Professional Villain [Quick Travel]
Professional Villain [Quick Travel] Chapter 36

Chapter 36

Mo Yin, for once, decided to proactively contact the Alliance in the mission world to let them know they could stop rushing. He informed the technology research department that the perpetual motion machine model they had been waiting for was now available.

Pei Mingshu slowly stood up.

Mo Yin looked up at the two towering figures before him.

Pei Mingshu cast a deep glance at Mo Yin, then turned and left. As he passed by Pei Qing at the door, he whispered something in a low voice. Mo Yin couldn’t hear it, but he could see Pei Qing’s mocking smirk, and then Pei Mingshu closed the door behind him.

Pei Qing squatted down in front of Mo Yin. “I just made a bet with him upstairs.”

Mo Yin deliberately didn’t ask what they had bet on, denying Pei Qing the chance to manipulate him.

“We bet that if you have even the slightest affection for him,” Pei Qing stared into Mo Yin’s eyes, “we’ll pretend that nothing happened.”

Mo Yin smiled, showing no signs of regret. He was brimming with interest. “After putting in so much effort to get you two to this point, how can I just pretend that nothing happened?” He reached out and lightly patted Pei Qing’s cheek. His breath was gentle and fragrant. “Remember it well.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Pei Qing’s hand grabbed his neck.

Over a year of paralysis was enough to weaken a healthy and vigorous body.

With his fair and slender neck, it could be easily grabbed by a single hand. Beneath the thin skin, the blood flowed weakly, displaying a fragility that seemed unable to withstand any force.

Of course, Pei Qing knew that when he took off this outfit, he would appear even more tattered.

This seemingly harmless person could be so calculating, deceiving them bit by bit until they were devoured.

“Is the food at the Bureau so bad that you have no strength at all?”

Still smiling provocatively.

Pei Qing’s eyes turned crimson.

He had never had anything. It was as if he owed the world from the moment he was born. Every day he lived, he was repaying debts. Finally, someone appeared by his side, wholeheartedly relying on him, believing in him, loving him…

But it was all fake. It was all fake.

Mo Yin tightly gripped the wheelchair’s armrest, his cheeks and neck suffused with a choking pinkness. But he didn’t beg for mercy, nor did he try to pry Pei Qing’s hand away. His lips still curled upward slightly.


Pei Qing released his hand.

Mo Yin tilted his head back, gulping down the air forcefully. He breathed heavily, about to continue mocking Pei Qing’s weakness when he felt his neck being grabbed again. A strong force pushed him forward.

The tangy sweetness of blood pressed against Mo Yin’s lips heavily. Mo Yin froze for a moment, eyes wide open, meeting Pei Qing’s eyes, which were inches away from his.

The two stared at each other, seeming unable to understand each other.

Just as Mo Yin was considering the most appropriate reaction, Pei Qing closed his eyes, and his tongue forcefully parted Mo Yin’s lips.

The mouth was instantly filled with the taste of rust.

Pei Qing’s tongue stirred forcefully, and Mo Yin reacted, trying to push Pei Qing’s shoulder away. But Pei Qing’s grip on the back of his neck tightened, pushing him harder against his own face.

Saliva mixed with blood overflowed from the corners of their lips, wriggling and twisting, unable to be swallowed.

Their breaths were erratic and rapid like two forces wrestling.

Mo Yin closed his teeth, trying to bite Pei Qing’s tongue, but Pei Qing, as if foreseeing this, withdrew just in time. Their teeth clashed crisply, and Pei Qing looked at Mo Yin with a cold and malicious gaze. If he had been just a little slower, he had no doubt that Mo Yin would have bitten off his tongue.

Their lips were covered in Pei Qing’s blood, and Mo Yin licked the corner of his lips. He looked at Pei Qing with mocking eyes. “In heat again?”

Pei Qing smirked slightly, the cold malice in his phoenix eyes evident. “Looks like you’re enjoying it too. Every time, you get off on me shooting you.”

“Well, that means you’re doing a good job. Let me reward you.”

Mo Yin grinned and quickly reached out to grab Pei Qing’s hair, pushing him down forcefully.

Pei Qing grabbed his wrist and lifted him up with one hand.

Mo Yin’s abdomen hit the hard shoulder. He retched and, still holding onto Pei Qing’s hair, he didn’t let go. “Pei Qing, what do you have besides being healthier than me? If my legs weren’t paralyzed, you wouldn’t even be worthy to touch my toe.”

Pei Qing’s response was to slam him down onto the bed.

The bed was soft, but when Mo Yin fell from Pei Qing’s shoulder, his head hit the bed, making him dizzy for a moment. He opened his eyes, shaking off the short hair in his palm. He saw Pei Qing undressing, his face cold. “I’m sorry you feel that way.”

Mo Yin couldn’t help but think that textbooks were so damn rigid when it came to emotions and sex.

Why did this situation still have to happen?

Mo Yin couldn’t decide whether he should refuse or just lie back and enjoy it. However, sticking to his principle of “villains always oppose the protagonist,” Mo Yin exerted effort to move backward, using his arms.

Since the paralysis of his lower body, his upper body had quickly become weak due to lack of exercise. He exerted great effort, gritting his teeth as he struggled to retreat with his disabled body. His two long legs were nothing but a burden, slender yet weakly trailing behind him, leaving marks of struggle on the silk sheets.

Pei Qing took off his shirt, revealing a sturdy physique covered in bruises. His abdominal muscles were clearly defined, with shades of blue and purple, rising and falling slowly with his breath.

Pei Qing leaned down, pressing Mo Yin’s hands firmly with one hand on each side. This way, Mo Yin had no way to escape his grasp.

Pei Qing looked at Mo Yin earnestly, as if seeing Mo Yin for the first time.

This was a handsome and delicate face, seemingly harmless at first glance, yet with a coldness that seemed to emanate from within.

“What does it feel like to sleep with me?” Pei Qing asked calmly, not waiting for Mo Yin to answer—or perhaps he didn’t need Mo Yin to answer. He seemed more like he was talking to himself. “And what does it feel like to sleep with Pei Mingshu?”

“Nauseous? Want to vomit?” Pei Qing’s hand pressed down on Mo Yin’s, the pressure increasing as he embedded them into the bed. He stared at Mo Yin without blinking. “Or do you feel sick and want to vomit while also feeling unbelievably good?”

Mo Yin rolled his Adam’s apple and spat at Pei Qing’s face.

Pei Qing didn’t even blink.

“I promised in my heart that I would take care of you for the rest of my life.”

Mo Yin remained unchanged, showing no sign of being moved. “Who needs you to take care of them?”

Pei Qing also remained unchanged, saying calmly, “It’s your business if you lied to me. I won’t break my promise.”

Mo Yin: “…”

He knew Pei Qing was somewhat paranoid, but he really didn’t expect Pei Qing’s paranoia to run this deep.

In the natural world, all emotions had a scale—liking, disliking, villainization… Human emotions could be quantified.

He had come to understand that love and hate could coexist in these people’s hearts.

But after coexisting, couldn’t they be separated?

Take away love, and all that’s left is hate, right?

But it seemed these people couldn’t do it. They were controlled by complex emotions, unable to control themselves as easily as natural humans could.

It seemed a bit pitiful.

Pei Qing sensed the thoughtful and pitying look in Mo Yin’s eyes. Even those torn and twisted parts of his heart stirred slightly, despite themselves.

Pei Qing lowered his head and gently kissed Mo Yin’s lips.

Mo Yin didn’t speak, nor did he resist. He just looked at Pei Qing with a hint of confusion.

Why were they all so pitiful? Yet, Pei Qing’s energy still persisted so steadfastly.

Pei Qing said, “You can resist.”

Mo Yin’s gaze was slightly focused.

Pei Qing smiled at him, grabbed the edge of Mo Yin’s pants, and forcefully pulled them down. His tone turned cold again. “But resistance probably won’t help.”

Mo Yin didn’t resist.

Because resistance really wouldn’t help. Useless resistance would only satisfy the enemy’s perverse tastes.

So when Pei Qing pressed down on him, Mo Yin just turned his head indifferently.

Pei Qing released his grip on Mo Yin and, grabbing Mo Yin’s chin, turned his face back. “Look at me.”

Mo Yin reached out to slap him, but Pei Qing grabbed the shirt he had taken off and wrapped it around Mo Yin’s wrist, hanging it up on the bedside lamp.

Mo Yin spat at him again. “Bastard.”

The blood in Pei Qing’s mind boiled for a moment.

Mo Yin saw the expression on his face and smiled lightly. “Hit a nerve, didn’t I?”

Pei Qing felt like his heart was being stabbed with a knife, plunged in too deep for him to dare to pull out. The person attacking didn’t care, though. They were laughing and spinning the knife in his wound, trying to make him bleed even more.

“Do you really hate us that much?”

“No hate,” Mo Yin raised an eyebrow, smiling nonchalantly. “Just for fun.”

Pei Qing smiled back. “Okay, then let’s have some more fun.”

Pei Qing had been observing Mo Yin’s expressions all along.

At first, Mo Yin seemed indifferent, but slowly, he started to bite his lips hard, his chin turning pale from the pressure. His restrained wrists turned white as well, his clenched fists trembling uncontrollably.

Gradually, his gaze began to wander, and his hands lost their strength, his fingertips trembling with each breath.

Pei Qing leaned close to his ear, moistening his earlobe with kisses and murmuring, “You’re biting me so tightly.”

Mo Yin grunted, refocusing his eyes on Pei Qing.

Sweat beads dotted Pei Qing’s injured face, his eyes pitch black and intense, his hair whipping around sharply.

Mo Yin parted his lips, revealing white teeth and a pink mouth. He exhaled hot breath irregularly, his throat panting as he murmured vaguely, “You’re not as good as your brother…”

Before he could finish his sentence, his eyebrows furrowed tightly, and his whole body jerked upwards.


Pei Qing and he fit together seamlessly again, their relationship returning to that twisted symbiosis, one devouring the other entirely, and the other possessing the former entirely.

Pei Qing bit Mo Yin’s earlobe hard, causing Mo Yin to cry out in pain. His earlobe felt scorching hot as if it was about to break. He heard Pei Qing whispering in his ear, “We have the whole night to spend.”


In the late night, Mo Yin passed out from exhaustion.

His face leaned against his right arm, his forehead tilted back, his messy hair scattered, his fair and handsome face flushed, sweat beads forming. His eyelashes were still trembling unconsciously.

Pei Qing untied the shirt that had bound Mo Yin’s wrists. Two fresh red marks appeared on Mo Yin’s wrists like ropes. Pei Qing stared at the marks, then bowed his head and gently kissed them, kissing the heated marks all over.

Mo Yin, who had passed out, no longer uttered any offensive words or looked at him with mocking indifference. He seemed obedient and docile, just like the Mo Yin from before.

Pei Qing knew that the former Mo Yin was fake.

The real Mo Yin hid behind that false facade, always staring at him with malice.

But how could human emotions be controlled so easily?

How could a heart that had already been given away be easily taken back?

Pei Qing gritted his teeth, his body’s extreme pleasure and his soul’s extreme pain twisting together.

He lay on top of Mo Yin, his breath spraying lightly on Mo Yin’s neck, his eyes staring intensely at the unconscious figure. His palm couldn’t help but gently stroke Mo Yin’s face.

“What are you doing?”

A cold voice came from the doorway, and Pei Qing turned his head.

At the door, Pei Mingshu held a key in one hand and pulled the door with the other.

Pei Qing’s expression turned icy, and he quickly grabbed the thin blanket nearby and covered both of them. “Can’t you see?”

Pei Mingshu closed the door and walked over slowly.

The room was in a mess, with clothes scattered everywhere, and the bedsheets wrinkled into a ball. It was easy to imagine how intense the fight had been just now.

“I told you not to hurt him.”

Pei Mingshu’s words were slow and deliberate, filled with icy anger.

“Did I hurt him? I think he’s enjoying himself,” Pei Qing said indifferently. “Don’t forget, in his heart, you’re more disgusting than me. Sleeping with you would be more of a harm to him.”

Pei Mingshu directly pulled him off the bed.

The two connected figures separated, and as Pei Qing moved, Mo Yin’s uncontrollable legs also swung in sync, throwing off the thin blanket, revealing flushed thighs and a clear liquid dripping down.

While Mo Yin was asleep and unaware, the Pei brothers fought again.

When he woke up, Mo Yin found Pei Mingshu sitting by his bed, his face looking even worse than the day before. He stared at Pei Mingshu for a while before saying, “Water.”

Pei Mingshu poured him a glass of water, helped him sit up, and handed him the glass.

Mo Yin reached out and noticed a layer of translucent white ointment on his wrist.

Mo Yin drank the entire glass of water in one go.

Pei Mingshu sat by his bed silently, like a painting.

After finishing the water, Mo Yin placed the glass down. As he tried to move, the glass slipped from his hand and fell to the floor, shattering into pieces. Mo Yin looked at Pei Mingshu and smiled, “Sorry, my hand slipped.”

Pei Mingshu remained still. Mo Yin found his demeanor uninteresting and looked at his own wrist. There was nothing wrong with it, but he wondered who had taken the trouble to apply so much ointment. It was probably Pei Mingshu, as Pei Qing wouldn’t do such a thing with his current temper.

“Does it hurt?”

Mo Yin looked at Pei Mingshu. Even with his injured face, Pei Mingshu still appeared refined and graceful, having had enough time during the night to gather his emotions.

Mo Yin didn’t hesitate.

He still held onto Pei Mingshu’s sleeve tightly, but his words carried a stubborn and somewhat naive cruelty.

“I’d be happy if you died.”

Pei Mingshu lowered his head and gently kissed Mo Yin’s eyelashes. Mo Yin’s eyelashes trembled as if startled, and he turned his face away.

Pei Mingshu smiled at him—it was unbelievable that he could still smile.

“Rest well.”

Pei Mingshu let go of his hand and placed it on the blanket. “Don’t get the ointment wet, and if you need anything, call the servants.”

Mo Yin grabbed his sleeve again. “Don’t leave until you explain clearly.”

“I have a meeting at ten.”


“At three in the afternoon,” Pei Mingshu said in a negotiating tone, “Can I come back and talk again?”

Mo Yin felt that the situation was somewhat strange. He let go of Pei Mingshu’s sleeve, lowered his eyelashes, and raised them again, looking at Pei Ming Shu one by one. Finally, he said seriously, “Pei Mingsa hu, are you sick?”



Was he feeling better since he got mental illness?

Pei Mingshu ruffled his hair again before leaving.

Mo Yin turned his head and belatedly realized that he felt very comfortable and refreshed.

Vaguely, he recalled someone carrying him to the bathroom to shower last night. The bathroom was filled with steam, waking him up. In a daze, that person carried him out again. After lying back on the bed, the person knelt by the bedside and massaged him from his waist, with a particularly familiar strength. Another person pulled his wrist and applied the cold ointment, making him feel very comfortable, so he fell asleep again…

Mo Yin stared at the ceiling with wide eyes.

It seemed like this was indeed an impressive world with two impressive people. He needed to think carefully about it.

What exactly was supporting them? He had to find out and destroy it.

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