Professional Villain [Quick Travel]
Professional Villain [Quick Travel] Chapter 35

Chapter 35

Mo Yin behaved very obediently during training, following the process of doing something wrong, getting caught, and being sent back, strictly adhering to the procedure. He quickly passed the training.

But once he officially entered the mission world, Mo Yin began to act as he pleased.

In the first mission world, he stabbed the protagonist directly with a knife. It’s quite common for villains to stab the protagonist, but he stabbed the protagonist’s neck, piercing the windpipe from front to back, clean and decisive, splattering blood all over himself. The system’s screams were even louder than the blood splattering.

“Coordinator, what… what are you doing?” the system asked.

“He speaks boringly, I don’t want to listen anymore.”

“Coordinator, this is not within the scope of the mission,” the system emphasized.

“Is that so? Then it must have been an accident,” Mo Yin said.

Mo Yin wiped the blood off his face with a wet towel while waiting for the mission to fail. However, to his surprise, the protagonist stood up again immediately. The entire mission world instantly turned from an ordinary urban story into an urban legend.

Mo Yin tilted his head slightly. “What’s going on? He leveled up.”

“Dear Coordinator, the protagonist has a protagonist halo. As a villain, it’s impossible for you to kill the protagonist. He has mutated now, becoming a superpower.”

“Ah, I see. That’s durable. Looks like I can play for a while longer.”

After playing around for a while, Mo Yin got bored.

To him, the characters in these mission worlds seemed fake, some even felt like cardboard cutouts. His mental strength was too strong. These kinds of mission worlds were like 2D planes to him, slashing the protagonist was almost like cutting paper.

Since the villains couldn’t kill the protagonist’s body, Mo Yin decided to crush their souls.

It was too easy. Their mental strength was too weak. With just a little pressure, the protagonist would immediately explode under the strain.

The subsequent mission worlds were all more or less the same.

Similar protagonists, similar falsehoods, and similar explosions, followed by criticism from the Alliance after the mission failed.

Apart from the moment of the explosion being a bit amusing, everything else had become numb to Mo Yin. He had forgotten about the “protagonist halo.”


This world not only had strong powers, but the protagonist halo was also quite strong. It could keep the protagonist’s body from dying and even save the protagonist once at a critical moment.

Mo Yin held his forehead, his fingers slowly sliding across it, as the shadow of Pei Qing loomed over him. Mo Yin remained silent, holding his breath.

After the truck explosion, the world had yet to collapse. According to his training experience, that should be the stage where he hadn’t experienced the “Wow, this is bad” feeling in the mission world yet.

It was all about experience. It might be interesting.

Mo Yin moved his fingers slightly away from his eyes, raised his head, and observed Pei Qing with clear black eyes under his dark eyelashes.

Pei Qing had been beaten badly.

Pei Mingshu apparently thought he had developed a psychological illness because of Pei Qing and had taken ruthless measures. Pei Qing’s eyebrows, cheekbones, and mouth were all bruised and swollen, and his face was covered in blood stains, making it hard to distinguish whose blood it was.

For Pei Qing, this should be quite a breakdown, right? Being used as a pawn completely, this should be what Pei Qing hated most and what caused him the most pain.

So now, was Pei Mingshu’s strength still supporting this world? Because at least he hadn’t sent his only surviving brother into it? Was that the only thing keeping it from collapsing?

That might not necessarily mean he had lost. Pei Mingshu’s defenses were probably on the brink of collapsing too. If he pondered it a bit more and stimulated it a bit more, maybe this world would still collapse, and he still had a chance of winning.

Pei Qing leaned down, his arms pressing on both sides of the wheelchair, and the bloody smell enveloped Mo Yin.

Mo Yin’s expression remained unchanged. Well, this bloody smell was better than the smell of those worlds—nice, exciting.

Their eyes met.

Pei Qing found that Mo Yin didn’t show any emotion at all. There was no anger, no sadness, no resentment, just a seemingly calm but actually slightly crazy reflection of himself.

Having experienced further learning in this world, Mo Yin didn’t dare to make any rash judgments about what kind of reaction Pei Qing would have now, after all, he hadn’t anticipated Pei Qing’s reaction last time.

As it turned out, Mo Yin still didn’t anticipate Pei Qing’s reaction this time.

“Do you really,” Pei Qing stared into his eyes, “never liked me?”

Mo Yin almost burst out laughing at this question.

He had used him, framed him, angered his father to death, caused their company to be acquired, and even wanted to send him to jail for three to five years. Yet, the thing he cared most about was whether “he had ever liked him.”

Mo Yin scratched his forehead with his little finger and looked up. “Pei Qing, do you know why you can never beat Pei Mingshu?”

Pei Qing’s mouth was bleeding profusely, but his pain wasn’t particularly strong. All his sensations were bound by inner cravings. After hearing Mo Yin’s counter-question, his facial features tightened, and his eyes stared fiercely at Mo Yin.

Mo Yin kindly answered, “Because someone like Pei Mingshu wouldn’t ask such a silly question.”

Pei Qing shook off his arms and sat up straight in the wheelchair, causing it to shake.

Mo Yin raised an eyebrow, noticing Pei Qing’s subtle trembling. It seemed Pei Qing had really lost his composure.

Ding Mohai had just been sent away by Pei Mingshu, who was still standing near the door, with his back to the sun, his face dark and indistinct as he watched the conversation between Mo Yin and Pei Qing.

Mo Yin remained calm and steady in his wheelchair.

Pei Mingshu was so lucky. Why would someone like Ding Mohai dare to open the documents given to him by Pei Ming Shu without permission? So, the protagonist was such an unreasonable thing to deal with?

What would Pei Mingshu do next?

Based on his judgment of Pei Mingshu, he probably wouldn’t beat him. Of course, he didn’t rule out the possibility of misjudgment, considering he had made a mistake in his actions toward Pei Qing before.

Mo Yin felt a sense of excitement from the unknown, stirring up his excitement once again.

Why did he want to collapse the world? Because he enjoyed seeing the powerful protagonist collapse into despair. It gave him sincere pleasure. That was his interest, his desire, making him feel that life was still meaningful.

Now, this feeling of the unknown was also interesting.

Pei Mingshu approached Mo Yin step by step. His steps were still steady, but his face, like Pei Qing’s, was covered in bloodstains from his injuries. He stood in front of Mo Yin, who looked at him calmly, without any guilt for his misdeeds.

“Did you intentionally leak the collaboration case to Pei Qing?” Pei Mingshu asked.

Mo Yin found it a bit amusing. These two brothers always liked to ask questions he had already answered.

“Yes,” Mo Yin didn’t bother to explain further. After all, trying to make up for what happened after the explosion would just be a joke. “I did it on purpose, stole your plan and gave it to him, made you think he was untrustworthy, and made him see what his position was in this family.”

Pei Qing, who had been facing away, turned around again at Mo Yin’s words.

Mo Yin noticed the sharp gaze and lightly tapped his forehead with his index and middle fingers, giving a slight flick in Pei Qing’s direction. “You’re welcome.”

Pei Mingshu found it incredible.

He remembered that day in the garden when Mo Yin cried bitterly in the face of his suspicions, a mix of disguised confessions and resolute departures.

Was that all fake?

Was it all fake?

Pei Mingshu looked steadily at Mo Yin, unable to believe that everything Mo Yin had done in front of him was fake. At the same time, he seemed to have no choice but to accept reality when looking at the completely unfamiliar Mo Yin in front of him.

“That day at the Mo residence, was it also intentional on your part, knowing…” Pei Mingshu paused, his gaze still soft as it enveloped Mo Yin, “… that he would come?”

Asking about things he had said before again.

Mo Yin nodded. “Yes,” he explained further, “I knew your father would come. I specially informed him.”

“I made preparations on both sides,” Mo Yin said earnestly. “Calculating the time, they should be almost here, but it wouldn’t matter if one arrived before the other. If he came first, he would be angered by you, and if Pei Qing came first, he would be angered by both of you.”

Assuming Pei Qing arrived first, the two brothers probably wouldn’t be able to avoid a fight. If Pei Jingyou came up, Mo Yin would cry and tell him about the emotional disputes between the three of them, guaranteeing a melodramatic and satisfying scene that would surely make Pei Jingyou ecstatic.

In fact, he didn’t have any feelings for Pei Jingyou. He just thought that Pei Jingyou’s death would intensify the conflict between the two brothers to the greatest extent. If Pei Jingyou were lucky enough not to die that day, he wouldn’t mind making things even more exciting for Pei Jingyou to open his eyes.

Mo Yin’s expression in Pei Mingshu’s eyes was difficult to describe and even harder to understand. When he spoke about these matters, there was no emotional fluctuation whatsoever, as if all his usual melancholy, vulnerability, joy, and sadness were all fake.

The real Mo Yin was like this. His eyes held no depth; looking into them, the entire world appeared empty.

When did he start becoming like this?

Pei Mingshu raised his hand.

Mo Yin held his breath slightly, and Pei Mingshu’s palm moved toward his face—covering his eyes.

Mo Yin’s eyes remained open, and his eyelashes blinked slowly, only seeing the blood-red world behind his skin, faintly visible.

Mo Yin returned to his room.

Pei Mingshu pushed him back, saying nothing along the way. After escorting him back to his room, he closed the door and left.

Mo Yin went to open the door, only to find it locked from the outside. He thought the brothers really enjoyed playing the game of locking people up.

Withdrawing his hand from the door lock, Mo Yin pushed his wheelchair to pour himself a glass of water.

After teaching those two fools for so long, he was thirsty.

Mo Yin sipped the lukewarm water unhurriedly, with the sunlight streaming in through the window just right, making it midday, and the temperature pleasant. Mo Yin quietly watched the scattered white flower buds outside the window, wondering what the two brothers from the Pei family would do next. This breath gave them a chance to recover; did he still have a chance to drive these two people to despair?

Without the assistance of psychic powers, the theoretical knowledge he had learned didn’t seem entirely applicable here. Mo Yin pondered earnestly. He believed he had already shattered Pei Qing and Pei Mingshu’s foundations. Pei Qing’s pride and Pei Mingshu’s self-confidence had all been worn down by him. Only the sudden appearance of Ding Mohai had given Pei Mingshu a chance to still hold on, making him feel that there was still room for redemption for his mistakes.

But how long could he hold on?

When Pei Mingshu realized that all his care and concern had been betrayed, that he had been deceived and fooled from beginning to end, that his company had changed hands, his father had died early, and his brothers were estranged… how could he endure it?

Mo Yin took another sip of water, hoping that Pei Mingshu would die right in front of him. He didn’t want to miss any beautiful moments.

Mo Yin waited like this from daytime until evening.

In the meantime, a servant came to deliver his meal.

The door opened, and the food cart slipped in, quickly followed by the door being closed again, without even showing their face, as if Mo Yin’s room contained some venomous snake or ferocious beast.

Outside, the sky gradually darkened, with stars and the moon climbing up, and the garden enveloped in a white silver glow.

Mo Yin ate and drank, pushing his wheelchair around the room several times. He sent “warm” messages to Pei Mingshu and Pei Qing on his phone, but neither of them replied. The world was stable, indicating that they were still alive.

How resilient.

He had encountered the most resilient protagonist in terms of mental strength.

From a certain perspective, he was starting to admire Pei Mingshu a bit.

When the door was pushed open, Mo Yin immediately turned his head very sensitively. His movement and expression were agile and alert, completely different from the shy and pitiful Mo Yin in Pei Mingshu’s memory.

Pei Mingshu’s facial wounds had already been treated, but he was still wearing the same clothes.

He slowly approached, and Mo Yin observed him from top to bottom, feeling that Pei Mingshu’s mental state was relatively stable. He was suddenly a bit disappointed.

Pei Mingshu stopped in front of his wheelchair, squatting down as usual to meet his gaze.

“Mo Yin,” Pei Mingshu said, “have you always hated us?”

Mo Yin thought for a moment. According to his own wishes, he certainly didn’t hate them. He didn’t have any feelings for these protagonists. He was a natural person, making it difficult for him to have any special emotional connections to people and things. They were more like his toys, all falling into the category of “liking,” especially in such a realistic world. The two brothers from the Pei family could be considered his “high-end toys.”

But from the perspective of his character, Mo Yin gave an answer.

“I hate this unfair world.”

Pei Mingshu raised his hand and gently stroked Mo Yin’s head as before. “The world has always been unfair.”

Mo Yin coldly replied, “Go to hell.”

Surprisingly, Pei Mingshu smiled slightly. “You’re really smart, but there’s one thing you’ve misunderstood.”

Mo Yin thought to himself, indeed, he had overlooked the damn protagonist aura, just one step away from witnessing the artistry of the explosion.

Pei Mingshu stared into his eyes and said lightly, “Actually, sometimes I can be foolish too.”

Mo Yin was taken aback.

Pei Mingshu continued, “Have you ever liked me?”

Mo Yin: “…”

These people were indeed much more complicated than he had imagined.

Both brothers were hurt by him like this, yet they didn’t seek revenge. Why were they so fixated on this matter?

Was it really that important?

Mo Yin looked into Pei Mingshu’s eyes and realized that the answer to this question seemed to be very important to them. The gleam in Pei Mingshu’s eyes seemed to overlap with Pei Qing’s.

Since that was the case, then let’s try it.

Mo Yin parted his lips and slowly said, “Of course…” Pei Mingshu’s eyes seemed to uncontrollably follow his lips. He probably wanted to hear a definite answer, right? Unfortunately, as an antagonist who naturally opposed powerful protagonists like him, he couldn’t give them the answer they wanted, “…no.”

The words fell softly.

Pei Mingshu closed his eyes.

Mo Yin vaguely felt the world fluctuate for a moment.

Was it finally Pei Mingshu’s turn this time? Could Pei Mingshu, who couldn’t accept the most devastating things, accept that he had never liked him?

Mo Yin continued to ponder. “From the first time I saw you, your arrogant demeanor made me extremely disgusted. If it weren’t for wanting to see how you and your brother would tear each other apart, I wouldn’t have approached you at all. In my eyes, you are just a pawn, no different from Pei Qing. No, you are even more disgusting than Pei Qing because you are too arrogant. How could you think that I would really like you? Don’t be ridiculous. You are the son of Pei Jingyou. I just want all of you to die—”

Pei Mingshu remained half-crouched, with his face lowered, eyes closed, listening quietly.

The world continued to fluctuate, but the magnitude was small. Mo Yin suspected that he hadn’t cursed fiercely enough. As he prepared to continue his outburst, a cold sneer came from the doorway.

Mo Yin looked in the direction of the sound.

Pei Qing was leaning against the door with folded arms, his lips curled in a mocking smirk. “I told you, you’re not any stronger than me.”

Mo Yin: How did Pei Qing’s energy stabilize again?

The two brothers were starting to support each other at a time like this. This was really absurd!

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