Please, I Beg You! This Is a Dating Simulation Game
Please, I Beg You! This Is a Dating Simulation Game Chapter 47

  As expected, the luck bonus was not fake.
  Shen Xin opened more than one weapon in the remaining treasure chests.
  However, there were a lot of Level 1 weapons. Only one [exorcism whip] and one [Sun Shooting Bow] could be considered Level 2 weapons.
  [exorcism whip]: Craftsman quality. Deals 160~210 damage at a time. Deals double damage to undead creatures.
  [Sun Shooting Bow]: Master-grade. Requires arrows to be effective. Deals 115 – 200 damage at a time. Has a miraculous effect on Scorching Creatures.
  Each of these weapons also comes with an inlay field and an additional attribute field.
  Field properties have descriptions.
  The mosaic field can be filled with different gems.
  Additional attribute fields can be used to place items with attributes.
  Both add different effects to weapons.
  Finally, Shen Xin took the exorcism whip, and Jing Yan took the five senses closed sword and the sun shooting bow.
  The rest of the boxes are mostly furniture and resources, and furniture has the function of returning physical strength or adding luck.
  Shen Xin asked Jing Yan if he wanted to take two pieces back, but he refused.
  ” It’s not worthwhile to split your luck equally between the two of us. If you stack your luck to the highest, the benefits will be greater.”
  Therefore, these things were collected into Shen Bao’s heart.
  ” That…You guys have opened up a lot of weapons, right?”
  Seeing that the two of them were sharing good things, Zhou Yi and Qin Chengyue came over at this time.
  ”Do you sell weapons?” Qin Chengyue probed.
  ”Yes, but the price is not low.” Jing Yan gestured to Shen Xin with a “leave it to me” gesture, took Zhou Yi and Qin Chengyue aside and fooled them enough. Finally, he sold two first-class weapons at a very high price. Moreover, Zhou Yi and Qin Chengyue thanked him repeatedly and went back to ironmaking with their weapons.
  Shen Xin sighed: “Good people, so you fool lame.”
  Jing Yan has never heard of this saying,”Hmm? What does this mean?”
  ” There’s a joke that my grandfather always likes to tell. I remember it’s a sketch. Do you want to hear it?”
  Chen Zesheng is very good at telling stories. Shen Xin imitates his grandfather’s way, causing Jing Yan to laugh wildly.
  ”Wait a minute, I’ll write down the name in a memo. When we get out, we must read it again!”
  Shen Xin was also greatly satisfied to see the other party eating Amway like this.
  The goal of fishing has been achieved, Jing Yan can’t wait to experiment with his new weapon, Shen Xin brought things back to the surface, first went to the pharmacy, asked about today’s business situation.
  Advanced potions sell well.
  Fan Qing and Xiaojie offered their turnover as if they were taking credit. Shen Xin nodded after looking at it and shared the profits with them.
  After dividing the coins, Fan Qing and Xiao Jie showed a look of wanting to say something but stopping.
  Shen Xin: “What happened to you two? Want to go to the toilet?”
  ”No, no, no.” Fan Qing excitedly said: “We found the horse.”
  Shen Xin: ” Congratulations?”
  ”Moreover, we even sold the high-quality horse feed we bought before at a high price!” Jay added: “We sold for 4 silver coins a bundle, double earned back.”
  Fan Qing patted his chest proudly.”Boss, did you see that? We’re already proficient in the Shen Corporation’s corporate culture. In the future, only we can earn money from others. No one can earn money from us!”
  Shen Xin was speechless.
  What a mess.
  She took out her first-class weapon.
  ”I can’t earn your money, right? Then I won’t sell these to you two.”
  ”No! No!” Fan Qing and Xiaojie cried and stopped Shen Xin,”Please make sure to earn our money TUT.”
  Shen Xin was just joking with them. She took out her scimitar.” Fan Qing, let’s see if you like this saber.”
  ”I like it! I like weapons that are higher than the initial weapon!”
  Shen Xin quoted a price, Fan Qing did not dare to bargain with her, after paying the money excitedly held the machete in his hand, saw the knife description.
  Fan Qing:
  Shen Xin held back her laughter.”How is it? Do you like it? There’s one more.”
  Fan Qing: Can, can I return the goods?
  There’s a price for weapons, but there’s no market.
  When it comes to buying weapons, everyone no longer calls Shen Xin Scalper, but prostrates one after another and calls her Bodhisattva.
  Shen Xin: Yes, I have become Bodhisattva again.
  It is worth mentioning that Fan Qing refused to buy scimitars with righteous words. When Shen Xin was worried about the sales of scimitars, Tony happily bought both knives.
  Shen Xin was speechless.
  He didn’t know if he was happy about the attack bonus of his double-handled scimitars.
  In short, Shen Xin made enough money to buy the farm closest to home.
  Utopia Island business tycoons have become poor again_(:$>”)_.
  However, there is a new land can be planted, Shen Xin planned the planting plan of the new farm before going to bed, did not expect the eighth day of summer, the sky began to pour rain, lightning and thunder.
  The mayor held a large umbrella and raised a loud speaker to remind the residents: ” From today onwards, there will be three consecutive days of thunderstorm weather. Please try not to leave the town, or even leave the house, to avoid accidents!”
  ” Three days?!”
  The players who heard the news expressed that they could not accept it.
  They had bought a lot of potions and buffs in the past two days. Some of them had even spent all their money to buy new weapons from Shen Xin. They had almost spent all their money. If they didn’t go out to fight monsters or fish, how would they survive for three days?
  Therefore, many people ignored the mayor’s advice and held umbrellas in the rainstorm to go deep into the forest…
  [Congratulations, Farmer Class Level +1. Recipes obtained: [Intermediate Fertilizer],[Intermediate Sprinkler]]
  After Shen Xin woke up, he was first pleasantly surprised by the upgrade of his career level, and then he was shocked by the thunder that seemed to explode in his ears.
  She sat up and watched as a bolt of lightning struck her crops. The crops that were originally growing well withered instantly and turned into a pile of charred ash.
  Not only that, but there were already signs of scorching in several places in the field. It might have been the thunder last night that damaged the crops.
  There were also many lightning bolts dancing in the distance. I don’t know what they hit again.
  Shen Xin has no time to care.
  She put on her straw hat and rushed to the warehouse. As soon as she left the eaves, she was drenched by rain.
  Think also is, a small straw hat block spring rain OK, in the face of summer rainstorm, is tantamount to mantis arm.
  Shen Xin didn’t have time to buy rain gear now. She braved the rain and quickly went to the warehouse to take out the iron ingots she had stored and made ten lightning rods.
  She had long seen that there was a lightning rod option, but she did not expect the lightning to be so powerful. She thought that lightning would only strike people, but she did not expect that it would not even spare crops.
  And, yes, animals.
  Shen Xin glanced in the direction of the barn. Fortunately, the animals would not leave the barn on rainy days, otherwise she would be forced to eat meat today.
  Ten lightning rods are evenly distributed in the farm. If there is any lightning coming down, all of them will be led away by lightning rods.
  Fortunately, she had stockpiled iron ingots and preserved the surviving crops.
  Shen Xin was soaked. She hurried back to the house to change into her farmer suit in case she caught a cold.
  However, it was raining heavily outside and she was trapped inside.
  Because there was no rain gear, he would be drenched if he went out now.
  Just as Shen was wondering if she should wear wet clothes to buy rain gear, Jing Yan came and brought her a raincoat.
  ”I don’t think straw hats can block this kind of rain, so I bought a raincoat for you.”
  ”That’s a big help.” Shen Xin smiled as she took the raincoat and saw the logo of [Little Crocodile Raincoat/Adult].
  Shen Xin was speechless.
  Is this really not a child’s model?
  But now is not the time to be choosy.
  Shen Xin put on the raincoat and found that the structure of the small crocodile raincoat and the small yellow duck raincoat is similar. The animal’s mouth is designed into the form of upper and lower brim. Shen Xin even has two rows of round crocodile teeth.
  Jing Yan prompted: “This raincoat can also be inflated oh.”
  Shen Xin: “…” It’s really a children’s model!
  After wearing them all, Shen Xin went to the field to harvest vegetables in this way.
  Unfortunately, those crops that were split were treasures that could grow repeatedly.
  However, the good thing is that Shen Xin temporarily did not plant the seeds analyzed by the analyzer, otherwise it would really suffer a big loss.
  Although it was raining outside, the crops in the field were not affected by the rain and became wet.
  Shen Xin finished collecting cotton and tried to put it into the processing room, but could not produce the finished product.
  The same goes for the hops harvested these two days.
  Something else seems to be needed to process these products.
  Shen Xin temporarily put the cotton and hops away, opened the manual, and opened the attributes of the intermediate sprinkler.
  An intermediate sprinkler can cover a 5×5 area of crops, which means a sprinkler can cover 24 squares!
  ” Unfortunately, the iron ingot I refined a few days ago has to be used as a lightning rod. Otherwise, we could have realized automatic watering of the entire farm today.”
  Shen Xin did all the work outside well, took off his raincoat after returning to the house, and found Jing Yan helping to watch the pot beside the stove.
  ”The porridge was boiling just now. I turned it into a small fire.”
  ”Yes, I’ll make two cold dishes. Do you want chili?”
  ”I can eat a little.”
  Shen Xin took out the radish, asked Jing Yan to help cut the filament, cut the eggplant into sections by himself, and then divided it into four parts from the cross section, and steamed it in the pot.
  When the shredded radish is salted, Shen Xin cuts the coriander into long sections and the chili into small pieces to prepare two sauces.
  Cold eggplant taste spicy, cold radish partial sweet.
  They are all very congee dishes.
  ” Spicy state. Acquired by eating chili. Body temperature can rise temporarily for ten minutes.” Jing Yan ate a piece of chili and stuck out his tongue. He quickly picked up two chopsticks to remove the spicy.” But it’s just right to take it to the monster cave. It’s too cold behind.”
  Jing Yan had already reached the 27th cave on the second floor. If nothing unexpected happened, he would encounter the boss tomorrow.
  ”Then I’ll go with you tomorrow. Anyway, there’s nothing we can do in this thunderstorm.”
  Jing Yan helped clean up the pots and bowls. He was not in a hurry to leave. Instead, he took out the weapons he obtained yesterday and studied the fields above with Shen Xin.
  The inlay field was very straightforward. Shen Xin put different gems in one by one, and the weapon showed additional instructions.
  Ruby increases attack power.
  Sapphire increases combo speed.
  Topaz increases critical strike chance.
  The gemstone could be disassembled, and a durability bar of 30 to 50 points appeared after embedding. It seemed to be a consumable item.
  Shen Xin reads the description while disassembling, and Jing Yan records the function of the corresponding gem beside it.
  ” I almost remember the mosaic field. What about the additional attribute field?” Shen Xin looked at the description of this field and felt that this condition was too vague.
  ”Is the potion successful?” Jing Yan guessed,” Doesn’t the potion have damage and restriction attributes?”
  Sounds reasonable.
  Shen Xin took out the damage potion and poured some into the additional field. As expected, the weapon had the effect of “causing continuous damage reduction.”
  This was similar to poisoning.
  Moreover, it could also make up for the weakness of the damage potion that required oral administration, achieving the effect of full utilization.
  If a high damage weapon is studded with both Ruby and a damage potion, the damage dealt by that attack is considerable.
  Jing Yan saw that the potion had taken effect. He tilted his head and muttered to himself,” An item with attributes… Can the chili pepper work?”


Thank you very much for reading my translations.

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