Post-apocalyptic world: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning
Post-apocalyptic world: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning Chapter 156

Chapter 156: Mixing with Big Brother and Gaining Ten More Pounds

Chen Luo couldn’t help but applaud inside. It seems I’m not the only one with such ambitions.

I wanted to swallow you, and you, my goodness, you also wanted to take my place. You’ve set your sights on my people.

Relying on your level five abilities, huh?

Indeed, at this point, reaching level five is a rare feat. Without me, Mi Ling and the others have at most one or two people reaching level five.

To elect the leader through a duel?

Most people might not agree with this approach, but Chen Lu readily accepted.

Three games, two wins, no matter what, I’m confident that both me and the Thunderbolt King will win two games. How could we possibly lose?

Ouyang Lu looked at Fei Zhengqing in surprise. So hasty?

True, with the leader’s strength, how could we possibly lose?

Seeing Chen Luo fall headfirst into Fei Zhengqing’s trap, Ouyang Lu looked at him with a sympathetic gaze.

So hot-blooded, easily riled up, isn’t he?

When Chen Luo agreed, Fei Zhengqing laughed heartily. He was so confident because he was just like Chen Luo. He had never encountered an opponent at his level along his journey. The ability users he had faced were all crushed under his might.

Four against three, five against four, how could it not be a crushing victory?

He had never met an equal.

Chen Luo’s base might have level fives, but the chances were too small, and even if there were, Fei Zhengqing believed that he could kill them with the skills he had acquired.

In the whole of Cloud City, there was only one level five like him, and his talent combined with his opportunities were incredibly rare. When he arrived in Divine City, he didn’t see anyone capable of fighting him.

Fei Zhengqing’s eyes gleamed as he said, “The timing is up to you, my friend.”

Chen Luo replied, “There’s no better day than today. Let’s meet outside the city this afternoon, shall we?”

Fei Zhengqing readily agreed.

As Chen Luo bid farewell, he couldn’t help but squint his eyes.

Fei Zhengqing had ambition. Would he ultimately spare him? After all, he was a level five, and Chen Luo hesitated to kill him.

But in the end, an unruly level five wouldn’t be of any use.

Fei Zhengqing  squinted his eyes as well. Chen Luo had to go too; he was young, full of potential, and too cooperative. Maybe it was better to make a mistake and accidentally kill him in the duel. After all, in a duel, things could get rough, and it wasn’t unusual to let something like that happen.

Chen Luo left without eating, and Fei Zhengqing called a few of his comrades to join him for the meal. They devoured the food voraciously.

After they finished eating, Fei Zhengqing wiped his mouth and took the cook and the food server who had prepared the meal into a separate room. Then, there were blood-curdling screams heard from the room.

He had a zombie to feed every day, and for these two, he didn’t feel like investigating their wrongdoings any further. After all, a zombie had to eat something, right?

Eating someone was inevitable. This was a pinnacle-level zombie, even stronger than a newly promoted level four superhuman.

Fei Zhengqing had never before sacrificed his members to feed the zombie. Still, in front of Chen Luo, he felt utterly humiliated and infuriated.

These were inappropriate actions that deserved punishment. When one lacked a sense of propriety, they could very well face dire consequences.

After some contemplation, Fei Zhengqing went to visit the base of a man named Lei Hao.

Lei Hao was there to welcome him, his face contorted into a somewhat forced smile. He had witnessed firsthand just how powerful Fei Zhengqing was.

Fei Zhengqing  had a mischievous grin as he said, “Lei Hao, Chen Lu said he’s looking for an opportunity to take you down, and he’s quite resentful about the incident you two had.”

Lei Hao couldn’t believe it. “That can’t be true. He promised not to hold a grudge against me, and I’ve even apologized to him.”

Fei Zhengqing chuckled, “He can’t just openly declare his intentions to get back at you in front of your face. Right now, the only way to save yourself is by joining me. Once you’re on my side, he won’t dare to cause you any trouble.”

Fei Zhengqing had always been selective about recruiting people, but now he had no choice. He was short on manpower compared to Chen Lu, and he needed to level the playing field. Facing Chen Lu, he could no longer afford to be selective.

Lei Hao lowered his head, and although he wasn’t a fool, he knew that Fei Zhengqing’s offer was likely a deceit. However, if he refused, Chen Luo might not let him off, and he had likely crossed the line with Pheng Zheng.

Reluctantly, Lei Hao had no choice but to agree. It wasn’t that he didn’t know how to choose; he simply didn’t have an option.

Lei Hao sighed, thinking, “With my metal-based ability, Fei Zhengqing  probably won’t betray us too soon. Joining a stronger leader might be a good choice.”

Fei Zhengqing demonstrated his power by summoning a colossal tornado, which rapidly swept away sand and rocks along its path. It even lifted a building high into the air.

The immense power displayed by Fei Zhengqing was enough to make anyone feel intimidated. Several of Lei Hao’s subordinates were left awestruck by this display.

Fei Zhengqing chuckled and, along with Lei Hao’s followers and his own, arrived at the designated meeting point with Chen Luo.

Fei Zhengqing contemplated that this was a significant opportunity to strengthen himself. After this merger, he wouldn’t be able to recruit anyone new, so he needed to carefully digest the resources. He would remove any members who were of little use or didn’t follow orders.

Chen Luo arrived, much to the surprise of his group. They were baffled by who had the courage to challenge Chen Luo to a duel and voluntarily walked into such a situation. Moreover, Chen Luo had actually accepted the challenge?

Chen Luo suspected that the opposing side had some promising individuals.

Both groups converged, and Fei Zhengqing made a loud declaration: “Chen Luo, inform everyone of our agreement to prevent any dishonesty. Our alliance is for a better chance of survival. We will swear an oath, and no one should cheat.”

“I’ll go first, and anyone who cheats will suffer divine retribution.”

Chen Luo chuckled, “As you wish.”

Chen Luo emphasized that the promising individuals on Fei Zhengqing’s side had better not cheat, or there would be consequences.

While Ouyang Lu might not be as crucial as Mengyin, she was still valuable.

The two groups cleared a massive 50×50 open space for their contest. The rules were set as 3 vs. 3, best of three rounds. In the first round, Chen Luo sent his team first, while Fei Zhengqing would decide his team based on the situation.

Chen Lu was confident, believing that he and the Thunderbolt King couldn’t lose. He chose Su Dazhu, a Level 5 in the physical abilities category. Su Dazhu wasn’t an ordinary Level 5; his defensive capabilities were far superior to the typical Level 5, although his strength was fairly average.

In the elemental abilities category, an individual’s strength could significantly vary among peers, even at the same level.

On the other hand, in the physical abilities category, the variance depended on a person’s body constitution. For example, Xia Haoran excelled in hand-to-hand combat, while Su Dazhu specialized in defense.

Fei Zhengqing carefully observed Su Dazhu, a towering and robust individual, most likely a physical abilities expert.

Fei Zhengqing commanded, “Sun Yu, you’re up.”

Sun Yu nodded. He was a Level 4 earth elemental ability user and had reached this level just a month ago. Among Fei Zhengqing’s group, he consistently ranked in the top three in terms of strength.

Sun Yu and Su Dazhu stood about twenty meters apart. At the start of the match, Su Dazhu quickly charged toward Sun Yu.

However, Sun Yu remained calm and composed. He waved his hands, and four earth pillars abruptly appeared in front of Su Dazhu, enclosing him. These earth pillars might not be thick or sturdy enough to stop Su Dazhu, but they could buy Sun Yu some time.

Seeing the narrow gap between the four earth pillars, Su Dazhu hesitated.

“If only I were a bit slimmer, I could have just squeezed through.”

“Ah, since I started following Brother Chen, even in this post-apocalyptic world, I’ve managed to gain ten pounds.”

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