Please, I Beg You! This Is a Dating Simulation Game
Please, I Beg You! This Is a Dating Simulation Game Chapter 61

  ”Good news, good news! Shen Corporation is happy to offer a new employee!”
  That night, all the diners in Shangzhuang B Restaurant were sent away by packing boxes. Zhuang B closed the door and held a “Shen Enterprise Welcome Conference”.
  He looked at the room and saw that it was empty.
  Zhuang Yi, as the first official employee of Shen Enterprise, had a strong sense of responsibility. He introduced Jing Jing,” I am the person in charge of the restaurant. This is my brother Zhuang Jia, the food transporter and blacksmith.”
  He continued to introduce the others.
  ”Bibi, the head of the clothing store and the devil hairstylist.”
  Bibi: “?”
  ”Fan Qing and Xiao Jie, the person in charge of the potion shop and warrior, bracket, very weak warrior.”
  Fan Qing and Xiaojie: “?”
  Looking at Zhuang Yi being beaten by the other three, he quietly said,”…”
  Is it too late to announce your withdrawal?
  Xiao Feng was also present. He was considered a relatively normal employee in the company.” Don’t look at it like this. Our relationship is actually very good. Thanks to Mr. Shen, we are doing well in the game.”
  ”Oh, is that so?” Quietly turning her head, Bibi and Fan Qing had beaten Zhuang Yi to the point where only a thread of blood remained. She took a few steps back in panic.” Is their relationship really good?!”
  Fan Qing began to give Zhuang Yi the blood medicine he bought from the doctor, nodding his head at the side.”Good, good! Oh, no. Can we give him one of these? Two silver coins each!”
  Jingjing was speechless.
  That’s true, but can a good relationship give someone such a beating?
  ” Cough cough, right, what are you responsible for?” Quietly asked Xiao Feng.
  ”Me? I’m not considered an official employee. I just often help big shots do things, so I can barely be considered a partner.”
  ” I see.” Jing Jing pointed at Jing Yan.” What about him?”
  Jing Yan looked over.” Me? Am I considered Mr. Shen’s long-term partner?”
  Shen Xin nodded, agreeing with this statement.
  Love Catcher Bibi revealed a disdainful expression. She quickly walked to the quiet side and whispered,” Don’t believe it. If you believe it, you’re a fool. He’s the boss’s wife.”
  Jingjing was speechless.
  Your company’s relationships are really messy.
  Zhuang Yi, whose health bar was full again, became active again. He twisted the chicken he had brought quietly into the kitchen and prepared for tonight’s welcome dinner.
  The way Fan Qing and others welcome new people is to impart business ideas.
  Corporate philosophy, writing rich, pronounced Scalper.
  That night, he grew up quietly.
  The next day, Zhuangyi Restaurant put up a new advertisement.
  ”The restaurant has a new chicken recipe, welcome to try ^^~”   When the mutual aid squad saw it, Chen Xingyun took the lead and said,”^^my ass! Scalper companies are thinking about collecting people’s wallets again.”
  Xu Mengying cried.” Wuwuwu, but I really want to eat chicken…I ate fish until I almost vomited.”
  Jiang Yu also agreed.” Who says it isn’t?”
  Nicholas suddenly mentioned,”Brother Chen, remember the chicken seller?”
  What he said was quiet.
  Compared to buying chickens to raise and eat meat, the finished chicken that Jing Jing bought was cheaper, but the price of 10 silver coins per chicken still made some players stop looking.
  Therefore, she sold most of the chicken to the NPC. Chen Xingyun’s team had only collected money to buy chicken once.
  Nicholas mentioned this because he was suddenly inspired by Zhuang Yi.
  In the past, Zhuang Yikai Restaurant relied on Shen Xin to provide vegetables.
  Nicholas was also a chef by profession. Why didn’t he find an ingredient supplier and open a restaurant to make money?
  Chen Xingyun thought to himself,’That’s right!’ They could work with Jing Jing to open an all-chicken restaurant.
  Not only can you make money, but you can also rob Shen Xin’s business. Wouldn’t it be beautiful to kill two birds with one stone?
  They hurriedly find quiet, but this go, found Shen Xin unexpectedly also in quiet home.
  When they bumped into Shen Xin, Chen Xingyun and the others already felt that something was wrong.
  But on second thought, they were here to do business. What were they afraid of?
  So in front of Shen Xin, Chen Xingyun and Jing Jing talked about business.
  However, before he could finish his sentence, Jing Jing revealed a professional smile.
  ”I’m sorry, but my animals are no longer for sale. If you want to eat them, you can go to Zhuang Yi Restaurant.”
  Nicholas was puzzled.” Why not sell it?”
  ”Because she is already an employee of our company, chicken is only served to Zhuangyi Restaurant.” Shen Xin stood up and patted Jing Jing’s shoulder.” Let’s go. The animals are fed and go to work.”
  ”It’s all right.”
  Quietly settle the cubs brought by Shen Xin and go to Zhuang Yi Restaurant with her.
  Last night, Shen Xin had negotiated with Jingjing.
  She would provide a wave of free cubs to Jingjing, and feed them regularly.
  What Jing Jing had to do was raise the animals, provide the ingredients, and help out in Zhuang Yi’s restaurant.
  The last one was Jing Jing’s own request. As a player who had chosen the Chef class, he had to train his class level.
  Shen Xin listened to this and thought to himself,”As expected of a player who has gone to this extent. He knows how to play the game very well.”
  After Shen Xin agreed to her request, the restaurant’s profit share changed again.
  Shen Xin gets 45%, Jing Jing 30%, Zhuang Yi 25%.
  Although Zhuang Yi’s share had decreased, his actual income was higher than before. With helpers, his work was much easier. He was quite satisfied with the result.
  Chen Xingyun and the others watched as Jing Jing boarded the boat. After careful calculation, more than half of the players had allied with Shen Xin.
  Boy, is this guy really playing simulation business?
  After the animals were handed over to quiet breeding, Shen Xin looked at his own animals and squeezed the last animal products from them. Shen Xin and Jing Yan each held a bottle of milk and glanced between the two barns.
  The animals didn’t feel that their owners were looking at them wrong today. One by one, they jumped around and ran out of the barn to bask in the sun.
  Jing Yan had a clear purpose. He pointed at the duck and said,”Look, it runs so fast. How active it is.”
  Jing Yan once said that he liked duck meat.
  Shen Xin took a fancy to rabbits.
  It’s the only animal that doesn’t have a byproduct, so eat it.
  So duck and rabbit are still in the happy time, Jing Yan and Shen Xin quietly walked past, while it is unprepared, a pinch duck (rabbit) neck, dragged to the backyard.
  The other animals were stunned and did not know what had happened. However, the ducks and rabbits that had been captured never returned.
  After a while, Shen Xin’s house came the smell of burning meat.
  Beer duck, stewed meat, roasted rabbit.
  It can be seen that Jing Yan really likes duck meat.
  For his beer duck, the full score is 100 points, and Shen Xin can give 200 points.
  After eating and drinking enough, Shen Xin prepared another duck for him in advance, just waiting for roast duck tomorrow.
  Jing Yan, who went deep into the third underground floor, took off his winter clothes and changed into spring clothes.
  The monster holes on the second floor were getting colder and colder, while the holes on the third floor were getting hotter and hotter as they went deeper.
  Jing Yan estimated that if he went deeper, he would have to change into summer clothes. He took out the ice drink he had prepared and came to the cave entrance where he had hit last time. He saw Zhou Yi and Qin Chengyue guarding the door.
  These two people finally caught up with the progress of Jing Yan.
  Half an hour ago, they had just reached the third floor and were overjoyed when they saw the minerals all over the ground.
  However, when it came time to collect them, the two of them were stunned again.
  What if there are no mining tools? The two of them could only walk in. Unexpectedly, when the next door opened, dozens of high-level monsters turned around one after another. The scene was so terrifying that Qin Chengyue was so scared that he closed the door in an instant.
  Qin Chengyue: Sorry to disturb you.
  ” I didn’t expect there to be so many high-level monsters in the cave.” Qin Chengyue wiped the sweat off his forehead.” And they’re all monsters I’ve never seen before.”
  What should we do? You can’t leave empty-handed, can you? Call me.
  The two of them weren’t stupid enough to rush in and die. Instead, they blocked the entrance and lured the monsters out one by one, intending to kill them one by one.
  Jing Yan was expecting someone to help him kill the mobs, but looking at their style, after playing the third layer, the first year would be over, right?
  The equipment was not good, and the number of people was too small.
  ”Why don’t you guys go fish for a good weapon?” Jing Yan couldn’t stand it anymore and warned Qin Chengyue and Zhou Yi, who were attracting monsters, to jump.
  Jing Yan didn’t say much to them. He wore shining crystal armor and walked into the door openly. He stood in front of the monsters without fear. He took out his sword and dodged or dodged. He cut down three monsters in a burst of operation, but he didn’t lose any blood.
  This time, the monsters would not attack from a long distance. Jing Yan jumped high and stepped on a huge rock. Relying on the advantage of high altitude, he began to draw his bow and attack one by one.
  Jing Yan carries various rings and weapons with additional attributes. It is not a problem for an arrow to penetrate two or three monsters.
  The monsters he shot were either paralyzed or vomited continuously, spitting out a lot of drops.
  Zhou Yi and Qin Chengyue were dumbfounded.
  Their combat abilities were completely different!
  When Jing Yan is done, pick up the dropped objects on the ground.
  This time, the monsters mainly dropped leather. Jing Yan thought that these leather might be used to make clothes. In the process of picking them up, he found another familiar item.
  Anti-injury ring!
  Good stuff, this thing can save your life at critical times.
  It just couldn’t fit on his hand anymore…
  Zhou Yi and Qin Chengyue watched Jing Yan take off his shoes and wear a ring on his toes.
  Boy, they’re straight. Boy.
  ”Try hitting me.” Jing Yan walked to the door and said to them.
  Qin Chengyue was speechless.
  Never heard of such a request.
  At the strong request of Jing Yan, Qin Chengyue gave him a punch.
  This punch was aimed at Jing Yan’s face, which was exposed outside his armor. However, in the next second, Qin Chengyue seemed to have smashed into a wall and cried out in pain.
  ” Why didn’t you say something? Although I don’t have a mask, the effect is on the whole body.” Jing Yan took off his armor and said again,” Let’s fight!”
  Qin Chengyue had used less strength this time. However, he did not expect that after his fist hit Jing Yan, his health would decrease by 4 points.
  Qin Chengyue was speechless.
  From the reaction of the other party, Jing Yan knew that the ring sleeve was also useful on the foot.
  Fingers and toes, they’re all fingers.
  Now he could equip a few more rings.
  Jing Yan happily walked to the next cave, Qin Chengyue told Zhou Yi what had just happened in disbelief.
  ”The monster just now must have dropped something amazing!”
  Zhou Yi regretted it after listening to it.
  If they worked hard, wouldn’t that treasure be theirs?
  However, compared to the speed of killing monsters on both sides, it was difficult to send Jing Yan to grab monsters.
  He had only killed one or two, but the other party had killed a whole nest.
  ”Get weapons!” Zhou Yi said helplessly.
  ”Who are you looking for?”
  ”…Chase after him. Ask Jing Yan first.”
  Shen Xin sent a day’s gift, back to the cave directly stopped by Zhou Yi.
  ”Boss, I want to buy a box of bait.”
  Zhou Yi and Qin Chengyue spent a lot of money in exchange for three box baits.
  After exchanging things, they were not in a hurry to leave. Instead, they asked for some precautions for fishing.
  For example, ice lake things are not higher than fluorescent lake, fishing rod requirements are also different.
  Shen Xin regarded it as after-sales service and told them one by one.
  After asking these questions, Zhou Yi and Qin Chengyue had not left yet, and asked about the ore on the third floor.
  Shen Xin was speechless.
  I feel like I’m being treated like a customer service NPC.
  But she does answer those questions.
  ”I have a pickaxe blueprint, but the pickaxe isn’t cheap.”
  Shen Xin opened a price, Zhou Yi after listening to the idea of buying pickaxe first, and Qin Chengyue to ice lake fishing.
  After sending these two people away, Shen Xin was just about to sit down and rest when Mingyue knocked on the door next door.
  ”Are you free? I want to ask you some questions.”
  Shen Xin was speechless.
  Why don’t she open a consultation station and charge for consultation?


Thank you very much for reading my translations.

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