Please, I Beg You! This Is a Dating Simulation Game
Please, I Beg You! This Is a Dating Simulation Game Chapter 5

 Congratulations, player! Farmer profession level +1, received [Bronze Hoe Blueprint], has a 10% chance of double harvest when reaping crops. 

 Congratulations, player! Fishing skill level +1, the chance of catching high-level fish increased to 5%. 

Shen Xin was woken up by a series of upgrade notifications before the alarm went off.

She opened her handbook to cancel the alarm and noticed a line of small text at the top:  Your current ranking is first place. 

First place?

Shen Xin clicked on the detailed explanation and saw that buying and selling items added 367 points, planting crops added 204 * 10 points, crafting added 43 points, and repelling monsters added 27 points…

 Note: We detected that your profession is Farmer, so your crop planting points were multiplied by 10. Please continue performing work in line with your player class. 

It seemed like anything she did would earn her points.

She opened her character sheet.

 Player name: Shen Xin

Class: Farmer

Level: 2

Health: 150/150

Stamina: 150/150

Cleanliness: 100/100 

After leveling up, all her values had been filled in.

It was one thing for her health and stamina to recover fully, but how did her cleanliness also reach full?

This setting wasn’t rigorous enough… Was the System secretly giving her blood transfusions, feeding her, and bathing her in the middle of the night?

Regardless of the roast, Shen Xin still needed to make money today, with the goal of clearing out the shop as soon as possible.

She poured tap water into a bottle of mineral water, then grabbed her fishing rod and bread before racing to the beach to fish.

Bibi wandered around the island for two whole days, running from monsters. After finishing the side quest’s bread and mineral water, she survived by eating wild plants and drinking river water.

She managed to get through the first day, but on the second, Bibi contracted the Parasite status effect while drinking water, causing her to lose one point of health and one point of cleanliness every minute, along with persistent stomach pain.

“The river water looks so clean! Who knew there were parasites… I should’ve read some more books.” Squatting on the ground, she could only thank God it was just a game and there was no diarrhea function, or else she’d never be able to stream as a pretty girl ever again after going outside.

 Congratulations, player! Completed the “Search for Peach Blossom Town” quest. Reward: 5 silver coins. 

“Peach Blossom Town? Where, where?” Bibi looked around.

As Shen Xin parted the grass, she saw a dirty person squatting on the ground, staring around with large, black eyes. She promptly pulled out her axe, ready to strike.

“Whoa!” Bibi sat down hard, covering her face with her hands. “Don’t kill me!”

“Oh, a player.” Shen Xin held back. “My apologies; I thought you were a monster or savage.”

Bibi couldn’t speak.

She was done for. She’d never be able to stream as a pretty girl ever again.

Shen Xin had never imagined someone could end up this wretched. No wonder this girl ranked number one in the leaderboards.

“The town’s that way, but I recommend you clean yourself up in the river first before you go, or some NPCs might lower their favorability toward you.”

Shen Xin pointed a direction for her, then walked toward the beach without looking back.

This was both a game and a competition. Bibi hadn’t expected another player to show her such kindness; she was moved to tears. Bibi memorized Shen Xin’s appearance, then walked toward the town, still holding her stomach.

When she found the town, the NPCs refused to interact with her due to her low cleanliness stat. Bibi had no choice but to go into the river and clean herself up.

As she soaked in the water, she suddenly realized that this was drinking water, and whether it had been used by others for bathing…


If this weren’t a game, she would’ve wanted to get her stomach pumped.

With her cleanliness restored to eighty percent, Bibi spoke with the town’s mayor. As a barber, Mayor Wang gave her a two-story house in town: the second floor for living, the first floor for her shop.

With a place to stay, Bibi could finally rest from her arduous journey; she could survive on the handful of silver coins she had for quite some time.

It’d be so nice to just live like a lazy dog here, she thought, but her manager would definitely scold her.

“Anyway, it’s only the third day of the game. I’ve been wandering around for two days already—taking one more day off isn’t too much, right?” Bibi took some parasite medication and rested beautifully on her bed, deciding to think about the competition and survival tomorrow.

[Flatfish] +1

[Japanese mackerel] +1

[Snapper] +1

[Sardine] +1

After filling her inventory, Shen Xin sold all the fish to Uncle Li, then ate some bread to restore her energy, and continued fishing.

She had become quite adept at the fishing gameplay; if not for the need to watch for the fish’s movement, Shen Xin would have preferred to lie down while fishing.

“Ah ha.” She yawned, then saw the float suddenly plunge into the water, almost pulling the entire rod under. Thankfully, Shen Xin reacted quickly and grabbed the reel, locking whatever was beneath the surface in a stalemate.

“What the heck?” Shen Xin’s stamina rapidly decreased by twenty points, and with a splash, she reeled in a chest.

Wait, was there treasure hunting in this game?

Shen Xin caught the shoebox-sized chest, immediately noticing its description:

[Low-Grade Treasure Chest]: Low probability of appearance, contains random beginner materials such as wood and stone.

Opening the chest, she received 50 stones.

As expected, the contents were entirely useless.

However, the treasure chest was a signal: there was more to fish in this sea than just fish, and some truly special items could be reeled in.

Shen Xin’s interest was piqued, and she began to anticipate what would come next.

Unfortunately, treasure chests were rare catches. She fished until 4 p.m., but only caught two more low-level treasure chests, netting her an additional 100 wood.

Though there were plenty of fish.

After gaining experience from fishing, she caught a few more flatfish, earning her sixty-four silver pieces and seventy-five copper pieces in total for the day.

“Uncle Li was right, fishing is the way to go.”

On the way home, she dispatched a handful of slimes, and upon arriving at the village, she noticed a few new faces.

Standing in the town square, they chatted and exchanged contact information, looking quite relaxed, unaware that they were frogs about to be boiled alive.

Shen Xin wasted no time. After selling her herbs, she swiftly grabbed fifty passion fruit seeds and twenty-four loaves of bread from the shelves, leaving her with only ten copper pieces on hand.

Back at the farm, she boiled a pot of water and took care of the side quest. Shen Xin bent over tending to the fields well into the night, then made a scarecrow to stand in her field before finally falling into bed, exhausted.

Day 4 of spring.

 Congratulations, player! Fishing skill level +1, the chance of catching high-level fish increased to 10 percent. 

 Your current ranking is: First place. 

With the increased chance of catching high-level fish, her earnings today would be a bit higher as well.

Shen Xin put down the handbook and noticed that it was raining outside.

In survival games, rainwater was often a lifesaving water source; in the wilderness, groups of people short on water could temporarily supplement their needs via rainwater.

But Shen Xin didn’t need it; she could drink boiled water.

“Sweet dew from the heavens, good rain, good rain!” She would have been happy today had she not remembered that she couldn’t go out to fish if it rained.

In survival games, getting caught in the rain could lead to negative status effects such as catching cold, unless one had rain gear…

“That’s right.” She opened the handbook’s crafting page, which included a grass hat blueprint she’d acquired when she first entered the game.

Consuming thirty grass clumps and ten stamina points, Shen Xin crafted a grass hat, put it on, and tried standing in the rain. It indeed provided protection against the rain.

“The radishes are ready?”

Only after stepping outside did she discover the situation. The 64 units of white radishes she planted the first day had matured, and each one had sprouted from the ground, revealing a significant portion of their white bodies. Up close, the sight was quite impressive.

Shen Xin pulled up the radishes. With the 20 percent bonus from the Double Harvest skill, she obtained a total of 74 white radishes.

Out of these, 53 were of common quality, 15 were of medium quality, and six were of high quality.

Farmers usually adopted a compound-interest-like approach, where they sold their crops for new seeds. Shen Xin had initially planned to do the same, but since this was an isolated island with no seed resupply, she couldn’t bear to sell them…

Upon closer inspection, however, it seemed that there was no expiration date on her produce—meaning that, within the game, food would not spoil.

It’s not a particularly hardcore survival game after all…

Shen Xin pondered briefly before putting all the radishes in her inventory, delaying any plans until later.

The live stream event lasted for a day, and the topic of “Paradise” soared on the internet, becoming the number one trending topic across all platforms.

The celebrity contestants might not have played well, but their fanbase was large, and their economic value was high.

Out of the ten contestants selected from the masses, most played quite well, but even if you added up the viewership count of all their streams, it would still be less than half of Mingyue’s.

When Xiao Zhou, a staff member of UOL, saw the statistical data, he felt quite unsatisfied.

Upon seeing Shen Xin’s livestream, which boasted a mere 1105 viewers, Xiao Zhou felt even worse.

Many streaming platforms faked certain data based on the streamer’s broadcast time and level to encourage them and inflate their viewership numbers.

This was why some streams displayed a large number of viewers but had virtually no chat or donation activity.

In Shen Xin’s stream, 1104 out of the 1105 viewers were fake; the one real viewer was Xiao Zhou himself.

As a gaming addict who spent his time immersed in the game community, Xiao Zhou had no interest in celebrity streamers. He had entered UOL with an immense passion for games, only to see his ideal game lord become someone else’s wingman…

The more Xiao Zhou thought about it, the angrier he became. He gifted Shen Xin’s live stream two items, watching as the pro’s hand flew over the keyboard without a blink, easily catching the high-level eel.

“Pro player, nice!”

Xiao Zhou opened the drawer, staring at Shen Xin’s signature, his thoughts in disarray.

If he were to post a message in the community, announcing that Shen Xin was “Papa and Mama Don’t Let Me Play Games,” the pro’s livestream would explode in popularity.

This would be Papa and Mama Don’t Let Me Play Games’ first-ever face reveal! Five-star rarity!

But the pro clearly didn’t want her identity exposed; what if exposing her would bring her trouble…

Caught between a rock and a hard place, Xiao Zhou channeled his conflicted feelings into more gifts for Shen Xin’s stream.

“How come no one else is watching this pro play…?”

Xiao Zhou opened the backend of the site, looking at Shen Xin’s far superior score compared to everyone else, dying to tell someone about his discovery.

“What does ‘professional’ mean? Only one player discovered our foreshadowing… Hm? Wait, how are two people doing the hidden quest?”

[+1 eel]

[+1 eel]

[+1 seaweed]

Seeing the more than ten eels in her inventory, Shen Xin’s smile couldn’t be contained.

Eels appeared only during rainy days and were a high-tier fish, each worth two silver coins. However, after biting the hook, they twisted and turned extremely fast in the water. In addition, their long, soft bodies made them difficult to catch, as they swam with a trail of water behind them, easily slipping off the hook if one wasn’t careful.

But Shen Xin wasn’t just anyone. Without even blinking, she turned the reel, right to left, up and down, right and up, left and down, right and up, left, right, up, left… until the eel took the bait.

“Last one.”

Shen Xin cast her line, and almost simultaneously, her bobber dipped underwater, though no fish appeared.

“It’s a treasure chest!”

Shen Xin grabbed her reel and began reeling in the box, noticing her stamina rapidly decrease by fifty points. Surprised, she quickly shoved a piece of bread in her mouth.

Good thing she had plenty of food, or she would have collapsed right there.

With a whoosh, an iron-bound wooden box fell into her arms.

[Moderate Treasure Chest]: Drops with a 5 percent chance, containing random ore or common gemstones.

Shen Xin opened the chest to find [Emerald x 1].

A beautiful emerald lay in Shen Xin’s palm. “A gem… Not sure if it’s useful, but I’ll keep it for now.”

She stuffed everything into her inventory and sold all the fish to Uncle Li.

Daily earnings: 143 silver coins and 43 copper coins.


Thank you very much for reading my translations.

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