Phoenix Hairpin
Phoenix Hairpin Chapter 158: Tea Ceremony (1)

The clothes for the tea day have been prepared long ago.

According to the rank of the Prince and huángzifēi, the Ministry of Internal Affairs had prepared the clothes before the year and sent them to the Lu Mansion.

Qiyun quickly fetched new clothes and helped Lu Mingyu change.

It was time for Li Jing to change clothes, but he shamelessly refused to leave.

Lu Mingyu rolled her eyes at him, went to the screen, changed her clothes, and came out. Red clothes like fire, long eyebrows and black hair, bright eyes, and red lips. His eyes flashed, cold and bright.

Li Jing felt hot in his heart.

He just regretted that he got drunk last night, and had a heart-to-heart talk for a long time in the middle of the night, and it was dawn in the blink of an eye. There wasn’t even time to consummate the marriage…

You could tell what Li Jing was thinking just by looking at his unsteady eyes.

Lu Mingyu was angry and a little amused and glared at him: “Go and change quickly. Don’t be late when you enter the palace to serve tea on the first day.”

Li Jing responded with a smile and asked Xiao Yuan to help him change clothes.

He did not go behind the screen and changed his clothes openly in front of Lu Mingyu.

Qiyun, on the other hand, turned around quickly.

Lu Mingyu did not look at the peacock that was trying to open its tail but said to Qiyun: “Go and tell Cuirong to ask the kitchen to send some breakfast. Don’t be too particular, just be simple.”

The newly arrived huángzifēi will be entering the palace to serve tea. That was a tough battle to fight. But you couldn’t go into the palace hungry. Only when you were full can you have the strength to deal with the intrigues and schemes of the people in the palace.

Qiyun smiled and agreed.

After leaving the room, Cuirong was waiting not far outside the door. Qiyun stepped forward with a smile and said affectionately: “Thank you, Miss Cuirong. The Prince and consort would like to have some breakfast. I am new here, so I have to ask Miss Cuirong to go to the kitchen.”

With the trust of Empress Qiao, under the leadership of the Second Prince, she had been serving by his side for several years, and she could also work as an errand girl in the Second Prince’s house. Cuirong was naturally not a fool.

Qiyun showed her kindness, and Cuirong responded with a smile: “I’m a year or two older than you, so just call me sister Cuirong. Just tell me these trivial matters about running errands.”

Qiyun changed the title smoothly, smiled, and said thank you.

The kitchen had been prepared for a long time, and after Cuirong left, breakfast was served in less time than a cup of tea.

Eight kinds of side dishes, four kinds of noodles, porridge, and soup were all available.

Lu Mingyu and Li Jing sat down together. With a flirting look at each other, they quickly ate something, and then left the prince’s residence together.

The carriage was already ready. Before Lu Mingyu got on the carriage, she subconsciously glanced next door.

Several prince mansions are close together. The Third Prince’s Mansion was right next door.

Lu Mingyu had no intention of recalling the past. This was purely an instinctive reaction of the body. After all, she had lived in the Third Prince’s Mansion for several years.

Li Jing coughed and stepped forward, considerately helping Lu Mingyu get into the carriage.

That indescribable pettiness was simply impossible to look at.

Lu Mingyu glanced at him with a smile, and Li Jing smiled cheekily.

In the eyes of everyone, wasn’t it just that the newlyweds were in love and flirting with each other?

The Second Prince’s residence was very close to the palace gate; it only took the time to brew a cup of tea to get there.

For just a short moment, Lu Mingyu and Li Jing didn’t say much on the carriage. Although the two of them were still far from being in love as husband and wife until death, they could be said to be connected.

Since they wanted to compete for the throne in an upright and dignified manner, they naturally had to behave like a Di prince and huángzifēi. [1]wife of a princeWhether it was appearance, demeanor, or behavior, they must outshine the rest.

As soon as they entered the palace gate, Li Jing held Lu Mingyu’s hand and looked at her with a smile: “Let’s go to Shouning Palace together.”

Lu Mingyu said ok.

Empress Dowager Zhao was the eldest generation and had the most noble status. Not to mention in the palace, even in an ordinary house, if the grandmother was still alive, you have to go and serve tea to the grandmother first.

The two walked hand in hand, whispering from time to time: “Are you nervous?”

Lu Mingyu said lightly: “Generally speaking, this sentence is used for people who are about to meet me.”

These words were really domineering and majestic.

Li Jing chuckled silently, and he exerted a bit more pressure on her hand, holding it even tighter.

After entering Shouning Palace, the palace maid went in first to pass the news. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, Empress Dowager Zhao did not immediately announce the two of them to enter. The cool morning breeze blew over the newlyweds standing outside the main hall.

Both of them were mentally prepared, calm, and composed, without any panic.

“Fortunately, I had breakfast first.” Li Jing laughed in a low voice and laughed at himself: “I won’t panic even if I wait for half an hour.”

Speaking of which, Queen Mother Zhao was a bit excessive. On the second day of the wedding, if you look at your sūnxífù [2]wife of grandson from son’s side like this, does it make your grandson look good?

Lu Mingyu comforted in a low voice: “Don’t be like a fool.”

Li Jing: “…”

That fool happened to be his grandmother.

As a junior, he couldn’t say anything wrong about his elders. However, the grandmother who was partial to Concubine Qin, and her son would sometimes do things that were really disturbing and unspeakable.

Li Jing was silent for a moment and whispered: “In the past, I often reflected on myself. I felt that I was not outstanding enough, so I was not loved by my Royal grandmother, nor was I favored by my father. Later I figured out that the person who likes you will like you no matter what. If they don’t like you, there’s nothing you can do to please them.”

Lu Mingyu glanced at him with some sympathy: “I really don’t agree with this. Ever since I was a child, my father has always loved me, and my brothers and sisters have also indulged me. If you want to talk about favoritism, they all favor me. I don’t know what it feels like to be ignored and favored.”

Li Jing: “…”

He was silently hit by an arrow in the chest.

Li Jing touched his chest and accused sadly: “You don’t have any sympathy at all.”

It was not like he was a delicate flower in need of pity.

Lu Mingyu pursed her lips and smiled.

The maid under the eaves glanced at the Second Prince and his wife, who were chatting and laughing without any hesitation and quietly entered the main hall.

Today was the day when the bride came in to serve tea and arrange her place according to family etiquette.

In the main hall, Empress Dowager Zhao was sitting safely at the top.

Emperor Yongjia and Empress Qiao sat beside Queen Mother Zhao. Then there was Su Zhaorong, Concubine Meng, and Concubine Qin. Princess Hui’an and Consort Wu sat on the other side. Then there were the Eldest Prince and the Eldest huángzifēi.

The Eldest huángzifēi fell ill and lost weight. Today, she put on makeup and dressed up carefully, so that she didn’t look haggard and sick anymore.

There were two empty seats beside the Eldest huángzifēi. This was the position reserved for the newly married Second Prince and Second huángzifēi.

The Third Prince, Li Hao, the Fourth Prince, Li Xian, and the Fifth Prince, Li Chang, were sitting in sequence.

There were also several young and childless concubines who were not qualified to sit and could only stand behind.

The palace maid entered the palace and whispered a few words in the ear of Empress Dowager Zhao. Empress Dowager Zhao, who was originally smiling, turned slightly dark and snorted softly.

Empress Qiao’s heart skipped a beat and she quickly looked over.

Empress Dowager Zhao glanced at Empress Qiao from the corner of her eye, then with a smiling but not really smiling expression, she said to Emperor Yongjia, “I had them wait to see the new bride’s patience. Unexpectedly, the two of them are outside the hall, chatting and laughing, not in a hurry to pay respects or present tea.”

(End of Chapter)[3]yay one of my most favorite chapters of face slapping to start


1 wife of a prince
2 wife of grandson from son’s side
3 yay one of my most favorite chapters of face slapping to start

Chaitali Das[Translator]

Hi, A mom of two sons who is obsessed with Cnovels, Kdrama and cooking. And now my interest also includes making the MTL's of the novels I read more legible, use AI to generate image for my chapters and of course will love to hear from fellow booklovers. I unlock one chapter each from my two novels that have paid chapters. If I don't unlock one in a week, the consecutive week will have two.

1 comment
  1. Drowningsparrow has spoken 2 months ago

    This empress dowager is a b**** – she simply got to where she is through schemes and ugly manipulation- what a Villain!


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