Please, I Beg You! This Is a Dating Simulation Game
Please, I Beg You! This Is a Dating Simulation Game Chapter 30

Shen Xin didn’t know why, but as soon as she set up her stall, many people swarmed over to buy her vegetables.

Usually, she had to call out and bargain to get customers to buy her fish, but today it was much too easy.

Of course, she had done her market research beforehand. At Old He’s stall, vegetables sold for three times the price of the seeds. Thus, Shen Xin decided to sell the vegetables to the players at five times the cost of the seeds.

She could have charged more, but this was already quite generous.

The cheapest vegetable was the white radish. Because quite a number of people were suffering from malnutrition, even those who had beef with Shen Xin, such as Chen Xingyun, gritted their teeth and lined up to buy.

When Nicholas heard that each white radish cost fifty copper, his eyes nearly rolled out of their sockets. “You’re no longer Shen Xin, you’re Shen Blackheart! This guy’s ruthless! Taking advantage of our vitamin deficiencies to rip us off—how far do you think you can push us?!”

Shen Xin was taken aback upon hearing this. “What?! Are you lacking in vitamins? Then aren’t you going to have to eat vegetables?”

Vegetables were rare goods, so Shen Xin raised her prices according to market rules, selling all produce at eight times the seed price.

The other players, furious that their chance to buy vegetables had been spoiled, promptly beat up Nicholas.

“Ah, it’s all your fault! This could’ve been solved with fifty copper coins, but now we’re stuck with this mess because of you!”

Of course, the other three members of the mutual aid group wouldn’t just stand by and watch their comrade get pummeled. Chen Xingyun hurriedly incited the crowd, “Friends, calm down! At the end of the day, this is Shen Xin’s fault! You should go beat her up and loot her things!”

With this reasonable-sounding advice, the crowd turned toward Shen Xin.

Unfazed, Shen Xin casually produced her Liao Hua Sword and began leisurely polishing it. When she finished, she carelessly waved the blade, instantly cutting the shrubbery beside her in half.

The onlookers were stunned for a moment before coming to the same conclusion: Fuck, they couldn’t win against her.

So Nicholas got pummeled even more.

Jing Yan dashed to Yun Yuwei’s house and knocked, but nobody answered. So, he broke the window and hopped inside, earning him a torrent of curses from Yun Yuwei.

“My window! My goddamn windbreaker window!”

“Who told you not to open the door?” Jing Yan watched as Yun Yuwei clutched his head with a blanket, then playfully poked at it. “What’s up? Getting married? Is this some sort of veil?”

“Fuck off!”

“Disrespectful disciple! Watch your mouth when speaking to your master.”

Jing Yan reached out to pull a corner of the blanket away, but Yun Yuwei hastily snatched it back. However, how could he hope to be a match for Jing Yan? In the end, Yun Yuwei was pressed into the ground, and Jing Yan flung the blanket away, revealing a head of messy hair dyed every color of the rainbow.

Jing Yan could see at least seven or eight different colors on Yun Yuwei’s head, like someone had spilled an entire palette of paints. “You… Ha ha ha ha ha! It looks so ugly.”

Yun Yuwei wasn’t bad-looking in person; he had once been considered quite attractive. But even supermodels couldn’t pull off such a multicolored, Mary Sue hairstyle—and that too without any discernible pattern, with bald patches on one side and long strands on the other. It was truly hideous.

Yun Yuwei was both humiliated and furious, his face bright red with anger, a sign that he was about to blow his top.

Just as Yun Yuwei was about to explode, Jing Yan dashed outside, leaving Yun Yuwei in a state of bewilderment. All the anger and frustration he felt remained trapped in his chest, unable to be vented.

“Hmph, hmph! Damn it, he’d better not come back, or I’ll definitely—”

Before Yun Yuwei could finish his rant, Jing Yan returned with Shen Xin, climbing through the window and pointing at Yun Yuwei. “Look, a rainbow!”

Yun Yuwei stared, speechless.

Damn it! How could he have been so blind as to accept this guy as his master?! Jing Yan and Shen Xin were clearly partners, yet here he was, humiliating Shen Xin while being played for a fool!

Shen Xin’s expression lit up at the sight of Yun Yuwei’s disheveled appearance, but he only asked after a moment of amusement, “What happened to you?”

Yun Yuwei grew indignant.

“Isn’t it all your fault?!” He glared angrily at Shen Xin. “How could you leave a perfectly fine young man like me alone on the streets unconscious?!”

Shen Xin and Jing Yan exchanged a glance.

Oh dear, could it be that the sole heir of the Cloud Sea Group had lost his in-game purity?

Now that was spicy.

“You two are so dirty! There’s no such feature in the game!” Yun Yuwei scolded Shen Xin and Jing Yan, then mumbled, “I didn’t really lose anything, did I…”

Jing Yan stopped him. “All right, that’s enough. Any more and the直播间 will be sealed.”

Shen Xin glanced at his hair and could guess the culprit behind this disaster.

In any case, Yun Yuwei blamed all the mishaps on Shen Xin. After listening to his account, Jing Yan pulled out his dagger and walked toward Yun Yuwei, scaring the latter into wailing incessantly.

Jing Yan held Yun Yuwei in place. “Don’t move, or I might accidentally shave off your skull.”

Unable to struggle free, Yun Yuwei felt the sharp blade scrape against his scalp a few times before Jing Yan shaved his head into a clean, close-cropped look.

This was Yun Yuwei’s first time getting a haircut with a knife, and he must admit it was quite thrilling…

Shen Xin thought that perhaps getting Yun Yuwei’s hair trimmed might help salvage some of his looks, but Yun Yuwei’s hair was dyed all the way to the roots. Now, only a thin layer of colored hair remained, making him look even more peculiar.

Shen Xin patted Jing Yan and shook his head. “It’s hopeless.”

Yun Yuwei dashed into the bathroom in a panic, then emerged in tears moments later.

“Even uglier!!”

“It seems we can’t do this unless we’re professionals.” Shen Xin pointed toward the door. “Let’s go find Bibi to help fix you up.”

“I’m not going!” Yun Yuwei’s voice cracked.

Bibi was the very person who had ruined his hair. Besides, everyone knew she was a disaster waiting to happen behind the salon chair! She’d only make things worse!

“Let’s dye it a single color. It’d be better than having a world map on your head right now.”

Even if Shen Xin said so, Yun Yuwei still refused to go to Bibi’s shop under any circumstances.

“I can do that,” Jing Yan chimed in.

He pulled out a bottle of black ink from his backpack. “Cuttlefish ink. It has dyeing capabilities, and I’ll give you a full head of black hair.”

“If you had this, why didn’t you produce it earlier?!” Yun Yuwei angrily rubbed his head.

“I just remembered I had it.” Jing Yan dragged Yun Yuwei into the bathroom, and soon after, bursts of laughter rang from the room.

“Oh god, ha ha ha ha ha.” Jing Yan excitedly pulled Shen Xin in to witness the spectacle.

Neither Jing Yan nor Yun Yuwei knew how to dye hair; they had no idea how to use the ink.

So Jing Yan simply poured some ink into a basin, added water, and mixed it up before dunking Yun Yuwei’s head in.

The ink’s dyeing power was incredible, dyeing everything black with just one touch.

Yun Yuwei’s eyebrows and the entirety of his head, regardless of whether it was hair or skin, turned out pitch-black. His short hair clumped together into small tufts, making him look exactly like a character in a comic who’d been blasted by a bomb, complete with despair etched on his face.

Shen Xin laughed hard, clinging onto Jing Yan’s shoulders and wiping away her tears. “With this skill of yours, are you planning on surpassing Bibi and taking over the hair industry?”

Jing Yan nodded. “I think it’s doable.”

I think it’s not!

#Jing Yan, stay away from the hairdressing industry#

I don’t know if it’s doable, but I do know that world domination is inescapable

The “domination” kind of world domination

The “tyrannical” kind of world domination

To be honest, I now want to see more of Yun Yuwei

Girl, me too! I used to find him annoying, but now I prepare myself to laugh when I see him

hahahahaha who knew he’d end up in the hands of these two, his archenemy becoming his comedic foil

Yun Yuwei: So mad! But also can’t defeat them

“Disciple, there is one last method to save you.”

Yun Yuwei scoffed. “Yeah right! You and your shitty plans!”

Then Jing Yan pounced and began to drag him across the floor.

“I’ve always been thinking of you,” Jing Yan said helplessly. “My intentions are good, it’s just the results that are less than satisfactory.”

Yun Yuwei was speechless.

So, I’m supposed to thank you?

“Listen, I think I do have a way to make you look brand-new.” Jing Yan’s expression was incredibly sincere, and it almost swayed Yun Yuwei. He’d never seen Jing Yan look like this before.

Somehow…it seemed…kind of reliable.

“What? What is it?” Yun Yuwei decided to trust this guy one last time.

“It might be a little painful…” Jing Yan leaned in. “You know how players respawn after dying? Maybe their appearance gets reset too; why don’t I help you get a few stab wounds, then you can respawn—”

Yun Yuwei spat at him.

“Trust me, I’m swift, precise, and ruthless—I’ll make sure you die painlessly—”

Yun Yuwei spat at him again.

He must have lost his mind to consider trusting this person!

Jing Yan and Shen Xin were chased out of Yun Yuwei’s room.

Of course, they had left voluntarily; Yun Yuwei couldn’t have kicked them out even if he’d tried.

“Well? Isn’t it fun having this disciple?” Jing Yan grinned as he watched Shen Xin set up his stall.

“Not bad. I even feel a bit sorry for him now.”

Indeed, not only had the boy taken Shen Xin’s beating, he’d also been used as a guinea pig for poison, and now he’d lost his hair—what a tragic fate.

Jing Yan nodded. “Quite… Oh, right, why are you selling vegetables now?”

Shen Xin told him about acquiring the seeds and the side effects.

Jing Yan was surprised. “So you won’t lack for food anymore?”

“In a sense, I’m not lacking, but I don’t have enough variety,” Shen Xin replied. “I discovered that the random seeds include crops that can’t be purchased from the store, such as spring melons and cabbage…”

The more types of crops there were, the more varied the dishes they could make.

With this sudden improvement in their prospects for the future, Jing Yan set his sights on a new goal. “Then I’ll bring you more random seeds in the future.”

After purchasing the radish, Zhuang Jia rushed to find his brother, Zhuang Yi.

“Bro, you’re a chef. Do you know how to make this stuff?”

Zhuang Yi accepted the radish and cooked it for a bit, producing a bowl of plain boiled radish.

Zhuang Jia took the bowl with a look of disdain, but after taking a small sip, his expression transformed into one of satisfaction.

“Pretty good!”

Perhaps it was because the radish itself was tasty, or perhaps it was because they hadn’t eaten vegetables in such a long time, but Zhuang Jia felt that this radish soup was tastier than any soup he’d ever had before.

Zhuang Jia said regretfully, “If I’d known it tasted this good, I would’ve bought a few more before the prices skyrocketed.”

He took another look at the soup in his bowl, then added, “Wait, I’d still buy it even if it cost eighty copper.”

Zhuang Yi’s eyes widened in surprise. “Bro, you spent eighty copper on a single radish?!”

“Yep,” Zhuang Jia responded, bewildered. “We’re already afflicted with status effects; if we don’t eat vegetables, we won’t even be able to work.”

Zhuang Yi was also bewildered, but after his brother explained their vitamin deficiency, he murmured, “Oh, so that’s how it is. I’ve been giving you meat that provides more stamina, so I figured you’d need it more than I do. I’ve only been eating wild herbs, so I probably won’t be infected with status effects for another few days.”

“Then you should hurry up and eat some more. Don’t get infected with those things; it’s a total loss!”

With that, Zhuang Jia lowered his head and dug into his meal, hoping to get rid of the status effects as soon as possible.

Seeing how much his brother enjoyed the dish, Zhuang Yi suddenly came up with an idea.

“Bro, how about this—why don’t we open a restaurant?”


Thank you very much for reading my translations.

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