My Silly Boyfriend
My Silly Boyfriend chapter 39 : Hair Salon

Throughout, Jing Ran’s appearance has always given a vague impression. He constantly wears thick-framed glasses with lenses resembling the bottom of a glass bottle. His mushroom-like bangs are somewhat long, covering his eyebrows and nearly reaching the frame of his glasses. Coupled with his ordinary and tacky clothing, he gives off a rustic vibe, and very few people would bother to observe his facial features.

Initially, Jing Li didn’t pay much attention to his facial features or facial contours. But after Jing Li started to like Jing Ran, she would occasionally gaze at him and sometimes find him somewhat handsome, but the next second she would think he looked a bit plain.

Most of the time, she thought it was just her eyes playing tricks on her, a kind of illusion. She defined this illusion as “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”

Behind the glasses with thick bottle-bottom lenses, there are actually a pair of beautiful almond-shaped eyes and a pair of shallow double eyelids. He had just cried, his eye sockets still slightly moist, and his eyes shimmered with starlight. Jing Li reached out and pushed aside his heavy bangs, revealing his delicate and handsome face in her eyes…

“Ranran, are you the Frog Prince? Did you become handsome after being kissed by the Little Princess?”

Jing Li used both hands to push back Jing Ran’s hair, carefully examining the face of the top student. She felt like she was hallucinating. How did the top student’s facial features and facial contours become so refined and suddenly so beautiful?
Even more beautiful than girls, like a member of a Korean boy band, deserving the term “flower boy.”

Jing Ran is severely nearsighted, and coupled with the darkness of the night, even if Jing Li is right in front of him, he still can’t see her expression clearly, nor does he know what she means.
Grandma once said that a person’s appearance is not important, what matters is their inner qualities.

Jing Ran has always focused on his studies and rarely pays attention to his appearance. He believes that as long as the clothes are of good quality, he will buy them, hardly paying attention to the style.

“Ranran, let’s kiss again…”

Jing Ran nodded and slowly leaned towards Jing Li’s lips. His hand still held onto her slender waist, but Jing Li was afraid that he would accidentally hurt her if he got too nervous, so she grabbed his hands and guided him into an embrace.

The two embraced each other, their kisses intertwining on a summer night…

In the early morning, Jing Li turned over in bed and accidentally bumped into a large object beside her. Opening her eyes, she saw Jing Ran, who was still fast asleep.

The night before, Jing Ran wanted to sleep on the floor, but Jing Li insisted that he sleep on the bed. She said that the floor was damp, and if he slept on it regularly, he would develop rheumatism when he got older. Every time it rained, his whole body would ache.

Jing Ran couldn’t tolerate physical pain, especially the pain caused by rheumatism. So, he quickly got on the bed and squeezed onto the single bed with Jing Li.

The innocent young man slept obediently, leaning against the edge of the bed, while Jing Li, a shy girl, slept against the other edge. The not-so-spacious single bed had two people lying on it, and there was a large empty space in the middle.

Throughout the night, unconsciously, the two of them moved closer to the center while they were asleep, and without realizing it, they ended up sleeping close together.

After hesitating for a moment, Jing Li reached out and hugged Jing Ran, resting her face against his chest. It felt warm, solid, and provided a sense of security.

“Li Li…” Jing Ran woke up and discovered that Jing Li was hugging him.

“Awake?” Jing Li raised her head and looked at the handsome face of the university top student. Even though it was an attractive face, it was hard to ignore the hilariously styled mushroom head hairstyle.

“Mhmm,” Jing Li let go of her hand, sat up, and said, “Then let’s quickly freshen up, change our clothes, and go back to school for class.”

“…I don’t want to go back to school for now,” Jing Ran’s mood remained low.

Seeing him like this, Jing Li figured that he hadn’t finished grieving yet, so she lay back down, touched his mushroom head hair, and said, “Alright, we won’t go back to school today. Let’s sleep a little longer.”

Jing Li comforted him with a few words, and Jing Ran fell back asleep.

After the bakery closed, Grandma thought that the two kids had gone back to school and ate at Hua Ji across the street before returning home. It was only upon returning home that she realized the two kids had just woken up and hadn’t eaten anything.

Jing Li came out of the bathroom, still wearing her home clothes.

Grandma asked, “Why didn’t you go back to school?”

Jing Li explained, “Ranran’s mood is still not good, so he doesn’t want to go back. Anyway, it’s Friday today. Going back in the morning and coming back at noon would be troublesome, so we didn’t go.”

“Ranran still hasn’t gotten better?” Yesterday, when Jing Ran saw off Xiao Xiaokang and came back, he seemed fine, so Grandma temporarily felt relieved. Little did she know he was just pretending so that she wouldn’t worry.

“Lili, can you comfort Ranran these two days? Ranran has grown up and keeps many things hidden from Grandma. You’re his girlfriend, he should have a lot to say to you.”

Jing Li nodded, “I understand.”

“For the next two days, you should stay at home with Ranran. Grandma is going back to the countryside this weekend, and the bakery will be closed for two days. Xiao Xiaokang has left, which reminds me that our relatives and friends in the countryside are getting older. I don’t know who will leave first in the future. So while I can still travel, I will go back a few more times to see them,” Grandma said with some emotion.

“Grandma, don’t say that. Grandma, you will live to be a hundred years old,” Jing Li replied, feeling uneasy and trying to comfort grandma.

“Silly girl, when people get old, they have to face these things. We should live well and cherish the people around us, you know?” Grandma gently touched Jingi’s long hair and smiled kindly.

Jing Li nodded, “Grandma, I understand. I will be good to Ranran and you.”

“It’s not just me and Ranran, but also your relatives and friends.”


“There’s no food at home, so you and Ranran can go out to eat. I still need to go back to my room and pack my luggage to go to the countryside.”


Jing Li walked back to the bedroom and entered without knocking. Jing Li saw Jing Ran taking off his pajamas, bare-chested, and getting ready to put on a T-shirt.

“I’m sorry…” Jing Li hastily closed the door.

Jing Ran didn’t know why she apologized, so he continued putting on his T-shirt and changing his pants.

Jing Li stood outside the door, holding her flushed face and quietly scolding herself, “What are you doing? It’s just Little prince showing his upper body. Why are you feeling shy?”

Jing Li often encountered men walking around shirtless, so she didn’t understand why she felt particularly nervous and shy when she saw Little prince’s upper body. She reacted too quickly just now and didn’t see anything clearly before retreating, only knowing that his skin was very fair.

She really wanted to see what Little prince’s body looked like.

Jing Li quietly opened the door a little, revealing a small gap. Jing Ran had already put on his T-shirt, but now he was bare-legged, with two long white legs, wearing black boxer briefs that were slightly bulging in the middle. Jing Li felt like there was something wrong with her, why did she want to sneak a peek, especially at something inappropriate for children.

“Lili, are you peeking at me changing my pants?” Jing Ran, sensitive to his surroundings, sensed someone peeping outside the door.

Jing Li immediately turned her back to the door and stood still, calmly saying, “No way! Why would I peek at you changing your pants?”

“Oh…” Jing Ran thought it was just his imagination and continued putting on his sweatpants.

After Jing Ran finished changing and came out, Jing Li went back to her room to change into casual clothes. She specifically locked the door to prevent Jing Ran from peeking.

After Jing Li came out in her new clothes, Grandma had already packed her luggage and was in the living room giving instructions to Jing Ran, “Ranran, Grandma will be going back to the countryside for two days. You and Lili should stay at home, understand?”

Jing Ran nodded, “Yes.”

“Lili is too thin. You should make some chicken soup for her to drink these two days, okay?”

Jing Ran nodded again.

“Lili is still young, don’t bully her,” Grandma said.

Jing Ran suddenly retorted, “Lili is not young anymore, she was born in the same month as me.”

“Silly child!” Grandma tapped his mushroom head and said, “Lili is a girl, you should listen to her in everything, understood?”

Jing Ran rubbed his head and replied, “Oh.” After a pause, he asked again, “But what if Lili bullies me?”

Grandma looked displeased and said, “How can a girl bully you?”

Jing Ran remembered being bullied by girls when he was younger, it was terrifying! Luckily, his Lili wasn’t that kind of person.

“I’m leaving, call me if you need anything.” Grandma took the black travel bag she received from a travel agency and walked to the entrance, putting on her shoes.

“Take care, Grandma,” Jing Li walked to the living room and bid farewell to Grandma.

Grandma reminded them, “Hmm, Lili, you and Ranran take care of each other, call me or Ranran’s mom if anything happens.”

“Okay, got it.”

After Grandma left, Jing Ran and Jing Li went out to find something to eat. Jing Ran didn’t like to eat cuisine from other regions or countries. In the end, they went to a teahouse to have Cantonese dim sum. The teahouse had a stylish decoration, more suitable for young people to dine. Since it was past the usual dining hours, there were only a few customers in the spacious restaurant.

Jing Li chose a seat with leather upholstery at the dining table. After ordering their meals, Jing Ran needed to use the restroom, while Jing Li stayed alone at the seat.

“Hello, beautiful,” a male student with a decent appearance and trendy clothing approached Jing Li to say hello.

Jing Li looked up and asked, “What’s up?”

The guy took out his phone and asked, “Can I add you on WeChat?”

It was clear that he was trying to hit on her. Jing Li calmly said, “I’m sorry, I already have a boyfriend.”

The guy replied, “That’s okay, I just wanted to be friends with you.”

Jing Li responded, “I’m sorry, my boyfriend doesn’t like me being friends with other guys!” Although Jing Ran had never explicitly said this, Jing Li thought it would be a better way to brush him off.

The guy looked sympathetic and said, “Tsk tsk, your boyfriend is really controlling. How can he restrict you from making friends?”

Jing Li screamed in her mind, ‘Oh my goodness, this guy is crazy! Can’t he understand a simple rejection? I’ve already turned him down, why is he so shameless? Ranran, please come back quickly!’

“What’s going on?”

Speak of the devil, Jing Ran finally returned.

Jing Li enthusiastically used a sweet and flirtatious tone to talk to Jing Ran, “Darling, you’re back! I’ve been waiting for you for so long.”

The boy looked at Jing Ran in disbelief, then at Jing Li, and asked, “Your boyfriend?”

Jing Li, with a proud look, boasted, “Yes, look how tall and handsome my boyfriend is!”

“You’re crazy!” The boy muttered and left the teahouse.

Jing Li watched the boy’s back and said with a spoiled expression, “You’re the crazy one!”

Jing Li has had permed hair for a few months now, with new hair growing out, half black and half chestnut. After dinner, whenever she had free time, Jing Li would go to the hair salon to touch up the color and do some hair care.

Sitting in the barber chair, Jing Li looked at herself boredly in the mirror, waiting for the hairstylist to prepare the tools. She also looked at Jing Ran in the mirror, sitting on the sofa behind her, looking at his phone. Suddenly, an idea popped into her mind…

As the hairstylist came over with the supplies, Jing Li asked, “Hey, can you design a hairstyle for my boyfriend?”


Hello, I'm Avrora (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I like reading novels, especially romance and action. So I want to share with you some novels that I think are good to read through my translation. My lovely readers, I hope you enjoy the story as much as I do.(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) See my other projects on my Ko-fi page (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I hope you enjoy my translation (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) Thank you 😘

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