Positive Energy System
Positive Energy System Chapter 3 part 1

Chapter 3 part 1

Ji Chenai was the world’s most humble existence, just from his name alone anyone could see that his parents had no expectations of this child.

Ji Suming rarely smiles at home but now he was smiling brightly as he looked at the miserable appearance of Ji Chenai. There was no hatred in his eyes, only pity as he said to him. “When they registered your name, Ji Mingzhong was also present and after hearing what Mother said, he just frowned slightly and agreed with her”

Ji Chenai’s pale lips twitched slightly.

“Where is my mother?”

Ji Suming sighed, then pointed his finger down on Ji Chenai’s face before finally stopping down on his neck which was thin and white as if it could be easily crushed if he exerts force but instead, he slowly withdrew his hand and slowly said. “When I came, Chen Shuya was still in the shower. You were injured at a bad time, it seems that she has to go to have a meal with Ji Mingzhong before she can come over.”

Hearing that, the last bit of light in Ji Chenai’s eyes disappeared as he looked at Ji Suming and spoke. “Am I really disgusting?”

When Ji Suming heard Ji Chenai’s question, he wanted to tell him that it was not him who was causing trouble but, in the end, he did not say anything and just shook his head slightly before he got up and left.

Ji Chenai looked at Ji Suming who got up and left, tilting his head he glanced at the drip on the back of his hand and suddenly showed a strange smile.

When Chen Shuya arrived at the hospital, it was already two hours later. She was taking a shower when she heard the news about Ji Chenai, after washing she wanted to ask Ji Mingzhong to ask someone to send her over, but she did not expect Ji Mingzhong to bluntly say that since he was not dead so there was no need to rush.

Chen Shuya, who had a soft temperament and rarely argued with others, faced with Ji Mingzhong’s obvious refusal could only be patient and had dinner with Ji Mingzhong before coming to the hospital with him.

They had just arrived in the inpatient department when they saw a group of people gathering and forming a circle as they discussed something.

She vaguely heard from their mouths the words like jumping off the building and dying. Hearing this, Chen Shuya felt a little uneasy for some reason, so she walked over and randomly found an old lady to ask. “Old lady, what happened here?”

The lady who was fond of gossip said. “Just now a young man jumps off the building, committing a suicide.”

Chen Shuya’s heart suddenly began to beat wildly, but forced herself to smile as she asked again.

“Suicide? This young man…. what does he look like ah?

The old lady replied. “He is quite young, about 17 or 18 years old. I just heard that he just entered the hospital…” before she could finish her words, Chen Shuya was already hysterically crying as she ran towards the elevator.

Ji Mingzhong who had been standing next to Chen Shuya frowned and opened his mouth to stop her but, in the end, said nothing.

As a mother, some premonitions were pretty accurate.

Chen Shuya arrived at Ji Chenai’s ward and pushed open the door but saw no one inside, at this time a nurse passing by saw her frightened look and asked. “Are you a family member of this patient?”

Chen Shuya turned around disoriented.

“He, what happened to him?”

Sympathy flashed in the nurse’s eyes. “This patient committed suicide by jumping off the building and is being resuscitated at the moment.”

Chen Shuya stiffened as she gasped heavily and her mind blanked out.

At this time, Ji Mingzhong also came over and when he saw Chen Shuya’s reaction he immediately understood something, but his reaction made Chen Shuya feel cold when he said. “This unfilial son only knows how to ruin the Ji family’s reputation!”



Hi nueng here~ ^.<= Comments and suggestions are welcome! Hope you enjoy reading my translations!~

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