Post-apocalyptic world: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning
Post-apocalyptic world: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning Chapter 159

Chapter 159: My People Will Not Act

The tornado slowly dissipated, revealing Chen Luo, unharmed in any way.

Feng Zhengqing was stunned. Chen Luo stood still, and even after I used my strongest move, it didn’t harm him?

Could it be a fake? It seemed too unreal.

Sun Yu, Ouyang Lu, and the others looked at Feng Zhengqing with mixed expressions.

Feng Zhengqing shouted, “I made a mistake; I’m sorry.”

Ironhead’s  waist had already been sliced in half, and he was in agony, saying, “Don’t cut my waist; I’m sorry, Ironhead is sorry.”

Why did this sound a bit like what Ironclaw said before he died?

Chen Luo couldn’t possibly keep Ironhead as a sparring partner. No one could manage him, and Chen Luo couldn’t devote all his energy to watching over Ironhead.

Ironhead seemed to have exhausted his abilities and could no longer resist. The lower part of his waist was effortlessly cut off by Chen Luo.

Although his body was split in two, astonishingly, he didn’t immediately die. The upper part of his body continued to wriggle, a frightening sight.

Ironhead cried out, “I’m dying so miserably.”

Chen Luo was panting heavily. Severing Ironhead’s waist took a tremendous amount of effort.

Energy pulses, at Chen Luo’s current strength, could be utilized, but it wouldn’t be enough to instantly kill Ironhead. It could be considered an area attack.

The primary issue was that Ironhead was two levels higher than Chen Luo. Killing him wasn’t going to be easy, unlike dealing with those below Level 7.

Ironhead used his two arms for support, dragging himself on the ground.

“Please, help Ironhead, stitch up Ironhead’s body.”

Ironhead’s undying resilience sent shivers down everyone’s spines. How could it still be alive with its body cut in half?

Chen Luo grew weary of continuing to deal with Ironhead. His life was rapidly slipping away, and it wouldn’t be long before he died.

Suddenly, Feng Zhengqing shouted, “Chen Luo, you’ve won. I acknowledge you as our leader.”

Chen Luo pondered for a moment and chose not to act immediately.

Ironhead soon gasped his last breath, and Chen Luo retrieved his crystal.

It was yet another Level 8 crystal.

Chen Luo felt somewhat disappointed. If Ironhead had been Level 10, he would have risked breaking the crystal to kill him.

Why wasn’t it more powerful?

Feng Zhengqing was truly astounded as he watched Chen Luo unearth the massive crystal.

Could it be a Level 8 or even a Level 9 crystal? The size of the crystal seemed to be correlated with its power.

Was this mutated zombie actually a Level 8 or 9?

And yet, Chen Luo had effortlessly killed it.

If I had known how formidable he was, I would never have dared to ambush him.

Is Ye Gaofei really that naive?

Of course, he’s not naive, so why did he provoke Chen Luo?

Because they believed they were very formidable, but they hadn’t anticipated someone even more formidable, as if that person was cheating.

Coming before Chen Luo, Feng Zhengqing’s heart pounded. What would he do if Chen Luo made a move? He couldn’t even escape with Chen Luo’s speed.

Retaliating was also only a thought, as his big move couldn’t harm Chen Luo, so how would he retaliate?

Feng Zhengqing steeled himself.

Chen Luo chuckled, “Bro, launching a sneak attack on a friend, that’s not cool, is it?”

Feng Zhengqing quickly explained, “Bro, you’ve got to believe me, it really was a mistake.”

Chen Luo suddenly slapped him in the face, saying, “Is it that you’re too smart or I’m too dumb? Ask your people, do they believe that?”

Sun Yu, Ouyang Lu, and the others remained silent. They had followed Feng Zhengqing for a long time, and when had they ever seen him make a mistake? Especially considering that he had even deliberately demonstrated his abilities to Lei Hao’s younger brother earlier.

Chen Luo swung his hands again and slapped him in the face and said, “Bro, bro, who’s the little bro here?”

Fei Zhengqing lowered his head and said, “I’m the little bro.”

Chen Luo snorted, “According to our agreement, the one who loses has to join the other side. What do you guys think?”

Chen Luo first pointed at Ouyang Lu and asked, “What’s your decision?”

Ouyang Lu’s expression was complex. She initially thought that Fei Zhengqing had set a trap for Chen Luo, but it turned out that not one, but two Fei Zhengqings weren’t enough to handle Chen Luo. She felt obligated to comply with the agreement since Chen Luo had just saved her. There was no reason to refuse.

Ouyang Lu lowered her head and replied, “I’ll follow the agreement.”

Without needing to be asked, Sun Yu agreed as well. Ouyang Lu was his beloved one, and since his wife had left, he might as well embrace the life of a bachelor.

Chen Luo chuckled and said, “Identify the talents in your team. You should know who they are.”

The rest of the third-tier members were dispensable; the main focus was on the talented individuals. Ouyang Lu pointed out all the fourth-tier members in their team, as well as some of the Light and Natural elemental users.

Fei Zhengqing was seething with anger, but he realized that his life was at stake. He couldn’t afford to underestimate Chen Luo. He needed to act quickly to ensure his own survival.

Fei Zhengqing proposed, “Chen Luo, if you promise not to harm me, I will voluntarily persuade my subordinates to join you.”

Losing his subordinates wasn’t a big deal; he could gather another group of followers and start anew in a different city, given that he was a fifth-tier ability user. Fei Zhengqing didn’t believe that there were more freaks like Chen Luo everywhere.

Promise? Chen Luo, with his eyes wide open, replied, “I promise that I and my people will not lay a hand on you.”

Fei Zhengqing’s expression brightened, and he declared, “Very well, I hereby disband our team. You all should join Chen Luo now. I’m not worthy to be your leader.”

After Fei Zhengqing finished speaking, he was eager to run away. He didn’t seem to have any intention to retract his words as soon as he said them.

No one but Chen Luo would probably be able to keep up with me.

“I’ll be gone in just two minutes. You won’t even see a trace of me.”

Fei Zhengqing ran at full speed, feeling a bit flustered and taking any route to escape.

However, his composed image suddenly collapsed.

The Thunderbolt King consciously followed Fei Zhengqing. He deduced from Chen Luo’s words that the dog killer was deployed.

“I’m not human; I’m a real dog.”

He noticed that Chen Luo hadn’t mentioned forbidding the dog from taking action.

Among everyone peers, the only ones who could match the speed of Wind Abilities were the Thunder Abilities, especially with the Thunderbolt King who could also use Lightning Flash.

Fei Zhengqing had run two kilometers in a short time, and he was relieved to see that no one was chasing him. But suddenly, he felt something.

When he looked back, he saw a black dog, a dog that he had seen with Chen Luo before.

Fei Zhengqing, feeling wary, asked, “Little black one, what do you want?”

He was surprised that the black dog could keep up with him. It must be an illusion, after all, it was just a dog.

Without hesitation, the Thunderbolt King went straight for him.

Inspired by Mi Ling, the Thunderbolt King gained some insights from her. That day, Mi Ling was enveloped in flames, this time the Thunderbolt King approached Fei Zhengqing with his body crackling with electricity.

In such close contact, Fei Zhengqing had nowhere to hide. The Thunderbolt King jumped onto Fei Zhengqing, as if saying, “Come on, buddy, let’s have a hug.”

The energy of lightning surged incessantly into Fei Zhengqing’s body. He was left paralyzed, unable to use his abilities.

Fei Zhengqing’s eyes were unfocused as he wondered, “Why was I overpowered by a dog?” It was a humbling realization that he was inferior to even one of Chen Luo’s dogs.

After a little more than ten seconds, Fei Zhengqing was electrocuted to death. The Thunderbolt King was overjoyed, thinking he should at least receive a thousand points for this move.

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