Professional Villain [Quick Travel]
Professional Villain [Quick Travel] Chapter 33

Chapter 33

“Listening to the description, it’s highly likely to be Stockholm syndrome.”

The doctor pushed his glasses up his nose and said, “But confirmation can only come after a face-to-face consultation.”

Outside the window, the spring breeze brushed against them, but Pei Mingshu’s expression was as cold as ice. He said lightly, “If that’s the case, how should it be treated?”

“If it’s confirmed, then psychological therapy would be advised.”

Pei Mingshu fell silent for a moment before inquiring, “He wants to see that person, is it okay?”

“If the dependency is profound and has a significant impact on the patient, then it’s appropriate for them to meet.”

Pei Mingshu asked, “How do you determine the depth of dependency? What constitutes a significant impact?”

“Severe patients may self-harm because they can’t see the perpetrator. In such cases, it’s appropriate for them to meet. You can understand it as a drug withdrawal. If the dependency on drugs is too deep, sudden withdrawal will lead to withdrawal symptoms, which is very detrimental to the patient.”

Pei Mingshu turned his face aside, pressing his temple with his thumb and forefinger, and said slowly, “Self-harm?”

“Yes, in severe cases, it’s possible.”

“… “

The doctor noticed that Pei Mingshu seemed reluctant to bring the person over, so he said, “Cases like this belong to post-traumatic stress disorder. In treatment, we try to help the patient rebuild their psychological defense mechanisms, and make them feel strong, especially in comparison to the perpetrator, so they no longer fear or depend on them. Helping them rebuild confidence in themselves is crucial, and family encouragement and support are also essential. Of course, it’s best to have a face-to-face consultation.”

The consultation room fell into silence for a moment. Pei Mingshu’s face was bathed in sunlight, but shadows clouded it. He said, “Thank you, you’ve worked hard.”

The car drove along the mountain road, ascending segment by segment.

There was no expression on Pei Mingshu’s face, his eyebrows and eyes seemed frozen.

From childhood, he adhered to principles in his actions, striving to be correct. No one is born a saint in this world; everyone gradually grows through discipline and training. Pei Mingshu never questioned those teachings because he knew they were right. This is how one should conduct themselves.

He had only done one wrong thing, yet the harm caused seemed endless.

If he could bear all of this harm himself, it would be acceptable, but unfortunately, the one harmed was the person he least wanted to hurt.

The gate slowly opened, the car stopped, and Pei Mingshu got out. He saw a vibrant scene; the servants of the Pei household were meticulously caring for this fairy-tale-like beautiful building. They had already adorned the house with spring attire, attracting chirping birds from nearby, their clear and melodious songs filling the air.

The servants seemed surprised to see Pei Mingshu return to the estate in broad daylight and hastily greeted him, “Young Master.”

Pei Mingshu nodded slightly and asked, “Where’s Xiao Yin?”

The servant replied, “Seems like he’s on the fifth floor.”

Pei Mingshu’s expression tightened momentarily but then returned to normal. He walked into the hall, took two steps, then turned back to the servant, “Where has Xiaoyin been during the daytime when I wasn’t home?”

The servant was a bit confused by his question but still answered honestly, “Most of the time, he’s in his own room. Sometimes he comes to the garden, sometimes he goes to the fifth floor.”

“He hasn’t gone anywhere else?”

“He went out once when he first came back, but after that, he’s been at home.”

Pei Mingshu dismissed the servant to the elevator. As the elevator ascended floor by floor, his heart sank bit by bit.

The elevator doors opened, and Pei Mingshu immediately saw Mo Yin by the window. It seemed like he hadn’t noticed anyone’s arrival and continued to stare out the window until Pei Mingshu’s hand pressed on his shoulder, and he snapped out of it, turning his head, “Pei—”

Pei Mingshu looked at him tenderly, “What are you looking at?”

Mo Yin’s lips moved slightly, “Nothing.”

Pei Mingshu didn’t pursue it, instead, he looked outside and noticed that from this angle, he could see most of the scenery of the Pei mansion. The garden was already dotted with pure white blossoms.

“In a while, the flowers will bloom.”


Pei Mingshu stood quietly beside Mo Yin. His peripheral vision caught sight of a dimly lit small door, and his heart pricked again.

“Let’s go downstairs.”

Mo Yin placed his hand on the wheelchair and said, “I want to go down.”


At night, Mo Yin dreamed again.

Perhaps he wasn’t dreaming; something was affecting his mind. As his body relaxed, those things unconsciously escaped from the depths he had sealed them in.

“Pei Qing…”

Mo Yin tightly closed his eyes, his brows furrowed in pain. Despite appearing distressed, he persistently sought the name of the person who had once hurt him, paradoxically pleading for shelter.

Pei Mingshu held him, his palm covering the back of Mo Yin’s head, and whispered softly, “Xiao Yin, it’s okay now, stop thinking about it, it’s okay.”

Such “spells” were ineffective.

Mo Yin continued to tremble and sweat in his embrace.

In the middle of the night, Mo Yin finally woke up.

Pei Mingshu hadn’t left; he woke up when he heard Mo Yin cry out. He immediately turned on the bedside lamp, “Xiao Yin?”

Mo Yin’s eyes were wide open, his face pale, but his lips unusually red. He unconsciously licked his lips and stared blankly at Pei Mingshu, his pupils slowly focusing, “Pei Mingshu…”

“It’s me.”

Mo Yin’s breathing gradually calmed down, and he lowered his head slightly and said, “It’s you.”

Pei Mingshu wiped the sweat from his forehead with his palm.

Mo Yin suddenly lifted his head, his eyes showing traces of blood vessels, “I—” He stopped speaking abruptly, then lowered his head again, then suddenly raised it once more. His expression was both ashamed and restrained, and his breathing became rapid as if he was struggling to catch his breath.

Pei Mingshu quickly patted his back gently, “Breathe first, take it easy, and speak slowly.”

Following his rhythm, Mo Yin finally breathed smoothly. He reached out from under the blanket and grabbed Pei Mingshu’s shoulder, “I… I want to go see Pei Qing tomorrow.”

Pei Mingshu looked at him quietly.

Mo Yin’s gaze was stubborn but also somewhat uncertain, “I want to see him.”

Pei Mingshu pressed his hand against the back of Mo Yin’s head, pulling him closer to his chest, “During the investigation, you can’t just visit randomly.”

Mo Yin fell silent for a while, his expression gradually becoming despondent, “Okay.”

The sudden silence felt particularly eerie in the dead of night.

Mo Yin’s breathing alternated between fast and slow, showing signs of restlessness.

Pei Mingshu couldn’t help but let out a soft sigh, leaning down to kiss him.

In the latter half of the night, Mo Yin slept a little more soundly. He was exhausted, and after expending all his energy, his sleeping face became much calmer. As he quieted down, Pei Mingshu’s heart remained restless for a long time.

There was no doubt that he liked Mo Yin. From sympathy to unconsciously caring, and then gradually becoming ambiguous, he indulged in the freshness of these feelings. Did he not realize it was wrong? Of course, he did. It’s just that he was too arrogant and confident, believing he could bear the cost of these feelings.

Deep down in his subconscious, he had never considered these feelings to be very important. He merely regarded them as an interesting seasoning in his overly regulated life.

Furthermore, he had never regarded Pei Qing as significant. Hence, he completely disregarded Pei Qing’s existence.

And now, where did he place Mo Yin?

What could he compensate Mo Yin with? Was he that important? Could his love heal Mo Yin’s wounds? On what basis was he so confident?

He could have made Pei Qing truly pay for what he had done, but because he felt guilty towards Pei Jingyou and Pei Qing, he chose to spare Pei Qing and merely give him a “lesson”.

What about Mo Yin?

Was this treatment fair for the harm he had suffered?

How could he help Mo Yin recover? Should he take Mo Yin to see a psychologist? But Mo Yin was reluctant to let others see even the scars on his legs, let alone reveal the wounds in his heart.

Pei Mingshu kept questioning himself but couldn’t find a perfect answer.

Then, he suddenly realized that all of Mo Yin’s physical and emotional wounds were caused by them, the Pei family…

The slender body in his embrace was soft and gentle. Pei Mingshu suddenly felt how fragile it was, and he leaned down to kiss Mo Yin’s dark hair gently.


The next day, Pei Mingshu didn’t go to work. He stayed home to work. He had originally wanted to ask Mo Yin to go to the study, but remembered their somewhat unpleasant conversation about the study, so he changed his mind, “I’ll stay here with you, okay?”

Mo Yin said, “Okay.”

The floor-to-ceiling windows provided excellent lighting, and the scenery was beautiful. Mo Yin sat in his wheelchair, watching the busy servants outside the window.

Pei Mingshu said, “Do you want to go out and see?”

“No, it will disrupt them.”

“How could it? They’re all willing to have your help,” Pei Mingshu encouraged, “Go ahead.”

Mo Yin looked at him.

Pei Mingshu was dressed very casually, in a linen shirt and light gray pants. He looked gentle and warm, his smile more soothing than a spring breeze. But Mo Yin’s gaze fell on the notebook on his knee, and he turned his face away stiffly and said, “Okay, I’ll go out.”

As he pushed the wheelchair past Pei Mingshu, his arm was grabbed by Pei Mingshu. Pei Mingshu turned his face and said, “Xiao Yin, that’s not what I meant.”

Mo Yin kept his head down and said, “I’ll go help them.”

“Xiao Yin.”

Mo Yin twisted his arm and said, “I’m going.”

Pei Mingshu still didn’t let go, “Xiao Yin, I’ve forgotten about that, and so should you.”

Mo Yin stared blankly into the air for a while before nodding slightly, saying softly, “Okay.”

A sense of powerlessness surged in Pei Mingshu’s heart.

Actually, those hurts had always been there, but in the past, Mo Yin had digested them on his own, or there were better things to fill those hurts. But now, he was engulfed in a deeper whirlpool, so all those past hurts gradually resurfaced.

Pei Mingshu slowly let go of his hand.

As Mo Yin pushed the wheelchair to leave, footsteps followed him from behind, “I’ll go with you.”

Pei Mingshu was very good at tending to flowers. He put on gloves, took the tools handed to him by the servant, and personally transplanted the flowers. Mo Yin watched for a while, and his mood seemed to improve. He said, “I remember you planted a big Cattleya last year.”

“Yes, you remember.”

“Hmm, that flower was beautiful too.”

Mo Yin smiled faintly, his eyes distant, as if lost in some pleasant memory. Pei Mingshu couldn’t help but smile too, “It’s still there. Do you want to go see it?”

“No need,” Mo Yin lowered his head, “As long as I know it’s still there.” Then he looked up again, “Are you not going to the office today?”

Pei Mingshu’s smile faded slightly, “I have a meeting in the afternoon.”

Mo Yin seemed relieved, “Okay.”

Shortly after Pei Mingshu left the Pei Residence, a servant called him, “Xiaoyin went upstairs again.”

Pei Mingshu hung up the phone, feeling an unbearable pain in his heart.

Since Pei Qing appeared at the shareholders’ meeting that day, the wooden house in the woods near the East Lake Expressway exit also revealed its whereabouts. Pei Mingshu hadn’t been there before, but today he finally went.

The wooden house was not big, but it was very cozy. There were traces of burning in the fireplace, and there was a large bed in the bedroom, covered with a light gray down comforter. On the bed lay a crooked blue shirt. Pei Mingshu stared at it for a while, then picked up the shirt and burned it in the fireplace.

He stared quietly at the flickering flames in the fireplace, and a sense of helplessness filled his heart.

When Pei Mingshu returned to the Pei Residence and had dinner with Mo Yin, Mo Yin asked him, “Why do you smell like something burning?”

“Do I?”

Pei Mingshu raised his hand, “Maybe I got it on me without realizing it.”

Mo Yin said, “Oh,” then as they continued eating, he looked up again, “Is Pei Qing coming out the day after tomorrow?”


Mo Yin nodded, his expression somewhat dazed. It was unclear whether he was afraid or looking forward to it. He put down his chopsticks and said, “I’m full.”

Pei Mingshu signaled the servant to accompany him upstairs.

The servant hurriedly followed, but not long after, he returned and said, “Xiaoyin went upstairs again.”

Pei Mingshu put down his chopsticks and stood up.

The elevator went up floor by floor. Pei Mingshu thought to himself: it’s better to end it quickly; he couldn’t let Mo Yin continue like this.

The fifth floor was pitch black, with only the stars and moon outside the window providing enough light to barely see the outlines of objects. Pei Mingshu didn’t see Mo Yin when he came up. He didn’t turn on the lights and walked slowly forward. When he reached the dim little door, he gently pressed his palm against it. After hesitating for how long, he slowly opened the door.

In the narrow darkness, Mo Yin was hiding inside, his face against the wall.

The door opened, but he remained unaware.

Pei Mingshu gradually bent down, his palm touching Mo Yin’s shoulder.

Mo Yin shivered slightly. Without turning his head, he whispered, “Pei Qing.”

Pei Mingshu remained silent.

“Are you back?”

“I’m sorry, I made a mistake again. Can you forgive me?”

“He doesn’t really like me. He just pities me. Only you truly like me. I know that.”

“Pei Qing, are you going abroad? Will you take me with you?”

“Don’t abandon me. I’m so scared by myself…”

The hand on his shoulder wrapped around him, arms tightly encircling him. Mo Yin’s cheek leaned against Pei Mingshu’s shoulder, his breathing steady and peaceful. Slowly, he fell asleep, serene and tranquil.

Pei Mingshu’s eyes stung with tears.

He couldn’t make amends.

He couldn’t possibly make amends.

His guilt was his own, and Mo Yin owed no one. He couldn’t simply choose to gloss over things lightly because of his own feelings, and he didn’t have the right to let anyone off the hook…

On the day Pei Qing came out of the Investigation Bureau, it was the last day of the winter vacation at A University.

In the evening, the trees on both sides of the mountain road were always green throughout the year, but when spring arrived, the greenery became particularly lush. In the car, Pei Mingshu tightly held Mo Yin’s hand, as if trying to convey strength to him.

After Mo Yin returned to the Pei Residence, he had been staying with Mo Yin all the time. The servants might have noticed it, but after a brief surprise, everything went on as usual. After all, no one dared to meddle in Pei Mingshu’s affairs.

Ding Mohai sat in the front passenger seat, his face tense.

Unlike the servants, he had always been by Pei Jingyou’s side, acting as a secretary but in reality also serving as a steward. He couldn’t help but frown at Pei Mingshu and Mo Yin’s relationship.

Even if Pei Mingshu’s status and position were disregarded, this was simply too mismatched.

What was even more frightening was that Ding Mo-Hai couldn’t help but associate Pei Qing and Mo Yin together.

The more he thought about it, the more worried he became, so he forced himself not to think about it for now.

After all, the most important thing today was to pick up Pei Qing and bring him home.

The tip of the pen quickly slid across the paper, and after Pei Qing signed the document, he walked out of the door.

The car parked outside the Investigation Bureau had a license plate that Pei Qing recognized at a glance. Ding Mohai got out of the car and bent slightly by the door, “Second Young Master.”

Pei Qing looked silently at the closed car door, his expression unreadable.

Ding Mohai said, “The Eldest Young Master asked you to sit in the back of the car.”

Pei Qing stood still for a moment, then turned and got into the back seat.

Ding Mohai sighed softly, holding a brown paper bag under his armpit, and walked straight into the Investigation Bureau.

The brown paper bag was handed to him by Pei Mingshu himself in the morning.

“Young Master, what’s this?” Ding Moai asked.

“Explanatory materials for Pei Qing’s case,” Pei Mingshu said, “We need to clear up this matter today.”

Ding Mohai felt relieved. After all, it was important to settle this matter properly. As he descended the stairs, he ran into Mo Yin in the hall. For a moment, Ding Mohai felt a bit strange; it seemed like every time he came to the Pei Residence these past few days, he would run into Mo Yin, especially when he was coming downstairs, as if Mo Yin were deliberately waiting for him.

Ding Mohai didn’t know about the relationship between Mo Yin and Pei Mingshu at that time. He greeted him as usual, “Xiao Yin.”

Mo Yin also greeted him, “Uncle Ding.”

Ding Mohai asked, “Are you also going to pick up Pei Qing today?”

Mo Yin replied with an “Mm,” his gaze falling on the brown paper bag in Ding Mohai’s hand. “Uncle Ding, what are you holding?”

“The explanatory materials for Pei Qing’s case,” Ding Mohai said, “We’re going to clear up this case when we go over.”

“That’s good.”

Ding Mohai looked relieved and said, “After Pei Qing comes back, you three brothers should have a good talk.”

Mo Yin smiled and nodded, “Yes, we should have a good talk.”

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