Post-apocalyptic world: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning
Post-apocalyptic world: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning Chapter 158

Chapter 158: It Seems the Electric Fan Is Turned Up High

Ironhead was currently at Level Five. If he mutated, the lowest level would be Level Seven, or even higher.

If he only reached Level Six, it wouldn’t be considered a mutation; it would be more like an advancement.

At Level Seven, Chen Luo could handle it with some effort, but at Level Eight, it would be challenging. Chen Luo still had confidence in dealing with that.

However, Level Nine or higher?

Ironhead, I’m sorry.

In case Ironhead advanced to Level Nine or higher, Chen Luo would either have to risk crystal fragmentation and attempt to use time acceleration again, or he might have to run. Chen Luo could run, but the people nearby wouldn’t be able to escape, and there would be significant danger.

So why was Chen Luo just watching Ironhead’s mutation?

It didn’t fit his usual careful and cautious nature.

Because there was no warning from Rice, it indicated that there was no danger.

Killing Ironhead now would only yield a Level Five crystal. Allowing him to mutate, however, could guarantee at least a Level Seven crystal.

As Chen Luo condensed the Void Sword, he shouted, “Why are you standing there? Run, are you not afraid of death?”

The others quickly fled.

Mi Ling and Mi Li weren’t worried at all that Chen Luo might be in danger. First, they had Rice, and second, the Void Walk was an incredibly powerful technique for self-preservation.

Ironhead was still in the midst of mutating. Chen Luo swung the sword at his thigh, intending to cut off his leg first. He couldn’t take any chances with slashing his throat; what if that didn’t work?

But to Chen Luo’s surprise, the sword only went in a little and had no significant effect. Had Ironhead’s body undergone a mysterious evolution during the mutation process?

Feng Zhengqing’s eyes gleamed as he watched Ironhead’s mutation. He had already lost, but an unknown change was occurring.

Chen Luo’s controlled zombie seemed to be undergoing a mutation.

Can it kill Chen Luo?

 It seems like there’s a deep grudge against him, and they’ll probably chase him to kill him. As long as Chen Luo dies, this competition naturally becomes void.

What on earth did Chen Luo do to make it so angry that it mutated? Even heaven is helping me.

In just four or five seconds, Ironhead completed his mutation.

His body grew from less than two meters to thirteen or fourteen meters, a true giant.

His head was massive, as big as a super-sized pumpkin.

Others were in shock, but Chen Luo was not surprised.

 In the physical system, when you reach Level Seven, you can enlarge your body according to your level.

Strength and defense both increase, but the trade-off is reduced agility and speed.

Ironhead roared in anger, “Ironhead has grown stronger, and my head is really iron now. I’m going to crush your ‘eggs.'”

Ironhead’s massive foot came down towards Chen Luo, who easily dodged it, but it left a huge crack in the ground with a radius of over ten meters.

The strength was terrifying.

It seemed like Level Eight.

Ironhead, at over ten meters tall, made Chen Luo’s slightly over one-meter-long Void Sword clearly inadequate.

Chen Luo immediately infused a large amount of spatial energy, causing the Void Sword to grow to twenty meters in length.

Chen Luo would be crazy to try to strike Ironhead’s massive head, which was his strongest defense.

But didn’t Chen Luo already know where Ironhead’s weakness was?

Chop it off first, and then figure it out!

As Ironhead was about to rush towards Chen Luo, four earth pillars suddenly appeared around him. It was Sun Yu’s ability, momentarily trapping Ironhead.

Although it wasn’t very effective – Ironhead shattered the pillars with a touch – it still allowed Chen Luo to smoothly strike at Ironhead’s  weak point with the Void Sword.

Chen Luo felt as if the Void Sword had encountered an exceptionally tough object, even tougher than when he had struck Ironhead’s waist earlier.

Chen Luo was taken aback. This…

Ironhead’s  grinned, “I told you, Ironhead’s head is truly iron now, and I’m no longer afraid of you.”

Well, this weak point has been compensated for by Ironhead, making it the strongest part of his body now.

Chen Luo smirked. The current Ironhead was more challenging than the Level Eight wind-based zombie he had previously killed using time acceleration.

Ironhead continued to stomp rapidly, and Chen Luo could only find moments to strike at him. Each strike had minimal effect, and it would probably take dozens of hits to kill him.

Chen Luo didn’t mind. The previous Ironhead had been too weak to serve as his sparring partner. Now was the perfect opportunity.

Ironhead also realized that his increased height wasn’t really beneficial in dealing with Chen Luo, so he returned to his original size, head first, repeatedly charging towards Chen Luo.

What a foolish move.

Chen Luo skillfully evaded Ironhead’s charges like a bullfighter, stepping aside to avoid the direct impacts.

Ironhead was still slightly faster than Chen Luo, but Chen Luo relied on his agility and technique.

Chen Luo had to use the Void Sword with extreme caution; otherwise, getting caught by Ironhead would be extremely unpleasant.

If only he had the ability for spatial slicing, he could cut Ironhead from a distance without direct contact.

Suddenly, Chen Luo had a strange sensation. Grasping this feeling, he immediately focused his attention on the space around Ironhead’s waist.

Ironhead suddenly stopped. It felt like something was tearing at its body. Ironhead concentrated its abilities around its waist, resisting the tearing sensation.

This person was really devious. What was he up to again?

Chen Luo seized this feeling and immediately exerted his abilities to the fullest.

A thin, black crack appeared on the left side of Ironhead’s waist, barely noticeable.

It was as easy as slicing through paper.

However, slicing through Ironhead’s body, which was at Level Eight in the physical system, was met with significant resistance.

It wasn’t as simple as cutting through it in one go; it wasn’t that miraculous. Otherwise, Level Five or Six spatial ability users could easily overpower King levels.

That would mean that other individuals with spatial abilities could effortlessly kill Chen Luo, the “void King,” before he even had a chance to use Void Walk.

Spatial abilities were indeed superior to others.

Chen Luo only needed a fraction of his strength, but Ironhead required ten times the effort to resist.

Chen Luo and Ironhead were locked in a stalemate.

Feng Zhengqing watched with a dark expression. Chen Luo was unexpectedly powerful, capable of conjuring a sword out of thin air.

What kind of ability user was he?

I must not let Chen Luo live, or I’ll pay for it.

Feng Zhengqing had been preparing for this, and now a tornado had reached its peak.

Feng Zhengqing shouted, “Chen Luo, I’ll help you.”

The tornado was extremely fast and could catch up to Chen Luo, making it difficult for him to evade.

Although it seemed to be heading towards Ironhead, in reality, Feng Zhengqing would suddenly redirect the tornado towards Chen Luo.

Feng Zhengqing believed that once Chen Luo was caught in his tornado, even if he didn’t die, he would be seriously injured and then killed by Ironhead.

Was it despicable?

Feng Zhengqing didn’t think so; it was just the law of the jungle.

The Thunderbolt King squinted, thinking, “Are you really being so kind-hearted?”

The Thunderbolt King was about to act but was stopped by a glance from Chen Luo.

Directly killing Feng Zhengqing would invite criticism and anger from others. They were helping him, so how could he bring harm to them?

He could always deal with him later.

The tornado created by Feng Zhengqing, a Level Five wind-based ability user, was indeed heading towards Chen Luo.

The tornado enveloped Chen Luo, but he remained unscathed.

It wouldn’t be accurate to say that the tornado had no effect on Chen Luo, but the wind force was too weak.

It’s only felt like they turned up the fan speed a bit.

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