Please, I Beg You! This Is a Dating Simulation Game
Please, I Beg You! This Is a Dating Simulation Game Chapter 21

 The commission from yesterday’s notice board has been paid; you have received the following items. 

[Bread × 1][Wood × 3][Copper Ore × 2], and 2 silver coins and 77 copper coins.

At seven o’clock in the morning on the nineteenth day of spring, Shen Xin received the commission payment from the completed notice board order.

Yesterday, she had visited two of the lakes on the map.

First, the lakes themselves were not mysterious at all, just ordinary bodies of water.

Shen Xin thought that perhaps these lakes appeared mundane but hid extraordinary secrets within.

So she fished in the lake all night, until her backpack filled with fish, until she started throwing them away, but still hadn’t found anything out of the ordinary.

Shen Xin thought she might’ve picked the wrong lake and was preparing to circle the island for more, but when she recalled it, Uncle Li had said he had searched every inch of Peach Blossom Island without finding this mysterious lake.

Could it be…that the mysterious lake wasn’t on the small island?

By “small island,” she meant the visible portion above ground.

Shen Xin did think of a place that fits the description, but it would be difficult to investigate today. Instead, she planned to visit the town’s flower-viewing event.

Generally speaking, games didn’t host pointless events.

“Hm… It’s hard to say. After all, this is a game developed by UOL.”

Shen Xin got out of bed, first harvesting the green beans in her field. While her potatoes and green beans simmered on the stove, she packed up her backpack and entered the storage room, beginning to sort through her items.

A player who didn’t like organizing their inventory wasn’t a good player.

In the past, when she hadn’t possessed so many items, Shen Xin would simply grab a random chest before heading out on her adventures, tossing inside it any items she wouldn’t need.

Now, over a dozen chests were stuffed full, each one containing everything from vegetables to fish, construction materials, and minerals… Seeing all the disordered items piled together gave anyone who looked at them goosebumps.

She took out some planks, crafting signboards to hang in front of each chest, labeled with “Miscellaneous,” “Tools,” “Construction Materials,” and “Crops,” among others.

And that wasn’t all—these broad categories were further divided into subcategories.

For example, the aquatic products were split into four types: marine fish, river fish, lake fish, and aquatic byproducts.

The underwater by-products included shells, seaweed, and kelp, among other things.

The squares inside the grid-connected to each other, allowing for an organized arrangement of goods that made everything look neat and tidy at a glance.

The crops were also meticulously sorted.

Shen Xin’s harvested crops consisted of only vegetables and fruits, but she sorted them by season instead.

Crops sown in the same season were placed together, but since there were quality differences, spring crops alone filled three chests.

Shen Xin arranged the same types of crops in order of normal, intermediate, and high grades, with color also being a consideration.

Items with similar hues were grouped together.

Strawberries and passion fruits, both red, were placed near each other, while spinach, coriander, and green beans, all green, were organized together.

The entire warehouse—from the arrangement of the chests themselves to the organization of the goods inside—was so immaculately arranged that anyone with obsessive-compulsive disorder would only want to say one thing:

This is so satisfying!

This is too satisfying!

This obsessive-compulsive disorder is dying a happy death right now and ascending to heaven immediately.

I can take screenshots of this to use as wallpaper.

The organizer’s sense of color is incredible. Even the categories are beautiful; I’m bowing down.

A barrage of “I’m done” and “Ah, I’m dead” comments flooded the chat.

It wasn’t until Shen Xin pulled out fifty packets of rapeseed from one of the corners inside the storage room that the chat exploded with laughter.

 Lolololololololol, what a noob. 

 Shen Xin’s innermost thoughts: What is this? Why do I still have seeds left to plant? 

 This is exactly what it’s like when I discover an extra homework assignment the day before school break. 

 Lolololol, that’s exactly it! 

Mixed emotions swirled inside Shen Xin as she stared at the rapeseed.

Damn, she’d forgotten to plant them.

“After ten days, the rapeseed… Wait, it can be planted in both spring and summer, so I should still have time.” After reading the instructions, Shen Xin let out a sigh of relief.

In most farming games, crops planted in spring could only be harvested in spring. If a player failed to tend to their crops properly, they would either stop growing or wither away entirely, forcing them to start over. Shen Xin, a self-proclaimed perfectionist, would not have been able to accept such negligence.

It was still early; it hadn’t even reached nine o’clock yet.

Shen Xin looked toward the field. The land left unplowed after harvesting the spring wheat and spinach yesterday had already degraded into regular soil, but with a bit of weeding, they could still be used.

Shen Xin quickly finished weeding and planted the seeds.

By the time she watered half of the field, the flower-viewing event was about to begin. She rushed toward the town square.

“Strange, how come Jing Yan hasn’t come to pick up today’s meal? Is he already waiting for me at the square?”

She muttered a few words to herself as she sped up her pace toward the town.

Peach Blossom Town was unusually lively today.

All the NPCs on the island had gathered here, and Mayor Wang had set up display tables in the town square. Each household picked out the flowers they had meticulously cared for and placed them on the tables for all to see.

The main types of blossoms were tulips, roses, and daisies, but some of the NPCs raised flowers that bloomed in other seasons, so there were also potted green plants on display.

Both NPCs and players mingled in the town square, some standing near the exhibition tables and others in the breakfast area.

When Shen Xin arrived, an NPC guarding the entrance called for her to register.

“The flower-viewing event will conclude at 12:30 P.M. You may leave at any time after entering, but once you exit, you won’t be allowed to re-enter. Please remember the rules.”

Shen Xin nodded and scanned her surroundings, quickly noticing that Jing Yan was nowhere to be seen.

“Is she not here yet?”

As Shen Xin looked for the missing woman, several sets of malicious gazes landed on her.

“It’s that woman!” Zhang Yunyun crushed the cookie in her hand into crumbs. During their last fishing trip, Shen Xin ruined Zhang Yunyun’s chance at romance, and on top of that, Zhang Yunyun suffered the agonizing death of her beloved cat. She and Meng Xianping both blamed Shen Xin for all these mishaps.

The other gazes were even more hostile.

Chen Xingyun and his three friends had met Shen Xin just yesterday. Upon seeing her, they promptly remembered their lost belongings and the 10,000 points deducted from their scores.

As the saying goes, “Hatred makes the eyes red.” Yet Zhang Yunyun and Meng Xianping knew they couldn’t take on Shen Xin head-on, and Chen Xingyun’s group had just suffered a beating yesterday, so they wouldn’t be so rash as to seek another death today.

But if physical confrontation was out of the question, verbal sparring was always an option.

Zhang Yunyun was the master of biting sarcasm, and she purposely squeaked, “Oh? The great farmer has also deigned to grace us with her presence at the flower-viewing party? I hope she hasn’t come for the free meals, like us plebeians.”

Upon hearing this, Chen Xingyun’s interest was piqued. Oh? Does Shen Xin have an enemy?

Not everyone at the table knew Shen Xin, so upon hearing this, one of them exclaimed in shock, “A farmer? The one who owns that massive farm on the east side?”

Zhang Yunyun continued her barbs. “Who else? With a farm that big, I’m sure she could easily feed all of us here without any issues.”

“Really?” The crowd buzzed with murmurs of disbelief.

“Really!” Nicholas joined in, mimicking Zhang Yunyun’s nasty tone. “And she has so many blueprints and treasure chests, what? You don’t know about treasure chests? There’s a very small chance you can catch one while fishing, usually one a day is pretty good for us, but that girl has some special item that lets her catch seven or eight at once.”

Zhang Yunyun and Meng Xianping were both baffled.

Aiyo? Shen Xin’s enemy? That meant they were friends!

The two parties quickly came to a shared conclusion, adding fuel to the fire as they took turns speaking, blowing up Shen Xin’s riches until she seemed to overflow with wealth.

A man without sin bears the guilt of another. Most players lived difficult lives; why should Shen Xin be allowed to live well?

They wanted to incite some players’ resentment toward the rich, bringing trouble to Shen Xin. Ideally, a large group would gang up on her, letting them swoop in afterward to pick up the scraps.

Shen Xin listened carefully to their praise, then reached her own conclusion: Hmm, that’s true, it’s about the same, actually I have even more.

Shen Xin looked on with the air of a spectator, but her close friends grew anxious.

Bibi, Xiao Feng, Fan Qing, and Xiao-Jie all understood that while those six players appeared to be praising Shen Xin, they were actually drawing aggro upon her.

Some were visibly convinced, and their gazes lingered on Shen Xin with a greedy gleam. They wanted to stand up for her, but they didn’t know what to say. After all, Zhang Yunyun and her friends had spoken the truth. How could they possibly stand up and say that Shen Xin was actually a penniless loser, a noob?

Their conscience wouldn’t allow them to say such things!

Just as everyone’s attention was on Shen Xin, someone in the crowd shouted, “It’s Mingyue and Zhou Yi! Mingyue is here!”

The crowd turned around and discovered that the two big shots, who had never shown themselves, had finally appeared at the flower-viewing event.

Mingyue and Zhou Yi belonged to a completely different level of fame from the streamers and internet celebrities. The players’ attention swiftly shifted from Shen Xin to the two big shots, and they began expressing their shock or delight at the arrival of these two figures.

Singer Zhou Yi was quite affable, and he waved at everyone upon entering the reception area.

In contrast, Mingyue’s entire demeanor emanated an aloof air. Even the old carpet in the rural town seemed to transform into a red carpet beneath his feet.

Many people began whispering amongst themselves.

Too bad I can’t get him to sign anything without bringing my game…

Zhou Yi scanned the players present, subtly furrowing his brow before picking a spot to sit down, leaving the person beside him ecstatic.

Mingyue sat at the very edge of the table, giving off an air of “Strangers: Do Not Approach.”

Meng Xianping, an actor himself, felt his interest piqued upon seeing Mingyue. Mingyue was, after all, a renowned movie star. If he could pick up some acting tips from the man or perhaps gain some exposure by association, it would be a win-win situation. He hastily grabbed some food and made his way toward Mingyue, attempting to start a conversation.

Zhang Yunyun, too, found herself preoccupied with something else. She was a fan of Zhou Yi, so any grudges she held against Shen Xin took a back seat when her idol was within reach.

The Help Each Other Group also sent two members off to chase after stars, leaving only Chen Xingyun and Jiang Yu to listen to the screams of the crowd. At this point, calling out Shen Xin’s name would have no effect, so they chose to save their energy.

Realizing she wasn’t needed anywhere, Shen Xin stood apart from the fervent crowd and admired the flowers being grown by the NPCs.

“Flowers…” Shen Xin recalled something. Her beehive back at the farm had yet to produce any honey. There should have been wildflowers blossoming in the spring; why hadn’t it produced any honey? Was planting flowers necessary for them to produce honey? She quickly went to ask Mayor Wang.

Jing Yan crawled up from the bed with difficulty, glanced at his wounds, which had only just healed, and then checked his long list of negative status effects.

“I was careless…” he said regretfully, then walked to the window. After confirming that Shen Xin was there, he slowly made his way toward the square.


Thank you very much for reading my translations.

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