Post-apocalyptic world: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning
Post-apocalyptic world: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning Chapter 155

Chapter 155: Fei Zhengqing’s Proposal

Chen Luo indeed couldn’t have such a meal.

Look at this stir-fried vegetables. The stems of the vegetables weren’t even thrown away, and they were all cooked together. Is this an acceptable practice?

As for this canned mackerel, the strong fishy smell hits your nose as soon as it’s opened.

The hot and sour potato shreds clearly had too much oil, did they inherit my skills? Is oil free?

It’s far from the culinary skills of Ma Yu. In such a large base, they couldn’t find someone with good cooking skills?

Chen Luo shook his head, even the dog shook its head when it saw it.

Chen Luo suddenly exclaimed, “This ham, it looks like someone took a bite from it. Was it eaten and then served again?”

The smiling face of Fei Zhengqing, as he’s often called, suddenly changed. This ham was a prized item, unopened, so how could it have been bitten?

Did a chef sneak a bite while cooking, or was it someone serving the food who did this?

Could it be a pig? Who leaves such obvious bite marks?

Fei Zhengqing was furious, but Chen Luo was present, so it wasn’t suitable to pursue this matter now. He suppressed his anger and said, “Maybe there was a rat. My apologies for the inconvenience.”

“Come, my friend, eat. Even though there was a rat, we can’t waste such precious food.”

Chen Luo chuckled, not wanting to deprive himself of anything. These dishes were so uninspiring; he had no desire to eat them.

Chen Luo wasn’t worried about poison. What kind of poison could harm him?

He shook his head and said, “Brother, you invited me over and prepared such a feast. There must be a reason. What is it?”

Seeing that Chen Luo was getting straight to the point, Fei Zhengqing  didn’t beat around the bush and replied, “I just arrived from Cloud City. To put it boldly, I am the overlord of Cloud City. No leader of any base dares to defy me, so it’s safe to say I have absolute power there.”

Chen Luo smiled, recognizing that with Fei Zhengqing’s talent, which was likely at least five levels, and the strong group of followers he had gathered, few would be his match.

Fei Zhengqing  continued, “However, there have been unknown changes in the sea, and the marine creatures are undergoing mutations.”

He proceeded to explain the events that occurred on that day.

“Coastal cities are probably no longer suitable for habitation. If my estimation is correct, other coastal cities will also begin large-scale evacuations. The Divine Capital is the only major city in the vicinity, and in the near future, it may be overrun by monsters.”

Chen Luo inquired, “So what’s your point?”

Fei Zhengqing spoke with a serious tone, “My point is, with your strength and mine, we can form a formidable alliance. Regardless of the challenges that may come our way in the future, we will stand strong.”

Chen Luo suddenly realized that Fei Zhengqing wanted to form an alliance with him.

Forming an alliance? It wasn’t easy to subdue a king-level individual, especially someone as prominent as Sealed Demon Lord.

Chen Luo didn’t possess the kind of commanding aura that could easily persuade him to join forces.

 It would take time to convince Fei Zhengqing to consider this alliance.

As Chen Luo pondered, Fei Zhengqing continued, “My friend, I visited your base outside the city, and honestly, I envy it. That base can comfortably accommodate over ten thousand people, and with some expansion, even twenty thousand wouldn’t be a problem.”

“You obviously can’t manage it all by yourself, and there’s no guarantee that you can hold it down alone. Why not allocate a portion of the territory to me, and together we can protect it.”

As zombies evolved to the fourth level, their strength increased significantly, and their intelligence took a step forward. It was likely that they would actively seek out humans. With so many zombies around, nobody could withstand the onslaught, and urban life was no longer suitable.

Suitable places for habitation outside the city were limited, and constructing a base wasn’t a quick process. Fei Zhengqing clearly had his eye on Chen Luo’s base outside the city.

“I won’t take advantage of you,” Fei Zhengqing said, “Even though the vegetables that Ouyang Lu cultivates aren’t abundant, they can still provide for a dozen people. We can split the vegetables she grows, one-half for each of us.”

Sharing my base? The condition is to receive a few pounds of vegetables every day?

Chen Luo was momentarily stunned. Calling me “brother” was already a stretch, and now he wants my base? Does he think he’s the boss here?

Fei Zhengqing smiled knowingly, “What do you think, my friend?”

Chen Luo sneered, “I don’t think it’s a good idea. What if you have ulterior motives? My people could suffer heavy casualties.”

Fei Zhengqing chuckled, “How could that be? We’re not enemies, my friend. If you’re concerned, we can build a wall in the middle of the base to separate it.”

Chen Luo firmly refused, “Unless they’re my people, nobody else is allowed. When it comes to an alliance, it means following my lead. Otherwise, there’s no point in discussing it.”

Fei Zhengqing’s expression darkened, “In an alliance, it’s about following the stronger one, my friend. You’re being too arbitrary.”

Chen Luo felt disappointed. Trying to win over capable individuals who’ve tasted leadership is indeed challenging.

Chen Luo had mentally prepared himself for this outcome, but he couldn’t let the opportunity slip by. After all, Fei Zhengqing was a prospective king-tier. But the fact that he had his sights on Chen Luo’s base meant he couldn’t stay.

Chen Luo chuckled lightly, “Oh, really? Do you believe your strength surpasses mine?”

Fei Zhengqing smiled with confidence and said, “My friend, even though you have a bit more manpower, having more people doesn’t necessarily mean you’re stronger. I’m quite confident I can annihilate your base by myself. To be honest, I advanced to Level 5 over a month ago.”

He continued, “Facing your entire base head-on, I admit I might not achieve it. But as long as I wear you down slowly, killing dozens of your people every day, your forces won’t be able to stop me. Sooner or later, I’ll grind you down.”

Level 5 was undoubtedly formidable, but it was impossible for a Level 5 to defeat five hundred Level 3s. Even though it might exhaust him, it was clear that Level 3s couldn’t hold back a Level 5.

Especially being a Wind user, huh? Chen Luo sneered. Is this a threat?

Level 5 impressive? The Thunderbolt King reached Level 5 over a month ago, while Mi Ling, Su Dazhu, and others also reached Level 5 about a month ago.

Half a month ago? This supposed Level 5 is nothing special.

A smile appeared on Chen Luo’s face. Should he choose a moonless, stormy night and send his dog assassins to eliminate Fei Zhengqing? That would greatly reduce the difficulty of subduing his followers.

Although he’d used this method before, it had always worked perfectly.

However, to Chen Luo’s surprise, Fei Zhengqing proposed, “My friend, you seem unsatisfied. How about we have a duel, 3v3? Each side sends three members, best of three, two wins out of three determine the winner. Whoever wins will have the final say. What do you think?”

“Or, you could just join us directly.”

In this post-apocalyptic world, the strong reign supreme, and the weak have no right to be leaders. Fei Zhengqing wanted to showcase his own strength and demonstrate the abilities of Ouyang Lu. With strength, a steady food supply, and a strong selling point, who would the other side choose? People are naturally loyal to those who can offer them a better life.

In light of the heavy casualties involved in a direct confrontation, Fei Zhengqing devised this plan as he believed it to be a winning combination, with his strength and an ace up his sleeve.

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