to go with me before. He’s been busy this semester and couldn’t make it, but he happens to be free today.”

“Oh… then I won’t go,” Jing Li said, not wanting to see that nosy guy.

“What’s wrong?” Jing Ran asked.

Jing Li honestly said, “Ranran, I don’t like your friend, I don’t want to see him.”

Jing Ran responded calmly, “Oh!”

Jing Li felt strange that Jing Ran showed no surprise or any other expression, as if it was something he was used to.

“Why don’t you ask me why I don’t like your friend?” Jing Li asked.

Jing Ran replied calmly, “He has always had a sharp tongue since childhood, no girl likes him, it’s normal!”

Jing Li: “…”

Curiously, Jing Ran asked, “What did he say to you yesterday?”

Jing Li didn’t want to investigate further and said, “Forget it, it’s fine.”

Jing Ran thought for a moment and said, “Lili, wait for me at home. Wenbin and I will go today, and I’ll take you next time, okay?”

Jing Li: “…”

Aren’t other people’s boyfriends always “indecisive when it comes to the opposite sex”? How come it’s her boyfriend who makes her stay at home because of a childhood friend?

Jing Li responded, “Okay.”

“Yeah, I’ll be back soon, and we’ll go back to school together,” Jing Ran said.

Jing Li obediently replied, “Okay.”

Jing Ran arrived at the entrance of the nursing home with two big bags of pastries to meet Chen Wenbin. Chen Wenbin didn’t see Jing Li and asked, “Where’s your girlfriend?”

“At home.”

Chen Wenbin said with certainty, “You can tell by the way she looks. She’s so beautiful, she definitely doesn’t like a place like a nursing home.”

“Lili was going to come, but when she heard that you were coming, she decided not to come,” Jing Ran explained.

Chen Wenbin: “Whether I come or not, what does it have to do with her?”

If she doesn’t come to the nursing home, she won’t bear this responsibility!

Jing Ran sighed and said, “Wenbin, if you don’t change your character, you’ll end up lonely.”

Chen Wenbin: “…”

Damn it, Jing Ran actually said he will end up lonely!

Having a girlfriend is nothing special!

Chen Wenbin couldn’t understand. Jing Ran dresses poorly and lacks emotional intelligence. Many times, he says things that are irritating. How could someone as beautiful as Jing Li like Jing Ran? She must be interested in Jing Ran’s family background to be with him.

Chen Wenbin straightforwardly asked, “Is your girlfriend with you because she sees that your family is wealthy?”

“No, she likes me because I’m smart!”

Chen Wenbin: “…”

As Jing Ran’s friend for over a decade, there are times when Chen Wenbin can’t help but want to hit him due to his words. He really wants to know how Jing Li can tolerate him. It’s not just about money; she probably has a screw loose in her head.

After visiting Grandpa Guo and the elderly in the nursing home, Jing Ran and Chen Wenbin came out. Jing Ran’s route home happened to pass by the bus stop where Chen Wenbin was heading. The two walked a short distance when Jing Ran noticed a window display of imported snacks at a shop, which had a few packs of lemon candies. He pointed at the snack shop and said to Chen Wenbin, “I want to buy something.”

Chen Wenbin didn’t find it strange. Despite Jing Ran being tall at 1.85 meters, he actually had a preference for snacks with a childlike taste. He enjoyed eating sweet things and various snacks that children like.

Jing Ran entered the shop and bought two packs of lemon candies before coming out.

Chen Wenbin felt curious and asked, “Don’t you like strawberry candies?”

“Mhm,” Jing Ran nodded, then added, “Lili likes these candies. They’re a Hong Kong brand and not easily found in many places, even in imported snack shops.”

Chen Wenbin looked at Jing Ran with a newfound appreciation. It seemed that he genuinely cared for his girlfriend. Hopefully, she liked him for who he was and not just for his family’s wealth.

Jing Li, feeling bored, leaned on the balcony railing, watching the people passing by on the street. She muttered to herself, “Stupid Ranran, leaving me at home for so long without coming back. What’s so fun about hanging out with a childhood male friend? Can’t he have fun with his girlfriend instead?”

“Lili!” Jing Ran suddenly appeared downstairs, waving at her.

“Ranran!” Jing Li immediately perked up and waved back at him.

“Come down, I’ve called a car. It’ll be here soon!”


Jing Li turned around and went back into the house, picked up her handbag, and ran to the entrance to put on her shoes, shouting, “Grandma, I’m going back to school with Ranran, you stay home and take care!”

Grandma was listening to Cantonese opera in her own room when she heard Jing Li calling her. She responded, “Alright, you two be careful on your way back to school. Ask Ranran to call me when you reach there.”


After Jing Li came downstairs, Jing Li stood at the staircase waiting for her and handed her a bag.

The plastic bag was transparent, and Jing Li saw that there were two packets of fresh lemon candy inside. Curiously, she asked, “Where did you get these?”

“I bought them on the way back.”

“I just finished eating mine and was wondering where to buy more! Thank you, Ranran.” Jing Li spent the whole afternoon complaining at home about how Ranran prioritized friends over relationships. But when Ranran brought back the lemon candy, she didn’t feel as annoyed with him.

Then, the two of them went to the intersection and waited for the scheduled taxi to take them back to school.

They arrived back at school and had dinner at a restaurant outside before returning to the dormitory. Ranran accompanied Jing Li until they reached the entrance of her dormitory. As he was about to turn and leave, Jing Li called out to him, “Ranran, wait for me. I’ll go get some strawberry candy for you.”

Last week, Jing Li bought a big bag of various brands of strawberry candy to confess to Ranran. At that time, Ranran arrogantly rejected her, and she didn’t know what to do with all the strawberry candy. But now that they have reconciled, she decided to give it all back to him!

Jing Li ran back to the dormitory and brought down a large bag of strawberry candy. Ranran stood facing the girls’ dormitory building, looking at a certain dark spot.

“What are you looking at?” Jing Li walked up to Ranran, patted his shoulder, and followed his gaze.

Not far away, there was a pair of male and female students embracing each other under a small tree by the dark school path where the street lamp was broken. They were passionately kissing. With the help of some nearby streetlights, Jing Li could even see that the male student was reaching into the female student’s clothes and touching her.

It’s too scandalous!

Hey, big brother and big sister, this is a school. If you’re in the mood, why not go to a motel?

Jing Li stood in front of Jing Ran, tiptoed, raised her hands, and covered his eyes, saying, “Ranran, turn around quickly, don’t look.”

Jing Ran obediently turned around while Jing Li walked in front of him again, handing him the big bag and reminding him, “Don’t eat too much in one day, remember to brush your teeth clean at night…”

Jing Ran looked at Jing Li as she spoke. Her lips appeared delicate and moist. He had never kissed before and was curious about what it would feel like to kiss Jing Li. Her lips moved as she spoke, enticing him in a special way. He wanted to imitate some scenes from TV, where the male lead suddenly leans down to kiss the female lead. However, when he suggested kissing last time, Jing Li rejected him.

Subconsciously, Jing Ran remembered that Jing Li didn’t like kissing, so he didn’t dare to make any move, afraid of making her angry.

Jing Li had said a lot of things to Jing Ran, but he remained in a trance-like state, as if he hadn’t really been listening.

Jing Li asked angrily , “Ranran, I’m talking to you, were you even listening?”


“Then what were you thinking about?”

“I was thinking about kissing…”


Hello, I'm Avrora (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I like reading novels, especially romance and action. So I want to share with you some novels that I think are good to read through my translation. My lovely readers, I hope you enjoy the story as much as I do.(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) See my other projects on my Ko-fi page (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I hope you enjoy my translation (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) Thank you 😘

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