My Silly Boyfriend
My Silly Boyfriend chapter 35 : Liked

Ranran: [Don’t lose touch with reality in your actions and behavior.]

Ranran: [Just set a goal of 100 yuan, that’s enough.]

Jasmine: [😊]

A red envelope notification suddenly popped up on the screen.

Jing Li clicked on [View Red Envelope], and there was only 100 yuan inside. Before she could understand the significance of this 100 yuan, Jing Ran sent a message.

Ranran: [Lili, you’ve earned 100 yuan, we can get married now! 🥰]

Jing Ran’s rare act of flirting—

However, why does it always feel so annoying!

In the early morning, Jing Li ran on the playground with her cheeks puffed, and Jing Ran ran beside her. She wanted to run faster, preferably leaving the “college bully” behind, but no matter how she accelerated, Jing Ran’s long legs easily caught up with her.

Jing Li was frustrated. Her grades were not as good as the “college bully,” and she couldn’t do household chores as well as him. Even her legs were not as long as his!

Yesterday, she said she wanted to save a million yuan to marry the little prince, but he asked her to lower her goal to just 100 yuan!

100 yuan!

Isn’t he underestimating her?

An ordinary college student, if they work hard part-time, can earn 100 yuan in a day!

He’s underestimating her!

The key is, he also gave her a 100 yuan red envelope!!!

She wants to lift the little prince up to the sky, but the little prince doesn’t appreciate it!

It’s so frustrating!

While running, Jing Li accidentally stepped on a stone. When her body lost balance and was about to fall, a strong arm grabbed her around the waist, lifting her up, preventing her from falling.

Jing Li’s legs dangled as Jing Ran held her in mid-air. She looked back at Jing Ran, who seemed relieved as if he had been scared a moment ago. However, now she was being held like a child by an adult, which looked somewhat comical.

“Ranran, put me down…”

Jing Ran gently put Jing Li down, and her feet touched the ground again.
“Lili, be careful when running, don’t be so fast.”


Jing Li ran at an appropriate speed this time, running side by side with Jing Ran.

She lifted her head and looked at the person beside her.

Jing Ran happened to be looking down at her, smiling.

Jing Li felt like there was definitely something wrong with her aesthetic sense. Why did she find Jing Ran more handsome the more she looked at him?

She felt her whole body heating up, her heart pounding.

Jing Li slowly stopped walking and said, “I’m tired, I’ll stop running.”

Jing Ran also stopped and said, “Oh, okay, let’s go back to the dormitory, change clothes, and have breakfast.”

In the afternoon, after finishing the first and second classes in the hotel management class, school was over. The preliminary round of the campus English debate competition will be held tomorrow night. Jing Ran and his group members have already received the debate topic and are discussing arguments in a corner of the library study room.

Jing Li was just bored, sitting at a nearby study desk and watching Jing Ran’s group discussing the issues.

Jing Ran is usually a bit slow and clueless in front of Jing Li, like a little prince.

But in front of others, he is not the same as Jing Li usually sees him.

Jing Ran seriously analyzed the topic for his team members, providing evidence and reasoning, covering a wide range of knowledge. The team members listened attentively. Since it was an English debate competition, Jing Ran communicated with his team members in English throughout. His English pronunciation was standard, and his speaking speed was normal. Sometimes, when the team members answered in English with some flaws in pronunciation or improper word usage, Jing Ran would immediately correct them to ensure that the team members used the correct English words and avoid losing points on that aspect.

Jing Li has been worried about Jing Ran these days. She thinks that someone with his sluggish and stubborn personality is not suitable for the workplace. However, she has now discovered that his leadership skills are actually quite good. At least the two student council presidents, as well as Li Ruihua, the top student in her class, admire Jing Ran’s abilities.

Before the campus English debate competition, it used to be an event organized solely by the Foreign Language Department. The main purpose was to select talented individuals from within the department, and the champion team would represent the school in inter-school competitions. However, this year, the school decided to give students from other departments and colleges more opportunities to participate in the event, so the competition, which was originally an intra-departmental one, turned into an intra-school competition.

I heard that the previous two English debate competitions were won by Li Xueqing from the English Department. I also heard that the provincial top scorer of the Xth year is going to participate in the debate competition. All the students on campus are curious to see if this talented student from the Foreign Language Department, who is also known as the school’s beauty queen, can win the championship for the third time.

Jing Li remembered that Jing Ran once mentioned that Li Xueqing is the daughter of his parents’ friends, and he wanted them to spend some time together. However, Jing Ran refused. Jing Li looked at Jing Ran’s serious expression as he discussed with his teammates. It was so close, just a little bit more, and the nickname “Little Princess” would no longer belong to her.

Fortunately, at that time, the “Little Princess” had feelings for her and liked her. But why did the “Little Princess” like her back then?

She believed that Jing Ran wasn’t lying because he was not the type to flatter others. Those sweet words must have come from his heart, and he wouldn’t be able to say them otherwise.

After about two hours, it was time for dinner, and the group discussion came to an end. Li Ruihua and the other two team members were considerate enough to say goodbye and leave, not wanting to disturb the two lovebirds. Jing Ran packed up the materials and put them in his bag, then left the self-study room with Jing Li.

While going downstairs, Jing Ran took the lead, and Jing Li stood behind him. Jing Ran had descended one step, and his head was at the same level as Jing Li’s.


Jing Ran hadn’t had a chance to turn around yet when Jing Li mischievously wrapped her arms around his neck, hanging onto his back. Jing Ran, afraid that she might fall, reached his hands backward and supported her thighs, asking, “What’s wrong?”


“You lazy bum!” Jing Ran thought she was tired and didn’t feel like walking, so he carried her on his back while going downstairs.

Jing Li’s body pressed close to Jing Ran, tightly hugging his neck, and she called out again, “Ranran…”


Jing Li murmured in his ear, “Why do you like me?”

Jing Li still couldn’t understand why Jing Ran, who could have liked a tall and beautiful school beauty, instead liked her, who was short.

“Because you look beautiful when you smile.”

Jing Ran recalled the first time he noticed Jing Li’s presence, which was also on this staircase. At that time, Jing Li’s small figure squatted down to pick up a book and handed it to him, giving him a smile.

It was especially beautiful, warm, and comforting.

Later, he learned from his roommate that she was his classmate in the neighboring class.

He had always been focused on his studies and never noticed that there was a good-looking and kind girl in the class next to his.

Jing Ran had little interest in girls since he was young. He found most girls to be frightening creatures, especially the beautiful ones.

This perception stemmed from his parents’ close friend’s daughter, Li Xueqing.

Jing Ran and Li Xueqing’s parents are business partners, so they would often meet. When they were young, Li Xueqing and Jing Ran were good friends. Whenever Jing Ran got a fun toy, he would share it with Li Xueqing, and Li Xueqing would also share half of her delicious treats with Jing Ran. Later, when they started elementary school, they both attended the same prestigious school. However, Li Xueqing underwent a complete transformation. She asked Jing Ran not to tell anyone at school that they knew each other privately. Jing Ran agreed and promised not to approach Li Xueqing at school.

However, later on, I don’t know why, Li Xueqing and the girls in the class started bullying Jing Ran together, mocking him for being dull and foolish. Those girls often used pens to scribble all over Jing Ran’s books and paintings, and even carved “ugly freak” on his desk. Whenever Jing Ran walked, someone would always extend their foot to trip him… Li Xueqing always laughed at him along with those girls, enjoying his various embarrassments.

Later, Jing Ran’s parents discovered that he was being bullied at school but he refused to tell them who was bullying him. Eventually, they had no choice but to transfer Jing Ran’s household registration to his grandfather’s account, and as a result, Jing Ran transferred to a school near his grandfather’s house. Since his grandfather’s house was close to the school, Jing Ran started living there and didn’t go back to his parents’ home.

Jing Ran met several boys, including Chen Wenbin and Li Jinhao, at his new school. They were all not interested in playing with girls. At the age of eleven or twelve, during the so-called “adolescent delusions,” the boys made an agreement not to date until they conquered the world.

Of course, Jing Ran didn’t participate in their “adolescent delusion” declaration because his grandmother said that men should establish a family before pursuing a career.

Perhaps he wanted to get married before conquering the world.

The boys called Jing Ran a traitor and almost kicked him out of their little group. Later, they realized that Jing Ran would never get married in his lifetime, so they let him stay.

Little did they know, the Jing Ran who was considered a “loner” by others became the first one in their group of boys to have a girlfriend!

The boys regretted why they made the promise not to date before conquering the world during their “adolescent delusion” phase. They had passed the age of adolescent delusion, but that promise seemed like a curse. Despite having good looks, good grades, and a good family background, they couldn’t find girlfriends.

As Jing Li listened to his reasons, she found him a bit ridiculous: “So, when I grow old and don’t look pretty when I smile, will you still love me?”

“I like it, you’re getting old, and I like it too.”



“Let me teach you. You should respond like this: How can Lili get old? How can Lili not be beautiful? Lili will always be beautiful!” Jing Li felt ashamed after saying that.

Jing Ran followed and learned to sweet-talk: “Lili won’t get old. Lili will always be beautiful.”

Jing Li felt a little uncomfortable after hearing that and shyly buried her head in his shoulder. “Stop it, it’s embarrassing.”

Jing Ran pursed his lips and continued carrying Jing Li down the stairs.

Jing Li had a keen sense of smell and caught a whiff of orange perfume.

“Tap, tap…” The sound of high heels on the marble floor.

There was a stylishly dressed girl going up the stairs. Jing Li looked at the girl, and she happened to look up and give Jing Li a disdainful expression and a mocking smile.

Jing Li was annoyed. What’s wrong with this girl? Every time she sees Jing Ran with her, she makes this weird expression. Could it be because she was rejected by the little princess and became twisted in her mind?

After Li Xueqing left, Jing Li leaned her head forward, pressed against Jing Ran‘s face, and said, “Ranran, let’s get rid of that Li Xueqing of yours tomorrow!”

Jing Ran repeated with a terrified expression, “…get… rid… of?”

Yesterday, when Jing Ran returned to the dormitory to take a shower, he came out shirtless and wearing sports pants. Cao Jianhua saw several bite marks on Jing Ran’s neck and shoulders and asked in surprise, “Who bit you?”

“Lili did.”

Jing Li, that little tipsy cat, bit him particularly hard, and the bite marks didn’t fade away all day.

“…You’re back together again?”

Jing Ran nodded.

“And you still get rid of her?” Cao Jianhua grabbed his hair in disbelief, “Oh my God, you actually lost your virginity! You’re the first guy in our dorm to lose it!”

Jing Ran grew up in an environment where no one would talk to him about anything related to “sex”. The boys he used to hang out with in middle school all had a phase of being uninterested in talking about girls. When he got to university, his roommates felt that Jing Ran’s aura was different from theirs, so they never brought up any inappropriate topics in front of him.

Yesterday, Cao Jianhua thought that Jing Ran had already lost his virginity and tried to include him in their conversation, opening a new world for him.

The phrase “get rid of” had some ambiguity, especially when asking a guy to get rid of a girl.

Jing Li could tell that Jing Ran had misunderstood and explained, “I mean, during the debate tomorrow, you have to win against Li Xueqing’s team, crush her confidence, you know?”

“Oh…” Jing Ran breathed a sigh of relief, scared that Jing Li was asking him to do something “bad.”

For those “bad things,” he only needed to do them with Jing Li…


Hello, I'm Avrora (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I like reading novels, especially romance and action. So I want to share with you some novels that I think are good to read through my translation. My lovely readers, I hope you enjoy the story as much as I do.(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) See my other projects on my Ko-fi page (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I hope you enjoy my translation (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) Thank you 😘

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