Professional Villain [Quick Travel]
Professional Villain [Quick Travel] Chapter 32

Chapter 32

The overwhelming reports quickly occupied the headlines on the front page. Opening any news portal, there were extensive reports about Youcheng’s incident. Some media outlets compiled news about Youcheng from the past two years and found that since 829, scandals had been continuously erupting, to the extent that the entire company was about to be acquired.

“You’re quite bold,” Zhang Huachao said with a smile, pouring tea for Mo Yin himself. “You let Pei’s driver bring you here, aren’t you afraid of being discovered?”

The tea smoke rose gently as Mo Yin flicked his fingers through the faintly fragrant smoke. “So what if they find out?”

Zhang Huachao smiled but didn’t speak. “It seems like Pei’s family is going to be played to death by you.”

“That’s an exaggeration,” Mo Yin said. “It’s not just Pei Jingyou who died, right?”

Zhang Huachao covered his lips with the teacup, smiling without saying a word.

Previously, his attitude towards Mo Yin had always been mutually beneficial cooperation. Until Mo Yin exposed his uncle’s matter to him. Actually, at that time, Zhang Huachao didn’t think it was a big deal. Pei Mingshu couldn’t have done anything shady, and releasing the news would at most cause trouble for Pei’s family.

But Pei Jingyou unexpectedly died.

He knew Pei Jingyou had a serious heart condition and had just undergone surgery. But how could such a trivial matter have caused Pei Jingyou, this old fox, to die of anger?

While Zhang Huachao was in doubt, Mo Yin even took the time to call him and urged him to focus on attacking Youcheng’s financial chain while Pei Jingyou was dead.

“They’re about to break up soon, and they won’t work together,” Mo Yin said calmly and skillfully. “You can boldly go ahead.”

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Huachao found his heart beating fast.

But why did this eighteen or nineteen-year-old kid have such a scary feeling?

“Pei Qing has been caught, and the materials were given to Pei Mingshu by you,” Mo Yin said.

Zhang Huachao said, “Yes,” then quickly added, “Don’t worry, I’ll keep your secrets.”

Mo Yin smiled, “What do I have to worry about?”

Zhang Huachao choked a bit and covered his embarrassment with a sip of tea.

“Did you give all the materials to Pei Mingshu?”

“I did,” Zhang Huachao smiled, “Pei Mingshu isn’t easy to fool.”

If it weren’t for the huge hole left by Youcheng, the impact of financial fraud, Pei Jingyou’s death, and the chaos created by Pei Qing, Zhang Huachao wouldn’t have been confident in bringing down Youcheng in Pei Mingshu’s hands. Thinking about it, it seemed like Mo Yin was somehow involved in all these matters…

As Zhang Huachao was lost in thought, Mo Yin was also quietly contemplating.

Sure enough.

Pei Mingshu wasn’t the kind of person who would harm his own brother. Moreover, Pei Mingshu felt guilty towards Pei Qing. The evidence submitted should only be enough for Pei Qing to undergo an investigation for a period of time.

Mo Yin picked up the teacup on the table, took a sip of tea, and asked, “Do you have backups of the materials?”

Zhang Huachao came back to his senses, looking at Mo Yin somewhat surprised. “You…”

“Do you have them?” Mo Yin asked again.

Zhang Huachao remained silent, his expression changing.

He only pursued wealth, but looking at Mo Yin’s appearance, it seemed like he was after his life.

Zhang Huachao gathered his thoughts and said, “I didn’t keep any backups. Our transaction was thorough.”

Mo Yin remained calm, not particularly surprised.

Given Pei Mingshu’s style of doing things, he probably wouldn’t leave such a damning piece of evidence to anyone else. He was just here to confirm.


Mo Yin smiled at Zhang Huachao, “Then goodbye.”

Zhang Huachao watched Mo Yin leave. After Mo Yin had completely left, he realized that he had been holding the teacup all along, and his arm had stiffened.

He slowly put down the teacup, swallowed lightly, and thought to himself that he must emphasize safety regulations when he returned. Employees must not drive while fatigued after working hours. If such an ancestor emerged, it would be a bad deal for him.


The weather had gradually begun to warm up. When Mo Yin returned to the Pei residence, he found that the servants were busy with the clusters of lilies again. The lily buds were half-closed, not yet ready to bloom.

Mo Yin watched for a while, helping the servants “work.” His body couldn’t do much, so he quietly handed things to the servants, with a bucket of snowy white flower buds beside him, tall and short.

Pei Mingshu watched for a long time from a distance until a servant turned around and noticed him, exclaiming, “Ah,” and then standing up, saying, “Young Master.”

Mo Yin also turned around, his eyes shimmering slightly. Pei Mingshu raised his hand in greeting, “Good evening.”

The servants greeted back one after another, but Mo Yin remained silent, lips pursed.

Dinner was served with only two people at the table. After finishing their meal, Mo Yin silently returned to his room, while Pei Mingshu stayed in the dining room, leisurely finishing his meal. After wiping his hands, he went to knock on Mo Yin’s door.

“Xiao Yin.”

Half a minute of silence.

“Come in.”

A dim lamp was lit by the bedside, casting a warm glow. Mo Yin was nestled in Pei Mingshu’s arms, almost entirely engaged in kissing, with their lips never parting.

Unlike the silence with Pei Qing, Pei Mingshu occasionally spoke to him.

Is it hot or stuffy? Comfortable or uncomfortable…

The low, magnetic voice echoed in the ears, making it hard to tell if it was considerate or intentional.

Afterward, Pei Mingshu would continue to comfort and soothe him. He seemed like someone who wouldn’t utter a cheesy phrase, but in reality, he would embrace Mo Yin’s waist, lightly kiss his forehead, and say how cute Mo Yin was.

It was so tender it intoxicated people.

Mo Yin leaned against Pei Mingshu’s chest, thinking about how miraculous a non-natural person’s body was. It seemed that regardless of who he had relations with, he could experience immense pleasure.

Why didn’t natural people have such desires at all?

Mental power was something natural people were born with, and it acted like a magnifying glass, exponentially amplifying all the positive initial values of the body.

The stronger the mental power, the lower the physiological desires; this was an iron rule known to every natural person.

But why had no one ever questioned why?

Wasn’t this kind of thing interesting?

Did his original self not experience such pleasure?

Mo Yin thought for a moment. He had grown up so far without even experiencing basic desires. For a natural person, this was a matter of pride, as it indicated extremely powerful mental strength.

But wouldn’t that mean missing out on a kind of pleasure?

They said natural people were the product of perfect evolution, but Mo Yin was starting to doubt it.

While Mo Yin was lost in thought, Pei Mingshu had been quietly watching him all along. Under the lamp’s light, Mo Yin’s eyes were exceptionally clear, his long eyelashes covering them, giving the impression of contemplation but also pure idleness. In such a moment, Pei Mingshu suddenly felt that Mo Yin was very innocent, and he leaned down to kiss his lips.

Mo Yin’s response was to snuggle into his embrace.

Pei Mingshu grabbed his hand and whispered, “Are you hungry?”

Mo Yin shook his head.

“Do you want to take a bath?”

Mo Yin pursed his lips.

“Or do you still want…”

In a calm tone, as if negotiating, Mo Yin lowered his head. Pei Mingshu seemed to misunderstand him, thinking he didn’t know how much torment he had suffered with Pei Qing. Mo Yin didn’t intend to correct him. On one hand, it was advantageous to his plan, and on the other hand—since it was so fun, why not?

Pei Mingshu’s throat felt a slight warmth, as Mo Yin kissed him. With his eyes downcast, he saw Mo Yin’s eyes, which seemed somewhat nervous and expectant. His throat rolled, and he leaned down to kiss him.


“Second Young Master,” Ding Mohai whispered, “rest assured, the Young Master didn’t really mean to harm you. He just wanted to teach you a lesson. In a few days, you’ll be able to come out.”

Pei Qing raised his eyes, his expression calm, and even smiled.

Ding Mohai felt that Pei Qing was vastly different in temperament and sophistication compared to before, which made him feel uneasy.

He had visited Pei Qing twice, wanting to ease his mind and not let him hold too much resentment towards Pei Mingshu.

The brothers had their own grievances, and as an outsider, he didn’t know how much hidden meaning there was. Now that Youcheng was about to change hands, only these two brothers were left in the Pei family. If they continued to fight, the entire Pei family would fall apart.

Pei Qing remained silent.

When Ding Mohai gave up and was about to leave, Pei Qing asked, “Where’s Mo Yin?”

Ding Mohai turned back.

Pei Qing’s expression was puzzling, making Ding Mohai unable to understand. “Did he go back with him?”

“He did,” Ding Mohai replied.

Pei Qing lowered his head, hooking his lips as if muttering to himself, “Then he must be very happy now.”

Ding Mohai walked out of the investigation bureau, unable to help but sigh. He looked up at the blue sky, unable to understand how a harmonious family had come to this point today.

Ding Mohai returned to the Pei residence to report the situation. Upon hearing from the servants that the eldest young master was in Mo Yin’s room, he went to knock on the door.

There was a delayed response from inside.

“Come in,” Pei Mingshu’s voice was heavy.

Ding Mohai pushed the door open to find Pei Mingshu sitting on the sofa, but Mo Yin was nowhere to be seen.

Ding Mohai approached and briefed Pei Mingshu about Pei Qing’s condition. Pei Mingshu listened quietly, his expression unchanged.

“Young Master, the Second Young Master has changed a lot,” Ding Mohai couldn’t help but say. “It’s really worrying to see.”

Pei Mingshu fell silent for a moment before calmly saying, “I know.”

Ding Mohai asked, “Will you go pick him up when the time comes? Or…”

“Let’s talk about it later.”

Ding Mohai keenly felt that Pei Mingshu seemed eager to end the conversation and didn’t want to continue discussing Pei Qing. Without showing any change in his expression, Ding Mohai scanned the surroundings and said, “Then I’ll leave first.”

Pei Mingshu nodded slightly, and Ding Mohai turned to leave. Suddenly, he remembered something he had been puzzled about—why did Pei Qing take Mo Yin with him when he left?

Inside the dimly lit bathroom, Mo Yin’s cheeks still had a hint of blush, and his clothes were neatly arranged. His fists were clenched on his knees.

Pei Mingshu approached and squatted down, speaking gently, “Did you hear everything?”

Mo Yin remained silent.

Pei Mingshu took his hand. “After he comes out, I’ll arrange for him to leave the country.”

Mo Yin looked at him. “Will he agree?”

“No need for his agreement.”

Mo Yin slowly withdrew his hand, his fingers tugging at the already smooth hem of his clothes. After a moment, he lifted his head again. “Can I go that day? When Pei Qing comes out.”

Pei Mingshu fell silent for a moment before gently asking, “Do you want to go?”

Mo Yin responded with a soft “Hmm,” his eyes looking at Pei Mingshu very gently. “I want to go.”

Pei Mingshu didn’t know what to say.

He couldn’t ask Pei Qing about what had happened between him and Mo Yin, let alone ask Mo Yin. He could only rely on his imagination. There must have been hurt, but besides the hurt, perhaps there were also feelings. After all, they had gotten along well for some time. What kind of feelings existed between Pei Qing and Mo Yin…

Many thoughts flashed through Pei Mingshu’s mind, but his face remained unchanged. “If you want to go, then go.”

Mo Yin responded with another soft “Hmm.”

The bathroom once again fell into a dim silence.

The passion from earlier gradually faded away.

However, in the silence, a different kind of emotion slowly emerged. Pei Mingshu turned his face and gently touched Mo Yin’s cheek and ear, causing Mo Yin to initially stiffen. But when Pei Mingshu kissed the corner of his lips, Mo Yin relaxed, letting go of the grip on his clothes and wrapping his arms around Pei Mingshu’s neck.

In the midst of the surge of emotions, Pei Mingshu’s breath lingered in Mo Yin’s ear. “Xiao Yin, do you like me?”

Mo Yin bit his lip, feeling the weakness in his lower body, especially when sitting down, he felt particularly weak, unable to control anything. Only Pei Mingshu’s strong arms held him up, guiding him up and down, back and forth. The unpredictable feeling became even more thrilling.

He didn’t answer, but Pei Mingshu persisted in asking.

He wasn’t intentionally teasing Mo Yin, but he simultaneously gave Mo Yin a strong sensation while gently questioning him.

“Do you like…”

Rustling, hoarse, as if somewhat forced.

But after saying it for the first time, it seemed as if the shame had been shed away. “I like you. I like you…” He struggled to turn his face, and Pei Mingshu immediately kissed him. Mo Yin relaxed his body, wrapping his arms around Pei Mingshu’s neck, continuing to confess incoherently. Pei Mingshu’s hand gripping his waist almost felt like it would break him.

Steam filled the bathroom. After they finished, both of them looked like they had been pulled out of the water. The two bright red palm prints on Mo Yin’s waist were particularly conspicuous. Pei Mingshu saw them and apologized with a gentle touch. “I was too rough.”

Mo Yin didn’t speak, just leaned softly against him, as if melting into water.

Pei Mingshu held him, feeling very peaceful inside. It felt like time had frozen in this moment, with no past or future, just encapsulating this beautiful moment.

When this thought occurred to Pei Mingshu, he was somewhat surprised that he would have such a childish thought.

Lowering his gaze, Mo Yin’s eyelashes drooped, appearing tired and on the verge of falling asleep. Pei Mingshu lowered his head and kissed his temple. Mo Yin nestled even deeper into his arms.

After finishing washing and drying himself, Pei Mingshu leaned against the edge of the bed and said, “Let’s sleep, I’ll accompany you.”

Mo Yin rested his hands under his face and obediently murmured, “Mm.”

Perhaps out of concern for the numerous people in Pei’s house, or perhaps purely to take care of Mo Yin’s fragile pride, Pei Mingshu didn’t stay overnight in his room. Instead, he always quietly left after Mo Yin fell asleep.

Mo Yin slept very restlessly. Even though he was asleep, his eyeballs kept moving under his eyelids, as if trying to escape in his dreams.

Pei Mingshu continuously rubbed his back with the palm of his hand, gently patting him like a child, trying to help him relax.

Mo Yin furrowed his brows, a thin layer of sweat appearing on his forehead. Pei Mingshu gently wiped it away, but Mo Yin mumbled indistinctly, unable to hear what he was saying. Pei Mingshu leaned in slightly closer, and Mo Yin fell silent again. After waiting for a while without hearing any more movement, Pei Mingshu prepared to get up from the bed.

“Pei Qing…”

A very low but clear voice.

Pei Mingshu’s heart skipped a beat, thinking that Mo Yin must have been frightened again in his dreams. He gently embraced him, stroked his back a couple of times, and softly said, “It’s okay, it’s okay…”

Not knowing whether he found comfort in his dream, Pei Mingshu felt Mo Yin’s breathing gradually stabilize.

“Don’t leave…”

Another murmur from his dream.

Pei Mingshu spoke softly, “I’m here, I won’t leave.” He lightly kissed Mo Yin’s trembling eyelashes. Mo Yin’s eyes trembled, tears unconsciously seeping from his eyelids. He whispered, “Pei Qing…”

Pei Mingshu was slightly startled. He turned his face and saw Mo Yin’s pained expression, his lips moving as if very agitated. His murmurs became more coherent and clear, “Don’t leave… Pei Qing… Don’t leave…”

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