Please, I Beg You! This Is a Dating Simulation Game
Please, I Beg You! This Is a Dating Simulation Game Chapter 59

  The Summer Games ended with a speech by Mayor Wang.
  The NPCs themselves were too hot. After a brief summary and speech, everyone went home.
  Shen Xin went back to the farm to make dishes with spicy effects. At the same time, all the wine barrels placed upstairs produced finished products.
  [Beer]: Heat and fever, appetite and spleen.
  [Note: Drinking too much will cause discomfort]
  By careful comparison, different quality hops brew different beers.
  Beer brewed with high quality has more delicious attributes and less possibility of causing discomfort.
  80 cups of beer were put into the backpack. The first thing Shen Xin did was to pour the wine into the additional attribute bar of the exorcism whip, and the whip immediately obtained new attributes.
  [Anesthesia]: After attacking, cause paralysis of the opponent’s limbs. Movement Speed-10.
  ”So it’s not nausea?”
  When it comes to drinking, Shen Xin’s first thought is of drunks vomiting, so she thinks beer will work the same way as fluorescent fish.
  However, alcohol and narcotics were indeed on the top.
  Shen Xin put the wine barrel and drying rack are put away, intend to wait for the repair of the warehouse, put things to the warehouse there.
  The upstairs rooms will be converted into themed rooms.
  The prize for first place in football is [Foosball],[Football Rug],[Football Whistle],[Speed Shoe] and [50 Silver Coins].
  furniture: foosball plus power, carpet plus comfort, whistle plus nothing but fun to blow.
  Shen Xin already has cleats, so she takes the furniture, and wears the shoes along Jing Yan.
  If prop attributes can play in a good, if you get a few pairs of shoes with special effects in the future, how troublesome to use ah, not like a ring, a pair of hands can wear several.
  Shen Xin matched the room well. In the past, when she was fishing, she also caught some furniture related to sports, such as dumbbells and horizontal bars. They were placed in a room and appeared harmonious and unified. Although there was no addition of furniture “phase” matching in the game, OCD expressed great satisfaction.
  After obtaining spicy dishes, Zhou Yi and Qin Chengyue immediately ate them and explored the deep caves.
  Shen Xin looked at their backs as they left, thinking that these two people were persistent, but the progress was always slow.
  In fact, rather than obsessing about the things in the cave, it would be better to go to the wild to fight monsters.
  In any case, the monsters unlocked in the cave would respawn outside. It was just that there were no bosses or minerals.
  But of course, Shen Xin would not tell them about this news.
  After all, Zhou Yi is also a strong fan number of players, we are not relatives, tell him the secret of the game is not to find trouble for themselves?
  Shen Xin hadn’t read the game points for a long time. She opened the manual and saw that she was ranked second.
  And the integral value shows close to 2 million.
  Seeing this data, Shen Xin gasped.
  What is the concept of 2 million?
  She opened the points list and looked at the records of making, trading, quests, and farming. Only then did she realize that she had done so many things in the game.
  Especially in terms of cultivation.
  After the planting level increased, the points increased several times.
  ” It seems that leveling up should be an important way to play…”
  Unlocking new items, gaining bonus effects, earning points and coins…Only after the class level up, these things would become more and more useful.
  Speaking of which, Jing Yan should be the first, right? Is his score higher than 2 million? It was really liver.
  However, it depended on how many tens of thousands of points he had. It was only the 15th day of summer, and it looked like it was still far from the end of the game. In fact, it would not be easy to get first place and reach tens of millions of points before the end.
  Shen Xin thought so, took the fishing rod to the fluorescent lake, planning to catch some fluorescent fish ready to steam.
  At this time, beside the fluorescent lake, sat a fishing Mingyue.
  Can’t see, feel nothing done Mingyue, unexpectedly already climbed metal technology, holding copper fishing rod fishing.
  Shen Xin only looked curiously at the fishing rod in his hand. Mingyue didn’t even look up.” It’s a gift from a fan.”
  Shen Xin was speechless.
  She didn’t ask anything, but it’s nice to have fans.
  It reminded her of a lot of role-playing games.
  Among them, there is no lack of games that need to play beggars and beggars disciples. When the other players were working hard to train and fight, the begging stream only needed to fill up the begging skills. The item that the other party had to work hard to obtain for an hour would be obtained by the begging stream shouting a few words ‘father’.
  Not to mention the game experience, the begging flow of the program effect is sure to explode.
  If this kind of celebrity went to play that kind of game and even went begging, wow…he probably didn’t have to shout for his father. Others would rush to deliver things to him.
  Even the Beggars ‘Sect Leader couldn’t reach such a level…
  The more Shen Xin thought about it, the more he floated, but the movements in his hands did not fall at all.
  The cave was so quiet that even if she was distracted, she would go to the clouds. Once the fluorescent fish took the bait, she would be able to catch the fish even if she was distracted.
  Mingyue, who had caught only one fish for most of the day: “…”
  Since the game started, although Mingyue has done nothing, but there are still many fans firmly believe that Mingyue is saving big moves.
  [Look at Mingyue’s calm appearance. He must be something!]
  [Indeed, this is the tone of the most powerful people in the world.]
  [If you don’t make a move, it’s already done. Once you make a move, it’s bound to be a storm]
  [Just by pretending to be a bush and stalking other players, I dare say that Mingyue is also a big shot in the game!]
  Fortunately, Mingyue couldn’t see these bullet comments. If he really saw them, he would definitely shout,”I’m not!” I didn’t!”
  Privately, Mingyue is actually a super introverted person, relying on acting skills, playing the company to set up a high image for him.
  Otherwise, how could he be the best actor?
  For so many years, no one except agents and company executives knew what the real Mingyue was like.
  At that time, the announcement of the game competition was also to increase the chips for the casting of the next movie.
  Director Zhou Jingqing’s “Electronic Dreams” will be casting in October.
  According to internal sources, the film has a huge investment, with innovative game themes at its core, and is shot to win international film awards.
  According to Zhou Jingqing’s casting habits, just relying on relationships and fame would not be enough to catch his eye.
  Mingyue was born in an actor family, and the strict growth plan created by his elders did not include playing games.
  Therefore, until entering the competition, Mingyue was able to clear 200 levels of Xiao Xiao Le and make up for his knowledge of the game.
  Who knew that UOL did not play according to the routine, even playing this set of hanging sheep’s head and selling dog meat.
  After entering the game, Mingyue autistic.
  He did choose the role of nurse.
  After all, they were actors in reality. It would be too boring to choose actors in the game.
  However, from the moment the ship cracked, Mingyue also cracked.
  It was okay to play the love game, but how could one play the survival game?
  Relying on the golden finger given to him by the government, Mingyue was born near the town, and was the first to obtain a living hut and a large number of wild vegetable resources.
  However, even if there is an official small stove, it can’t hold up Mingyue, he is a game white!
  Mingyue, who is set to be cold, will never reveal a trace of helplessness on the surface even if he is flustered in his heart.
  So everyone watched him avoid people every day, looking quite leisurely and elegant, in fact, Mingyue is exploring the game step by step.
  This exploration was like a blind man trying to figure out an elephant. Mingyue did not reveal that he did not know how to play games at all. Every time he tried, he was shocked step by step. During this process, he was constantly lamenting that technology had developed to such a stage. He had long heard that holographic games were powerful, but he did not expect them to be so advanced. He had accumulated 200 levels of experience for nothing!
  Therefore, it wasn’t that he wanted to fish, it was that he could only fish.
  It took half a spring for Mingyue to get used to the upheaval of suddenly falling into the game of survival.
  During this period, the only thing worth Mingyue’s comfort is that Zhou Yi, another star who entered the game at the same time, didn’t play much better.
  This way, he wouldn’t appear too weak.
  Unlike Mingyue, who explores holographic games like a baby born, Zhou Yi has played some games and worked hard in “Paradise,” but his efforts didn’t work.
  Mingyue saw this and continued to be assured of being his salted fish.
  Then, when the Flower Festival arrived, the official suddenly quietly sent him a message saying that there was a powerful player in the game, called Jing Yan, who could be found to cooperate with him to play the game.
  Mingyue immediately came to the flower appreciation meeting, see Jing Yan clearly rejected Zhou Yi’s team application, Mingyue and rest assured.
  It’s good to fish for a while, but it’s good to fish all the time.
  Hugging a big shot’s thigh made it easier to expose one’s character of not playing games at all, okay?
  However, he didn’t do anything. His points remained stable at the eighth to sixth places.
  Mingyue: Shock.jpg
  Or as the old saying goes, to change without change, do not change without change.
  But fishing is not forever. One day, Mingyue found that Zhou Yi was secretly following a group of people.
  A closer look shows that these people are still following Jing Yan.
  Boy, doll stalking.
  He immediately disguised himself and followed Zhou Yi.
  What made people suspicious was that Jing Yan clearly found that someone was following him, but he still led these people to the place they wanted to find.
  After that, he could only bid farewell to his peaceful life and start fishing nervously.
  Summer had been extremely difficult, and for some reason, the officials suddenly stopped giving him a small meal.
  Maybe he fished too much, and the official side Zhou Yi went…
  When Mingyue was so hot that he couldn’t help but expose the attributes of vegetable chicken, thanks to Zhou Yi, he discovered the secret of underground summer vacation.
  He followed the past to rub together, and coincidentally, received the task of saving Aunt Zhou’s marriage.
  At this point, Mingyue finally has a sense of participation in the game.
  After a season and a half of leisure, it’s time to get busy. Otherwise, after leaving the game, I’m afraid UOL will say he’s lazy and have to compensate for liquidated damages. It’ll be quite troublesome then.
  So he went around town and said,”Your fishing rod is beautiful” next to one of the fans of the copper fishing rod. The fan immediately gave him the fishing rod.
  Thank you to this fan. You must sign her autograph when you go out.
  Although there is equipment, but the fishing difficulty of fluorescent lake is not the game novice Mingyue can control. After the umpteenth decoupling, he finally caught the attention of Shen Xin.
  Yes, she had already swung the rod 50 times, and the person next to her seemed to have never caught a single fish.
  Shen Xin asked him,”Don’t you know how to play games?”
  ”No, I’m pretty good at it.” Ming said stiffly.
  After saying that, a fish unhooked again.
  Mingyue was speechless.
  Shen Xin was speechless.
  Interesting. While she was trying her best to pretend that she didn’t know how to play games, there were still people who were trying their best to pretend that they knew how to play games.
  It’s a wonderful world.


Thank you very much for reading my translations.

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