Please, I Beg You! This Is a Dating Simulation Game
Please, I Beg You! This Is a Dating Simulation Game Chapter 45

  Jing Yan is also a big shot, let alone someone who knows Shen Xin well.
  Zhuang Yi and Bibi, since helping Shen Xin open a shop, quickly rushed to a well-off society.
  Those who are not doing well, say Xiao Feng, help Shen Xin build a house and the treatment is also good.
  Even the two brothers, who made mistakes in the early days and got along just fine after turning over a new leaf, also embraced thick thighs. They also wanted to get rich.
  ”Big shot, please enjoy your meal.”
  ”Boss, do you lack bodyguards?”
  Shen Xin laughed.”Bodyguard? Are you protecting me or am I protecting you?”
  Shen Xin still remembers when she went fishing. These two guys said they would escort her to the beach, but they stood by the side and shouted for fuel the whole time.
  Fan Qing and Xiaojie choked.
  Indeed, although they were warriors, why would a big shot need protection from a noob like him? Besides… if the boss really wanted bodyguards, he should choose Jing Yan first, right? Maybe that guy doesn’t even want his salary.
  However, Shen Xin looked at them and had an idea.
  She didn’t want to get involved in the drug business before, because she was too lazy to look after the store.
  Aren’t there two laborers who came to their door?
  However, Zhuang Yi and Bibi are both people with serious shops.
  Fan Qing and Xiaojie are poor, and the house they live in is not suitable for transformation into a shop.
  In fact, selling a drug, setting up a stall in the street is also OK. After all, Shen Xin also set up a stall to sell fish in the early days.
  However, with Zhuang Yi and Bibi making comparisons, Shen Xin thinks it’s too casual to set up a stall. As Zhuang Yi said, they all have corporate culture. If they sell for a long time, how can they get a shop out?
  Speaking of shops, Shen thought of a carpenter.
  ”You two come with me.”
  Shen Xin called Fan Qing and went back to the farm.
  The carpenter was helping her renovate her house, and when it came to opening a shop in town, the carpenter said it was none of his business.
  ”I can only help people work on the land they own. If you want to open a shop, you can go to the mayor to buy land in the town or buy a ready-made house.”
  Shen Xin and Fan Qing didn’t know they could buy land and buy a house. They returned to town and asked the mayor about it.
  Mayor Wang took out the map of the town.” Yes, you can buy it, but the price is not low. Take a look.”
  Small town houses and open spaces on the island can be sold. Shen Xin looks at several other farms and thinks of the land he has planted.
  Maybe… buy another piece of land to plant the remaining seeds?
  Shen Xin looked at the real estate price first.
  Tortoise, other farms and land were sold for at least 2000 silver coins.
  Actually, it’s reasonable. After all, it’s such a big piece of land, right?
  The price of a ready-made house is relatively more affordable.
  Most houses cost only two to three hundred silver coins, while the better ones cost five to six hundred silver coins.
  Shen Xin took a fancy to a house near Zhuang Yi and Bibi.
  Fan Qing and Xiao Jie were flattered to see that Shen Xin easily paid more than 400 silver coins without blinking his eyes.
  ”As expected of a big shot. He’s too rich. I don’t want to work hard anymore_(:$>”).”   ”Boss, you’re spending so much money. Our underlings can’t stand it…”   Shen Xin lightly said: “No expense, anyway, very soon can earn back.”   When Fan Qing and Xiao Jie knew what they wanted to sell, they really knelt down.   Shen Xin placed the medicine-refining workstation in the back room of the tidied shop and granted Fan Qing and Xiao Jie the right to use it. At the same time, he placed some ingredients for refining medicine in the box. Then, he instructed,” This will be a medicine shop from now on. It specializes in selling high-level restricted medicine and high-level damage medicine.”   Potion has 3 levels, but honey is scarce, Shen Xin does not want to and is not willing to refine limited honey into cheap low-level potion.   Moreover, high-grade potions had better effects and were more expensive.   According to the feedback from Jing Yan, the Advanced Restriction Potion could cause a monster to freeze for 15 minutes, and the range was increased to 3 meters.   Advanced Damage Potion deals 25 damage per second for 15 minutes.   The effects were much stronger than low-level potions.   Considering the players ‘poverty, Shen Xin showed mercy. The price of high-level potions was only three times that of low-level potions.   Fan Qing and Xiaojie: “…”   As expected, he would earn back the money to buy a house very soon…   After the matter of refining medicine was settled, Shen Xin continued to be her boss.   It was noon, and it was especially hot in summer. She went to Zhuang Yi’s place to grab a bottle of cold drink and planned to go back to work after a casual stroll.   The entrepreneur who is in the town is Shen Xin. When he returns to the farm, he still has to do farm work(:$>”)_.
  Shen Xin thought about the gap between the two and felt that it was a little funny.
  When she passed by the notice board, she looked at the missions on it.
  Advertisements for restaurants and clothing stores were posted on it, and many players also posted quests. The rewards were much richer than those for NPCs.
  Shen Xin also saw the Ore for Bread quest that he had released a long time ago.
  It’s like no one’s asked her to switch since it was released.
  There weren’t many people who could get the ore back then. Jing Yan was one of them. As for the others, they had more or less enmity with her.
  At this point in time, the reward for exchanging ores for bread seemed extremely shabby.
  Shen Xin removed the quest and changed it to ” Collect large amounts of ores, 30 copper ores for 1 silver coin, 20 coal or 20 iron ores for 1 silver coin.”
  Players should be short of money these days. This kind of quest would attract people to do it, right?
  Shen Xin finished his new task and was about to return home when Bibi appeared.
  ”Sister!” Bibi pulled Shen Xin back in a panic.” Not good!”
  Shen Xin was Bibi pulled to a corner, see her pointing to a new barber shop, Shen Xin speechless: “This is what you said bad?”
  ”Yes!” she said. Bibi looked back at Shen Xin’s expression and said angrily,”Sister, you don’t understand! The player who opened this shop is very professional. If he also opened a barber shop, no one would be willing to come to my place to have their hair cut in the future!”
  Shen Xin was speechless.
  See how confident you are. Even if other players don’t open barbershops, no one is willing to come to your place to have their hair cut.
  Of course, Shen Xin thought about it. On the surface, she still had to stand on her employee’s side.
  ”What’s wrong? Do you know the man who owns this shop?”
  Bibi shook her head.” Not very well.”
  ”Then how do you know he’s very professional?”
  Bibi said seriously,”Because his name is Tony.”
  Shen Xin was awestruck.
  This name was indeed very professional.
  ”He’s out!” Bibi quickly pulled Shen Xin to squat behind the bushes, quietly sticking her head out to observe Tony’s every move.
  Teacher Tony not only named it professionally, but even the operation of soliciting guests was professional among professionals.
  ”Friend, do you want to apply for a card? Friend, get a membership card.”
  Tony held a homemade card in his hand, raised his delicate little finger, and occasionally stroked the hair beside his ear.
  After Shen Xin saw it, he patted Bibi’s shoulder heavily.” You lost.”
  Bibi: “Ying Ying.”
  ”But what makes me wonder is, is his occupation a hairdresser? Why did you open the shop at this time?”
  It starts with Tony’s identity.
  Tony is also a vegetarian player who entered the game through the test. In the early stage, he has been collecting resources and fishing for a living. Like Jing Yan, he has accumulated a large amount of medicine.
  However, Tony’s luck wasn’t too good. He didn’t choose a combat class, so he couldn’t use the Hairdresser’s initial item, Razor, to fight monsters, right? So it’s been quiet until now.
  Just when Bibi opened a clothing store, he disposed of a batch of hairdressing appliances, which Tony bought at a second-hand price. This was the reason why he opened the store.
  After listening to Bibi’s introduction, Shen Xin said,”This is still called unfamiliar? You just need to find out who his ancestors are eighteen generations ago.”
  ”Aiya ~” Bibi touched her nose in embarrassment.”After all, she’s a professional hairdresser. Everyone in this profession has a problem. They are especially good at chatting. I went to his place to wash my hair. After washing, I got everything out.”
  Shen Xin was speechless.
  Shen Xin: “Did you go to him to wash your hair?”
  Bibi: “Know yourself and know your enemy, win every battle… He washes his hair too comfortably.”
  Shen Xin was speechless.
  No way, Bibi, you’re not winning every battle. You’ve surrendered and lost completely!
  ” Let’s go. Sister, I’ll take you to experience the techniques of a professional hairdresser.” Bibi pulled Shen Xin inside.
  Shen Xin: So what did you hide for?
  ”Bibi, again? This is…”Tony saw Shen Xin the moment eyes lit up.
  While Shen Xin was still confused, Tony took out a golden card and handed it to Shen Xin.” Big brother, supreme vip, do you want one? A lot of benefits and discounts!”
  Although Shen Xin was notorious, everyone knew that she had money and family background. Tony regarded her as a big customer.
  Bibi stood in front of Shen Xin, greedily blocking the VIP card with her hand, and then took out an ordinary membership card from her backpack.” No need. I’ll ask her to wash her hair today. Use my card.”
  ”That’s fine.” Tony said so, but when he pushed open the door, his eyes were still glued to Shen Xin, looking determined to win.
  Bibi quietly told Shen Xin: “Sister, don’t worry, I am here, absolutely won’t let him pit you to do membership card.”
  Shen Xin: Then I am really relieved.
  After entering Tony’s shop, the interior was decorated quite well. The simple black and white decorations created a generous and clean feeling, and the white pots and green plants on the table and floor added a touch of humanity to the shop.
  Tony was already waiting at the shampoo bed. He pulled out a towel and asked,”Which one of you will go first?”
  ”She, she, she hasn’t tried it yet.” Bibi pushed Shen Xin over and sat down on a chair beside her. She pretended to chat with Shen Xin, but her eyes glanced at Tony’s hand intentionally or unintentionally.
  Shen Xin understood.
  The child was here to steal from him.
  I called her in just so I could observe Tony’s shampooing.
  … always learning in strange places.
  Shen Xin didn’t say anything. After Tony put a towel on her, she lay on the shampoo bed.
  Tony made up his mind to let Shen Xin do the card, so he tried his best to wash his hair.
  Massage, kneading, tapping…
  Shen Xin only felt that it was extremely troublesome.
  She had always thought that washing her hair was all that was necessary. Everything else was unnecessary.
  This was the first time that Shen Xin encountered such a variety of shampoo techniques. After enduring for a while, she finally couldn’t help but say,” Please don’t bother with these fancy things. Thank you. After washing, I still have to go to farm.”
  Unexpectedly, all his thoughts had the opposite effect. Tony realized that Shen Xin really didn’t like this way. He immediately changed his strategy and became quick in his work. After washing her hair in a few times, he wrapped her hair and moved to the front of the barber chair.
  ”Do you want a haircut? Current fashion, nostalgic classics, celebrities…”
  ”No need.”
  It seems that Shen Xin is a person who pursues simplicity.
  Tony probed,”How about a cut? Short hair cuts in summer can get a refreshing effect.”
  Shen Xin could accept this.
  ”Then just cut it short.”
  ”Okay, cut it short, right?” Tony immediately began to raise his hand, Bibi followed and secretly learned the hair-cutting technique.
  More than ten minutes later, looking at his hair that was at least ten centimeters shorter, Shen Xin: “…”
  He was indeed a professional hairdresser.


Thank you very much for reading my translations.

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