Phoenix Hairpin
Phoenix Hairpin Chapter 161: Counterattack (1)

Lu Mingyu responded to Empress Qiao’s kindness promptly: “Thank you, Royal Mother.”

Li Jing had already stood up and reached out to give Lu Mingyu a hand.

Princess Hui’an saw it in her eyes and couldn’t help curling her lips.

The second brother was simply stunned. She looked left and right, but she really couldn’t see anything good about Lu Mingyu. However, the second brother wanted to get married, and as the eldest sister, she had no place to talk.

Her Royal Mother specifically told her not to interrupt and talk less today. She also promised her a farm. Then only could she barely manage to remain silent.

Facts have proved that no one dared to deal with tough nails.

Even Meng Guifei, after weighing the situation, wisely stopped talking. Not to mention Su Zhaorong, who only behaved like a quail.

Lu Mingyu even dared to fight back against Queen Mother Zhao. Those concubines had better not humiliate themselves.

For a moment, the main hall became quiet.

Lu Mingyu didn’t feel embarrassed at all, and stood aside calmly, with a smile on her lips, looking magnanimous.

Li Jing comforted him in a low voice: “The Imperial Grandmother is magnanimous and kind to the younger generation. You just made an unintentional mistake, and the Imperial Grandmother will not blame you.”

Everyone: “…”

Emperor Yongjia twitched the corner of his mouth slightly. He then glanced at his second son.

Queen Mother Zhao came back to her senses after changing her clothes.

“This Lu Mingyu,” Empress Dowager Zhao was trembling with anger: “How dare you do this to the Ai family!”

Concubine Qin comforted in a low voice: “Auntie, let’s calm down first. Lu Mingyu is unruly and difficult to discipline, and everyone knows it. Before, I advised my aunt to serve tea in peace and don’t provoke her. As expected, she didn’t have any respect at all and dared to embarrass my aunt in public.”

This was not consolation, it was clearly adding fuel to the fire and adding insult to injury.

Queen Mother Zhao’s eyes flashed with anger and she snorted heavily.

Concubine Qin was secretly happy.

Seeing that the huangzifeis were about to enter one after another, there was no way Queen Mother Zhao could be allowed to favor another sūnxí gěi. The more tense the situation, the better. It would be best if Queen Mother Zhao was completely disgusted with Lu Mingyu and would only favor Zhao Yu from now on.

Concubine Qin had a small calculation in her mind and tried to “console” her. The Empress Dowager Zhao was so angry that she stopped talking.

The palace servant waiting on the side reminded softly: “The Queen Mother, the Emperor, and all the ladies are waiting in the main hall!”

There was also the newly entered granddaughter-in-law waiting to serve tea!

Empress Dowager Zhao’s eyes flashed with sparks, and she said firmly: “Concubine Qin, serve the Ai family and go to the main hall.”

Concubine Qin responded softly, holding Empress Dowager Zhao’s arm, and went to the main hall.

As soon as Empress Dowager Zhao entered the main hall, Emperor Yongjia personally stood up to greet her, and the rest of the concubines, princes, and princesses naturally stood up to greet her. This battle finally calmed Empress Dowager Zhao’s anger.

“Mother, please take a seat.” Emperor Yongjia helped Empress Dowager Zhao to sit down and said warmly: “Lu Shi made an unintentional mistake. I have already scolded her. Mother, please don’t argue with the younger generation.”

No one knows the child better than the mother!

Don’t think that Queen Mother Zhao will only act recklessly. That was under the premise that Emperor Yongjia was in a good mood and filial to his mother. When Emperor Yongjia was really downcast, Queen Mother Zhao would soften.

It was worth learning from all the messy mothers in the world to know how to do it properly.

Empress Dowager Zhao glanced at Emperor Yongjia aggrievedly and responded.

Emperor Yongjia was really unhappy.

Serve tea properly, why was there such a fuss?

It was all started by Queen Mother Zhao. If Empress Dowager Zhao refuses to give up, Emperor Yongjia will definitely be angry. However, Empress Dowager Zhao now appeared to be giving in, and Emperor Yongjia softened his heart again, and then became a little dissatisfied with the new daughter-in-law.

After all, Empress Dowager Zhao was an elder, and she was quite advanced in age. As the younger generation, she should find a way to please the elderly, not to embarrass them in person.

Emperor Yongjia served Empress Dowager Zhao to her seat and then sat down as well.

With one glance, Lu Mingyu knew what Emperor Yongjia was thinking.


After all, he was Li Hao’s biological father. Both father and son had exactly the same attitude towards their mother. Even if their mother was wrong, others had to respect her and give in. [1]so we know who our scumbag Li Hao was like

Empress Qiao broke the silence with a smile: “Lu Shi, why don’t you serve tea to your imperial grandmother quickly?” Then she turned to Queen Mother Zhao and said: “Lu Shi’s strength has been far stronger than ordinary people since she was a child. She did not mean to be rash and rude to the queen. Mother, don’t bother arguing with her.”

Empress Dowager Zhao snorted from her nose.

Nothing was said.

The maid brought the teacup again. This time, the teacup was no longer hot. Lu Mingyu offered tea, but Queen Mother Zhao stopped supporting her and quickly took the tea. But she didn’t take a sip and just put it aside.

Judging from the posture, she even wanted to skip the greeting gift.

Emperor Yongjia glanced at his mother patiently: “Didn’t the Queen Mother prepare a pair of jade bracelets for her sūnxí gěi?”

Queen Mother Zhao reluctantly ordered the palace servants, who quickly took out the brocade box.

Lu Mingyu accepted the brocade box with a smile: “Thank you, Imperial Grandmother, for the generous reward.” Opening the brocade box generously, she praised with a smile: “This sūnxí gěi has never seen such a fine jade bracelet before!”

She put it on her hand on the spot. On the way up, she thanked her again with a smile: “This sūnxí gěi thanks the Imperial Grandmother.”

Empress Dowager Zhao: “…”

Emperor Yongjia’s mood became more and more subtle.

No wonder Lu Mingyu dared to fall out on the spot. That was because she also could smooth things over!

Empress Dowager Zhao was so angry but she couldn’t let it out, so she forced a smile and said, “Wear it if you like it!”

After serving tea to Empress Dowager Zhao, Lu Mingyu served tea to Emperor Yongjia and Empress Qiao.

Emperor Yongjia, who was in a complicated mood, took his daughter-in-law’s tea, took a sip, and gave her a greeting gift.

Empress Qiao was in a much better mood, and her smile was particularly gentle: “Lu Shi, you and Ah Jing are married. I hope that you and your husband will be harmonious and open up branches for the Royal family as soon as possible.”

Lu Mingyu didn’t have any shyness, so she responded generously: “My mother-in-law’s teachings have been remembered by this daughter-in-law.”

Next, it was time to offer tea to Meng Guifei and others.

In this case, there is no need to kowtow and offer tea; a respectful bow will suffice.

Liu Mingyu displayed great power, swiftly overwhelming Empress Dowager Zhao. Meng Guifei, understanding Emperor Yongjia well, knew that it was not appropriate to stir up further waves today. She spoke politely to Liu Mingyu, “Second huangzifei, please rise.”

Then, the palace servants gave her a meeting gift. The gift wasn’t huge, but it was reasonable.

Concubine Qin was almost the same. Even though she was instigating Queen Mother Zhao in private, in front of Lu Mingyu, she was both loving and kind. Even more enthusiastic than Empress Qiao, the official mother-in-law.

Concubine Qin took Lu Mingyu’s hand and smiled and praised her endlessly: “…I have met many outstanding girls in these years. However, if I want to choose one who can compare with the second huangzifei, there is almost no one. .”

Lu Mingyu responded with a smile: “Concubine Qin praised me highly, so I will be disrespectful and accept it shamelessly.”

Very good.

Everyone in the harem now knew that she was not a pushover. Think about it, it would save you a lot of trouble in the future.

(End of chapter)


1 so we know who our scumbag Li Hao was like

Chaitali Das[Translator]

Hi, A mom of two sons who is obsessed with Cnovels, Kdrama and cooking. And now my interest also includes making the MTL's of the novels I read more legible, use AI to generate image for my chapters and of course will love to hear from fellow booklovers. I unlock one chapter each from my two novels that have paid chapters. If I don't unlock one in a week, the consecutive week will have two.

1 comment
  1. Drowningsparrow has spoken 2 months ago

    I don’t like this Emperor either


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