Please, I Beg You! This Is a Dating Simulation Game
Please, I Beg You! This Is a Dating Simulation Game Chapter 68

  ”To Farmer Shen Xin:
  Hello, summer is coming to an end, and tonight at 8:00, we’ll meet at the firefly pool for the annual firefly show.
  The biologists in town take care of the cute little fireflies every year, and they will appear together near the firefly pool. The scene is extremely spectacular. Be sure to come.
  Note: Today is Valentine’s Day on this island. If you give gifts to single men and women on Firefly Night, you can get double favor ~”
  Shen Xin did not expect that on the 24 th day of summer, he would receive an invitation to the event in the town again.
  ”Double favorable impression?” Shen Xin took something from the warehouse and looked at the favorable list on the manual.
  There were a total of 24 NPCs in the town, and 14 of them had already gained more than five hearts from her.
  However, she only had Zhao Minmin’s favorable impression in the NPC guide.
  There were still 7 NPCs that could be attacked…
  There were still three main quest ununlocked. It seemed that these NPCs that could be attacked might also carry quests.
  Besides, NPCs generally participate in activities in town, and Shen Xin can save time for running pictures and giving gifts.
  Well, this firefly night is quite necessary.
  Shen Xin picked out the NPC’s favorite gifts and stuffed them into two boxes placed at the farm gate. He planned to take them before going to activities at night.
  The pasture on the quiet side expanded a circle, and Shen Xin funded her to build two large barns to encourage pigs, cattle and sheep to have more children.
  In order to breed livestock, animals have adopted the method of male and female mixed breeding.
  Cows and ewes are mainly used for milk production, bulls, rams and pigs are mostly used for food.
  When a pig is slaughtered, the ingredients dropped can be stuffed into a backpack.
  Pork, pork tongue, pork intestines, pig liver, pig head meat, pig trotters…
  Shen Xin brought pig intestines to Zhuang Yi and strongly requested the restaurant to add fat sausage powder as an option.
  Zhuang Yi was speechless.
  Boss, he is a Western food chef. There is no such option as fat sausage powder in Western food.
  Shen Xin let Zhuang Yi to study.
  She had prepared all the rice noodles.
  After twice processing rice into rice flour, raw materials are prepared, it should not be difficult to do.
  I had to try to do it.
  After explaining the recipe, Shen Xin came to the wild with a sickle and began to harvest grass.
  She had said before that she wanted to provide fodder for the quiet pastures.
  Feed grew everywhere. Its rarity was low and its price was cheap. At the ranch NPC, one could buy one unit of feed for 20 copper coins.
  With Shen Xin’s current income level, spending money on feed brings higher actual benefits.
  But whores are the best.
  There are plenty of free fodder in the wild, and harvesting it can be addictive.
  Especially a piece of land that was originally full of feed, Shen Xin became flat after harvest, obsessive-compulsive disorder looked at that called a comfortable.
  It took an hour to mow the grass. When he met monsters on the road, he cut them down. After a trip out of the door, Shen Xin’s backpack was full of harvest.
  South of town there is a pond called firefly pond, surrounded by knee-long herbs, especially suitable for fireflies to survive and reproduce.
  Mayor Wang led the NPCs to set up the stage and prepare food during the day. At six or seven o’clock, the players came to the fluorescent pool one after another.
  Bibi watched Shen Xin and Jing Yan ride to the event site together, whispering quietly with a face full of gossip.
  ” Boss is the best. Everyone is here to find a partner. Boss brought his own partner.”
  The first thing to stop the horse, Shen Xin and Jing Yan took off the luminous ring first.
  We’re going to see fireflies later, wearing glowing rings, and don’t look at fireflies, they’re the brightest of the show.
  Shen Xin saw that there were many NPC’s coming. She carried her backpack to the front and reached out for gifts while walking.
  Regardless of men, women and children, as long as it is an npc, Shen Xin will give gifts when he meets, and it is not too much to say that he is Santa Claus when he changes his red clothes.
  Besides, the NPC’s relationship with Shen Xin was quite good, and they greeted her warmly one by one.
  Yun Yuwei gave up Zhao Minmin, the NPC, and was chatting with three other female NPCs by the stage.
  Originally chatting well, Shen Xin came over and stuffed the gift.
  Under the effect of the favorable impression doubling, most NPC’s favorable impression of Shen Xin exceeded five hearts.
  As a result, the NPCs that can be attacked ignore Yun Yuwei, one by one around Shen Xin turn.
  Yun Yuwei was shocked.
  Good heavens, Sea King, it’s True Sea King!
  Shen Xin saw that these NPCs that could be attacked didn’t clear any quests. He was disappointed and fell into doubt.
  There was only one NPC that didn’t have five hearts of goodwill left, but there were still three unknown main quests.
  How do I trigger it?
  While deep in thought, Jing Yan scooped Shen Xin out of the passionate single npc and stuffed a plate of cupcakes into her hands.
  Shen Xin looked closely and saw a three-dimensional Q version of a small crocodile painted on the cake.
  Shen Xin:
  Then look at Jing Yan also holding a cake in his hand, with a small yellow duck painted on it.
  ”You can decorate them yourself. I only made two.” Jing Yan pointed to the food shed, which was crowded with players playing homemade decoration.
  Shen Xin retracted her gaze.” I didn’t expect you to have such…talent in drawing?”
  It’s cute.
  ” It’s okay.” Jing Yan put the little yellow duck into his mouth with a fork.” It’s necessary for work. Occasionally, he will draw something by himself.”
  Shen Xin: “In this case, do you want to send gifts?” I have something extra here. Valentine’s Day is limited to double favor. If you give it away, you’ll earn it.”
  Jing Yan shook his head and opened his mouth to say something. At this time, Xiao Feng, who had finished brushing Zhao Minmin’s favor, ran over.
  ”Mr. Shen, I unlocked a new formula again.”
  ”What formula?” Shen Xin’s attention was attracted to the past.
  The last wine barrel was quite useful. Shen Xin was quite interested in things unlocked by the carpenter class.
  Xiao Feng took out the manual. This time, he unlocked the Jam Bucket and Textile Machine.
  Shen Xin’s eyes lit up.”Textile machine? Can you spin cotton?”
  ”Let me see…Yes! The instructions say that cotton can be spun into cotton.”
  That’s really convenient.
  Cotton harvest is very fast, Shen Xin planted a large number of cotton, has long harvested several boxes of cotton in the warehouse, this can finally come in handy.
  Shen Xin satisfactorily placed an order for 10 textile machines and 100 jam barrels. Xiao Feng was ecstatic and then asked Shen Xin,”Boss, will you continue to repair the warehouse?”
  ”Xiu, continue to cultivate.”
  Shen Xin now has four farms. After all of them start farming, the warehouses at home will not be enough.
  Business is more fun than love.
  Shen Xin looked back and saw Jing Yan squatting in the grass. He walked over and found that he was catching something in the grass.
  ”Here you go.”
  Shen Xin reached out to catch it, and Jing Yan put the firefly in her palm.
  A few small light spots regained their freedom and flew out from Shen Xin’s palm in a flash.
  The firefly party started.
  Uncle Song sat on the stage with the harmonica, Aunt Zhou shook the sand hammer to the beat, Mayor Wang did not know where to hold an accordion…
  In the music of summer, fireflies fly out slowly from the ground, looking down from the sky, and there are little lights in the quiet dark grass.
  Yun Yuwei reached out and fiddled with the grass, and dozens of fireflies jumped out of it into the air.
  Then hundreds of fireflies slowly flew out.
  It was a romantic scene, very Valentine’s Day.
  Shen Xin only felt that someone patted her. Looking back, Old He took his wife and held two big boxes in his hands.
  ”Daughter, come to the lottery. It’s free.”
  Shen Xin was shocked.
  Old He? Free?
  Who are you?! You’re not Old He! Are you crazy?
  Just when Shen Xin was so suspicious, Old He added with a smile,”The items provided during the festival are all allocated by the mayor. Take it boldly.”
  Well, then it’s okay.
  Shen Xin and Jing Yan each took out a piece of paper.
  Jing Yan opened it.
  [Can be exchanged for a lift of toilet paper]
  ”Just so-so,” Jing Yan tilted his head to look at Shen Xin.”What about yours? Luck points bonus, things should be good, right?”
  Shen Xin opened the note and glanced at it. He smiled and said,” A hydrogen balloon for the little yellow duck. I’ll exchange it for you?”
  ”Good duck, good duck.”
  The night of the fireflies passed quietly.
  Chen Xingyun and the others, who were once again destitute, ate at the town’s event last night. Today, they came out mainly to hunt monsters and fish.
  Back to the original starting point, standing in front of the dock.
  Fishing, making money, making a living, and buying weapons.
  The apothecary shop was selling steel axes. An axe was expensive.
  However, Chen Xingyun and the others finally decided to grit their teeth and buy one after gathering the dual effects of cutting trees and monsters.
  Work hard, today we fish together to make money, buy an axe is not a problem.
  The efficiency of the four people in the mutual aid squad was good. Zhang Yunyun and Meng Xianping knew how much they were worth. They gave up fishing and gradually made shells and corals along the coast, earning at least more money than sardines.
  They were just picking it up. They didn’t know where they went to slack off.
  Chen Xingyun didn’t have the slightest hope for these two guys.
  The four of them repeated the movements of throwing and withdrawing the rod.
  In the later stages of the game, most of the players ‘fishing proficiency was quite high. At the same time, fishing became boring.
  The only fun is box fishing.
  The hook sank without warning, and Chen Xingyun pulled it up without changing his expression.
  Only after his Stamina Points had dropped by half did he realize that the box this time was not simple!
  Damn it! There was no food supply on him.
  Fish is not cooked, but raw can add a little strength.
  For the sake of the high-level treasure chest, Chen Xingyun went all out.
  He stuffed a few small fish into his mouth and pulled up the Advanced Treasure Chest before his Stamina reached the danger line.
  The mutual aid squad was overjoyed.
  They hadn’t seen many high-level treasure chests.
  The three of them surrounded Chen Xingyun and watched him expectantly as he opened the box-and received a power ring.
  ”This is it?”
  The three of them let out disappointed voices.
  In the past, he had occasionally dropped a Strength Ring from killing monsters. However, this was the only thing that could be obtained from an Advanced Treasure Chest. It was really disappointing.
  However, Chen Xingyun’s expression changed again and again.
  [Ring of Strength]: Attack +10 after wearing.
  [Ring of Weakness]: Special for Trick. After wearing it, the damage received by the player will be multiplied by 5 times. After wearing it, it cannot be removed. Give it to anyone who hates it ~(This comment is only visible to the first holder)
  Chen Xingyun was speechless.
  What the hell is this?
  There was the sound of hooves, and the mutual aid squad turned around.
  Shen Xin dismounted.”Hmm? Why are you fishing in this heat?”
  Chen Xingyun and the others had never dealt with Shen Xin before, so they couldn’t help but retort,” It’s so hot, don’t you come out to fish?”
  Shen Xin paused.” I’m not here to fish.”
  She walked to the dock and fished out a thick hemp rope.
  Chen Xingyun and the others were speechless.
  Shen Xin continued to pull the hemp rope and pulled out a long string of medium-sized cages.
  A lot of seafood was caught in the medium-sized cages, including all kinds of fish, lobsters and crabs.
  This was too convenient!
  Chen Xingyun’s team was jealous.
  Strong and rich, these days live, admire.
  Chen Xingyun was the most envious.
  He had always aimed at a prize of three million yuan, looking at Shen Xin’s excellent equipment and convenient props…
  Chen Xingyun sighed.
  What can we do? It’s good to win and snatch it. In the game, the winner is king.
  But the problem is that he can’t beat Shen Xin.
  Chen Xingyun lowered his head and suddenly saw the Ring of Weakness in his hand.
  Suddenly I had a brilliant idea!
  The author has something to say: Yun Yuwei: Lottery
  [Congratulations, you have obtained the product guide of Old He Store]
  Old He: You can see if there are any favorite products, and then come and buy them ~
  Yun Yuwei: (Throw) Get lost!


Thank you very much for reading my translations.

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