Popularizing Physics to Teach a Group of Master Magicians?
Popularizing Physics to Teach a Group of Master Magicians? Chapter 2

Chapter Two: Electromagnetic Induction Isn’t Magic Sensing!

“Master Tesla!” Tang Si exclaimed, bowing deeply again and again.

“I’m still not your master. And besides, just call me Ren from now on,” Ren casually waved his hand.

“No! Whether you acknowledge it or not, you are my master—Master Tesla,” Tang Si’ bowing was meticulous.

Can’t deny it, Ren felt pretty good inside.

Suddenly, being an engineer didn’t seem so bad.

If he hadn’t crossed over, he’d probably have reached a salary of three thousand a month shortly after graduating.


Getting off track.

As a transmigrator, when it came to taking on a disciple, his first thought was: For an initiation, the young man probably needs nine years of compulsory education first, and then maybe a thoughtful gift of a box set of ‘Five Years of College Entrance Exams, Three Years of Mock Tests’.

But well, urgent matters come first. Considering the little money involved, let’s just give Tang Si a crash course.

First, let’s build a foundation.

Ren reiterated sternly, “Remember! I will only teach you knowledge. Whether you learn it or not…”

Tang Si insisted single-mindedly, “Ancient magicians are few and far between. If… if I truly lack the talent, I’ll accept it.”

Ren raised his right index finger with utmost seriousness, “One semester! I’ll give you only one semester, which is half a year. If you don’t learn it…”

Tang Si felt a chill in his heart. He couldn’t help but recall the lore of magicians in bardic tales—testing aptitude, and those who lacked it were promptly dismissed. It wasn’t like his master, who was so merciful, giving him half a year.

Indeed, my master values me greatly!

Tang Si nodded heavily and resolved, “If I make no progress within half a year, I’ll leave on my own and won’t disturb your practice anymore.”

Good! You can fool the young ones!

Finally, a smile appeared on Ren’s face.

He didn’t want to be a fraud, but natives in this strange world were too naive; they insisted on giving him money. So, he’ll teach physics.

If Tang Si learns physics and can’t comprehend magic, what does it matter to Ren?

Thinking this way, Ren felt no guilt.

With that said, Ren turned and left with hands behind his back. Immediately, Tang Si trotted along behind him, “Master, when will you teach me lightning magic?”

Ren glanced at the sky, “It’s getting late. Let’s rest for the night and talk more in the morning. By the way, can you cook?”

“Uh, yes.”

Originally, this would have been an ordinary conversation. But as Tang Si followed Ren and arrived at Ren’s house, young Tang Si was astonished.

For the first time in his life, Tang Si saw electric lights. “Master, what is this…?”

Ren was taken aback.

Looking at his temporarily dumbfounded disciple with enthusiasm in his eyes, Ren realized he had to explain again.

There are three treasures when it comes to crossing over: cement, glass, and soap.

These three things can be handcrafted as long as you understand the principles and have enough materials.

Glass is made from wood ash mixed with sand, heated in a refractory container at high temperatures to create molten glass.

Luckily, the blacksmith had tungsten. Ren used tungsten to draw out tungsten wire, combined it with glass, and made a rudimentary version of a tungsten filament lamp. He connected it to alternating current generated by the waterwheel, producing this flickering lamp.

Throughout the process, Ren failed hundreds of times.

To the natives, this was undoubtedly magic.

Looking at the electric light on the roof of the small tile house, Tang Si asked, “Master, is this also lightning?”

“It’s electricity, indeed!”

“Where does the electricity come from?”

Ren paused briefly, then pointed to the waterwheel not far away. “This is hydroelectric power, abbreviated as ‘hydropower’.”

This time, it was Tang Si who was stunned.

Seeing Tang Si’ expression, Ren knew there might be trouble, so he decisively insisted, “Don’t think too much! This is also ‘science’!”

Words have intent, and listeners have interpretation!


“Yes! This is an application of electricity generated through electromagnetic induction.”

Ren stated this clearly and unequivocally, but somehow, when it reached Tang Si’ ears, it turned into something else:

“I get it now! Master is one of those who talks tough but is actually kind-hearted!”

He said he wouldn’t take disciples, but didn’t he take me?

He said he teaches ‘science,’ but in fact, he has already started teaching magic!

Master is clearly saying now—lightning is everywhere, the key is to rely on ‘induction’!

Master, I understand!”

On the other side, watching Tang Si look excited and somewhat transcendent, Ren was dumbfounded. If he knew that his explanation of ‘electromagnetic induction’ had been reduced to simply ‘induction,’ he would probably slap this foolish disciple on behalf of the great Nikola Tesla.

With some hesitation, Ren asked, “What have you understood?”

“Induction!” Tang Si replied loudly.

Ren was somewhat unsure, so he added, “Alright, tomorrow I’ll show you the electromagnetic coil.”

Tang Si blinked. He didn’t understand ‘magnetic’ or ‘coil,’ but that didn’t stop him from continuing to speculate:

“Tomorrow? Doesn’t that mean Master’s test has already begun, and tonight is the decisive moment!?”

Tang Si couldn’t help but feel a tightening in his chest.

After starting to cook, Tang Si was a bit distracted. After all, his time… was limited.

As a former knight apprentice, Tang Si was no stranger to odd jobs. That’s how knights were raised—small children followed knights and did chores, and when knights had free time, they would teach the apprentices martial arts and the spirit of knighthood. As apprentices grew up, they became squires, accompanying knights into battles.

Only by gaining the lord’s recognition or becoming a professional could they ascend to true knighthood.

Tang Si efficiently helped start the fire and cook, nervously answering his master’s various questions about the outside world. One thing was certain to Tang Si: Master had truly been secluded for a long time and knew nothing about the outside world.

His admiration for his master deepened even more.

After dinner, Tang Si couldn’t resist asking, “Master, how does this ‘electromagnetic induction’ work?”

Ren casually replied, “First, you need a magnet. A magnet can generate a magnetic field. Although you can’t see or touch magnetic force, it’s a real existence.”

As Ren spoke, he pulled out a piece of iron and demonstrated the magnet attracting the iron with his ‘amazing technique’.

In Tang Si’ mind, this scene transformed into another sight: “Master is reminding me again that electricity and lightning exist everywhere in the world before anyone sees them. You can’t see or touch them, but they are real!”

Meanwhile, Ren rotated a U-shaped magnet around a bundle of small coils, explaining, “First, you form a closed ‘circuit’, then as long as the magnet rotates fast enough, it can generate electricity through the changing magnetic field.”

Tang Si widened his eyes, “Oh! Master means I need to become like a ‘magnet’, constantly spinning quickly to attract the hidden electricity around me. As long as I spin this ‘magnet’ fast enough, I can generate visible electricity.”

Seeing Tang Si looking a bit stunned, Ren felt a bit sorry, “Alright, alright. Teaching you scientific knowledge will have to wait until tomorrow. Get some sleep for now.”

Late into the night, Tang Si couldn’t sleep, tossing and turning, muttering the word ‘induction’ from time to time.

This small tiled room was only seven or eight square meters, part of a half-collapsed house. How could Ren not know about his foolish apprentice’s condition?

There are many ways to fall asleep when you can’t.

Maybe it’s counting sheep, but at times like this, another method is needed.

“Tang Si, don’t overthink it. Clear your mind. Sleep!”

Master’s drifting words made Tang Si suddenly shudder.

Master never speaks carelessly; every word he says must have profound meaning. Even in such moments, Master is guiding me!

Clear my mind?

That’s right!

I’ve been too tense, and as a result, my mind is filled with the word ‘induction,’ yet I can’t sense anything.

I should follow Master’s advice, empty my mind, stop thinking about anything, and sense the surroundings.

In the distance, there was complete silence, no insect sounds, no bird calls.

Only faint thunder in the sky and the rustling of the wind.

Apart from the beating of my own heart, there was another sound beyond sound.

Wind and thunder are just appearances.

The real essence of them is even more subtle, more ethereal.

But their movements are definitely real.

Very light! Very faint!

Tang Si was absolutely certain that he truly heard the sound of wind and thunder that wasn’t the sound of wind and thunder.

Could it be…

This is the legendary ‘Wind Elemental Induction’!?

Tang Si’ heart leaped with excitement.

End of Chapter Two


Hola! ^^ I'm ShangWiz, sorry for not being active so much because of my schoolworks I have to balance my schoolworks and updating you all Creating content is my passion, and your support makes all the difference. If you enjoy my work and want to see more, please consider donating on my Ko-fi. Every contribution helps me continue doing what I love and brings more awesome updates your way. Thank you so much for your support! 😊

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