Please, I Beg You! This Is a Dating Simulation Game
Please, I Beg You! This Is a Dating Simulation Game Chapter 65

  Relying on the combination of attracting monsters and cutting monsters, Yun Yuwei distributed a lot of spoils in one day.
  Although the things he got only accounted for a small part of the drops, Yun Yuwei was not so choosy after experiencing hard times.
  Mosquito legs are meat no matter how small.
  Qin Chengyue expressed his shock at this.
  It was even suspected that Yun Yuwei had been replaced.
  Yun Yuwei took these things back, found the female NPC that could be attacked, and generously gave the gems in the spoils to the other party.
  Yes, Yun Yuwei was stimulated by Shen Xin and Xiao Feng, and clearly realized that there was no pure love in the game. If he didn’t hurry up and give gifts, he couldn’t even get material love in the future.
  Unfortunately, Yun Yuwei is not clear about the NPC preference system, thinking that the more expensive the gift is, the more favorable it is.
  The first two NPC’s reactions after receiving the gemstone were mediocre, while the third NPC showed a disgusted expression.
  ”Are you kidding me? I didn’t expect you to be such a bad person!”
  After saying that, the third NPC’s favorable impression of him dropped to a heart, and Yun Yuwei was completely confused.
  It’s too hard to play games.
  Shen Xin bid farewell to Xiao Feng from the carpenter side and went to see the progress of Bibi.
  The last time she gave me a costume material was leather.
  Shen Xin has no concept of beauty for leather clothes. The most common thing is black leather clothes of style, which is very difficult for ordinary people to wear.
  Into Bibi’s shop, Shen Xin first saw a design draft.
  The two sides of the room had been hung with many finished leather coats of different styles.
  Inside, Bibi was immersed in her work. At this time, she had already put on her newly made leather skirt.
  Sleeveless light brown leather dress with wide hem, airy and breathable.
  The collar of the dress was a white round lapel, and the skirt was embroidered with large and small white four-petal flowers.
  Bibi put on this set, it is a little elf.
  [Sob, sob!]
  [I unlocked a talent I didn’t know about in the game. Bibi earned blood by participating in this round of competitions.]
  [Bibi’s talent is amazing. She wants the same dress]
  [I want the same cute girl]
  ”Not bad, eh?” Shen Xin picked up a finished product, just look at the design, feel summer wear will not be very hot appearance.
  Bibi was so engrossed in the design that she didn’t notice the arrival of Shen Xin.
  She looked up from the sewing machine when she heard the noise.
  The little cutie ran to hug her, and Shen Xin caught her.
  The clothes were well made. Shen Xin praised her a few words. Bibi was alive and kicking, showing off her summer clothes.”In order to make more money at the end of summer, I spent a lot of thought on designing these clothes. I guarantee that people want to buy them when they see them!”
  In less than ten days, summer would be over.
  Clothes weren’t expendable items. If you bought clothes for spring, summer, and winter, you could wear them until the end of the game.
  Unless the clothes on sale are very nice, people can’t help but hoard a few more.
  Many leisure games contain elements of fashion collection.
  Wearing nice clothes is a big selling point for these games.
  Shen Xin felt that it was feasible. It was originally a low-cost and high-yield industry, so it was not a loss if it could not be sold.
  On the evening of the 20th, the last night of the cycle of “Peach Blossom Spring”.
  After the first two performances, on the evening of the third day, there were no more people in the theater to watch the performance. Only two NPCs sat below to watch.
  After Meng Xianping shouted out the tough advertising words, the last performance ended.
  Without warning, Meng Xianping fainted on the stage.
  Not only him, Zhou Yi backstage, Mingyue under the stage, Nicholas outside the snack window…
  Almost all the players fainted at the same time.
  The NPCs, on the other hand, looked as if nothing had happened. Once the performance ended, they stood up and left their seats one after another, as if they could not see the players who had fallen by the roadside.
  Shen Xin sat beside the frozen lake fishing. After a bout of dizziness, his final consciousness was that he had fallen heavily. When he woke up again, he had already appeared in an entire peach blossom forest.
  ”What is this place?”
  Shen Xin got up and heard singing and beating in front of the peach blossom forest. She walked over to watch and saw a group of people dressed in simple clothes kneeling down and kowtowing under a huge peach blossom tree.
  This scene was too familiar. Wasn’t it the high-end version of Peach Blossom Spring?
  Shen Xin silently touched his manual.
  Good, the manual’s open, the game stats are still there.
  This meant that she had not traveled to any other place. This was still the game world, and the scene in front of her was probably some special storyline.
  After the people under the tree kowtowed and chanted a few words that Shen Xin could not understand, the leader took out a piece of cloth from his sleeve. After opening the cloth, there were many embroidery needles pinned to it.
  The leader distributed a needle to everyone present.
  Everyone took it and pricked it on their right index finger. They walked to the giant peach tree and dripped a few drops of blood on the root of the tree.
  After all the blood drops were dripped, everyone prayed and kowtowed again.
  ”…Great Immortal Peach Blossom Wishes uses his divine ability to find a peaceful place for us. In the future, we and our descendants will provide great immortal with blood essence…”
  As soon as he finished speaking, the ground suddenly trembled. The peach blossom tree absorbed the blood, and at the same time, its branches began to grow wildly, covering the world.
  The entire village was shrouded in peach blossom branches.
  The world spun, Shen Xin almost fell, hurriedly grabbed the peach blossom branch beside him.
  It’s just that I missed it.
  Only then did Shen Xin realize that he did not have a physical body.
  When he calmed down again, he could hear the sound of waves.
  The man under the tree thanked him again.
  Just like the oath made in those years, from then on, the whole village came to the tree every year to support the peach tree with blood essence.
  The peach blossom tree also protects the inhabitants of the island.
  A hundred years, a thousand years passed.
  Utopia Island was destined to be discovered as long as it existed in this world.
  Science spread in, and the island for thousands of years and peach tree agreement into feudal superstition.
  There’s a giant peach tree on the island?
  It’s just an old tree.
  The older generation also insisted on dropping blood under the tree every year. The children complained and blamed the old man and quickly received him to live outside the island.
  After another 20 years, everyone finally stopped believing in the story of the divine tree.
  Seeing this, Shen Xin roughly understood the direction of the story.
  Sure enough, Utopia Island was developed into a tourist attraction in the future. The environment on the island was destroyed. The original peach trees on the island were destroyed. Everyone wanted to fold a peach blossom as a souvenir to take home. There was even a saying that “if you fold a peach blossom branch, you will go home with a prosperous peach blossom.”
  Islanders see business opportunities, take the initiative to sell peach blossom branches, even from the giant peach blossom tree cut flowers, sold to tourists at a high price.
  After thousands of years of nourishment, the peach blossom tree had long since become a monster, and it was the kind with super magic power.
  In the face of tourists and islanders all kinds of behavior, peach tree into deep resentment.
  She resented the people of Utopia Island for breaking their vows, resented the wanton destruction of tourists, resented the islanders for hurting her.
  Therefore, the peach blossom tree, no, peach blossom essence, turned black. She conjured a large number of monsters. In one night, countless tourists and islanders died and the entire island was in a bloodbath.
  Then she used her magic power to cause all kinds of disasters, earthquakes, volcanoes, typhoons, plagues, and stirred up the world.
  In order to prevent the public from panicking, the relevant departments immediately blocked the relevant information and sealed Utopia Island. It took a lot of manpower and financial resources to seal the peach blossom essence on the island.
  As a result, Utopia Island gradually bore the reputation of “ghosts” and “cursed,” and the tourism industry here naturally could not continue to develop.
  The scene changed, and Shen Xin was transported from the ruins of the disaster to a dark cave.
  In the cave, one could see the peach blossom spirit reading the comic seriously by a faint light.
  Even in the cage, the peach blossom spirit did not look haggard at all.
  Beautiful as a flower is the word used to describe her.
  Shen Xin came through the cage behind the peach blossom essence and found that she was reading cartoons with various different themes.
  These comics were left behind by children who used to visit the island and were disposed of as garbage by the cleaners.
  Shen Xin took a closer look. The various monsters drawn on the cartoon were not the things he met on the island?
  Shen Xin was speechless.
  Good heavens, she was wondering why such a simple story background would summon monsters like slimes and goblins. So that was the problem!
  A hundred years was enough for peach blossom essence to recuperate.
  Shen Xin watched helplessly as the peach blossom spirit finished reading hundreds of comics, and her appearance became more and more beautiful.
  It means she’s getting stronger.
  After the seal was loosened, one night, Peach Blossom Spirit took the opportunity to escape from the cage and hid on Utopia Island.
  This time, however, she wasn’t in a hurry for revenge.
  She discovered that most of the inhabitants of the island had escaped.
  Fortunately, humans were connected by blood.
  She relied on the blood essence she had absorbed to find the descendants of the original islanders. She also used various methods to trick these 20 descendants to the island, intending to kill them all…
  The images of the 20 descendants slowly appeared in the air. They were the faces of the 20 players.
  Whispers came from the darkness.
  ”You are the descendants of Taoyuan. You also bear the mission of Utopia Island to find the peach blossom spirit… and stop her revenge plan…”
  So the player had such an identity background.
  Shen Xin felt his head heavy and fainted again.
  [It’s too magical, magic]
  [Very good, large-scale magical survival and love role-playing game]
  [Upstairs, don’t forget about farming]
  [Suddenly feeling a little scary]
  [I think this setting is quite interesting, and I filled in a lot of foreshadowing in front]
  [The settings of the peach blossom spirit addicted to comics are too lame. I’m going to laugh myself to death, okay?]
  [Junior high school student, almost forgot the original text of Peach Blossom Spring]
  [Sister Peach Blossom Spirit is so beautiful, I can do it!]
  After waking up, Shen Xin found himself still sitting next to the frozen lake.
  There was another piece of information in the main quest.
  [Search for Peach Blossom Essence (0/1)]
  Here we go, doll quest.
  Quests that can only be triggered after the previous main storyline is completed.
  After Jing Yan came up from the cave on the third floor, the two of them talked and realized that this was still a group mission.
  ” If I’m not surprised, all the players should be unconscious and have seen the scene in their dreams.”
  Jing Yan also sat down to fish. He mentioned,”Isn’t this task a little difficult?”
  Shen Xin nodded.
  A thousand pieces of wood, save marriage, matchmaking NPC requirements are very clear, and on the task “find peach essence”, Shen Xin has no clue.
  Utopia Island was neither big nor small, but they had been here for so long, and they had never seen peach blossom spirits anywhere.
  There it is, the decryption element.
  Shen Xin recalled the first time she searched for the Legendary Fish.
  ” There’s no rush. Maybe we need to trigger a follow-up plot. Who knows when we’ll meet?” Shen Xin finished fishing and caught a high-level treasure chest.
  ” Indeed.” Jing Yan also fished up a box.” Besides, aren’t I digging underground caves? Maybe we can find her in the end. When the time comes, I’ll ask you to come along.”


Thank you very much for reading my translations.

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