Post-apocalyptic world: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning
Post-apocalyptic world: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning Chapter 169

Chapter 169: Advancing to Level Seven

Is this question difficult?

Not at all.

In Chen Luo’s past life, he could solve it with a little thought once he reached Level Nine. The reason he couldn’t use it before Level Nine was because his internal abilities were insufficient. After numerous improvements, he could use it at Level Four.

Hmph, what a stupid idiot. So dumb.

Chen Luo felt ecstatic, but he didn’t immediately collect the crystal from the mutant that died violently.

Let it lie there for a while, what if it’s pretending to be dead?

Although it’s unlikely, Chen Luo is too cautious.

The burly zombie rubbed its eyes, unable to believe what it was seeing.

How did the boss die?

He died just because he said it was too difficult?


The terrified burly zombie looked at Chen Luo. If I don’t run, he’ll kill me after catching me.

The burly zombie hadn’t run far when Chen Luo used Void Walk to block its path.

Chen Luo kept an eye on the mutant, making sure it wouldn’t have any accidents or be taken by someone else.

Chen Luo lifted the burly zombie by its waist and said, “You dare to bring people to attack me.”

The burly zombie was frightened. “Boss, I was wrong. I won’t dare anymore. Please don’t kill me.”

Chen Luo patted its face with a smile. “Why would I kill you? You’ve made quite a contribution. According to our agreement, I should give you some meat.”

After some thought, Chen Luo realized that this zombie still had value. Killing it would be pointless. It would be better to let it continue bringing powerful zombies.

It’s not possible to encounter a Level Nine every time. There may not even be one Level Nine among dozens of mutants. Currently, mutants are generally around Level Six.

Moreover, if he advances to Level Seven, he won’t be too worried even if he encounters a Level Nine. Even if it’s a King-level, he can escape easily.

With complete mastery of time acceleration, a Level Nine zombie is nothing.

Chen Luo took out turtle meat and gave it to the burly zombie.

The pitiful burly zombie looked tough and spoke harshly, but it was only Level Four.

A Level Four zombie wanting to eat a survivor? Quite difficult.

Although turtle meat is dead flesh, it couldn’t resist and ate it. It’s better than having nothing to eat.

Chen Luo smiled and said, “A week later, same location, bring another zombie. Understand?”

The burly zombie carried a piece of turtle meat and quickly disappeared while munching on it.

Chen Luo threw a stone and hit the skinny Level Nine zombie. Seeing it had no reaction, he approached and dug out its crystal after confirming its death.

Looking at the transparent crystal the size of a small egg in his hand, even Chen Luo was excited.

Level Seven is secure.

Chen Luo got in the car and headed back to the base to absorb the crystal there.

“Today is a good day, a good day, hey.”

Back at the base, Chen Luo immediately grabbed a bowl of rice and started devouring it.

“Hehehe, hehehe.”

“What incredible luck.”

It could only be me. If it were someone else encountering this zombie, they wouldn’t get this crystal. I cunningly delayed it until its death with my clever brain.

Rice protested unhappily, “Chen Luo, you have no conscience.”

After playing around for a while, Chen Luo found a quiet room to start absorbing the crystal.

Previously, Chen Luo had been absorbing Level Three crystals, and his body was unsatisfied. It was like a survivor only eating rice, satisfied but only enough to sustain life.

Now, this Level Nine Space-type crystal was like a braised pork dish. His body was famished.

Chen Luo’s body eagerly absorbed it.

For Chen Luo, the Space-type crystal had a much better effect than other crystals of the same level, at least a 30% improvement.

After absorbing about one-sixth of the crystal power, Chen Luo satisfiedly stopped absorbing.

Feeling a bit full.

Chen Luo felt that in another three days, he would be able to advance to level seven.

Chen Luo felt a bit depressed. If it weren’t for the dual abilities, he would have advanced to level seven tomorrow.

Having dual abilities greatly enhanced the quality of the crystals and improved physical fitness, which had great benefits.

Others at the same level were simply no match for those with dual abilities.

But there were also disadvantages; the amount of crystal energy required for advancement doubled.

Reaching the king level and then awakening the dual abilities seemed to be the most perfect scenario, free from the constraints of double advancement power.

Chen Luo muttered to himself, “What are the benefits of awakening dual abilities in advance?”

The members who went out came back, bringing back carts of supplies.

While killing zombies, they definitely scavenged for nearby supplies. Although the daily consumption of supplies was not small, they obtained more supplies.

The base was filled with supplies.

There were so many supplies that they had to build another batch of warehouses to store them.

Mi Ling said, “We have almost killed all the zombies in our area. Now most of our time is spent searching for zombies.”

When Chen Luo only had a few hundred people, they killed around two thousand zombies every day. Now with more people, it was around seven to eight thousand per day.

Combined with other bases, they were constantly killing zombies, and the number of zombies was decreasing sharply.

At this point in time, hardly anyone was not fighting zombies anymore. Who would want to keep useless people and team up with them?

The number of zombies had probably decreased by more than half.

In the later stages, the number of survivors would exceed the number of zombies, but by then, every surviving zombie would be as cunning as a fox.

The number of survivors was also decreasing continuously. Fighting zombies meant risking their lives.

It was because of exceptional individuals like Chen Luo that there weren’t enough zombies to kill.

Chen Luo thought for a moment. In a few days, the zombies would evolve to level four. Killing them continuously would be physically and mentally exhausting.

He let the members rest for a few days.

There was no need to worry about not having zombies to kill. One reason Chen Luo chose the base outside the city was that, aside from the other areas in the capital, there were several nearby cities where they could also scavenge supplies, even if it meant traveling a bit more.

Rest was allowed, but absorbing the crystals couldn’t be paused.

More and more members were advancing to level four. As long as their aptitude was above average, their advancement speed could catch up to the zombies.

Three days later, while Chen Luo was absorbing crystals, he suddenly felt a severe headache.

Chen Luo was not alarmed but delighted. He had advanced to level seven!

Level three to level four was a qualitative change, and level six to level seven was another qualitative change.

For Chen Luo, this qualitative change was even greater because he had essentially advanced from level eight to level nine.

Now, the only difference between Chen Luo at level seven and level nine was that the crystal quality was the same, but the amount of energy contained within the crystal was far less than that of level nine.

It was like comparing ten grams of gold to one hundred grams of gold. They were both gold, but the quantity was different.

Chen Luo felt like he was dreaming. In just half a year, he had reached this level.

In his previous life, at this point in time, he had only just advanced to level five.

Now, not only had he advanced to level seven, but he had also awakened dual abilities and could defeat hundreds of his past selves.

After calming his emotions, Chen Luo couldn’t wait to test his time ability.

Previously, he didn’t dare to try because it would have caused the crystals to shatter. But now, with the surge in the number of abilities, he could give it a try.

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