Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée
Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée Chapter 2

After eating a bowl of congee, her stomach immediately felt warm, as well her limbs and bones. In this short period of time, Yu Mian also had initial contact with the Yu parents.

Because she wasn’t their real daughter, even if Yu Mian inherited the other Yu Mian’s memories, there was no way she could entirely act like her. Besides, she didn’t want to pretend and act as someone else. If she had to live without freedom, she would rather she died in that car accident.

So from beginning to end, she had been using her own attitude when interacting with Father and Mother Yu.

Yu Mian’s change was too obvious and it’s not like the two didn’t have any questions, however, the idea of ​​reincarnation was so outrageous that most people would never think of it. They just assumed that she had become sensible due to the accident.

To put it another way, her temperament changed drastically after being stimulated.

Their beloved little daughter now resembled a thoughtful little cotton-padded jacket[1]metaphor for daughters, who are often considerate and heartwarming. Mother Yu was extraordinarily touched. She kept asking Yu Mian if she’s okay, afraid that she was uncomfortable in some way. Mother Yu’s smiling face was like a blooming flower.

Father Yu, on the other hand, played the role of a strict father and said with a serious face, “Once you got discharged from the hospital, you will come back home with us. You’re not allowed to live outside anymore. Your mother already told someone to pack the things in your apartment. If you ask me, we shouldn’t have allowed you to move out in the first place. You can’t even take care of your own health.”

Yu Mian had no objection to that. The other Yu Mian doesn’t have a good relationship with her parents. She moved out of the house two months ago and was living alone. Unlike the other party, she was extremely eager for a family. So upon hearing Father Yu’s words, she obediently agreed.

“Okay, Dad.”

Seeing that she didn’t resist his arrangement like she used to and agreed with him with a well-behaved expression, Father Yu nodded joyfully.

“The doctor will examine you later. If there’s no problem, we will go home.”

Mother Yu also added, “The condition in the hospital isn’t as good as our home, you can recuperate there better. I’m going to file a leave of absence for your school so you can also take this opportunity to have a break. Right, Mianmian, how about Mom takes you to Mengsha Island for a vacation?”

The topic changed abruptly and Yu Mian couldn’t react at once. She asked in confusion, “Mengsha Island?”

Mengsha Island was on Country M, located in a tropical area with a warm and comfortable climate all year round. The island has unique natural beauty, so it was developed as a vacation spot, receiving countless tourists from around the world every year.

Because the environmental conditions were excellent, the fees were naturally high. Yu Mian had only seen photos of Mengsha Island posted by others on the Internet but had never been there.

Mother Yu winked at Yu Mian and said with a smile, “Don’t you like Chu Yan a lot? Mom specially inquired for you. Chu Yan is going to Mengsha Island to shoot an advertisement next week. We can go there first and if we have a chance encounter with him, we can ask for an autograph or something.”

As soon as the name Chu Yan came out, a large string of memories related to him instantly popped up in Yu Mian’s mind. Whether it was her or the other Yu Mian, they weren’t unfamiliar with Chu Yan.

Chu Yan was a well-known artist. He debuted as a singer for two years. With his handsome appearance and singing and dancing talents, he charmed thousands of girls and quickly gained 80 million followers in that time frame. He was one of the hottest idol stars in today’s entertainment industry.

The other Yu Mian turned out to be one of the thousands of girls who were charmed by him, and was also one of his brainless fans. Just because someone told her, “You’re so fat, you don’t deserve to be a Yanyan fan.” She went on a hunger strike to lose weight that she fainted and ended up in the hospital.

However…… the idol whom she was so obsessed with turned out to be the person Yu Mian hated the most in the entire entertainment industry.

It was simply because Yu Mian also has an idol, and Chu Yan was her idol’s rival. Fans of the two sides have become enemies and often fight against each other.

Yu Mian’s idol was named Lin Jianshen. Unlike the high-profile Chu Yan, Lin Jianshen acts in a low-key and introverted manner. He rarely participates in other activities other than filming. He was so clean that he didn’t have any scandal.

He was dedicated to acting and had quietly produced many excellent works. Not long ago, his new movie was released and he won and took home the trophy for the Golden Laurel Award for Best Actor.

Logically speaking, Lin Jianshen was a truly capable actor and shouldn’t have an intersection with a traffic star like Chu Yan. However, Chu Yan had a bunch of brainless fans. Their love for their idol was so crazy that it was almost irrational.

Half a year ago, Chu Yan participated in the shooting of a film. His fans heard that their idol was going to be filming and they promoted it all over the Internet like they were injected with chicken blood[2]to suddenly become hyperactive, high-spirited or aggressive. As a result, the cast members were announced and they found that Chu Yan was only playing the male cannon fodder number three, not the male lead they expected at all.

That’s right, the choice for the male lead was Lin Jianshen. He had been in the entertainment industry for many years and was more than qualified to play the leading role. But in the eyes of Chu Yan’s fans, their family’s idol was the best in the world. If he wasn’t the lead actor, someone must have stolen his role!

A big battle began like that. Fans of Chu Yan attacked Lin Jianshen and told him to give up the role to Chu Yan. Lin Jianshen had been filming for so many years and although he kept a ridiculously low profile, his outstanding appearance and excellent acting skills had accumulated him a popularity that Chu Yan couldn’t compare with.

Lin Jianshen’s fans were mostly long-time fans. They usually seem to be Buddhists[3]peace-loving fans, but they weren’t afraid of facing crises. His fans had strong fighting power and high cohesion, and guided by their leader, they fought back with great vigour.

In the end, they naturally won. Chu Yan’s fans were generally too young and were like loose sand. They utterly collapsed under an organized counterattack.

During this period, even though the two protagonists never made any statement and had no problem with each other until the end of the filming, as if they were completely unaware of the turmoil outside, the grudge between their fans had already been formed.

As a long-time fan of Lin Jianshen, Yu Mian had also participated in that ‘big battle’. Compared to most uninformed people, she knew more about the inside story. In fact, the battle for the male lead wasn’t just a hot topic among fans.

After transitioning from a singer, Chu Yan really wanted to compete for the male lead role in his first big screen appearance, however, the director didn’t agree and he had no other choice. Thus he came up with this trick and secretly signaled his fans, hoping to use public opinion to put pressure on the director to change his mind.

The result was as mentioned above, it was all in vain.

When the film was released later, Chu Yan’s performance was mediocre, with no acting skills to speak of. He could only stare blankly, and when he and Lin Jianshen were in the same frame, the gap between them became increasingly apparent. He was laughed at by those who had paid attention to the past matter, and to this day, there were still videos circulating online comparing Li Jianshen and him.

Mother Yu’s ‘Chu Yan’ was like a switch, activating the memories left behind by the other Yu Mian. She never expected that she and the other Yu Mian were fans of two incompatible stars.

Yu Mian shook her head without hesitation and firmly said, “Mom, I don’t want to go to Mengsha Island.”

Mother Yu looked surprised. She knew how her daughter was obsessed with Chu Yan. If she heard this news in the past, she would have boarded a plane and flew to Mengsha Island right away. Why did it change this time?

“What’s wrong, Mianmian, don’t you like Chu Yan the most?”

Yu Mian said seriously, “Mom, I don’t like him anymore.”

She silently added in her heart, ‘I’m sorry Yu Mian, although it’s not good to use your body to chase your idol’s opponent, I will never change my idol’.

Father Yu, who was listening on the side, said with satisfaction, “That’s great, Mianmian is sensible now. Dad has told you not to chase stars long ago. The entertainment industry is a mess. A small star like Chu Yan has no real skills and will only take money from you little girls.”

Mother Yu then echoed, “Your Dad is right. Stars show a glamorous side, but how they really are behind the scenes is anyone’s guess.”

The concern from the Yu parents warmed Yu Mian’s heart and she reassured, “Mom, Dad, even if I like somebody, it won’t be Chu Yan, so don’t worry.”

Seeing that her daughter had finally ‘change her ways’, Mother Yu was overjoyed. In her excitement, she blurted out, “There are so many stars in the entertainment industry. If Mianmian wants to like someone, how about Lin Jianshen?”

Yu Mian’s eyes instantly widened and looked at Mother Yu in surprise, her heart skipping into her throat.

Did Mother Yu discover something?

Immediately after, Father Yu also said, “Jianshen is really good.”

Yu Mian breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Mother and Father Yu were just passerby fans of Lin Jianshen. After all, Lin Jianshen had played too many classic roles. He had fans ranging from fifty-year-old women to five-year-old children.

Hearing others praise her idol, Yu Mian was even happier than being praised herself. She couldn’t help but bent her eyebrows and whispered in agreement, “I also think he’s great……”

Hearing what she said, the Yu parents exchanged subtle glances.

Yu Mian didn’t understand and was feeling strange when Father Yu tentatively said, “Jianshen called me just now and said he would come visit you later. Do you want to see him? If you don’t, Dad will help you refuse.”

“Wait a minute.” Yu Mian went blank for a second. She suspected she’s hearing things, otherwise, how could she hear Father Yu say that Lin Jianshen will come to see her?

“Dad, why will Lin Jianshen come to see me?”

Mother Yu explained with a smile, “Mianmian, he’s your fiancé. You’re ill and in the hospital, so it’s only right for him to come and visit you.”

With a loud ‘boom’, a firework exploded in Yu Mian’s mind. At the same time, she struggled to retrieve several small fragments that had been forgotten in the corner of the other Yu Mian’s memories.

Just two months ago, Father Yu and Lin Jianshen had a business cooperation, and in order to successfully complete it, the two families reached an agreement to form a marriage alliance. Thus the other Yu Mian and Lin Jianshen got engage.

At that time, the other Yu Mian had no one she liked. Out of some little girl’s vanity, she agreed to her father’s proposal.

But who knows that just shortly after the engagement, the other Yu Mian became madly infatuated with the idol star Chu Yan. After finding out the grudge between Lin Jianshen and her idol, she hated Lin Jianshen for suppressing him that she even demanded to break off the engagement several times.

The cooperation hadn’t been completed yet. If the engagement was terminated at this time, everything would fall through.

Father Yu refused her request, which made the other Yu Mian resent her parents even more, and their relationship became increasingly strained. Afterwards, she moved out of the house alone. Until this time that she was hospitalized, she didn’t see her parents much.

Yu Mian blinked slowly, half of her soul blown away by this out of the blue ‘surprise’.

Mother Yu was still persuading, “Mianmian, Jianshen is visiting you with good intention. You can’t be impolite and drive people away.”

Yu Mian couldn’t hear anything anymore. Her eyes were blank, her lips were slightly open, and her entire person was in a state of extreme disbelief.

She originally thought she’s done for after the car accident, but she managed to escape death and survived. Not to mention that she somehow turned into another person, this body’s owner was even the fiancée of her idol!?

As her soul flew into the sky, the first emotion that came to Yu Mian’s heart wasn’t joy, but a slight sourness.

Her idol had a fiancée and would no longer belong to them fans in the future…… She felt heartbroken. QAQ


1 metaphor for daughters, who are often considerate and heartwarming
2 to suddenly become hyperactive, high-spirited or aggressive
3 peace-loving fans


Chapter Schedule - Mon & Thurs: TMPFS and SFCIGI / Tue & Fri: TCFWM and FPAN / Wed & Sat: RDDFS and SBUHI

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