Phoenix Hairpin
Phoenix Hairpin Chapter 160: Tea Ceremony (3)

The palace people who escaped the disaster secretly broke into a cold sweat. Then they neatly came forward with a futon, and the other two palace ladies came forward with tea cups.

The first person to kowtow and serve tea was Queen Mother Zhao.

Logically speaking, the bride should kneel down to serve tea, and the man should just bow his hands.

Li Jing unexpectedly stepped forward, knelt down, and kowtowed together with Lu Mingyu.

The Empress Dowager Zhao could not be said that she liked or disliked her grandson, her feelings were just average. At this time, she was stunned by Li Jing’s actions, and then smiled and said: “Why are you still kneeling down Erlang? Get up quickly.”

Li Jing bowed respectfully three times, then smiled and said, “Grandson’s grand wedding, taking a wife, brings immense joy. Kowtowing three times to Imperial Grandmother is nothing. As long as Imperial Grandmother is pleased, grandson is willing to kowtow a few more times.”

Empress Dowager Zhao had a soft ear, and when she heard these words, she immediately laughed.

The awkward atmosphere in the main hall was relieved.

Then, Lu Mingyu took a cup of tea and brought it to Empress Dowager Zhao: “This sūnxí gěi [1]wife of grandson from the male sideserves tea to the Imperial Grandmother.”

Queen Mother Zhao’s reaction was as expected, and she did not reach out to take the teacup.

However, Empress Dowager Zhao had just lost her temper and learned the lesson, and did not say any harsh words. Instead, she smiled kindly and said: “At this age, the Ai family is most happy to see their grandchildren marry into the house. The Ai family also hopes that you can give birth to heirs as soon as possible and expand the branches of the Li family. By then, you will be the hero of the Li family, and the Ai family will also generously reward…”

She rambled on and on.

That cup of tea had obviously been specially manipulated to make it extra hot. It was enough to hold it for a while. As time went by, it became hot to the touch. Whether you can hold it was another matter.

If someone was not holding it steady, the teacup would fall and hot water would splash on the dress, it would be a big embarrassment.

This move was certainly not new. It was also a routine operation to make things difficult for the bride.

Meng Guifei had used this trick when the Eldest huangzifei came in. The huangzifei made a fool of herself on the spot and was made fun of for a long time, openly and secretly.

Those who were thin-skinned could only swallow their sorrow silently when encountering such a thing.

Those who were more courageous would feel resentful when encountering such things, but there was no good solution; they only could have to endure it. Every new daughter-in-law had to go through this.

Everyone’s eyes fell on Lu Mingyu to see how she would respond.

Li Hao’s eyes dimmed slightly and he looked at Lu Mingyu intently.

He knew Lu Mingyu’s temper very well and would never swallow his anger. Empress Dowager Zhao didn’t know who was instigating her to give Lu Mingyu “a good look”. With Lu Mingyu’s temper, he didn’t know what kind of trouble was going to happen today.

Although Empress Dowager Zhao would not be able to please her, Lu Mingyu would also have a reputation for disrespecting her elders. Emperor Yongjia was the most filial, so he would definitely be dissatisfied with his second daughter-in-law.

Empress Qiao couldn’t help it anymore and said softly: “Queen Mother will take the tea from Lu Shi first, and then teach Lu Shi slowly!”

Empress Dowager Zhao said with a smile: “Look at the Empress, how much she feels sorry for her daughter-in-law. The Ai family remembers that the Empress in those days, also offered tea in the same way when she entered. At that time, the Empress was still young, and she was not as calm as Lu Shi…”

Another long rambling.

Empress Qiao had no choice but to look at Lu Mingyu and signal Lu Mingyu to be patient a little longer.

Lu Mingyu’s performance once again exceeded everyone’s expectations.

She held the hot cup of tea steadily, maintaining the posture of serving tea. All this happened in just one stick of incense, and her hand didn’t move at all, as steady as a mountain.

There was no embarrassment about dropping the teacup, nor the slightest embarrassment of being made things difficult and mean. She even looked interested and listened with rapt attention.

No matter how much nonsense Queen Mother Zhao talked about, there came a time when she ran out of words.

Emperor Yongjia couldn’t bear it anymore and glanced at Queen Mother Zhao.

He promised King Xingyang that he would treat his daughter-in-law well. This was good. As soon as my daughter-in-law came in, my own mother would make things difficult for her. Thanks to Lu Mingyu’s good self-control, she still listened with a smile!

Queen Mother Zhao was a little disappointed because she could not see Lu Mingyu make a fool of herself.

This sūnxí gěi who had practiced martial arts was so annoying!

Queen Mother Zhao had no choice but to reach out and take the teacup.

No one knows what happened, but the originally good tea cup suddenly turned into pieces when Empress Dowager Zhao took it.

A cup of tea fell on Queen Mother Zhao.

Everyone: “…”

This was the first time they had seen this kind of scene in their life.

The Empress Dowager Zhao was caught off guard and got soaked by the tea, making her very embarrassed.

Her right hand was still awkwardly hanging in the air, and the teacup in her hand had turned into dust. Most of it was washed away by the tea, and some of it fluttered down.

Emperor Yongjia’s expression suddenly changed, and he quickly reached out to support the frightened Empress Dowager Zhao, looking at Lu Mingyu: “Lu Shi!”

Lu Mingyu also looked nervous and apologetic: “Please calm down, father. This daughter-in-law did not do this intentionally. This daughter-in-law is naturally very strong. So, occasionally I can’t control myself, and the things I hold in my hands will be crushed into pieces. Today I kowtowed to the Imperial Grandmother and served tea. This daughter-in-law is nervous and uneasy. She may have exerted too much force and she didn’t even notice. It’s all my daughter-in-law’s fault, please. My father, please punish me!”

What else could Emperor Yongjia say?

Did he want to say, “How could you be so careless?” or “Your imperial grandmother is mean and made things difficult for you, so why bother to retaliate if you endured it?”

Anyway, Lu Mingyu admitted her mistake frankly.

Empress Dowager Zhao was in such a miserable state that she didn’t even have time to get angry. She was helped down by two palace servants to change her clothes. Concubine Qin immediately stood up and helped Empress Dowager Zhao away.

Meng Guifei looked a little strange.

The Empress Dowager Zhao felt deflated, and she felt relieved just by looking at it. However, Lu Mingyu was so powerful that it was really scary.

Su Zhaorong’s heart trembled even more.

Look, Lu Mingyu had such a temper. Whoever dared to mess with her, she would make them look bad on the spot, without waiting until the next day.

Empress Qiao felt very happy in her heart. She looked at her daughter-in-law with a soft gaze and turned to intercede for her daughter-in-law: “Your Majesty, please calm down. Lu Shi is indeed born with divine power. I have seen it before.”

“She could even lift a chair weighing three to four hundred kilograms. It’s just a teacup that can be moved. After holding it in the hand for so long, it will inevitably break. She didn’t do it on purpose, it was just an unintentional mistake. The Emperor should spare her this time.”

Emperor Yongjia felt sorry for his mother again, he also had to be reasonable.

Furthermore, the day after the daughter-in-law entered the house, the father-in-law insulted the daughter-in-law and ordered that she leave the palace. Everyone will wonder what was going on?

He kept saying that he would treat her daughter-in-law like a daughter. If King Xingyang comes to the palace, how can he, the Emperor, have the dignity to meet his close advisor?

Emperor Yongjia calmed down and lowered his voice: “That’s all. Since it was an unintentional mistake, don’t do it next time. When the Queen Mother comes back from dressing, you can beg her kindness and offer another cup of tea!”

Lu Mingyu responded with a smile.

Empress Qiao said again: “Both of you, stop kneeling and get up first!”

Even if she didn’t feel sorry for her daughter-in-law, she still felt sorry for her son!

(End of chapter)


1 wife of grandson from the male side

Chaitali Das[Translator]

Hi, A mom of two sons who is obsessed with Cnovels, Kdrama and cooking. And now my interest also includes making the MTL's of the novels I read more legible, use AI to generate image for my chapters and of course will love to hear from fellow booklovers. I unlock one chapter each from my two novels that have paid chapters. If I don't unlock one in a week, the consecutive week will have two.

1 comment
  1. XiaoCai'Er has spoken 4 weeks ago



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